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So What Kinds Of Things Do You Dislike In Warframe?


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Multi-layered RNG walls. 

Harvester(AKA: RNG incarnate, also Detrons horrible drop rates)

Lotus talks too much

No penalty against AFKers in Defense and Invasion missions

Oberons bulky torso with spindly titan arms and Oberons goat feet. 

Scoliac and Lecta hitbox


That's all for now. 

Edited by Plasmaface
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Boring grind.

RNG = Almost everything A lot of things.


"Pay 4 Exclusives" Milking.

Other players.

Minmax/comparison discussions.

Banshee's feet.

Public games.

People who use both uppercase i's and lowercase L's in their names.

The removal of Ember's Overheat.

Being a botanist on top of a farmer.

Oberon's Arms.

Spawn killers.

Slow pacing of game.

Almost every previous event.

Ankyros being so weak.

Steam-only exclusive skins.

DE giving false hope by going "we'll see, but no promises.".

Stamina being limited when it's biggest use was just to travel.

The excessive rate of players who quit this game.

The next person to quote this post to contradict me.

Everyone who contradicts me for this, period.

The value in this game is hoarding, design and gameplay.

2/3 of those values lean a bit towards pay-2-get.


dat kind of guy.

Seriously, maso much bro? Go play something else geezus.

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get rid of 50% and replace it with the token system then i shut-up more of complaints  


Oh dear lord this will solve so many damn issues...


Grinding for Ember Prime pieces is the equivalent of getting a Elchulus Teardrop or making a Relic Weapon at this point...

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Relic Weapon

I'm actually in the process of making mine. :D

Let's be honest though. Farming for Prime parts is far more tedious than making a relic weapon. At least I know I'm going to get it. In Warframe, I could run 200 missions and still not get the parts I need.


Back on topic, yes, a token system is desperately needed.


Back to farming philo.

Edited by Nugget_
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Oh dear lord this will solve so many damn issues...


Grinding for Ember Prime pieces is the equivalent of getting a Elchulus Teardrop or making a Relic Weapon at this point...

I gave up trying yo. Thank god they already had a token system to alleviate stress. *glares at DE*

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In the game I do not like that metalics do not exist, no cutscenes (have to run youtube on another screen for that), harvester stupid RNG.


The gameplay is good and I put my money where my mouth is with a lot of support for DE, but they continue to step on paying customers and have all but abandoned the game ever having story arks or episodic content (see Vor's Prize if you can find it anymore).

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The decrease in credit rewards (used to be better)

Lvling up non super charged weapons is a *@##$ as well, especially when that weapon has no polarity slots, you're pretty much restricted to low lvl content till you hit lvl 20 while lvling that weapon. And I have to lvl these weapons if I ever wanna hit rank 8 so I can use the embolist.

Specifically lvling hand to hand combat melee weapons is a pain...

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the change to statless alt helms


overpopulated void drop tables

when doors that appear open are actually closed, and your penta grenade bounces off the invisible door and back at you. damn warframe doorframes

3 day waiting time to craft a frame (though the only one I have left to craft is ember prime, but see above for why that isn't happening anytime soon)

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Hello everyone! I was just wondering what kinds of things people dislike about the game right now. The reason why I made this thread was because literlly just a few minutes ago I found a host who's internet was a disaster. It was nearly impossble to pick up anything and I couldn't damage the enemy. This has happened for 20 minutes striaght and then after the mission the game said I disconnected and that I will return to the multiplayer screen but it didn't...All I heard were just the infested feasting onto my corpse...So then I had to completely turn off my game...Hopefully this doesn't happen to anyone because it just would make you feel useless.

Same thing happens to me. My most not-favorite part of the game is either hosts with slow internet, people who don't know what to do yet their profile/mastery shows they have been playing for a while, or when I glitch through the map and I can't get back into the map and I have to restart the whole mission over.

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The game calls itself a beta when it's clearly not.

I get nostalgic thinking back to U8.

DE's passive-aggressive refusal to change core mechanics in any meaningful way.

The old tilesets need an expansion so badly that I'm getting angry just playing them.

My thread which has been disgracefully abandoned.

Gigantic threads that have zero Developer replies.

Inconsistency between everything.

Is it bad that I sincerely believe I can lead Warframe's development team a lot better?

No community representative at the Livestreams.

Power nullification abilities that have infinite range.

Pitiful lore.

Finicky movement.

Corpus helmets that have damage ignore rather than armor.

The fact that this post might be deleted because I said the truth.

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The degradation of the net code. It used to be that I and friends of mine who lived on another continent could play WF with little to no lag. Since patch 10.0.2 or 10.0.3 we've experienced lag the likes no one has seen before unless they were on a host from Antacrtica


RNG and grind escalation. I started in Mid-February of last year and there was always RNG and some grind, but over the course of the last 10 months the levels of RNG and grind just kept increasing with each update until they got to the point where we are now, which is intolerable for many, if not most of us.


The fact that they added a huge credit sink (i.e. Trade Tax) at the same time they nerfed credit rewards to a level we haven't seen since shortly after U7.


The continued nearly nonexistent endgame and the completely nonexistent story. And no, stringing together a bunch of event descriptions does not equal a story.


For a company who claims to pride itself on being communicative with the player base they barely address any of the player base's concerns on their livestreams, and when they do we see no action by DE to resolve those concerns for months. But it seems like we do get a new UI every month or so, which is always at the top of anyone's list of what needs to be fixed in this game.


Oh yeah, I nearly forgot, did I mention RNG and grind yet? Seriously, I changed my name from colltro to -Too-Much-Grinding- months ago in hopes that DE seeing it at the top of the Kill Leaderboard would cause them to pause and take a look at the grind. If one of the grindiest grinders in the game is objecting to the increase in grind, then it might be grounds to take a look at it. Sadly the grind only increased during that incarnation of my name.


For the record the unbelievably convolute damage system and how they handled the Cicero event from even before it started is what prompted me to change my name to this.

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Hmm.. Let see..

1) Host migration and then suddenly back at the solar system.

2) Game hangs up to 5 second

3) "Failed to join"

4) Host migration and suddenly I'm playing solo.

5) (Although Lotus' voice is sexy) she kept saying the same thing over and over (looping).

6) Ogris blowing up at my face even though there's nothing in front of me, but this rarely happens.


Then again, all the shortcomings aren't enough to get me off this game, been playing for 1 1/2 month and now rank 9 mastery.

Edited by zubai
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