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Harvester Bull$#!7


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Because they like to troll their players far more than they actually want to do business.

Look at those market prices. Even PLAYERS has been giving constructive criticism over those rediculous prices for ages. We've been trying to HELP DE TAKE MONEY FROM US! And yet they STILL don't listen! It's like they don't even WANT our money!

I see what you mean, yes it look like they don't even want money they just want to troll us.

And prices ohoh that is the different story.

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see, this is what bothers me a lot.


compare warframe to most free to play games.

in other games, it takes forever to grind for a weapon or a new character.


warframe? it takes maybe 1 hour to grind the componets. then wait 12 or 24 hours for it to be done.

it´s still less that almost all free-to-play games.


and you don´t need the detron to enjoy the game. itñs the same as the glaive crisis. people whine until they get it, and when they do, everyone forgets about it because it was weak.

Glaive? Weak? PFFFT.

But more importantly, YES there are other f2p games that are filled with relentless amounts of grind. Some did it well and succeeded, others did it wrong and failed (looking at you, Tribes Ascend). When it comes to f2p MMO, there's bound to be grind involved, especially if it's an RPG (which WF isn't, it's a TPS).

HOWEVER, there is one VERY distinct difference between grind in those games, and grind in WF. Because in those other games, even in something like T:A, the rewards for grinding was RELIABLY CONSISTENT. You play a round, you get points, sometimes based on your performance. Even if an item would take a hundred rounds to get, you KNOW you're progressing with each round you play.

With WF, that's not the case with many things, because WF heavily infuses its grind with RNG. Mods, Prime gear, Alert items, warframe parts, and now weapon parts, all of them are based entirely on getting lucky. You could get the item in 3 runs, or you could run 100, 200, 300 times without ever getting it. Progression isn't based on skill, it isn't even based on effort, it's based on LUCK, a property that the player does not have any control over. And THAT is why grinding in WF feels particularly horrible. Because you don't even get a say in when you achieve your goal.

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I agree. I don't need the Detron, I really don't.


I ran 100 Corpus missions during the Gradivus event, I deserve one, Much like alot of people who supported the Corpus.


No, we don't.


I put in 100 missions for the losing side. Its how wars work, one side losing, and losing everything.

Event stated at the beginning that we would get the reward If That Side Won the Event. I noticed too late I should have been fighting for the otherside,


I see what you mean, yes it look like they don't even want money they just want to troll us.

And prices ohoh that is the different story.


DE doesn't sell prime gear (outside of Founder/Prime Access) to encourage people to actually play through game content to get the big cool shiney things that are out in the Void. If you could buy all content from the start, why would you play warframe? you would have everything, then try using all of your weapons, and then enjoy this wonderful moment of "Now what?" coupled with the fact that you are now out a non-refundable ~$500ish.







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Glaive? Weak? PFFFT.

But more importantly, YES there are other f2p games that are filled with relentless amounts of grind. Some did it well and succeeded, others did it wrong and failed (looking at you, Tribes Ascend). When it comes to f2p MMO, there's bound to be grind involved, especially if it's an RPG (which WF isn't, it's a TPS).

HOWEVER, there is one VERY distinct difference between grind in those games, and grind in WF. Because in those other games, even in something like T:A, the rewards for grinding was RELIABLY CONSISTENT. You play a round, you get points, sometimes based on your performance. Even if an item would take a hundred rounds to get, you KNOW you're progressing with each round you play.

With WF, that's not the case with many things, because WF heavily infuses its grind with RNG. Mods, Prime gear, Alert items, warframe parts, and now weapon parts, all of them are based entirely on getting lucky. You could get the item in 3 runs, or you could run 100, 200, 300 times without ever getting it. Progression isn't based on skill, it isn't even based on effort, it's based on LUCK, a property that the player does not have any control over. And THAT is why grinding in WF feels particularly horrible. Because you don't even get a say in when you achieve your goal.

and i agree with that. thats why i would like a token system for the void and a system like hearstone for the mods, but i think that things like the harvester and the stalker should stay as they are right now. still, maybe make the detron only need other resources, not those 2 components.

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I agree. I don't need the Detron, I really don't.


