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Phase 1: Melee Weapon Concept Submissions


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Faction - Corpus


Description: Double swords, from an ether-like material that optically adjusts to the currently active element, which were developed under the strictest secrecy of the corpus. They were designed specifically for the fight against Tenno. Their task was to inflict significant elemental damage to Waframes due to their remarkably high status-chance. The double swords, designed to do cut-damage are quite weak, but do this by a high attack rate as well as a high critical chance for it.


PS: sry for my bad english :3



wow these are so tight... I love the way the elemental dmg type offects the look of the blades.. Very nice... One of my top 3 most wanted weapons....

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Name: Lair
Faction: Infested
Description: Born from the research of tenno on infested, (maybe a mutation of mire) it is a scythe used with both hands for a long range. With normal attacks behaves like a simple scyte affecting up to 3 enemies while when charged sections break off and it become an heavy whipto hitting to a long-range. It has the base ability to case poison damage and mainly slashing damage. Sketch made by hands (and sorry for my bad english!" I hope you will understand XD)



great detail on the art and it's a very interesting design though it bears several similarities to previous designs posted here but nonetheless i'd love to see this weapon chosen and added by DE.

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I apologize in advance for MSpaint


Faction: Corpus

Brief Description: The Astra is a rarely seen heavy weapon favored by the elite within certain divisions of the Corpus. With every swing it deals -shocking- blows that can put any shield into critical condition. Make Thor proud by getting your own electric hammer with the Astra.

Original Artwork:


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Since infested weapons are "alive", I thought a large disgusting bug would fit the role of a "throwing" weapon.


So this bugger sits on your arm and throbs/pulsates/breathes while idle, like you se wasps do sometimes.


When you throw it, it acts like a throwing weapon, except it won't spin or bounce more than once (obviously).

While airborne the wings flutter and make loud heavy buzzing noises.


When you melee using it, it stays on your arm and makes angry hissing sounds, perhaps spreading it's wings a bit.


It should have impact/puncture damage and maybe some viral.


Yep, that's pretty much it.



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 i used the stats that are on wiki for the ankyros for a base stats and changed them to what i dissided was appropriate for my weapon the Sting that's why there are links sorry





special: inflicts corrosive damage

Weapon Slot Melee
Weapon Type Gauntlets

Normal attacks

1-impact.pngImpact 15.4
3-slash.pngSlash 20.0
Crit Damage 200.0%
Attack Rate 1.5 atks/sec

Charge Attacks

1-impact.pngImpact 10.0
3-slash.pngSlash 70.0
Charge Time 0.75 sec/charge
Crit Damage 150.0%

Jump Attacks

Slide Attacks


Cleave Radius 0.25 meters




Manufacturing Requirements Resource Quantity

32px-NanoSpores.png Nano Spores 1000

32px-Salvage.png Salvage 900

32px-Ferrite.png Ferrite 600

32px-AlloyPlate.png Alloy Plate 200

  24px-Credits_32px.png Credits 40,000

Build Time 12h

Rush Build 19px-Platinumicon.png 35

Edited by Hellboy44
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AngryKoreanMen’s entry for the melee contest

Title: Broken Ambrella
Artist: AngryKoreanMen
Description: Rain Umbrella
Color: any color available
Stats: N/A till creation
Extras: "Sunny Skin" transforms it into Beach Umbrella
Notice: Broken, cannot be opened

Special but usual, serious but funny axe style weapon.  
Some may call it an easter egg item but I believe it’s time to see some “funny” but equally deadly weapons as the normal ones in Warframe.
 If you like my entry thumbs up, promote it or force the staff to make it real!


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AngryKoreanMen’s entry for the melee contest

Title: Broken Ambrella

Artist: AngryKoreanMen

Description: Beach Umbrella

Color: any color available

Stats: N/A till creation

Notice: Broken, cannot be opened

Special but usual, serious but funny axe style weapon.  

Some may call it an easter egg item but I believe it’s time to see some “funny” but equally deadly weapons as the normal ones in Warframe.

 If you like my entry thumbs up, promote it or force the staff to make it real!



you mean sorta like in soul caliber with the funny weapons like the feather broom that makes the chicken clucking sound as its swung  or ivy's whip sword that makes the sproing noise like a cartoon character getting wood

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Faction: Infested

Description:  Sword and Dagger Grip Type (the small dagger part can be used as a whip) - The Mios

A multi-purpose bio-weapon that gorges itself on enemies and can drag targets closer to it using the hook-dagger built into the pommel.





That reminds me the comic of "BIOMEGA" very much. I love this one!

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Faction: Tenno

Brief Description:

Chakram-like discs. Mediocre base damage is compensated by great reach, quick attack speed and ability to hit several times in a single "swing". In fight, they are hurled in arcs around the attacker, their flight is guided and eventually brought back my magnetic "anchors" on fighter's palms.

Slide attacks hurl them around as well, this time hitting low (able to hit knocked down enemies)

Charged attack launches the discs forward in a spiral pattern.

Awful at jump attacks.

As for the grip type, well, dagger-like might do. I imagine them being crossed to form an '8' when held in blocking stance.

Original Artwork:



This one is so nice, i must say that this one is one of the coolest melee design i´ve seen hope this one gets choosen.

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Byssin    (Named After Byssinosis, AKA the Brown Lung)


Faction Type: Infected


Weapon Type: Staff/ Spear


Weapon Type Effect: Gas (Or Toxin to simplify) 


Specialty: Option 1: Regular 180-360 degree swing. (Could create a puff of gas/ Toxin to affect those not killed.)


                 Option 2:  Thrust forward. (Could spray near enemies with the Gas/ Toxin, while only killing the one(s)in front.


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Faction: Tenno

Name: Akurai MK. II



Grip Type: Greatsword


A high-frequency Beam is used as the primary blade of the Akurai.

Despite of it's size the Akurai is a very light and agile sword. The Akurai is capable of fast and strong attacks. But the strength of charged attacks suffer from the low weight. On charged attacks the temperature on the surface of the sword increases so that the water inside the air vaporizes and creates a steam besides that the color of the beam changes. 

Rumors say that lightnings are around the blade when used which would make it a perfect weapons against the corpus.



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Name: Pangere

Faction: Tenno

Description: A single handed blade capable of firing charged bolts of energy on command. The blade is comprised of two small blades flanking a larger center blade which rests over the firing tube and internal circuitry. On ground attack, a narrow wave of energy is released. On normal charge, a high speed blast of accurate force is directed at crosshairs. Animation of reactor located on pommel would help sell the design.


The main design and ground pound function


Standing charge attack functionality


Can't seem to get the images to work.

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CORPUSAW(Or something, I don't know DE make a cool name)


Don't have much time so...It's a chainsaw by the Grineer. Of course high impact and heres a pic.




Also it would be the first weapon to use the charge attack as a constant dmg weapon. IE instead of simply charging up and swiping it would make your tenno go into a holding animation where you could charge ahead with the chainsaw. It would also use stamina in this state.


It would be held like so, but you know. Like in the my picture with a single black bar grip.




Definitely not bribing you with women. At all...





Upvote plz... :)

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Grip Type:IAI KATANA(居合刀)









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Faction- Tenno

Name - Hattori


Reminiscent of the ancient Katana. This weapon is wielded with the sword in one hand and the scabbard in the other. its First attack is always the strongest from the draw. Like a sniper rifle running primed chamber, This is  precise killing machine, so would probably have a high crit rate.




this design already has a thread. bump if you like


This is a masterpiece. I really want this blade. I guess my Gunblade wont make it into the game, but hell, this sword deserves to used by the Tenno.

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