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Hosting Issue


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With the new system allowing for a host to be selected with both a superior rig and ping, I find that I tend to run into a lot less lag when doing a mission with a team. However, the same cannot always be said for my fellow Tenno.


When a round begins, I generally would get a response like "The host is lagging" in different variations. When this is pointed out, but I myself have no issues with lag, it leads me to believe that I am hosting, which saves me from the lag my team has. Seeing this happen a bit more than usual, I decided to do a bit of testing.


After doing runs with several players, whenever one would complain about the host lagging, I would ask the other players if they are also experiencing the lag. What surprises me is that the responses would generally be a mix between no lag or extreme lagging.


My thought on this is that it could be an issue with location (e.i someone playing on the eastern side of NA while another plays on the western), but that is my guess.


My questions are:


-Is the automatic host-selection an absolute in the sense that it is never wrong?

-Is it a problem with location?

-Is there perhaps a connection issue that resides more with the servers?


Is it possible for DE to take a look into this issue?


I apologize ahead of time if this is in the wrong section of the forums, I was not sure if I should submit this into either the Bugs or Feedback sections,

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location is or can be an issue with any game, but warframe doesnt use servers thats why there are host players, the host acts like that or thats what i grasp from reading a bit in the forums and from googling, if there were game servers we would probably have a better gaming experience for atleast those within the relative regions surrounding where they are located though i know some games that are hosted in chicago and players from the middle east, europe and even asia play there with little to no lag. for me all this started on update 11, had no real issues before, now i got major lag, cant even invi some people who i could invi before, yet i am being told by support its my network issue even after contacting my isp and they confirming there is no network or setting issue, and to compound this i lay alot of mmos and atm warframe is the only game with this issue and it only begun after update 11, so i find that strange all of a sudden post update 11 i get a network issue that only affects warframe? sort of hard to believe.

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our internet connections are like trains and train stations.


if you want to travel from scotland to france, you can go via train, but it means passing/stopping through multiple train stations, the problem is, the more stations there is, the bigger the chance you may be delayed in 1 of them, causing you to be late for all the stations after that.  Your first 5 train journeys "might" have no delay but your 6th-7th etc may have small to huge delays.


Our computer "ping" is the same, it may be fine for a few runs, but then say the 5th time info is sent from you to host, you may be delayed part of the way down your connection to the host who may be in another country, this causes packetloss or the need to resend data which leads to the "lag" or weird &#! stuff we often see, like ammo pickups hanging in the air for ages or npc's being static etc.


On your computer the "train station" metaphor is called "HOPS", if you own a winblows PC, try opening a dos/command prompt and typing the following.




you will see your computer try and "ping" every single HOP from your computer/home to the computer hosting that webpage, there will likely be many hops, and again, if any 1 of those hops has a large ping or god forbid stars/*** then all the following hops will also suffer, this is where "lag" often comes from when the issue isnt fps/pc specs sucking.


In my example, my conn may be perfectly fine from my pc to google uk's website, but if i tracert a site in america or italy or japan, i will probably have way way more hops to travel through with a much higher chance for delays/lag etc.


warframe already has "regional" setting for us, imho we should have Country option as well, and matchmaking could prefer/lean towards grouping us with ppl in our own countrys first then wider afield after that.  imho that "might" work out better or at least lessen the host lag issues we all often get, ofc it could easily do utterly nothing, but even if its a small chance for less lag allround then it might be worth it.

Edited by Methanoid
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I can only hope that DE is working on this as top priority. I to started to suffer the same issue after update 11, now the only thing really ruining the warframe experience for me is the sheer amount of people who don't understand what lag is and why it plagues warframe. All of which are quick to spout things like "ur connection sux" , "the internet revolves around my modem" and "why u haz lag noob omfg wtf".


I beg you cure this epidemic DE before its to late....

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