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Update 11: Valkyr Unleashed


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To those complaining about 'WAI NO ACCOUNT MIGRATION!? :U'

Just like how there is no cross-play with PC users, I am sure the intention is to wait until both the PC and PS4 is at the same build. Not just the main build. PS4 is running 11.0, while PC is running 11.3. Be patient, and soon, many of you with 600+ hours clocked into Warframe will be able to enjoy the goodness that is Warframe on PS4.


i was so hoping it would be today but i wasnt boosting my hopes up too high because im sure there's alot for DE to consider and workout before they just throw it at us...i mean there would be alot of angry threads if people migrated with half their stuff missing or gear reset to unranked! Im just patiently waiting until then!

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Lovely update, glad the item bug has been fixed, love the new damage system, FINALLY my dethcube no longer stun locks enemies when shooting with heat, cold and electric mods and most of all, it now kills stuff before I get the chance to melee them or deals respectable damage if they are higher leveled AND combined elements now have a different animation, only seen magnetic so far. Looks dope.

I've got my eyes on valkyr.

Once again, lovely update, DE. Cheers.

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I just want account migration.

I kind of wish they would quit updating the PC version ahead of PS4.  Is that so much to ask for? To make PC users wait an extra week or two so we can be in sync?   It's not like it would be the end of the world for the PC players.

Though I agree with you, you'd be surprised with some of them. Waiting an extra hour would make them yell "TRAITORS!" towards DE.


Edited by (PS4)d1v4d
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Thanks DE for the amazing and huge update! Many improvements have been made to this game and I'm finding myself enjoying it more and more as the game advances. The only two bugs I see that truly bothers me are the frame rate issues on the "void key" like missions and the star map issues. Other than that I see no reason to complain. Keep bringing the greatness and I can't wait to see the new UI you have planned for us. 

Thank you for all of your hard work!

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Its kind of sad knowing we are missing all the current event and have to wait for Oberon

Its exactly the same as the Hunt for Alad V event, though, so seeing the coinciding announcements for no PS4 updates until the new year and then a new event on PC didn't surprise me in the least. I imagine we are still a ways away from PC & PS4 updating simultaneously. DE has a lot to learn, and both them and Sony have to adjust to the PS4. New tech is just so rife with hurdles to overcome, it can't be helped :(

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