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Tips On Beating Stalker?



I just had my first meeting with Stalker and it did not go well, I had one person with me but he didn't seem to be able to puncture his shields. After panicking for a good 2 minutes I decided to Galatine him a few times before dying. Is the basic strategy just to run and gun or what?

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What always helps me is killing him, that effectivly stops him from killing you and opens the chance for some sweet loot.

On a more serious note, he used to be easily murdered by just climbing a crate, but that doesn't seem to work reliably anymore. It's still a good idea to climb up somewhere once the lights start flickering, you might end up lucky and get a good Stalker killing spot and if that's not the case you still have the advantage to drop down on whatever side he's currently not so he can't slash-dash through you. Anyway, keeping some low cover between you and him helps you with not getting slash dashed, keep moving helps with not getting turned into a pincushion from his bow. And than you just have to keep putting damage on him until he gives up while trying to not take too much yourself.

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Stay mobile, dodge, dont use powers, dont hide. Find a good large room with as little clutter as possible and use your best primary or sidearm you have. 

DO NOT, i repeat DO NOT go to melee with him. He still hits like a truck and if you are that close dodgeing his slash dash is gonna extremly hard.

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If you're solo, here's my experience
Just keep your distance from him (about 30-40m)
If you do that, he won't use Teleport
And don't use ability that make him use Dispel
Of course, find cover
If you don't, well, his Dread will make you bleed and...
You know the result

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The Stalker, as powerful as he is usually leveled higher than the enemies on the current level. He also has abilities that other Warframes usually have, his slash dash can down most warframes without high level Redirection or Vitality Mods, and can use Nyx's Absorb ability (Stalker floats in mid-air and does not take damage, avoid shooting him as the damage can be returned to players). Abilities like Rhino's Iron Skin, Trinity's Blessing or other support abilities, can be "Dispelled" removing the bonus (mind that Trinity still heals the player) and stunning the player. 

Best strategy is like what Feindfeuer and jmthebigman said, keep running and have your team mates shoot him, and avoid his attacks. Also the target player (the one that saw the Stalker prompt) must be kept alive for the Stalker to stay if you are aiming for the blueprints.


Hope this helped a little.......

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Keep shooting and stay a good distance from him, his weapons have travel time so you can in theory dodge it if you strafe them. Or at the very least shoot him till he stops moving and uses absorb. Not much strategy then run and treat him like a boss unit in that DO NOT MELEE HIM.

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Or you can just run around in circles and spam stuff at him. Just avoid 3 things: His Dread, Slash Dash and his Absorb ability. If he uses Absorb, RUN BRO RUNNNNNNNNNNNN. Otherwise just do a merry-go-round.


His Absorb ability will make him immobile so you can run away from him at that time. But he'll definitely Teleport to you later...

Edited by Midnight98
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just keep moving, roll to avoid his Despair and Dread. Don't get too close or he will melee and that hurts. Jump when he does slash dash. When he meditates STAND BACK, or he will kill you (and any unfortunate cryopods/rescue targets).


If you know how to avoid his attacks he is not that hard to beat with some others with you.

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Well I would recommend to pick a high ground, like a mountain or hard to get spot on which You can hide behind.


Best frames against him are Nyx, Frost(maybe not anymore) & Rhino


Nyx: Just activate Your ultimate and wait for Stalker to kill himself, It might need few times so keep flow mod and full energy.

Frost: Snow Globe ~ not sure if this works against.

Rhino: Iron skin and kill dat biatch. Just be sure to run away and stop hitting him when he uses Nyx ultimate.

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Well I would recommend to pick a high ground, like a mountain or hard to get spot on which You can hide behind.


Best frames against him are Nyx, Frost(maybe not anymore) & Rhino


Nyx: Just activate Your ultimate and wait for Stalker to kill himself, It might need few times so keep flow mod and full energy.

Frost: Snow Globe ~ not sure if this works against.

Rhino: Iron skin and kill dat biatch. Just be sure to run away and stop hitting him when he uses Nyx ultimate.


You are aware that he can dispel?

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I hate that dispel (as I play rhino). But in what ive been 0/4 so far against him. Open area, Open area, Open area. that alone takes out his biggest damager, that arsed slash, its enough to drop you hard if it so much as remotely connects. Ive seen it hit for 1300+ before, from a maxed rhino chassis. You get about a 20 second window for his appearance from the first message. 


It may be me, but the guy seems to love appearing in infestation missions. If you can lead him into a charger pack, they can devastate his shields in record time.

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