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Senseless Complaints About Infested Defense


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  Hello. For a long time since update 10.3 and during livestreams i saw people complaining about the current lack of defense nodes with infested. During this time, i never saw anyone remember orokin derelict defense. All you have to do is amass a few resources, build a key, call some friends and have fun.

 With this option, i just don't understand why people bicker about Xini, Palus, etc, etc, etc

  Tell me what you think.

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People don't like the map and layout? And they also don't want to grind to make keys to do the simple missions that were widely available before 11.3? This is a stupid way of countering the issue, people don't want to have to do ODs to have reliable infested missions, infested need to have some dedicated planets, this is not acceptable.

Edited by N7Arthur
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Call some friends ? what if no one I know plays WF ? Have you ever set up a game in recruiting ? Yeah it works but it sure is more complicated then just going to xini. Infested need to always be on a planet, 3 factions is not enough let alone 2.5.

Edited by Tr1ples1xer
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Grind nav cores to grind a defence mission for xp and mods.

Waste time in recruiting trying to get people to play with you or wait for someone to offer.

If you don't want to wait, you're forced to host, which can cause problems for everyone if you have a bad connection.


I see clearly why people are annoyed.

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I don't see the problem with there being a moon or planet that the infested have a strong presence in.  You can't expect the Grineer and Corpus to be able to wipe out every bit of infestation when they're having their own petty power struggles and Tenno slaughtering their people to deal with as well.  You could say that there's something there that the infested are super interested in or feel that they need to keep for themselves, like an old Orokin lab that was used to produce the technocyte virus.

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If I had the choice between the derelict defence map and Xini, I'd choose Xini every time. Sadly that choice was obliterated by some questionable and heavy handed 'improvement' of the star chart.


Anyway, derelict maps have three main things going against them.


1. Keys - Inconvenient to make and generally a massive pain in that you have to make your own group every time. In the old infested missions I could pick my mission, be dropped into a squad and be on my way.


2. The tiles themselves - A lot of people, myself included, really aren't fans of the layout of the OD tiles. They're unnecessarily complex in places and make a big job out of something simple. And what's more is that unlike the void, the complexity of the tiles isn't rewarding - the rooms full of containers are there to remind you that if you had been doing a void mission instead, you might have just found something good.


3. Frame rate - The OD tiles aren't particularly well optimised. Lots of people see FPS drops in the derelicts and even higher end machines, my own included, see more severe FPS drops when there are a lot of enemies on-screen than usual. 

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Go to kappa then?


Kappa won't give me Banshee's helmet BP and can't spawn electric crawlers so that I can finally get the damn shotgun poison mod.  It was hard enough getting them to spawn and drop something when Eris was an Infested planet but now it's pretty ridiculous trying to farm it.  Do crawlers even spawn on the Orokin Derelicts?

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All good points. Most of them i haven't considered.

I hope DE remembers every gas giant in the solar systemis full of moons. Phobos is a moon and works. why not jupiter's moons. There are several. Each one can be a region with an infested presence. With its own specific tileset.

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  Hello. For a long time since update 10.3 and during livestreams i saw people complaining about the current lack of defense nodes with infested. During this time, i never saw anyone remember orokin derelict defense. All you have to do is amass a few resources, build a key, call some friends and have fun.

 With this option, i just don't understand why people bicker about Xini, Palus, etc, etc, etc

  Tell me what you think.


So what do I do if my friends are not online and I have enough just time for a couple of missions and want to kill some Infested? Spend my time in recruiting and then invite people using the clunky AI and then do it again if I still have time for another mission?


Of course I have a good PC and connection so hosting OD is actually an option for me.

Edited by Silvershadow66
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