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Tenno Recruits! Lets Invade Their System!


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Ok, so here is my idea. We know the invasions from the corpus/grineer/infested.

But what about us? Why shouldnt we invade ships and systems for more loot?


My idea would not only add more immersion to the dojo, it also adds more replayability and use for blueprints and gear items!


Lets start with the basic idea:


I really like invasion mission. But I thought about the Tenno.

Why shouldnt we invade a certain enemy base? Similar to the extractor works but more interesting!


How to do it?


My idea would require the return of the cryopod defense missions.

After every 5 waves, you get the ability to leave the battlefield with the cryopod.

The longer you survive, the higher the chance for a rare warframe.


After the mission, you get 1 possible warframe recruit, depending on your wave category.


5 waves= Loki/Excal/Mag

10 waves= Ember/Volt

15 waves= Saryn/Nyx/Oberon

20 waves= Vauban/Nova





The amount of recruits you can get depends on the size of the dojo.


small= 4 recruits

medium= 8 recruits

big= 12 recruits

huge= 16 recruits


The recruits will now wait for your orders in the dojo.

Until they receive your command, they will interact with the dojo interior.

Meditation in garden / sitting on a bench and doing research.

This would add much more immersion since there isnt really any "life" in the dojo right now.


Want to give them orders, change their mods or equipment? Build a control centre in your dojo and do all this!


The recruits will show up like the mod cards so its easier to select them.

Then you can change their items/badges/colors/mods or dismiss them from their duty to make space

for a more powerful recruit. Your recruits will level up over time. The progress can be seen on the left.

It will fill up by sending them on missions, making them stronger and more powerful.


You still have a blueprint for your dual lex but already use a pair of it? Craft them for your recruit to give them more power!

Here we come to a cool part of my idea. Many of you will know this. You see this alert mission with a fragor blueprint but already own it. But hey. My newly added recruit is missing a powerful melee weapon.

So why not get the blueprint for him and craft that hammer for your fellow tenno?

This would add a whole new usage for extra blueprints and missions with BP rewards you already own.


When sending them on a mission, you will get a similar invasion bar as the ones you already know.

The only difference is that your tenno, max 4 frames on the same mission, will now conquer this place.

You can either wait and let them do their work (Depending on their weaponry/level, it goes faster or slower. Tenno losses are possible too if the invasion has completely failed) or help them by joining their mission.

You will then fight, side by side, with your recruits to complete the mission and help them with the invasion.

If it was succesful, your tenno recruits will get EXP and your dojo vault will be rewarded with resources!



Let me know about the idea and give me some feedback!

Edited by Venarge
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I like the idea but quite honestly I'd prefer DE working on something more important than this.

You are definitly right! There are currently more important things to work on. But maybe later =)

Thanks for your feedback ^^



huh. that's an interesting idea that would build on the current "invasion" mechanic where you get to have allies on your side. only, the AI would need a TON of work.

Hehe. The AI would truly need much work. But the stalker for example already has a nice basic AI that could be built on.

For example his "smoke entrance" if you are too far away from the tenno/ at a place they cant reach easily by walking.

Thanks for your comment! =)

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Kind of reminds me of the Assassin's creed "find the dude train the dude have the dude kill dudes" mechanic. Especially since your recruits would hang around the safehouse. Question: would you be able to revive these Tenno if they died on mission? What if you are too slow, so you lose a recruit, or are they just out of commission for a while? What about extraction conditions? Who would have control over the Recruits in the Dojo?

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Kind of reminds me of the Assassin's creed "find the dude train the dude have the dude kill dudes" mechanic. Especially since your recruits would hang around the safehouse. Question: would you be able to revive these Tenno if they died on mission? What if you are too slow, so you lose a recruit, or are they just out of commission for a while? What about extraction conditions? Who would have control over the Recruits in the Dojo?


Not trying to hijack the idea but I'd just add a risk factor (% based) on missions that would affect both mission success rate and in case of success - critical reward chance or in case of failure - lethality chance.


