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The Official Unofficial Pvp Thread.


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I Really don't see how implimenting pvp would hurt people who play PVE. As long as the dev's didn't thrust it down your throat, let people who do want it have the option. Sides space ninja battles who doesn't want that?

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Once the pve part of the game is polished up I don't see why people object to the idea of OPTIONAL pvp. In fact, I think that they are being a little selfish to those who want some pvp. As long as pve remains the main focus of the game there is nothing wrong with adding pvp as a bonus feature. So instead of saying no pvp and being unreasonable just think twice about what other people may think or want. I realize this game was meant to be pve but all games must improve eventually and warframe offers a unique gameplay experience that really no other game could provide which is why pvp should be added.

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As a reminder, this thread is about what people would like in their pvp. It's not for those who do not want pvp. If you do not want pvp, please go elsewhere and do not bother with "no pvp!" posts here (those posts will be removed). Equally, those pro-pvp do not need to try and justify or advocate pvp here. It's a given for this official unofficial pvp thread. This thread is about pvp ideas (and some interesting ones have been posted). Thanks.
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I would like to have a PVP arena battle where like in Duel 2players can choose weapons to fight, not from their arsenal.


I'd go even further than that: allow players to choose custom rule-sets (no melee, pistols only, no powers, reduced gravity, 1-hit kills, vampire mode, etc.).  Not all of these options have to be serious.  For example, there could be an explosion mode, where whoever dies explodes and damages everything in a large radius.  Or a retro mode, where players can only hurt each other with mid-air slide-kicks (as a reference to Mario jumping on top of enemies to kill them). 


On second thought, just copy everything from Halo 3 (that's the one I've played most extensively, I don't know how the other ones stack up against it).  I'm not kidding; there's a reason it has a massive fan base.  It is skill based (for the most part), easy to learn, and allows unprecedented customization (discounting mods for single-player PC games, of course).  Forge mode is awesome (it spawned an insanely popular new gametype which is still played today), the rule options are awesome (my best experiences were playing heavily modified zombie matches with 4-way split-screen), and everything in general is just AWESOME.  I'm not saying you need to implement a forge mode, just that it would be.... (wait for it) nice. 


I'd also like PvP to contain at least a maximum of 8 players (4v4), as well as multiple game modes (deathmatch gets boring after awhile).  Many of these can be based on existing co-op missions: steal the Orokin artifact (aka capture the flag), assassinate the target (one player on each side is the leader and is much tougher than normal), elimination (everyone gets one life), defend the reactor (teams try to destroy the opponent's reactor while protecting their own), and hunt (one person plays as the stalker, and hunts down the rest of the players as they try to beat a time limit; if normal players die, they become corrupted and join the stalker's side). 


But the most important thing is: Have An Equal Playing Field For Official Matches.  I cannot stress that enough.  There is nothing competitive or fair about letting players use their individual mods, weapons, and frames.  New players will get stomped into the ground, and old players will remain unchallenged.  Skill needs to be rewarded instead of the amount of time played.  Give everyone access to customizable pvp loadouts with maxed out mods/frames/weapons. 

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But the most important thing is: Have An Equal Playing Field For Official Matches.  I cannot stress that enough.  There is nothing competitive or fair about letting players use their individual mods, weapons, and frames.  New players will get stomped into the ground, and old players will remain unchallenged.  Skill needs to be rewarded instead of the amount of time played.  Give everyone access to customizable pvp loadouts with maxed out mods/frames/weapons. 


I agree with this. If you could choose from all of the frames for pvp, and they were all at, lets say, rank 20 (potatoed, see why in a sec), then not only would it rule out unbalanced mods, but it would also give players a (better) idea of what frame they want to build, as they have actually been able to use them.


Another idea would be for the frames to be on a rotation, so that people get a good taste of them all, and not end up with too much of a power imbalance. (e.g. i've noticed in our dojo matches that an ash frame will generally beat the other frames, even without modding {other than powers})


With regards to mods, I wouldn't rule them out entirely, as they do play an important part to the rest of the game. So i suggest that a selection of general defence and attack mods are availabe to equip. (But the same mods for everyone.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, in regards to the whole there will be no pvp what so ever, and with my bad habit of breaking games. A friend of mine stumbled upon a pvp prototype that by the looks of it was from way back in the alpha stages of the game, I'll let the screen shots do the talking.


http://puu.sh/4lur0.jpg : The starting area with team one and two on each side

http://puu.sh/4luxn.jpg : Out side the "cube"

http://puu.sh/4luAp.jpg : Middle of the map

http://puu.sh/4luEd.jpg : Right side?

http://puu.sh/4luH1.jpg : Roof

http://puu.sh/4luKB.jpg : Main menu

http://puu.sh/4luNN.jpg : Secrets that crashed my game


Please note that this mode has audio cues, aswell as being almost fully-functional except the main menu and the maps name is colosseum.


Credit goes to Azureorak for finding this for it was him that selected it.

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I believe if we're going to have PvP in warframe, it would be a lot easier to just make PvP frames, which would be a lot weaker then the real deals, but you could buy them with credits.

Also the resistance mods should be buffed by 1.5x or maybe even 2.0x, since the 18% wont really help you at all.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have an idia for "invasion" sistem it you are planing it. I'm talking about pvp tenno vs tenno. I suggest to look in to dark souls for it. For a some kind of gear or a key player can invade to the another player or a group of them like a stalker with a goal to kill a single target. If invader succeeds he gets a reward. If players kills invader they get profit. But invasion key must be available at high mastery rang, have a high cost. Important thing is players shouldn't  be attacked by overpowered invader. For this point conclave points may be at hand. Also don't let the opportunity ot invade in to dojo and mess up in it. ( it just rude )

Edited by Cul513
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  • 2 weeks later...

How about different PvP types?


Yes i know Warframe is focused on Co-op, but why not? :)


 - CTF


 - Weapon Master (start with Lato, each kill or 2 kills new weapon and last kill with a melee weapon)

    -> gives also the posibility to test weapons ;)


- PvP but without fighting each other

   -> two teams in one co-op mission as an competition which team is the fastest, accurate, most kills, longest survival time

   -> that whould keep the co-op and offer pvp at once :D

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