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New Warframe: Illianna


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Quick Update: The warframe listed below is my idea of an 'infected' Saryn, renamed to fit her new abilities exc. This whole concept is meant to imply the new type of warframes that are based on the old ones. Saryn to Illiana. Valkyr to Vladmira? its basically the infected version of the Prime warframes.


Illianna-infected saryn

A warframe who had fallen to the infected, and somehow managed to not only fight back the infection, but turn it to her benifit.


Stats: Hp: 90-starting

sheilds: 100-starting

energy: 150-starting

max Hp: 250

max sheilds: 300

max energy: 300



1: Regrowth-similar to the healiing ability of Oberon, only its an entirely selfish ability that acitivates a health regen on the warframe and only the warframe.

2: Tendril-similar to the rip line from Valkyre, only its goal is to encase the enemy in tendrils. At higher levels *max level* it wil pull you towards teh encased enemy to allow quick melee range

3: toxic spores-Illianna emits toxic gas from her body that damages anyone who gets inside them. While small in reach, it can paralize enemies for a few seconds to allow a quick get away, or a charged attack.

4: Infestation-infect enemies with a viral strain of the dominated infection inside Illianna. any enemy that dies from the infection, or while the infection is still in their system, turn into allied infected and fight along side you for as long as they can. (max infestation will only allow a total of five turned enemies)


Vladmira-infected valkyr

Stats: Hp: 90-starting

sheilds: 105-starting

energy: 100-starting

max Hp: 225

max sheilds: 300

max energy: 175



1: lash-lash out with a whip striking any foes infront of the warframe repeatedly (4 strikes/5strikes/6 strikes)

2: Screech-buff yourself to take more damage and move faster, all allied warframes inside the reach of screech will also be buffed

3: Neuro-toxin- Sends out needles from her body infecting anyone that gets hit with them. This paralyzes the apponent and weakens their armor. (does not effect sheild strength)

4: Swarm-Vladmira goes into a primal rage summoning her fellow infected to fight along side her in a headlong suicide style attack on the enemy. (2/4/5 allies) the allies come from teh fallen enemies Vladmira has slain, the stronger the enemy, the stronger the allies. Allies only last as long as Swarm is in effect.


So i added this vladmira, as i said a infected version of Valkyr. Hopefully this clears up my concept better :)

Edited by Okamibanshu88
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The ultimate sounds sort of interesting, but aside from that, please stop copy/pasting other Warframe abilities onto "new" Warframes. People are already understandably dissatisfied with the level of diversity between abilities (especially pure-damage abilities,) so we don't need to go clogging things up further with haphazardly assembled ideas. I want to see something new and unique, not "This new Warframe that is a mix of Oberon, Valkyr, Saryn and Nekros.

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The ultimate sounds sort of interesting, but aside from that, please stop copy/pasting other Warframe abilities onto "new" Warframes. People are already understandably dissatisfied with the level of diversity between abilities (especially pure-damage abilities,) so we don't need to go clogging things up further with haphazardly assembled ideas. I want to see something new and unique, not "This new Warframe that is a mix of Oberon, Valkyr, Saryn and Nekros.

apose to oberon, valkyr who are combanations of other warframes? tear a warframe apart darling, and it will look like one before it. ash is just like loki, only with an attack version of radial disarm.  valkyre's rip chord is basically mags pull with a diffrent direction.  the warframe concept is hard to do when people have to many o fthe same ideas as the Game designers. and curently i don't know of any ability that encases and freezes a foe other then an ice status ailment. slow, yes, but not actual encasement. perhaps it could have an acid type effect as well? as to the first the regen just fits in line with the infected theme, at least in my opinion.

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Despite the similarities, warframe designed by DE still went through a lot of consideration. If some of the abilities turned out to be similar then it's because the other options probably aren't any better. But all i see here is that you're using that similarity as an excuse to be the foundation of your idea.

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This is just saryn 2.0.

Really displeased.

Ash is just like loki, only with an attack version of radial disarm.

