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New Warframe: The Titan


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As the name suggests this warframe would be as follows


Name: Titan A Gravity Warframe.

Description: Titan was created to combat the most difficult threats the enemy could throw at the tenno. Built to encompass raw defensive power, Titan can take the heaviest hit and shake it off, better yet, the Gravity slinging Tenno can throw that hit back at them. Titan is able to abosorb and redistribuit the attacks of his enemies, and throw them right back at them.



Starting Hp: 150

Starting Sheilds: 150

Starting Energy: 100

Armor: 500

Final Hp: 1000

Final Sheilds: 1000

Ending Energy: 200



1: Absorb-like its name suggests this ability once activated can absorb a set amount of energy, negating its damaging or harmful effect.

2: Titans Rings-using the energy stored up with absorb, Titans rings creates lethal blades of energy around titan allowing him to quite literally mow through the enemy to dish out heavy melee hits.

3: Radial Swing-grip nearby enemies in a local gravitational field and propel them forward at extreme speeds damaging any in your new bullets way.

4: Gravaton Bomb-LIke the name implies this Gravity bomb is a charged attack, capable of being amplified by using the energy stored by Absorb. At full capacity (max level) this bomb is capable of dealing out a spread of 50,000 damage, spread across multiple targets. While powerful, and deadly, this attack comes with a heavy draw back. such strong gravitational forces leaves Titan exposed to attack, as the Tenno is left weakened for a short while after the attack. (weakness at full max level would be half a minute to a minute, where the warframe would take up to 25% MORE damage)



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1: Rhino's Iron Skin

2: Nyx's Absorb

3: Nekros' Soul Punch

4: 50k is a bit too much, won't you agree? and instead of raw damage, why not make all enemies who were affected be 'crushed to the floor', so if they had 50% of their hp removed due to this, they will fall and be unable to move, but if they had less than 50% of their hp removed, they will only be slowed


P.s a non-caster frame should have approx 50 starting energy, 100 is for casters

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1: Rhino's Iron Skin

2: Nyx's Absorb

3: Nekros' Soul Punch

4: 50k is a bit too much, won't you agree? and instead of raw damage, why not make all enemies who were affected be 'crushed to the floor', so if they had 50% of their hp removed due to this, they will fall and be unable to move, but if they had less than 50% of their hp removed, they will only be slowed


P.s a non-caster frame should have approx 50 starting energy, 100 is for casters

oh i like the 4 one. definatly better, and yeah i was thinking more just a heavy hit with a draw back kinda thing. would work, perhaps weakn armor or something? but didn't realize nyx had an absorb skill. but rhino's iron skin wouldn't have much to do with it. and when i say orbi, i'm not kidding lol. i mean literally pick up enemies, and tap teh button again to launch them like a projectile. the guy would kinda have his own graviational feild sorta thing. and the blades, hmm...how to put it...think a giant saw blade, only hallow fitting ove rhim. it would be an acivated and personal ability, not a projectile. kinda like rhino skin, only you know..instead of defencive offensive.

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The skills doesn't seems like a gravity based skill do. Seems like you just put anything you want and then add gravity into it.

Then how would you suggest it? I could have frased them better. bu tthe rings i was thinking of like the rings of saturn. The multitude of debree. My original thought was basically absorb holds onto the amunition, energy fired against his body, the gravitational feild only able to hold so much. the melee version of it would use this debree turning it into a moving mass of riping metal and energy. And then of course the people...well the third was self explanitory. and then um...seeker improved my fourth ability making it more gravity sensative. but the whole debree thing would be to much for the game designers to put into it, or at least to much detail. so i left it a bit more bland, was that a mistake?

Edited by Okamibanshu88
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Here's the issues with your idea:


-It's titled as being a gravity-themed warframe, but the abilities only loosely tie into that. In fact, not a single ability you listed is related to gravity at all, except for the names.


-It's good at everything and has no inherent weaknesses at all. Health, shields, and armor that put Rhino and Frost to shame. The same energy pool (or higher) than what some caster frames get. This guy isn't even remotely balanced.


-All of the abilities are pre-existing ones, but better. If that's the case, the other warframes start to feel less special (and in some cases become obsolete, as that skill may be the only good one they have).

