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Phase 1: Melee Weapon Concept Submissions


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Faction:  Infected


Description: Grip type - a long sword like the galatine; Its the arm of an infested ancient and depending on wether its a healer, toxic, or disrupting it will either heal friendlys, poison enemies, or disrupt enemies when you use the slam attack.



      Sorry im not good at drawing :LSNu0Uv5.png

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I don't have any original artwork (because 1. I can't draw, and 2. I don't have time to do it in PS), but my submission would have been a dual-bladed Ninjato (ninja sword) of Tenno design. The two straight blades would emerge from the hilt and run parallel to each other, spaced about an inch apart, and it would be charged with electricity (based on the technology derived from the Corpus Lecta). The tips would be sharp and angular for better puncture damage. You could also incorporate some cool effects with arcs of electricity running up and down the channel between the two blades. Grip type would of course be 1H, like the Cronus. Maybe it could be dual wielded, using the Rubedo-reinforced sheath as the second "blade"...


Animation would be the same as the Skana/Dual Skana, except that the charge attack has a 50% wider area of effect and charge attacks have a 25% chance to hit up to 3 enemies. Mastery 6 would be required as well, and it would come with one polarized mod slot. Swing speed would be slightly faster than the Skana/Dual Skana.


Damage would be slash and electricity based. If the dual wield is incorporated using the sheath, it could also deal impact damage.


Ideally I would like it to look as close to this as possible, but there would have to be some obvious modifications to the grip/hilt to show the incorporated Corpus tech.


Images linked from kultofathena.com:



Let me know what you all think!!


I'm just reposting this here since I decided to try and draw what I'm after. Make fun if you want!! Lol



Maybe a new grip type as well? 1H/2H reverse grip, like this?





A Tenno sword that is always sheathed in waist when not fighting and with attacks in Battoujutsu style.





The images above are an example for the charged attack ( the warframe keeps this stance until you release the attack button, and the more time you hold the button, the more stronger the charged attack will be ).




The animation above is an example of what should happen when we stop attacking. After that, all enemies killed by the sword stay frozen standing in a stun position until the sword is completely sheathed. When the sword is sheated, all enemies loose a cry of death and fall to pieces. A purely cosmetic animation, easily cancelable by jumping, attacking, shooting, etc. Perfect example here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0d5gbD9FTcI&t=3m20s



Given that this is a Ninjas in space kinda game, I really think the melee weapons should be much more traditional. Ninjas of old would carry kunai or shuriken for ranged dispatch, and a ninja sword for close combat. Most of the swords available in-game seem closer to samurai swords instead of ninja swords. With that said, I personally would really like to see either my idea or JC-Denton-DX's idea implemented, since they are more traditional compared to the Bleach-themed swords I see popping up.

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I have this idea... radical and extreme I know... it's called:




yea, that thing. also any puncture weapons would be nice in general and I apologize if this has been thought of before. really it should just make stabbing motions, have a TON of reach, and otherwise have fun. I'm not an artist but I'm sure you all know what a SPEAR looks like, lol. Happy Holidays.

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I have this idea... radical and extreme I know... it's called:




yea, that thing. also any puncture weapons would be nice in general and I apologize if this has been thought of before. really it should just make stabbing motions, have a TON of reach, and otherwise have fun. I'm not an artist but I'm sure you all know what a SPEAR looks like, lol. Happy Holidays.


Someone submitted a spear idea, like, one page ago. 


You didn't check at all, did ya?

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faction: Tenno


grip: staff


name: Harbinger


description: wielded by the first of the Tenno order The Harbinger brings death where ever it goes, tearing the very soul out of whoever touches it's blades.the primary attacks should run allot like the Orthos, the charge attack being the Harbinger splits into two one handed swords for a stabbing attack. the Warframe is not mine, i just found it looking for a way to show the Harbinger.


sorry, i forgot to send the link. please do not ignore because of this edit. http://i.imgur.com/QwNsqtW.jpg

Edited by deathlord828
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Faction: Infested

Name: Rachis (synonym of Spine)

Grip Type: Two Handed Long-Sword(like the cronus)

Brief description: An infested nodachi that is 45" long, it deals magnetic damage that connects in each strike. Rachis is made from the same kind of flesh as the ancient disrupter. it possesses a magnetic energy that deals more damage to shields like the said infested abomination.

(I drew the sword in ms paint so it not that much showy. and sorry for my English.)