Do you see ash manipulating the battlefield?

No, that's what loki does; ash incorporates stealth into his offensive abilities.


Valkyre's rip chord is basically mags pull with a diffrent direction.

Not even. Ripline is bi-functional: Pull enemies, or yourself to terrain.

And single target only.

the warframe concept is hard to do when people have to many o fthe same ideas as the Game designers. and curently i don't know of any ability that encases and freezes a foe other then an ice status ailment. slow, yes, but not actual encasement. perhaps it could have an acid type effect as well? 

Duh it's hard, but that's not an excuse. Did you look at the Zephyr concept? That's one of utter brilliance. Your powers are just TOO similar to others.


Don't get it yet?

Here's some of my ideas for a not-so-similar warframe

(Flora - Plant themed warframe)

«insert base stats»


  • Pollenate - Causes the target to pollenate every 6 (-1 per rank) seconds, spreading to nearby enemies of 3 (+3 per rank) metre radius. Secondary enemies will also spread the pollen to extra secondary targets (including the original target). Pollen only causes damage to victims per burst. Being in a pollenated state doubles status proc chance. Spreads up to 1 (+1 per rank) time(s).
  • Rooting - Plant yourself into the ground, rendering yourself immobile but continously regenerates your health at 40% (+20 per rank) the rate of your shield recharge. Fire rate and Reload speed reduced by 65% (-15 per rank) whilst in this state; duration of 4(+2 per rank) seconds.
  • Vine Sling - Extend a vine from yourself to a selected target or two. After grabbing the first target, Fire to swing it around you and throw it in the specified direction. Impact will spread pollen to nearby enemies, which doesn't spread, nor affecting the host. Alternative option is to press the power button on a second target; both targets will be rooted to the ground, as you slingshot through them, ragdolling all enemies in your path. Launch power coefficient of 0.4 (+0.2 per rank), relative to vine length in some formula. Maximum target range of 6 (+3 per rank) metres. After launch and landing, detach vines from yourself, which sling back into the rooted targets, headshotting and ragdolling them.
  • Frenzy Plant - Exactly like the pokemon move - entomb all enemies in a 7(+3 per rank) metre radius with organic matter. Directly drain 20% (+15 per rank) of health from victims as they are entangled to death. Completely immobile in this state. Lasts upto 6 (+1.5 per rank) seconds.

Now yes you could argue that the first power is like venom, but it is different enough. 4th isn't copying other frames, but something outside the universe (SSSSHHH!)

And yes plant frames are illogical in warframe except in cichol.

Just an idea.

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This is just saryn 2.0.

Really displeased.

Do you see ash manipulating the battlefield?

No, that's what loki does; ash incorporates stealth into his offensive abilities.


Not even. Ripline is bi-functional: Pull enemies, or yourself to terrain.

And single target only.

Duh it's hard, but that's not an excuse. Did you look at the Zephyr concept? That's one of utter brilliance. Your powers are just TOO similar to others.


Don't get it yet?

Here's some of my ideas for a not-so-similar warframe



Now yes you could argue that the first power is like venom, but it is different enough. 4th isn't copying other frames, but something outside the universe (SSSSHHH!)

And yes plant frames are illogical in warframe except in cichol.

Just an idea.

plant warframe sounds kinda awsome. but my infestation one would be simliar to saryn yes. I was thinking of her being the one infected is that gave me this idea. An infected version of ALL the warframes was my thinking. rhino infected gains teh ability to damage enemies with iron skin, his stomp ability sends out a shockwave of acid/poison stuff like that. This was meant to be that, my bad xP illianna would just be Saryn's infected name. I was wondering why people were getting so upset about this one lol. I thought it was a cool concept, infect the already built warframes.

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apose to oberon, valkyr who are combanations of other warframes? tear a warframe apart darling, and it will look like one before it. ash is just like loki, only with an attack version of radial disarm.  valkyre's rip chord is basically mags pull with a diffrent direction.  the warframe concept is hard to do when people have to many o fthe same ideas as the Game designers. and curently i don't know of any ability that encases and freezes a foe other then an ice status ailment. slow, yes, but not actual encasement. perhaps it could have an acid type effect as well? as to the first the regen just fits in line with the infected theme, at least in my opinion.


