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Brakk Nerf Megathread - Post Your Thoughts!


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It needed a nerf. Based off the reaction most brakk owners are having, i would like to see it nerfed again.

People are crying that they cant single handedly kill endless waves of level +60ps with it anymore. A single tear rolls down my cheek.

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Supposedly Brakk and the Detron are going to be tech weapons later on, you guys already knew there was going to be a nerf at some point, why so upset?


Like many have said before, 100 missions to obtain a Brakk was nothing, now all of a sudden, everyone is complaining about how difficult it was to get the Brakk, but only after the Brakk was fixed to do more Impact.


If you want weapons that are hard to obtain, then go look at the requirements for the Supra or Synaspe.

Edited by __Kanade__
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Although it took far longer to do the 100 missions required for this reward, I do agree that with the extensive effort needed to create a clantech weapon, they should be more effective. But what has U11 brought us? Acrid is dead. Flux is now a infested meat cutting laser. the balance of weapons within warframe is seriously messed up at the moment. A level 7 weapon is far less effective than my twin gremlins. That's really sad. So just what is DE planning to do? Now with even the brakk dead, we can hardly do anything to kill mobs near the end of say a T3 def. And don't anyone say soma, you can hardly kill 3 targets with a full clip at that level. All that still works is the 20k+ headshots some snipers still dish out, but honestly, I doubt that they aren't going to be nerfed.

What about synapse?

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You can't stuff it into anything? Really? I was playing Valkyr with a health focused build, and a brakk with an anti grineer build, and I was able to stuff it into Corpus Techs and 1-2 shot them. Hornet strike was up maybe halfway, with a maxed barrel diffusion and lethal torrent. The Techs never stopped firing while I was running up to touch them with my potato gun. It's very powerful, so long as you use it right. It's just like every other gun now, it has a niche. Which is good. Guns in this game have niches now where they shine. Brakk now has a perfect niche of blasting things apart in a shower of sparks.


(my quote is broken for some reason)


cant really expect to do that constantly on a high level mission. You die wayyy too fast in the new system if you dont have some form of invincibility

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Supposedly Brakk and the Detron are going to be tech weapons later on, you guys already knew there was going to be a nerf at some point, why so upset?


If you want weapons that are hard to obtain, then go look at the requirements for the Supra or Synaspe, like many have said, 100 missions was nothing.


are you perhaps talking about the research? because the resources taken to MAKE them are quite laughable compared to 100 invasion runs. Over and Over.

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Nerfing it and balancing it just happen to be the same thing in the case of the Brakk, although it still needs work.



The max DoT tick is 20, and it ticks 4 times in total. just remember that it is effected by enemy armor so it does 20 dmg a tick to a lvl 1 infested charger and tails off to nothing by the time it is a lvl 10 i believe


Slapping this short of a damage fall-off range on it was not a proper balance. They just nerfed it, the Brakk is still unbalanced.


Supposedly Brakk and the Detron are going to be tech weapons later on, you guys already knew there was going to be a nerf at some point, why so upset?


Like many have said before, 100 missions to obtain a Brakk was nothing, now all of a sudden, everyone is complaining about how difficult it was to get the Brakk, but only after the Brakk was fixed to do more Impact.


If you want weapons that are hard to obtain, then go look at the requirements for the Supra or Synaspe.


100 monotonous missions is harder than the little bit of farming required for clan weapons. I already built both the Supra and the Synapse as well as the Embolist, the Acrid, the Dera, and soon Djinn (whenever I decide I want to put down Carrier). And I was expecting for it to get balanced, I had hoped that DE would break their cycle and actually put in the effort to balance a gun without knocking it down a 'few' tiers. 

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Ok, so we get it, you want us to have a different weapon for each different scenario.  A different frame possibly too.  You know, the right tool for the job.  We understand.  Makes sense.  It makes sense to have us using most of the content you gave us.  Pretty stupid to make 200 weapons and only have 20 of them be worth using.


But here's the problem.


You didn't first implement a capability for us to have broader saved loadouts that don't just include Weapon A B or C, but also frame, sentinel/weapon AND primary / secondary.


So now every time we jump into a mission, we have to spend all this time not only going through our inventory and grabbing all the right gear, but making sure they are all set on the proper individual presets.


Oh and just as we're about to do that when joining someone's void mission in the recruiting channel.... woops!  The host went ahead and immediately started it when the 4th person invited joined the group.


No way to stop the host from starting it prematurely.  No way to click a 'ready' button to let the host know you're finished setting up.