I ran 100 Corpus missions during the Gradivus event, I deserve one, Much like alot of people who supported the Corpus.

i would have loved to get it, and they should have given the detron, without the weapon slot and blue potato to those who did 100 missions. but they said thatonly the wining side would get the weapon, so we can´t complain.

also, we saw how the jupiter crewman use  the detron. it´s a laser brakk, nothing else.

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DE is asking, Literally fishing for hate, What they're doing is not deserving of praise or love. 


because making an immersive game that has drawn players to it like magpies to shiney objects isn't praise worthy.


a game, however flawed, that continues to have people play it to death while said players are Complaining about how much they hate the game.


That's deserving of some kind of reward.


For proof of people who loved the game, just look at people's avatars... see that weird symbol thingy? Those are people liked liked the game so much they threw really people money at it.




yes, a new stalker that's also super rare that you need to kill several times before you can get a super rare gun.


I had to kill the stalker 50 times before I finally got my despair, RNG happens, it rears it ugly head. But generally, anything worth getting in a videogame is going to have a bunch of grinding clipped to it like a pricetag.


its the nature of the beast.


at least the DE don't pull an EA and force us to pay for Void Keys as DLC. Or any of the Prime Weapons.

Edited by ensignvidiot
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DE doesn't sell prime gear (outside of Founder/Prime Access) to encourage people to actually play through game content to get the big cool shiney things that are out in the Void. If you could buy all content from the start, why would you play warframe? you would have everything, then try using all of your weapons, and then enjoy this wonderful moment of "Now what?" coupled with the fact that you are now out a non-refundable ~$500ish.

Yea i got everything ATM and i did not spend more that 200 $, so you don't need that much money.

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Look, You dense #@*&$@. Just because people play the game and deal with the bullcrap and even pay for cash doesn't mean It's GOOD.


The game has obvious flaws that needs to be FIXED, Stop adding water to a bathtub with holes, PLUG THE HOLES.

don´t throw insults around, it only makes your opinion to not be taken seriously

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No, we don't.


I put in 100 missions for the losing side. Its how wars work, one side losing, and losing everything.

Event stated at the beginning that we would get the reward If That Side Won the Event. I noticed too late I should have been fighting for the otherside,



DE doesn't sell prime gear (outside of Founder/Prime Access) to encourage people to actually play through game content to get the big cool shiney things that are out in the Void. If you could buy all content from the start, why would you play warframe? you would have everything, then try using all of your weapons, and then enjoy this wonderful moment of "Now what?" coupled with the fact that you are now out a non-refundable ~$500ish.




I'm sorry (to myself, because I should be working on my drawing, not arguing on the forums which does nothing because DE doesn't read the feedback section anyway), but I just have to argue this.

On your first point about the event, this has been the common argument supporting DE's decisions. Yes, in real life, the losing side of a war loses everything. But, this ISN'T real life. This is a GAME. We play games for ENJOYMENT, not REALISM. If we wanted realism we'd go out there, enlist as soldiers and fight in a REAL war with real guns, kills and deaths. Sure there should be a penalty for the losing team, so why don't DE just give the losing team the BP of their chosen faction's weapon, while the winning team get their own faction's weapon pre-built, potatoed, and with a free slot? You know, actually recognizing the effort put in by the supporters of the losing team, giving them a pat on the back, instead of stomping all over them laughing at how stupid they were for not going the profit way and joining the mainstream? Actually making the losing team not feel like unwanted pieces of trash that should leave the game because the developers don't care? I KNOW, IT'S MADNESS ISN'T IT, NOT MAKING YOUR PLAYERS FEEL LIKE SH*T WHO WASTED ALL THEIR TIME BY PLAYING YOUR PRODUCT?

I could go on and on about how this reward distribution also screwed up the rest of the event, how it caused mass bandwagoning and set the event results in stone from the first node, but that's for another time.

As for your second point, this actually emphasizes the most major problem of Warframe. THE MECHANICS SUCK. Players aren't playing because the mechanics are interesting and fun, NO, they're playing because of the Skinner's Box effect! Players play for no other reason other than to grind, and when there's no more new items to grind, they don't know what to do anymore, because the rest of the game SUCKS! THIS IS BAD BUSINESS! DE is supposed to make us WANT to spend money on their items! That's how they make money as a BUSINESS! AND YET, they've created this Skinner's Box where grinding for items is the only source of entertainment anyone can get out of this, thus DISCOURAGING players from paying real money for items, thus REDUCING both profit AND enjoyment from players, and you call this a GOOD thing? WHAT?