First off, don't call me "darling." You don't know me on anything even remotely resembling amiable terms, and your ridiculous attempt at condescension is really only going to work against you at this point.


Second, if you had bothered to read what I said rather than checking for disagreement and responding on reflex, you should have seen that I am perfectly aware of the similarities between various existing Warframe abilities. Not only am I aware of them, they're the reason I'm disagreeing with you. The existence of partially derivative Warframe abilities are not an excuse to make more derivative Warframe abilities. They are not a precedent. They are one more reason why we shouldn't have more derivative abilities.


Even if we disregard the fact that your abilities are comparable to cartoon "characters" that are the obvious result of copyright evasion, the way they function is terrible. Warframe is a coop game. Why would you have a healing ability that only affects the player character? Why would you have it be the Warframe's first ability? Tendril is a straightforward crowd-control ability, but only being able to affect one target for what will most likely be 50 energy does not seem worth it at all. Having it pull you towards the enemy is terrible as well, as it runs the risk of exposing you to large quantities of hostile gunfire. Toxic spores sounds like an imbalanced combination of damage output and crowd-control. It's either has a duration making it ridiculously useful, or it's a burst cast, which would make its short range and duration not worth the energy cost.


Don't get me wrong: I'm not saying that an "Infested" themed Warframe is a terrible idea, or anything like that. If it was executed correctly, it would probably be fairly interesting. However, having seen your other thread in which you wanted a Gravity Warframe capable of a 50,000 damage Rhino Stomp, I get the impression that your suggestions for new Warframes are little more than "Oh my gosh, my idea for this overpowered Warframe would be so awesome!" Again, don't get me wrong: that's perfectly fine. I'm not trying to tell you not to talk about ideas you think would be cool. However, don't make the mistake of expecting anyone to take you seriously if you can't be bothered to tone things down to the point where your ideas might actually be practically implemented in the game.


Take a look around the forums for a bit, and you'll see one topic come up relatively frequently. Power creep. Many people here don't like the idea of introducing new, even more overpowered and imbalanced content for the sake of indulgent fan-service, so as long as your ideas constitute indulgent fan-service, you should be prepared for many people to disagree with you. Lastly, we don't need an Infested Series of Warframes. We've already got enough duplicates with the Primes. An infested Warframe is a cool idea, though.

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First off, don't call me "darling." You don't know me on anything even remotely resembling amiable terms, and your ridiculous attempt at condescension is really only going to work against you at this point.


Second, if you had bothered to read what I said rather than checking for disagreement and responding on reflex, you should have seen that I am perfectly aware of the similarities between various existing Warframe abilities. Not only am I aware of them, they're the reason I'm disagreeing with you. The existence of partially derivative Warframe abilities are not an excuse to make more derivative Warframe abilities. They are not a precedent. They are one more reason why we shouldn't have more derivative abilities.


Even if we disregard the fact that your abilities are comparable to cartoon "characters" that are the obvious result of copyright evasion, the way they function is terrible. Warframe is a coop game. Why would you have a healing ability that only affects the player character? Why would you have it be the Warframe's first ability? Tendril is a straightforward crowd-control ability, but only being able to affect one target for what will most likely be 50 energy does not seem worth it at all. Having it pull you towards the enemy is terrible as well, as it runs the risk of exposing you to large quantities of hostile gunfire. Toxic spores sounds like an imbalanced combination of damage output and crowd-control. It's either has a duration making it ridiculously useful, or it's a burst cast, which would make its short range and duration not worth the energy cost.