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Here's the issues with your idea:


-It's titled as being a gravity-themed warframe, but the abilities only loosely tie into that. In fact, not a single ability you listed is related to gravity at all, except for the names.


-It's good at everything and has no inherent weaknesses at all. Health, shields, and armor that put Rhino and Frost to shame. The same energy pool (or higher) than what some caster frames get. This guy isn't even remotely balanced.


-All of the abilities are pre-existing ones, but better. If that's the case, the other warframes start to feel less special (and in some cases become obsolete, as that skill may be the only good one they have).

he only has 200 energy, thats not as much as most get at max levels, but regardless he's made to be a heavy offence character. and all teh abilities i have are assosiated with gravity, maybe not in teh simplisit way you might think of them, but as i explained before it was a more simple way of saying what they do, without the need for grainy bullets and energy balls etc from gunfire and energy weapons.  the spinning saw blade motion is done by throwing the enrgy around his body by gravitational forces just like the rings of saturn only much much faster. the last ability pins the enemies to the ground, again thanks for the rethink seeker, holding them there via gravity, kinda the oposite of vaubauns now that i thin kof it but still.  your trying to poke holes in something that doesn't even exist yet. I understand you may not like the idea, but anyone can poke a thousand holes in a boat and make it sink.  and its kinda hard to come up with unique abilities, oberon's newest ability is a fancier version of rhino stomp, the regen? trinities ability. the first one? soul punch. heck, soul punch could even be compared to mags push..or is it pull? either way all the warframes have nearly identical abilities done in diffrent ways, so are you saying the designers arn't unique? the same idea can be done a thousand diffrent ways, doesn't make it any less unique when they happen.

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Rhino and Frost, the non-caster, defense frames have 150 at max, casters like Loki has 225, how is that 'not as much' you are comparing a non-caster with a caster, that's like saying, a handgun is not as destructive as an Hydrogen bomb


Abilities and themes are supposed to be linked so closely that you can see it instantly, if we remove the names, and only look at the effects, I would be like 'what is this frame's theme?'


You are right on the part that all the skills are the same, just a different version, but I can only see your skills as a complete rip off/improvement from the existing abilities. at least Reckoning produces health orbs instead of putting them in stasis, Renewal is quite different from Trinity's heal, AFAIK, Trinity cannot revive downed players, but Renewal can, and it's a 'targeting' heal, not an 'lifesteal' heal. The first ability, Smite, I'm sure it shoots projectiles, not throw enemies away, and if you are going to say that it's the same as Ash's Shuriken, Smite splits up upon hitting an enemy, which makes it quite different from Shuriken. but your skills are just.....the same.


I understand you wanting to make this into an ideal frame, but if you want to play the almighty god, you might as well try something else, the point of games like WF, is that you find a frame and weapons which fits your playstyle and try to make it shine as much as possible, not use something broken and beat everything, then complain about how easy it was since you were playing some god.



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Rhino and Frost, the non-caster, defense frames have 150 at max, casters like Loki has 225, how is that 'not as much' you are comparing a non-caster with a caster, that's like saying, a handgun is not as destructive as an Hydrogen bomb


Abilities and themes are supposed to be linked so closely that you can see it instantly, if we remove the names, and only look at the effects, I would be like 'what is this frame's theme?'


You are right on the part that all the skills are the same, just a different version, but I can only see your skills as a complete rip off/improvement from the existing abilities. at least Reckoning produces health orbs instead of putting them in stasis, Renewal is quite different from Trinity's heal, AFAIK, Trinity cannot revive downed players, but Renewal can, and it's a 'targeting' heal, not an 'lifesteal' heal. The first ability, Smite, I'm sure it shoots projectiles, not throw enemies away, and if you are going to say that it's the same as Ash's Shuriken, Smite splits up upon hitting an enemy, which makes it quite different from Shuriken. but your skills are just.....the same.


