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Here We Go Again...time Bending Frame


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Suggesting this a second time just because I CAN´T STOP THINKING ABOUT HOW AWESOME THIS WOULD BE.

SO here we go...

Characteristics:More like a Battle-Mage type design wise and stat wise,close to Oberon or Frost,very complicated and hard to master skill set,that rewards the palyer for combo-ing and synergizing the skills with fellow Tenno.




Health:120/325-lol either I made a typo or he drank God-Juice :P






And now for my favorite part...SKILLS!


1.PHASE TRAVEL-25 energy

Teleports to desired location,while forming a "time anomaly" on the spot teleported from and towards,bassicaly SWITCHING the time lines from one end to the other.Distance is 10/15/20/25 meters,and duration of Anomalies is 1/2/3/5 seconds.

Example:I teleport from point A to point B,where a heavy Grineer is standing.What this does is,make the Heavy Grineer and anything around him appear at point B,while doing the same thing with point A.When I say anything,I mean ANYTHING/ANYONE.Except bosses of course :P

2.REWIND-50 energy

Has a long casting time.A targeted "cone" area infront of you will be disrupted in time,making anything/anyone that was there be where they we´re 5/5/10/15 seconds ago.Does not work on bosses

3.REVERSE FATE-50 energy

Has a long casting time aswell.Gives you back the stats and status effects that you had exactly 7 seconds ago.Give or take.While casting,you take 2x more damage!Leveling up decreses amount of damage multiplied.2.0x/1.75x/1.50x/1.25x

4.TIME WARP-100 energy

Enemies in a 4/6/8/10 meter radius have ALL their actions slowed by 10/20/30/45% for 5/5/10/20 seconds.Allies in the area have 5/10/15/20% higher rate of fire,reload speed and movement speed.Note that objects in the "Warp" area are slowed down too,so expect Torid clouds to last longer,bullets to fly WAY slower and stuffz.Also,any DoT effects tick in the normal time-frame and are not slowed down by the ability.Bosses are only slowed down for 3 seconds no matter rank of abbility.

If anyone could make a picture of him,I would be very delighted.Get creative with the design,althou I imagined with something "Clock-ish" on his back,and some bottomles "eye thingies" on his face.

Thanks for reading,Tenno.

Edited by SniffYoBunnies
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As awesome as this sounds having the game keep track of where everything's been as would be necessary for these powers to work would probably take up a lot of processing power and need a lot of coding. Stuff like this is cool, but really needs a dedicated game engine to pull off efficiently.

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As awesome as this sounds having the game keep track of where everything's been as would be necessary for these powers to work would probably take up a lot of processing power and need a lot of coding. Stuff like this is cool, but really needs a dedicated game engine to pull off efficiently.

not to mention someone with a bad conection doing this. Its already pretty bad with nekros summoning a bunch of warriors to fight along side him. I couldn't imagine trying to mess with stuff rewind it. that means every level would have to keep an active working memory so it knew what to rewind, and where to put it. good concept, but heavy work to make it function properly. but just to get the right idea, you talking kinda like the um...Blades of time i think its called on ps3?

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