As for the second question, depending whether it's a clan feature or single player feature. If former, I guess clan leader could set up permissions who can use the function, if latter, every member has their own squad, so it doesn't matter.


Edit: Regarding the first paragraph of my post, the mission success chance could work nicely with all the missions on the planets and their respective levels. Of course the higher level your "dude" is the higher level missions he can complete successfully.


Man, the puzzles are starting to fit together.


DE, get on this idea!

Edited by Shifted
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Given how the Lotus finds new Tenno in cryopods and won't send groups larger than 4 out on any single mission, I don't think there's enough of us to pull off something like this. I imagine it could work combined with that "Liberation" mission idea where you can help free and escort large groups of civilians to safety, then maybe you could arm them with some weapons and start a new "Resistance" faction consisting of freed Grineer slaves or disgruntled Corpus employees/customers that could then occupy systems afterward, but then that begs the question of what's left for balance-enforcing assassins to do in a system overtaken by the closest thing to a friendly faction they could have?

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Kind of reminds me of the Assassin's creed "find the dude train the dude have the dude kill dudes" mechanic. Especially since your recruits would hang around the safehouse. Question: would you be able to revive these Tenno if they died on mission? What if you are too slow, so you lose a recruit, or are they just out of commission for a while? What about extraction conditions? Who would have control over the Recruits in the Dojo?

Great questions! =)


And yes, I took the AC mechanic as example ^^



Not trying to hijack the idea but I'd just add a risk factor (% based) on missions that would affect both mission success rate and in case of success - critical reward chance or in case of failure - lethality chance.


As for the second question, depending whether it's a clan feature or single player feature. If former, I guess clan leader could set up permissions who can use the function, if latter, every member has their own squad, so it doesn't matter.


Edit: Regarding the first paragraph of my post, the mission success chance could work nicely with all the missions on the planets and their respective levels. Of course the higher level your "dude" is the higher level missions he can complete successfully.


Man, the puzzles are starting to fit together.


DE, get on this idea!

Thanks for your feedback and ideas on this! =)

Im glad you like the idea.


I thought about the questions and your answers guys.


Here are my thoughts:

The revive thing is "kinda" easy to me. If you enter a invasion mission and one of your comrades dies in this missions, he is not dead permanently. Just for the mission. But if the invasion fails, then there is a chance for a tenno to die. Not a 100%. Depending on the equipment/gear/level of your recruit.

If he is level 1 with starter weapons and just a few mods, the chance for dying is high. But if you have a level 5 recruit with good weapons/gear/mods, he is more likely to survive. My idea is to give the player a chart about the survival chances for your tenno.




System: Mercury

Standard survival rate: 60%

Level: Lares (65%)



The given equipment / level is raising or lowering the survival rate for each individual.


Saryn lvl 5 (+2%)

Equipment: Boltor / Dual Vastos / Fragor (+5%)

Gear: Health Kit / Ammo Kit (+3 %)

Final Rate: 75%


Volt lvl 1 (-7%)

Equipment: Hekk / Dual Lex / Dual Ether (+10%)

Gear: None (-1%)

Final Rate: 67%


And so on. With something like this, we could easily enhance the usage of credits and BP and also create a more diversive and deep gameplay!


The question about the permission:

We have the different roles in the clan rankings.

Why not add a commander role you can easily attach to the different ranks?

Warlords and generals get the ability to send out the recruits for example. This way every clan can select their own commanders =)



Given how the Lotus finds new Tenno in cryopods and won't send groups larger than 4 out on any single mission, I don't think there's enough of us to pull off something like this. I imagine it could work combined with that "Liberation" mission idea where you can help free and escort large groups of civilians to safety, then maybe you could arm them with some weapons and start a new "Resistance" faction consisting of freed Grineer slaves or disgruntled Corpus employees/customers that could then occupy systems afterward, but then that begs the question of what's left for balance-enforcing assassins to do in a system overtaken by the closest thing to a friendly faction they could have?

Also great ideas and reasonable questions about balance! Something that definitly needs to be worked out!

Thanks for the feedback!

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