Don't get me wrong: I'm not saying that an "Infested" themed Warframe is a terrible idea, or anything like that. If it was executed correctly, it would probably be fairly interesting. However, having seen your other thread in which you wanted a Gravity Warframe capable of a 50,000 damage Rhino Stomp, I get the impression that your suggestions for new Warframes are little more than "Oh my gosh, my idea for this overpowered Warframe would be so awesome!" Again, don't get me wrong: that's perfectly fine. I'm not trying to tell you not to talk about ideas you think would be cool. However, don't make the mistake of expecting anyone to take you seriously if you can't be bothered to tone things down to the point where your ideas might actually be practically implemented in the game.


Take a look around the forums for a bit, and you'll see one topic come up relatively frequently. Power creep. Many people here don't like the idea of introducing new, even more overpowered and imbalanced content for the sake of indulgent fan-service, so as long as your ideas constitute indulgent fan-service, you should be prepared for many people to disagree with you. Lastly, we don't need an Infested Series of Warframes. We've already got enough duplicates with the Primes. An infested Warframe is a cool idea, though.

my other warframe has been picked to death regardless, it wsa late and i thought i had originally posted this under titan but seems i hadn't. but regardless this was meant to be a theme to be the opposite side of Prime warframes. Stronger, not replacements.

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Well in that sense, a corrupted series of warframes would be kinda interesting (wait, isn't prime - corrupted..? ugh nvm the naming).

Like, all the abilities work like corrupted mods = super good in one aspect but debuffing in another. Refer to my flora idea #2 and #4 for a rough idea.


@Diabolus - remember that not all abilities in the same "tier" have the same energy cost so don't directly assume that.

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Well in that sense, a corrupted series of warframes would be kinda interesting (wait, isn't prime - corrupted..? ugh nvm the naming).

Like, all the abilities work like corrupted mods = super good in one aspect but debuffing in another. Refer to my flora idea #2 and #4 for a rough idea.


@Diabolus - remember that not all abilities in the same "tier" have the same energy cost so don't directly assume that.

exactly. but i was literally thinking of the infected. A warframe who fell against the infected and got turned. We've only faught corpus and grinner, but what about the tenno that dont' survive the battles hmm? would be an interesting idea. I used illianna as an example because ...honestly i dunno XD i just liked the thought of a corrupted saryn. 

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exactly. but i was literally thinking of the infected. A warframe who fell against the infected and got turned. We've only faught corpus and grinner, but what about the tenno that dont' survive the battles hmm? would be an interesting idea. I used illianna as an example because ...honestly i dunno XD i just liked the thought of a corrupted saryn. 

If it's a warframe that "fell against the infested and got turned", why is it playable? "Turned" implies that the Infested maintain control of it.

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If it's a warframe that "fell against the infested and got turned", why is it playable? "Turned" implies that the Infested maintain control of it.

yeap, so if they get 'turned' they aren't a Tenno, they are an 'Infested' who was formerly a Tenno


my other warframe has been picked to death regardless, it wsa late and i thought i had originally posted this under titan but seems i hadn't. but regardless this was meant to be a theme to be the opposite side of Prime warframes. Stronger, not replacements.

I swear, you need to get this in your head that making Warframe concepts are not about BUFFING THEM TO GOD TIER, it's HAVING PROS AND CONS, care to elaborate on any cons in your idea?


on a side note


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this is no diffrent from the Prime warframes. The primes arn't in tenno control, so how do we control a prime warframe? It follows teh same logic. heck we can even have an infected Sentinal now, that shouldn't be in our control either. And i believe i explained earlier that the tenno basically controls teh infection inside themselves, but is to late to reverse it's effects, or something to that liking. and ayone who plays a Prime, is controlled by...the hive mind? ai whatever they prime ai core is called. I forget. This is just the other side of the same coin to me.

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this is no diffrent from the Prime warframes. The primes arn't in tenno control, so how do we control a prime warframe? It follows teh same logic. heck we can even have an infected Sentinal now, that shouldn't be in our control either. And i believe i explained earlier that the tenno basically controls teh infection inside themselves, but is to late to reverse it's effects, or something to that liking. and ayone who plays a Prime, is controlled by...the hive mind? ai whatever they prime ai core is called. I forget. This is just the other side of the same coin to me.

