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This Will Never Happen! (4 Players In Conclaves Vs. Stalker)


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But it could be very fun! I got the idea from another thread:

4 players conclave versus Stalker in an arena. Stalker has soma, brakk and galatine. His level is based on the player with the highest conclave rating. This would be a monthly event where Stalkers' loadout would rotate between the highest DPS weapons.


I can't even imagine what the reaction from the community would be.



Edited by essenbaek
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*Stalker Answered.... who dare phones me


*Lotus... Hi stalker. sorry for the late phone call but i was wondering if you would be up for a old fashion gladiator area type of get together with all the tenno, it would mean the world to them


*Stalker... And Why should i attend such thing


*Lotus... Well you know you seem to hunt tenno quite alot for them killing the same bosses numerous times , so i thought this would be a good chance for you


*Stalker.... hmmmm. ! . ! . ! . ! . !


*Lotus.... yes! no!


*Stalker.... *Silence*


*Lotus.... Stalker you there !



Hes going to kill us all

Edited by DiBBz
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*Stalker Answered.... who dare phones me


*Lotus... Hi stalker. sorry for the late phone call but i was wondering if you would be up for a old fashion gladiator area type of get together with all the tenno, it would mean the world to them


*Stalker... And Why should i attend such thing


*Lotus... Well you know you seem to hunt tenno quite alot for them killing the same bosses numerous times , so i thought this would be a good chance for you


*Stalker.... hmmmm. ! . ! . ! . ! . !


*Lotus.... yes! no!


*Stalker.... *Silence*


*Lotus.... Stalker you there !



Hes going to kill us all

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