I understand you wanting to make this into an ideal frame, but if you want to play the almighty god, you might as well try something else, the point of games like WF, is that you find a frame and weapons which fits your playstyle and try to make it shine as much as possible, not use something broken and beat everything, then complain about how easy it was since you were playing some god.



your poking holes again, you can't see a theme in the abilities? even after i actually explained them in detail? then thats just you refusing to even try.  and the heal for oberon, doesn't need to be targeted, just like trinities ultimate ability that activates regen. smite is still just like a lot of other abilities, the little homing balls could be compaired to saryn's infection ability that spreads to nearby enemies. I mean seroiusly dude you can compare every ability on eveyr warframe to each other.  Its not gunna be perfect, instead of just tearing apart something how about you just accept that its a good CONCEPT! instead of trying to rip it apart. Unless your a designer actually contemplating this idea, then there's no reason to do what your doing. The gravity based abilities are fair, my stats arn't i get that, never was good at stat set up big deal. My idea was that this do should be op so that he can combat at the far higher levels like rhino. i could put a lot of work into this guy, making him seem more and mor egravity based, but the more i do that the harder it would be to actually incorporate him into the game. for instance his local gravity feild could be higher so jumping and such would ensure a much bigger stomp when he comes back down to earth. Heck, a cool ability could enable him to wallrun without slowing down, or jump higher then any other warframe etc. but those are more passive ideas, and i'm not that into a passive themed warframe.

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I'm poking holes on purpose, if it was a solid, good idea, there would be nearly nothing to poke at, will there? I either drop or change my ideas based on the review I get whenever I post an idea, and I try to make them balanced, not broken.

1. Damage interception

2. Energy Blade

3. Somewhat remotely gravity themed

4. How does this have anything to do with gravity? Seriously, the only thing which I can see as gravity is 'strong gravitational forces' but it has nothing to do with gravity. I might as well make an Air themed Warframe and name it Hydrogen bomb: ______ uses the air in the surrounding and and creates an explosion, but due to the amount of energy used, _____'s shield is temporarily reduced by X%


Rhino doesn't really combat with his skills by using raw damage, unless, the 'high level' we are speaking of are completely different. At high levels, damage becomes useless as enemies have a lot of health, so skills like Rhino Stomp could become 'useless' in terms of dealing damage, afterall, if the enemies have a higher health pool than the Stomp damage, the Stomp shouldn't be used for damage purposes but for CC purposes, and even then should be used wisely since you can't stack Stomp. So your skills should be more about utility+ damage (as a side note), not DAMAGE DAMAGE DAMAGE, if you wanted it to be useful in higher tiers.


Those are not 'passive ideas', they are 'passives', which are not 'active' skills, and this isn't a feature of WF (as of yet, who knows if DE wants to add this) If you wanted some 'active' skills, something like 'Uses gravity to crush enemies to the ground', 'Area where enemies are affected by amplified gravity, slowing their movements', 'Increases jump height of all allies by reducing the gravity' (think of it like Nightmare mode, No Gravity), 'Temporarily makes a target into the centre of gravity, all nearby enemies and containers are pulled towards the target and deals damage upon impact', there are many more ideas one can think of using gravity, and I don't think these ideas will make it harder to be incorporated into the game.


p.s not slowing down while wallrunning will be removing friction too, especially on horizontal wallruns, where you don't slow down due to gravity, but due to friction.


You also just admitted that he is op, Warframes shouldn't be OP, they each have their pros and cons, it's just that when you put a Warframe with a matching loadout, mods, and mission, that's when they feel like they are OP, but if you put them all in the same place, they aren't all that broken. Think about it, if you threw a Nova, a seemingly op Warframe, with a maxed, potated and fully polarized Orgis or some other weapon you think fits her, and a Loki with a fully maxed, potatoed, fully polarized Galatine, into a level 80+ Grineer Deception, I find it hard to believe that Nova will have it easy, since she could die very easily under enemy fire, while Loki can simply use Invisibility and chop his way through the enemies, or just walk to the objective and finish it, while Nova will be trying to survive somehow. So a Warframe with broken stats all around is not what the players should be wanting, but one with clearly defined pros and cons which matches their playstyle,


If you wanted some starting stats, you could refer to the wiki and check each frame's starting stats,

Either you

reduce the armor & some hp (somewhat like Frost and Rhino)


reduce shield (liek Valkyr)


starting energy should be 50, end should be 150

lower those final hp and shield to

300 hp

450 shield

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I'm poking holes on purpose, if it was a solid, good idea, there would be nearly nothing to poke at, will there? I either drop or change my ideas based on the review I get whenever I post an idea, and I try to make them balanced, not broken.

