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How About Some Change?


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So these are just some suggestions that I think could make warframe 10 time more epic. The ideas behind these are to give players more options, make it feel more driven towards player interaction, and to give more customizable options to the players. 


1. Raid bosses that either acquire more than four tenno per match, or more matches than one to defeat.


2. Add a tenno level that is seperate from your warframe level. It would increase your base stats and potentially have


its own set of passive abilities such as; increased attack speed, boosted shields, added defense, etc. 


3. A quest system that has a story feel to it, and changes the mission and enemies based on the quest story.


4 Potentially have new mods that have 2nd and 3rd tier versions. For example have 3 different fire mods. The first is


common second uncommon and 3rd rare. Say the first mod has 10% base fire, the second have 40% base fire, and


the 3rd have 70% base fire. This creates more of a sense of taking time to acquire mods and really build your


character and weapons.


5. As it was stated in an earlier topic, reset the weapon stats according to rarity. This will make some weapons only


worth it at the lower levels. Also, having weapons such as the paris and the paris prime have very little difference in


stats makes the paris prime seem not worth getting.


6. Add a few more maps that vary from the current ones. Using the same sets between planets makes each planet feel


the same or close to the same.


7.Allow players to define the feel of the game by allowing the interactions between users to be more open. This would


require a different type of user interaction. Some ideas to accomplish this are: To allow players to own land; to


change/expand the methods of making or forging weapons and frames; and to allow a more player created artistic


elements to be sold to other player.


- Land could be used to: store resources; house equipment used to make weapons; to sell equipment or components


to make equipment; to host dueling tournaments; could be center of a guild hall; rent out land to other people; rent out


or lease equipment; can be fought over while the defender can hire people to defend; Land-owners could also build


defenses; possible property tax to prevent inactive players from owning large amounts of land; by allowing land to be


owned jobs could be accommodated. 


- Jobs like craftsman would allow different levels that affect the creation of warframes, weapons, and sentinels. These


could allow the implementation of different qualities of the same item. 


- Player created art like decorations for your guild halls, houses, and land. Potential for signs, architecture,


decorations, etc. 

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So these are just some suggestions that I think could make warframe 10 time more epic. The ideas behind these are to give players more options, make it feel more driven towards player interaction, and to give more customizable options to the players. 
1. Raid bosses that either acquire more than four tenno per match, or more matches than one to defeat.
2. Add a tenno level that is seperate from your warframe level. It would increase your base stats and potentially have
its own set of passive abilities such as; increased attack speed, boosted shields, added defense, etc. 
3. A quest system that has a story feel to it, and changes the mission and enemies based on the quest story.
4 Potentially have new mods that have 2nd and 3rd tier versions. For example have 3 different fire mods. The first is
common second uncommon and 3rd rare. Say the first mod has 10% base fire, the second have 40% base fire, and
the 3rd have 70% base fire. This creates more of a sense of taking time to acquire mods and really build your
character and weapons.
5. As it was stated in an earlier topic, reset the weapon stats according to rarity. This will make some weapons only
worth it at the lower levels. Also, having weapons such as the paris and the paris prime have very little difference in
stats makes the paris prime seem not worth getting.
6. Add a few more maps that vary from the current ones. Using the same sets between planets makes each planet feel
the same or close to the same.
7.Allow players to define the feel of the game by allowing the interactions between users to be more open. This would
require a different type of user interaction. Some ideas to accomplish this are: To allow players to own land; to
change/expand the methods of making or forging weapons and frames; and to allow a more player created artistic
elements to be sold to other player.
- Land could be used to: store resources; house equipment used to make weapons; to sell equipment or components
to make equipment; to host dueling tournaments; could be center of a guild hall; rent out land to other people; rent out
or lease equipment; can be fought over while the defender can hire people to defend; Land-owners could also build
defenses; possible property tax to prevent inactive players from owning large amounts of land; by allowing land to be
owned jobs could be accommodated. 
- Jobs like craftsman would allow different levels that affect the creation of warframes, weapons, and sentinels. These
could allow the implementation of different qualities of the same item. 
- Player created art like decorations for your guild halls, houses, and land. Potential for signs, architecture,
decorations, etc. 



1 - Having more players in a single mission would be great but we are already dying from severe lag just from 4 players. Unless the system for hosting is improved or changed this is not something I support.


2 - How exactly would this Tenno level be? You are a level 5/6 tenno-ish! You are a Tennooer! Please explain how it would be implemented ^^


3 - Adjusting AI based on events is something we currently have. A unique quest mission would be awesome! I just don't want a "Sabotage 10 ships" kind of mission.


4 - I am always in for more damage mods but I would not like to grind for mods that will be even harder to obtain. 


5 - I would rather they balance the weapons so all of them are useful and usable instead of letting people stick to certain weapons only. About the Prime versions, I agree. I have never attempted to farm for any Prime because the difference is so little and trivial.


6 - Who doesn't like more sets?! ;D I am sure by the time Beta is over, each planet will have it's own theme and maps ^^


7 - Allow players to own land? I think you're forgetting the goal of this game : KILL EVERYTHING!!!1one!!!. How would owning land help us? I agree that the interaction between players should be improved and encouraged. A Tenno HQ where we can meet up without being in the same guild would be nice ^^


8 - I think this should be linked to the Warframe's itself and not another job. For example, Vauban, when equipped, has a 10% production speed boost.


9 - I have enough of crafting from the current system, since decorations and all don't affect our battle in any way, I doubt this would be a popular feature.

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