Edited by P-216
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My idea for a melee weapon is a seemingly bland orb, but once a Tenno holds this orb it comes alive.



Name: Orb

Grip: Depends on mob location

Desription: The Orb is only an orb when not being held or used. When in a mission however the Orb attaches itself to the Tenno, flowing across its body of its own will. 


When the Tenno attacks the Orb becomes the best weapon according to the situation. If the mob is in close range the Orb will become a dagger/one handed sword for a quick attack. When there are multiple mobs in front of the Tenno the Orb will become a two handed sword/scythe to hit multiple targets. If the Tenno is attacking from the sky it morphs itself into a hammer. If there are no mobs within range however the Orb shows its intelligence, becoming a throwing daggers (three in quick succession from one charge) the forming back into a ball and rolling back to the Tenno.


Sorry for no picture, its a blob on the body moving around or no graphic at all until used then it can be any weapon already in the game.

you practicaly just suggested pandora's box from dmc4  you just made tit into a ball of metal liquid that changes shape instead of a briefcase if i may seggest why not have it do randomes of all exsisting melee weapons based off the situational awareness idea you shot out at range charge it could be kestrel or one of the glaves....pretty much you want a "swiss army" orb for melee



(wow im drunk an should go to bed....bandora's box...... yeash)

Edited by DragoXXVIII
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I haven't checked all of the posts, so MB it was already posted.

I want to suggest chinese weapon jian-go (not sure about the english spelling)(AKA hooksword). It is used by Kabal in Mortal Kombat, that's where I got the idea, and that's why I called the first varian so. But, as I said, it's a real weapon.

As Tenno often use ancient (for them) weapons, and do it on purpose, this also could be a remebered "weapon of old", used by ancient warriors, who and who's ideas also often inspire Tenno.

I made several variants, as I'm not fully sure about the design, and I tried to stylize it to Orokin or Tenno look. In the original weapon the hook is on the front side, but IMO it also could be on the back.

All of the variants can be combined to get a finished design.

Faction: Tenno.

Grip: like sword.

Description: "One of the ancient weapons, used by warriors who still encourage Tenno in their fight.".

Usage: as almost the whole weapon is sharpened, I think normal attacks would be slashing, like sword. I would prefer combination of slashes and hits, but currently melee fighting system doesn't have hit variants. Charged attack should be Tenno hooking an enemy, pulling and hittin with the other fist.

Photo of original weapon:


My ideas:


Edited by ZeroUnderscoreOu
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Im writing this the second time,because i unfortunately deleted it -.-,so pls be kind and say me if there are any mistakes :)

I haved this idea a REALY long time ago,and would cry if it would possible to add this in warframe :)


to the work :D


Fraction     :Corpus(maybe tenno)

Name         :Xeddra/Xolonium

Description:The Xeddra/Xolonium is a heavy,four-arm staff like. The normal attacks are exactly like the Glaives normal attacks(the movement comes from the upper arm and shoulder,and goes forward additionally it spins)The special point on this weapon is the charge attack.The movement of the charge isnt reasoned,but you can think up how it will look like.My Tought:the movement comes from the shoulders,and goes behind back,up the head,and then *Bamm* :).The charge attack makes a freezing shockwafe(Idea:maybe filled with Azot particles? :D)




Stats       -

Impact         :28

Puncture     :16

Slash          :1,3

(Charge)     :additional ice/freeze damage 90

FiringRate  :1,3_

Accuracy    :100


Crit.Dmg     :x2,8%

Status         :19%




Build      :Alloy plate:3900

               Salvage   :1100

               Gallium    :0004

              Morphic    :0001




I think thats it=P1130635.jpg



I would realy like to add this weapon,please add it,i would cry :)

But tjanks for reading this,youre a star :)

Happy Holidays :)


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Faction: Grineer

Name: The Rekt


A Small One-handed Chainsaw in the size of a dagger that is/was used by Grineer Butchers to either Butching Enemies or Food.

It features a rubber grib around the metallic black-painted Chassis and protects the User from aggressors with a thin and narrow Copper Handguard


What makes this Weapon special, you might ask?

Well, It could be implemented that this weapon does not necessarily require Swings, but can be held at the enemy the whole time, inflicting a lot of slash damage, making it a simultaneous weapon like the synapse or ignis.


Since its a short weapon with many cool features, the jump damage should do little or nothing, it can only target one enemy at the time  and Jump attacks should only knockback enemies who are in direct contact with the tenno that wields it, and does a lot of Finisher damage.