1. Damage interception

2. Energy Blade

3. Somewhat remotely gravity themed

4. How does this have anything to do with gravity? Seriously, the only thing which I can see as gravity is 'strong gravitational forces' but it has nothing to do with gravity. I might as well make an Air themed Warframe and name it Hydrogen bomb: ______ uses the air in the surrounding and and creates an explosion, but due to the amount of energy used, _____'s shield is temporarily reduced by X%


Rhino doesn't really combat with his skills by using raw damage, unless, the 'high level' we are speaking of are completely different. At high levels, damage becomes useless as enemies have a lot of health, so skills like Rhino Stomp could become 'useless' in terms of dealing damage, afterall, if the enemies have a higher health pool than the Stomp damage, the Stomp shouldn't be used for damage purposes but for CC purposes, and even then should be used wisely since you can't stack Stomp. So your skills should be more about utility+ damage (as a side note), not DAMAGE DAMAGE DAMAGE, if you wanted it to be useful in higher tiers.


Those are not 'passive ideas', they are 'passives', which are not 'active' skills, and this isn't a feature of WF (as of yet, who knows if DE wants to add this) If you wanted some 'active' skills, something like 'Uses gravity to crush enemies to the ground', 'Area where enemies are affected by amplified gravity, slowing their movements', 'Increases jump height of all allies by reducing the gravity' (think of it like Nightmare mode, No Gravity), 'Temporarily makes a target into the centre of gravity, all nearby enemies and containers are pulled towards the target and deals damage upon impact', there are many more ideas one can think of using gravity, and I don't think these ideas will make it harder to be incorporated into the game.


p.s not slowing down while wallrunning will be removing friction too, especially on horizontal wallruns, where you don't slow down due to gravity, but due to friction.


You also just admitted that he is op, Warframes shouldn't be OP, they each have their pros and cons, it's just that when you put a Warframe with a matching loadout, mods, and mission, that's when they feel like they are OP, but if you put them all in the same place, they aren't all that broken. Think about it, if you threw a Nova, a seemingly op Warframe, with a maxed, potated and fully polarized Orgis or some other weapon you think fits her, and a Loki with a fully maxed, potatoed, fully polarized Galatine, into a level 80+ Grineer Deception, I find it hard to believe that Nova will have it easy, since she could die very easily under enemy fire, while Loki can simply use Invisibility and chop his way through the enemies, or just walk to the objective and finish it, while Nova will be trying to survive somehow. So a Warframe with broken stats all around is not what the players should be wanting, but one with clearly defined pros and cons which matches their playstyle,


If you wanted some starting stats, you could refer to the wiki and check each frame's starting stats,

Either you

reduce the armor & some hp (somewhat like Frost and Rhino)


reduce shield (liek Valkyr)


starting energy should be 50, end should be 150

lower those final hp and shield to

300 hp

450 shield

i do like those stats, does balance him out more. but thats more of what you should being doing instead of poking holes. yes there are flaws with my design, but instead of doing nothing but pointing them out, try and be constructive like other people. Just do what you just did, offer something that helps make the idea better, or ideas of your own.

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i do like those stats, does balance him out more. but thats more of what you should being doing instead of poking holes. yes there are flaws with my design, but instead of doing nothing but pointing them out, try and be constructive like other people. Just do what you just did, offer something that helps make the idea better, or ideas of your own.

The idea behind poking holes in it is to show you that it needs to be reworked and thought about again. If it's your idea, you should be the one doing what's needed to make it feasible.

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I still don't mind the concept of a gravity-based Frame, but I'm not particularly impressed with these ideas.

thank you. My idea for the abilities, and clearly the stats, may not be the best. But my central idea on a gravity based warframe i think would still be valid. perhaps in place of an overpowering physical attribute then the powers would be more powerful. i dunno, i just like the actual idea of a gravity based warframe.

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