Okay, i'm done for tonight. If i keep this up i'll be tempted to travel to DE headquarters with a crowbar. Peace.

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Look, You dense #@*&$@. Just because people play the game and deal with the bullcrap and even pay for cash doesn't mean It's GOOD.


The game has obvious flaws that needs to be FIXED, Stop adding water to a bathtub with holes, PLUG THE HOLES.


that it does.


But hey, that's why the game is in Open Beta.


I will happily support any effort to keep the game free, and to give Digital Extremes more reason to add more people to the laughly small Dev Team assigned to Warframe.


Fortunately, the game is free... so you don't have to continue playing it to justify money spent buying the game.



You should take a break, relax. Go have a few shots, its new years after all. There is a whole section of the community that leaves for a month and returns for a week or so to try out the new content. It keeps the whole experience fresh for them. And it saves them the trouble of trudging through some of the worse aspects of the game before they get fixed.


Not all ninjas are ment to Farm non stop all day every day

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Not all ninjas are ment to Farm non stop all day every day

yeah, it´s not like i can buy a game witha  discount, play it for a week, and come back.




As for your second point, this actually emphasizes the most major problem of Warframe. THE MECHANICS SUCK. Players aren't playing because the mechanics are interesting and fun, NO, they're playing because of the Skinner's Box effect! Players play for no other reason other than to grind, and when there's no more new items to grind, they don't know what to do anymore, because the rest of the game SUCKS!


i disagree with this. i play the game because i enjoy it. maybe it is because i dont waste my time trying to do defense wave 1000 or survival 3 weeks, but im still enjoying this game. how much money did i spend? less than 10 bucks.

i never got so much enjoyment with so little money, so for now, i would say it´s a great game.


also, are we still duscussing the gradivus dilemma? i didnt like how they handled it either, but god, that was like 2 months ago. let it go.

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This is my last post:


I played the living hell out of the Gradivus event because I wanted the Detron at the time.

I gave myself headaches, I know, It's stupid, But i was determined as a raging bull.


Even in defeat I didn't give up or switch sides, I went for the top, For the 100 runs.


Sure, I got the Brakk, But that's not what I worked for. It was a bitter-sweet victory.

And now that this gun I've longed for is back... It's behind two thick layers of RNG that will discourage/disgust me from getting it at all anymore.


I'm done trying, Sorry, DE, I'm just not that much of a stubborn fool to get through those RNG layers.


I give up. It's not worth the time it takes.

Edited by Mephiste
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that it does.


But hey, that's why the game is in Open Beta.


I will happily support any effort to keep the game free, and to give Digital Extremes more reason to add more people to the laughly small Dev Team assigned to Warframe.


Fortunately, the game is free... so you don't have to continue playing it to justify money spent buying the game.



You should take a break, relax. Go have a few shots, its new years after all. There is a whole section of the community that leaves for a month and returns for a week or so to try out the new content. It keeps the whole experience fresh for them. And it saves them the trouble of trudging through some of the worse aspects of the game before they get fixed.


Not all ninjas are ment to Farm non stop all day every day

You. I like you. Happy new year, mate.

And Mephiste, he has a point. We've seen, I've seen, and most importantly you've seen, that DE is just going to keep doing their own thing, following their own whimsy and making poor decisions. As much potential as Warframe once had, it's all but gone now. And while we can get mad and pity this loss all we want, that won't bring it back. Maybe it's just time to move on. This is coming from a Warlord of a Moon Clan who's been here since closed beta, who spent literally hundreds of hours playing this game, and even more discussing and writing feedback for it because I had hopes and dreams for Warframe, only to have these hopes and dreams shattered time and time again until all that was left was anger and frustration, and after that, apathy and cynicism.

There are other games out there, free or otherwise. The Steam winter sale is still going, take this chance and buy some cheap games that you'll actually enjoy! I HIGHLY recommend Risk of Rain btw, or Saints Row 4 if you can afford it. Some of the best times i've ever had.

