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Plant Frame Idea


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Frame I quickly thought of while I was drawing. I hope you guys approve!


Appearance: A robotic humanoid proxy with mushroom like mutations on it and is 6 meters tall.







Possible abilities:

Engulf: Covers a enemy in a plant like substance which will cut and do X slash damage for X seconds.

Genetic mine: Throws a plant fused bomb which is triggered by enemies doing X gas damage and proc.

Distention: Throws a punch with a very high range of X doing X damage.

Robotic Saplings: Summons X metallic version of the frame that will behave like players and fight for you for X seconds.

Disease: Makes the target suffer in pain and damage and will cause enemies to flee or try to kill it for X seconds.

Spore: Allows you to go inside the target and damage it with a 100% slash proc for X seconds.

Switch splice: Makes the target and the closest enemy combine DNA and be confused and will switch back in X seconds.


Much like loki,this frame likes to manipulate the battle field and makes up for his lack of health for speed.



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Isn't 6 meters like... 20 feet?


And yeah, this one feels more like you're getting the hang of making more serious ideas. Some of these ability ideas are pretty decent too- for some reason "Genetic Mine" gives me the mental image of a rafflesia-like plant bursting out of the point of impact and releasing a toxic cloud.

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20 feet wouldn't fit in most maps- I can understand a really tall frame, but next time make sure you know your unit equivalencies before posting measurements. 6 feet I could get behind, but meters are roughly over 3 feet, so 6 meters would be too much to ask.


And no, this doesn't quite count as mastering topics yet; you've got a good workable idea for once, but it's still not fully fleshed out and you need quite a bit more than one good idea to master Topics. You're heading in the right direction, though, keep it up and it could happen.

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6 metres tall? lelwut

4 metres is also way out of line.

2 metres like everyone else (give or take) is far more reasonable.

besides, who can be taller than Saryn? :>



why does this frame have above average Shields? you said it was a plant. even if it's part robotic (which all Warframes probably are, a mixture of organic and artificial technology). 


'Genetic Bomb' sounds tacky. Genophage sounds better.

'Robotic Saplings' is also tacky. Regrowth sounds better.

'Disease' sounds a bit plain.

i'm not sure 'Spore' fits. perhaps Pollute? Defile? Debilitate?

'Switch Splice' sounds straight up bad. the name, and what the power does. as for the name, perhaps Breed would sound better. best off just not having it though. it's function doesn't sound useful. unless it was like a 5E power with no cast time.



and how is this frame using speed to compensate for low Health? this frame has absolutely average 100/300HP. there is no compensating there, that's a normal number. 

perhaps you mean... 75 Health, and 75 Shields? then speed would be compensating.


but with the size you want the character. 125/110 and a Sprint of 0.7 sounds like a more appropriate combination.

Edited by taiiat
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how 'bout 3 meters tall?

Perhaps we should just stop using meters and go to English units for ease of reference; maybe even do some research on human height averages, find out what measure of "tall" sounds about right for what you want your Frame to look like (NBA star, maybe?) then maybe if you insist on having it in meters run it through an online converter to get a more precise value.


Keep in mind however tall you make it it will need to fit into the pre-existing doors, ship hallways, and extraction pod docking ports.

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