Prime =/= Corrupted. Prime refers to weapons or armor with partial or complete implementation of Orokin technology -- the standard warframes are based on the Orokin designs but have no actual Orokin technology. The Corrupted are various enemies that have been assimilated by the neural sentries in the various Orokin towers in the Void. Prime frames are not under neural sentry control at all. They are Tenno-made and Tenno-controlled, and simply have Orokin technology. Djinn, the sentinel you're referring to, is not Infested either. It requires bio research, which is Infested-themed, but that does not mean that it is also Infested.


Also, from the Ether Sword page in the codex:



A single blade for more precision. The Ether Sword cuts so cleanly that it was considered by the Tenno to be a more humane weapon for 'cleansing' infested allies.

An infested Tenno is gonna get mercy-killed by their allies. Your concept still doesn't make sense. An infested-themed warframe would be cool, I'll admit, but it doesn't make much sense compared to everything else.

Edited by Vargras
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To your concept:

-the stats are better than last time. The still need some tweaking and you forgot the armor value.

-the ablities lack of a theme, again. If they were "infested" versions of warframes they should keep their basic concepts, their core idea and only have a       light "infested" make over, if "infested warframes" are possible in the lore.

- both ubers are modified versions of "Shadow of the dead". Most times the uber is the most defining skill in a warframes' arsenal. By changing it you changed the core idea behind the warframe. You made separate frames and not "infested warframes".


Just to make it clear to you:

   - at rank 30 health will be 3 times of the starting value

   - at rank 30 shield will be 3 times of the starting value

   - at rank 30 energy max. will be 1,5 times of the staring value


To you:


And you are doing it again. You are getting constructive feedback for this concept and every other you will make but instead of accepting it and using the information they gave you, you simply say that no one understands you, that the entire warframe community is wrong and no one, no one but you and those who support you are right. Those people are trying to help you! If you don't get this into your head you will, as you feared, be hated by everyone some time soon.


I mean, look at mhyr1104. He/She tried to help you and your Titan concept but you rejected it. 

Look at DiabolusUrsus he wrote quite a long reply to help you and, unlike me, watched his/her grammar and correct writing, yet you still did not take his/her advice.

Look at Vargras. He/She has given you even solid proof which you could use buuuuuuuuuuut no you did not.


What you want is that every reply glorifies you and your concept. If that is the case please add "only positive replies wanted" under your thread.

Edited by Luciuris
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Well in that sense, a corrupted series of warframes would be kinda interesting (wait, isn't prime - corrupted..? ugh nvm the naming).

Like, all the abilities work like corrupted mods = super good in one aspect but debuffing in another. Refer to my flora idea #2 and #4 for a rough idea.


@Diabolus - remember that not all abilities in the same "tier" have the same energy cost so don't directly assume that.


I understand that not all abilities have identical energy costs, but that's missing the flaws with the abilities I was trying to point out. The mention of energy cost was intended as a context for criticism, but perhaps I didn't elaborate enough there.

Let's take another look at Tendril(s): Even if its cost were to be, say, 25 (identical to Rip Line, which it was copied from,) it would be an inverted copy of the same ability. It provides single target CC, but pulls you toward the target instead of the other way around. This carries with it the problematic fact that melee range is currently less than ideal for Warframes, even those that are supposedly melee-oriented. It most likely does some damage as well, but the point is that it is more or less identical to Rip Line. Thus, it falls under my initial criticism of "we don't need even more copy-pasted abilities on Warframes."

In the event that it costs less than Rip Line, Tendril  strays into the potentially overpowered category. In the event that it costs more, the single-target nature and detrimental bonus effect make it even less favorable. Whether it costs 25 energy, more than 25 or less than 25, it needs to be altered. It is a poorly constructed ability, and I see the same sorts of flaws in most of the other ideas presented by the OP.


