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Your commitment to the community is astounding.


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Just let me first say that I might not agree with all of your ideas or the directions in which you take the game. But really, that's to be expected. People are unique and have unique ideas.

However, what I am incredibly amazed at is how quickly you guys and girls take community ideas and put them into testing, and how often you are directly involved in the forum threads, listening to changes and taking down notes.

Even if almost none of them get implemented in the final version... Well, the way you've handled the community in general is pretty astoundingly positive.

So you know, this is my nice-guy message of the week. Just saying thanks and I hope your New Year's celebrations were great.

(Also now that they're over you better get back to work making this game more amazing!)

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Wasn't sure how to respond to this but you made the team here very happy with this post! What I appreciate most is how you guys are so thoughtful and passionate. Even when there is criticism of our content or business plans, it comes from a genuine desire to see the game succeed. I can't help but to respond to that with respect and openess.

It is going to be a great year!

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I can't help but to respond to that with respect and openess.

Dear Steve, dear DE,

Try and use the Beta both as a source of technical test and feedback, but also for voices from the gaming community. Filter it through the 10% rule (only 10% of your players actually use the forums actively and post, mostly those feeling the strongest) and look at it with calm minds. But please understand one thing: The passion of wanting you to succeed comes from the fear of seeing you fail. A fear that has been fostered by many Free 2 Play projects before this one. It's not that we really, as a general group, have a clue what is going on on the business end - but we have seen what causes games to drive against a wall. We generate word of mouth. We speak our dislikes the loudest, hoping you hear us and avoid them.

I am hoping for Warframe. I'll put money into this. But I won't be the only one able to cut his losses and move on if some things aren't touched up. Not so much a threat, please don't take it as such. It's a mere observation, a conclusion. People come here, most not interested in paying, but those who do became critic, almost cynic over their years as "cash players". You can get some cash ahead of fulfilling the demands with Founder's packs, but if DE doesn't meet core demands as development goes on, those financially stable customers will move on to other projects. Kickstarter, etc. pp. We have learnt how to vote with money. And that's why/how F2P works - because you offer services we like to buy. If you don't, someone else gets the money.

I have high hopes. Please consider some critique on your business model critically and wisely. In the end, it may generate more money to change the system.

With all due respect and the best wishes for your success,

This guy.

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+1 to the OP.

This community is build on a strong base of Developer support and attention. Hats off to all you DE Staff and please know that I am sure that I speak for more than just myself when I say that I am greatly honored to be a part of this process in my own small way!

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