And how long DE do you think your player base is going to tolerate the tediousness of constantly swapping out load outs?


We need time to get the right loadout set up when invited to missions.

We need more robust saved presets, for example:


Endless Defense Infested:  Loads my vauban, my soma - with infested preset A, my (soon to be replacing Brakk secondary) - with infested preset A, my carrier sentinel with Deth Rifle - with infested preset A.


T3 Void Defense: Loads my frost prime, my synapse - with infested preset A (blast proc), my brakk with infested preset A (same) and my carrier sentinel with sweeper - with infested preset A


The mere fact that you would implement all this tediousness of setting up your frame, most of the time for missions that last less than 5 minutes, without first putting in the infrastructure to not make it feel like a pain in the arse shows an incredible lack of vision.

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Slapping this short of a damage fall-off range on it was not a proper balance. They just nerfed it, the Brakk is still unbalanced.



100 monotonous missions is harder than the little bit of farming required for clan weapons. I already built both the Supra and the Synapse as well as the Embolist, the Acrid, the Dera, and soon Djinn (whenever I decide I want to put down Carrier). And I was expecting for it to get balanced, I had hoped that DE would break their cycle and actually put in the effort to balance a gun without knocking it down a 'few' tiers. 

Yes, i did say it still needs work.


50 mutagen samples, 84 hours of build time, 180K credits  and a forma, compared to 100 runs that took less than 5 minutes each and you got paid very well for doing and most people ended up joining pugs and letting others run it for them (which is why i ran about 95% of mine solo).


Hmm, which seems like more effort when you break it down then.

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Yes, i did say it still needs work.


50 mutagen samples, 84 hours of build time, 180K credits  and a forma, compared to 100 runs that took less than 5 minutes each and you got paid very well for doing and most people ended up joining pugs and letting others run it for them (which is why i ran about 95% of mine solo).


Hmm, which seems like more effort when you break it down then.


Hm, mutagen masses took 2 OD defs to get, 180k credits is nothing, formas are easily craftable, i still have about 20 bps.

100 runs over and over is a lot worse if you ask me. You must be one of those people who love to grind, I suppose that you're loving U11 then? Since it's the update that made everything grind intensive.

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Soma needs quite a few mods and forma's to get from pea shooter status to an actual rifle end game.


I'm just going to state a few things first:

If I need to make any comment in any section of the forum, I will. If the comment dont hurt or offend anyone.

90% of my topic is about guns. Second... you aren't moderator to even say anything.


How I said on my post, I am favor to balance things. I think you have not read my post.

The way Brakk got nerfed was wrong to me.


Any OP weapon need forma and mods to get strong end game.

This same phrase is applied to almost any gun.


And yes.... Soma is cleary OP.

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Hm, mutagen masses took 2 OD defs to get, 180k credits is nothing, formas are easily craftable, i still have about 20 bps.

100 runs over and over is a lot worse if you ask me. You must be one of those people who love to grind, I suppose that you're loving U11 then? Since it's the update that made everything grind intensive.

it was actually just 5 runs when a new node came available lol. They released 18 in total i believe, so running a few extra with my clan mate would have pushed me up over 100. And yeah, farming isn't too bad. 


And don't lie, nobody does a mission in the derelict and walks out with 25 mutagen samples, 10-15 yeah, maybe, but not 25 unless you did some ODD to over wave 40 (which is what I did to farm mutagen samples) or have ridiculous luck.


But yes, its fine for people who join a clan, try being one of 2 people who built every room and did every research in their clan whilst trying to get all your clan weapons built. 


And don't kid yourself, it was always grind intensive. 

Edited by supersaupe
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I'm playing Devil's Advocate here:

To the many, many people complain about the weapons becoming useless etc, I propose a question; did they only release ONE secondary and primary for this game? Learning how a weapon is more or less-viable in a game is part of becoming a skilled player; in other-words, what works for one does not always work for another.

What did you do before Brakk was around? There are many viable weapons in this game (My current favourites are the AKLex and the Twin Gremlins.) Sure, they may change them, and how they work, but I don't think it changes the fact that we can adapt to it and still enjoy the game, people would be silly to think otherwise.


Games are meant to be enjoyed, no pistol in any game I've played (with exclusions to maybe borderlands) has there been one gun that outshines the rest of the weapons in the game, secondary weapons are exactly that, alternate means to shoot say if a primary runs out of ammo fast, or you need to replenish ammo you've lost and so on. To me; unless you prefer going 'lone-gunman' style with a single pistol, then a secondary weapon should never replace a primary one.