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Faction- Tenno

Name - Hattori


Reminiscent of the ancient Katana. This weapon is wielded with the sword in one hand and the scabbard in the other. its First attack is always the strongest from the draw. Like a sniper rifle running primed chamber, This is  precise killing machine, so would probably have a high crit rate.




this design already has a thread. bump if you like





Faction : Tenno

Grip : I'm pretty sure this would require a variation of the Ankryos animations or its own animations.  Otherwise it functions pretty much like a punching weapon.

Added second picture, glad people like the idea!




Dear Lord. One of these two for sure!!! I want them both lol

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Faction- Tenno

Name - Hattori


Reminiscent of the ancient Katana. This weapon is wielded with the sword in one hand and the scabbard in the other. its First attack is always the strongest from the draw. Like a sniper rifle running primed chamber, This is  precise killing machine, so would probably have a high crit rate.




this design already has a thread. bump if you like


Looks amazing!!! Add it, DE! Plz!..

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Faction: tenno/lotus.


Description: a Two-handed sword with an Ether/glass blade reinforced with metal on sides.  Metal has an ornament or Lotus symbol (ornament would fit best). Made for swings or for charge sort of Gram replacer/grade up.



edit: grammar

Edited by ndig0
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Name: Crescent Blades

Faction: Tenno

Grip Type: Dual Sword Grip(Dual Skana when wielded, unique when holstered)

Forged with great precision, these twin curved blades are among the sharpest and most deadly weapons to be added to the Tenno arsenal. The blades fit seamlessly together when sheathed by micro-magnetic technology. Influenced and forged after the shape of a crescent moon. They are very quick and foster deadly slash damage to enemies.


I have included personal suggestions for colors and stats, however I'm not the expert here DE can alter it in any way they see fit.



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Faction: tenno/lotus.


Description: a Two-handed sword with an Ether/glass blade reinforced with metal on sides.  Metal has an ornament or Lotus symbol (ornament would fit best). Made for swings or for charge sort of Gram replacer/grade up.



edit: grammar



reminds me of Sol Badguy's weapon

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Name: Twin Blades

Faction: Tenno

Description: Ported with twin blades the Tenno had made similar moves Dual Ichor.

The Difference and the twin blades when not used they become trapped in the Tenno armpits, one on each side.





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Faction Orokin

Description Show your foes how vulnerable they are. Parry, disarm and deprive them of life before they can blink.




Grip Held similar to Obex, Kogake, ect. However the Tenno wielding these would have a more menacing stance.


Other I was thinking, to make these unnamed weapons, more unique is that the charge can have a disarm (Or X% chance to disarm). Obviously you will not be able to disarm Moa (But perhaps maybe disable their projectile weapon)


Decent against armor, very effect verses flesh and poor against shields. They would rely on critical damage, severing vital areas on the target with precision and flair. 


A neat detail would be that when not wielded the blades would fold into each other.


Of course everything is subject to Digital Extremes liking. 

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Name: Reaper's Shears
Faction: Tenno
Grip Type: Polearm Styled Scythe

Original Art:


(Original Drawn Image Concept is from a DnD campaign that I drew it for but I though it looked like a good concept for Warframe as well.)

(Second Image was put into paint.net to color.)

The Reaper's Shears, A weapon heard of from tales of long ago. This weapon is known for its ability to shred multiple foes both in front and behind a Tenno. Reaper's Shears is a weapon feared by all factions even the infested for this weapon is known for the death of many warlords and leaders throughout the past. Its devastating ability to rip and tear flesh from bone is known from its legacy. Only the truly Fierce and Brutal of the Tenno are known to wield this weapon, and so only they carry on the Legacy of Despair.


Let Death Rain upon our enemies My fellow Tenno.

Edit: Weapon contains words to designate the placement of the Lotus Symbol.


Edited by AugmentedSniper
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Name: Crescent Blades

Faction: Tenno

Grip Type: Dual Sword Grip(Dual Skana when wielded, unique when holstered)

Forged with great precision, these twin curved blades are among the sharpest and most deadly weapons to be added to the Tenno arsenal. The blades fit seamlessly together when sheathed by micro-magnetic technology. Influenced and forged after the shape of a crescent moon. They are very quick and foster deadly slash damage to enemies.


I have included personal suggestions for colors and stats, however I'm not the expert here DE can alter it in any way they see fit.




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