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This is my last post:


I played the living hell out of the Gradivus event because I wanted the Detron at the time.

I gave myself headaches, I know, It's stupid, But i was determined as a raging bull.


Even in defeat I didn't give up or switch sides, I went for the top, For the 100 runs.


Sure, I got the Brakk, But that's not what I worked for. It was a bitter-sweet victory.

And now that this gun I've longed for is back... It's behind two thick layers of RNG that will discourage/disgust me from getting it at all anymore.


I'm done trying, Sorry, DE, I'm just not that much of a stubborn fool to get through those RNG layers.


I give up. It's not worth the time it takes.

see ya next update!

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Besides, No, Not every piece of information is available on the WIki DE didn't mention jack diddily about how to spawn the Harvester

Those are RUMORS



Did you even read the whole post or did you read just enough to see that it wasnt in your favor ?

And personal insults are SO mature, right?

Oh and "diversity"? WHAT diversity? Do you mean putting a rarely-appearing re-colored boss as a random event instead of actually making something original or overhauling old content like the Stalker? Or do you mean having said rarely-appearing re-colored boss sometimes drop parts of a shovel-ware weapon that players actually worked for during an old badly-designed event but was never given to them out of no fault of the players other than bad luck?

Maybe, just MAYBE, you should get off your high horse and actually attempt to understand WHY someone would complain about something before replying, instead of leaping to DE's defense and strawmanning opposition as childish nonsense?

It was not meant as an insult , i was just observing the massive image and rage spam over something stupid and insulting developers just for making a weapon that is probably gonna be brakk tier hard to get(witch is logical because brakk is unobtainable and the detron is the closest youre gonna get beside the bronco pr).The diversity was that it added mistery until some one confirms how to call the harvester.you can go ahead prove to be more mature than me by actually cosidering my points and not discarding the just because we are not on the same side. Do agree that the harvester is lazily recolored. but the grad.dil. was clearly stated that you get weapons only from the winning faction so there was no bad luck, just mass preference(not the best idea on de's side)

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You. I like you. Happy new year, mate.

And Mephiste, he has a point. We've seen, I've seen, and most importantly you've seen, that DE is just going to keep doing their own thing, following their own whimsy and making poor decisions. As much potential as Warframe once had, it's all but gone now. And while we can get mad and pity this loss all we want, that won't bring it back. Maybe it's just time to move on. This is coming from a Warlord of a Moon Clan who's been here since closed beta, who spent literally hundreds of hours playing this game, and even more discussing and writing feedback for it because I had hopes and dreams for Warframe, only to have these hopes and dreams shattered time and time again until all that was left was anger and frustration, and after that, apathy and cynicism.

There are other games out there, free or otherwise. The Steam winter sale is still going, take this chance and buy some cheap games that you'll actually enjoy! I HIGHLY recommend Risk of Rain btw, or Saints Row 4 if you can afford it. Some of the best times i've ever had.

look, because i was in your clan once, when the clan had like only 300 members, im going to give you a tip.


take a break, from the forums and the game. wait until the next big update, hell, even the next 2 big updates or until launch.

then come back. now you will be playing a different game.

by then the new HUD, new melee system, fixes, and the secret movement update for U12 will happen, and many other things.


and above all, remember, this is beta. anything that happens is subject to change.

and everything that happens in beta, stays in beta.

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that it does.


But hey, that's why the game is in Open Beta.


I will happily support any effort to keep the game free, and to give Digital Extremes more reason to add more people to the laughly small Dev Team assigned to Warframe.


Fortunately, the game is free... so you don't have to continue playing it to justify money spent buying the game.



You should take a break, relax. Go have a few shots, its new years after all. There is a whole section of the community that leaves for a month and returns for a week or so to try out the new content. It keeps the whole experience fresh for them. And it saves them the trouble of trudging through some of the worse aspects of the game before they get fixed.


Not all ninjas are ment to Farm non stop all day every day


Haven't you HEARD?


Haters SAY it isn't Open Beta so it isn't Open Beta.


ME? I take THEIR reality and substitute ACTUAL reality.

Edited by Kalenath
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