Do not misunderstand me, I don't always agree with nerfs and they tend to frustrate me just as much as the next person, but come on! No need for such negativity! Constructive criticism gets so much farther! Overall, try and relax and enjoy the game guys!

Edited by RavenOfTheFlock
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You can't stuff it into anything? Really? I was playing Valkyr with a health focused build, and a brakk with an anti grineer build, and I was able to stuff it into Corpus Techs and 1-2 shot them. Hornet strike was up maybe halfway, with a maxed barrel diffusion and lethal torrent. The Techs never stopped firing while I was running up to touch them with my potato gun. It's very powerful, so long as you use it right. It's just like every other gun now, it has a niche. Which is good. Guns in this game have niches now where they shine. Brakk now has a perfect niche of blasting things apart in a shower of sparks.


(my quote is broken for some reason)



Yeah! It has the SAME niche as every other shotgun! YAY! DIVERSITY!


Did you even look at the stats before you posted?

Edited by -Kittens-
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I'm just going to state a few things first:


Nova is not a weapon she is a warframe thus doesn't belong in this section.


Soma is not overpowered its power is earned by the formas and time you take into building the gun into what it should be.


Unless you want the shotguns in this game to turn out to the be Shotgun from Halo: Combat Evolved than fallout is perfectly fine, a shotgun is a close-moderately mid range weapon and last i checked Bucks and Slugs work in 2 very different ways. Bucks Spread and don't travel a far distance, Slugs are more compact and travel a farther distance. If DE decide to go with the Buck shot logic than it's their game they can do what they feel is balancing.


Now let's get on the touchy subject of the Brakk.


Just because the weapons is event exclusive does not mean that is should be Over Powered.


As DE stated with the Grav' Conflict Event the Detron and Brakk will be released to the market at a later date thus making it a non exclusive item. A weapon is a weapon, bad weapons have potential good weapons are self explanatory. There has to be a level of open mindedness.




I didn't spend five forma on open mindedness. I spent five forma on the ONLY gun out of 124 in the game designed to do equal damage across resistance types so I could actually do alert missions without having masturbate in the goddamn weapon selection screen for fifteen minutes every goddamn alert.


It's not my fault DE pumps out three @(*()$ weapons every week. It's DE's.


And they wonder why people leave in droves.


Classic case of fake difficulty and content creep.


All they had to was change the damage from 50 to 35.




That took such an agonizingly long time to do. So much database permuting.

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Yeah! It has the SAME niche as every other shotgun! YAY! DIVERSITY!


Did you even look at the stats before you posted?

You know the Cry babies always gotta have their nerfs on something they didnt get because they were lazy.

All this shows is that the Devs submit to a bunch of crybabies on the forums.

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You know the Cry babies always gotta have their nerfs on something they didnt get because they were lazy.

All this shows is that the Devs submit to a bunch of crybabies on the forums.

Yeh, even in a CO OP game they complain about the slightest thing... Seems like you cant get around with your shoelace untied anymore, if you did you might get that nerfed too.

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Why thanks DE, now my Brakk can go sit in the damn corner with my StrunW, SnipetronV, and Acrid. Guns everyone here worked hard to get, and now get a steamy pile of S#&$ plopped down atop their efforts. Imagine working your way up to Acrid,to discover its semi-good against one or two factions. What a waste of time, effort, and expectations.


Event weapons are limited, how about treating them like they are actually collectible?

Clan tech takes a good week to someone without plat, how about a little reward for grinding your &#! off in the RNG ridden world that is WF?

Edited by Wolfie758
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... Brakk still has the highest sustained DPS of any weapon in the game...


The Boar had that for approximately 9 updates, and was one of the worst weapons of the game for 9 of those updates.




"Highest sustained DPS" is irrelevant when it's literally a melee weapon that uses ammunition and requires aiming.

Edited by MJ12
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- It's incredibly annoying to use in normal play. The dropoff is unrealistic; shotgun pellets don't magically morph into fluffy feather dusters at 20 metres.

- Close-range damage is as overpowered as ever. It still destroys Ruk's weak points in a single hit with ease, it can still take out every non-Lephantis boss in the game in a matter of seconds. Nothing was nerfed in this regard.



What should be done:

- Lessen the dropoff to something more realistic (e.g. -25% damage at 20m. Even -50%.).

- Increase the spread. A shotgun in real life is ineffective at long range mainly because of fewer pellets hitting the target, not the dropoff.

- Decrease the base damage. As an event shotgun pistol, it should have the highest DPS out of secondary weapons, assuming all pellets hit. But not by such a huge margin.

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