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Zervo The Tinkerer/ The Mechanic


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A new frame that deploys gadgets to support his team and deal damage to the enemies.


below are the rough power concepts.


1. Grenade Toss


Zervo tosses a grenade that deals average amounts of damage similar to the penta but also deals a random elemental damage. ( Freeze,Heat, Etc.) but also has a very low chance to deal godlike amounts of damage instead of elemental. does 100/125/150/175 impact damage alonside the random element. the godlike damage will be 1000/1250/1500/1750 impact damage total and will create a  blinding effect that stuns all enemies around it


2.Deploy Drones


deploys multiple drones depending on the level of the skill that fly around and restore health and shields to allies. 1/2 drones that restore 10%/15%/20%/25% health and shields. they last for 5/7/9/10 seconds


alternate 2. Restore


Restores health and shields of a single ally depending on the level ( 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%)


3.Missile barrage


Using shoulder mounted rocket pods Zervo launches a barrage of rockets in a 360 degree arc that do damage based on the level of the skill they also have a random elemntal effect like the grenade toss. launches 10 rockets that deal 20/30/40/50 impact damage along with random elemental damage.


4. The Big One


deploys a large turret that has health and shields similar to that of a warframe and also deals damage to enemies based on the level of the skill. Lasts 10/15/20/25 seconds




The warframe itself would be very patchwork with varying pieces of armor and tech that Zervo has jery-rigged onto his frame and he would have a wrist mounted computer device from where he controls the drones and activates his abilities.

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Here's what you're forgetting: Warframes are humans who were affected by a techno-virus that spread over their whole body.


The only Warframe that has managed to turn energy into solid projectiles is Excalibur - and that's his uber - and it only produces swords javelins.


Trying to imagine a super-suit that produces grenades and missiles from pure energy just doesn't fit with the theme of the game.

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Perhaps to make his aresenal make slightly more sense, maybe he carries a sort of hammerspace gun case on his back from whence he pulls all his weapons? Most frames have some form of "supernatural" ability to him, his is technically spatial distortion exploited in an unusual way.

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