While it didn't occur to me at first, Vargras has brought up the believable notion that an Infested Warframe would not be permitted to exist by its allies, so I'm going to have to start agreeing with him on that point. If someone here can twist out a justification for why an Infested Warframe hasn't been cleansed and is allowed to fight alongside other Tenno, I'm all for the theme. Nevertheless, Warframes deserve to have a little bit more effort put into developing their skills.


I am also going to firmly adhere to "an Infested Series of Warframes is unnecessary." The Prime series already doubles the number of Warframes, with minimal differences outside of aesthetics. Considering that "Infested" Warframes would likely all revolve around the same "Poison + Regeneration" theme, that makes them a bit ridiculous. It's dull, it's repetitive, and it takes away from the unique feel of Saryn.

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well even so. I understand the problamatic bits of this. But its obvious sooner or later they will probably prime most if not all the warframes. so the concept of a warframe being infected isn't that far fetched. And as to the point of us assimilating the orokin and infected techonology, who's to say we couldn't do it the same way again? I for one wouldn't mind being able to research a version of a warframe, gathering peices from infested orokin ships to build a cool infested version of a warframe. Personally i still think rhino prime/infested would be pure evil, but aside form that i wouldn't mind then if this idea wasn't even teh best, at least an infested SKIN of the warframes. I for one hate how you have very little wiggle room beyond colors, and thats really it. So even if this couldn't work as a full all out warframe, i think it would at least work for a good skin of diffrent warframes. also luciuris, thanks i didn't know that about the stats. learning every day :) And i don't mean to sound like i'm ignoring people, seems i need to pay more attention to that.

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The ultimate sounds sort of interesting, but aside from that, please stop copy/pasting other Warframe abilities onto "new" Warframes. People are already understandably dissatisfied with the level of diversity between abilities (especially pure-damage abilities,) so we don't need to go clogging things up further with haphazardly assembled ideas. I want to see something new and unique, not "This new Warframe that is a mix of Oberon, Valkyr, Saryn and Nekros.

I agree

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But its obvious sooner or later they will probably prime most if not all the warframes. so the concept of a warframe being infected isn't that far fetched.

Even if we do end up with every warframe getting a Prime version, an Infested version is still farfetched. Based upon the Lotus' lines when heading towards Alad V, she (and perhaps most, if not all Tenno) view any tampering of a warframe beyond what the Orokin intended as being blasphemous. In addition, Infested allies are killed, no ifs, ands, or buts.


An Infested warframe makes zero sense compared to the rest of the lore DE has given us.

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Even if we do end up with every warframe getting a Prime version, an Infested version is still farfetched. Based upon the Lotus' lines when heading towards Alad V, she (and perhaps most, if not all Tenno) view any tampering of a warframe beyond what the Orokin intended as being blasphemous. In addition, Infested allies are killed, no ifs, ands, or buts.


An Infested warframe makes zero sense compared to the rest of the lore DE has given us.

ok serously, i'm either just missing the obvious or something or i just don't get it, what is DE? And The orokin can be the 'peak' evolution of a warframe but even so, they accepted valkyr back even though she's been well..broken, and tampered with. Wouldn't that fall under the same category? And following tha tlogic the entire infected wing for weapons and technology should be destroyed as well.  Your allowed to mess with the weapons but not the frame? Dunno, seems weird to me.

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ok serously, i'm either just missing the obvious or something or i just don't get it, what is DE? And The orokin can be the 'peak' evolution of a warframe but even so, they accepted valkyr back even though she's been well..broken, and tampered with. Wouldn't that fall under the same category? And following tha tlogic the entire infected wing for weapons and technology should be destroyed as well.  Your allowed to mess with the weapons but not the frame? Dunno, seems weird to me.

DE = Digital Extremes; Developer.

Valkyr indeed has been tampered with... that's why we assassinate Alad V, because he was the TAMPERER, whilst we "rescued" valkyr, who is still somewhat intact.

The warframes, according to Lotus herself, are "sacred"; we're not messing with weapons, we CREATE them.

Creation ≠ modification.

(And if you were to refer to toxin-damage mods......who said toxins were infested-only?)

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ok serously, i'm either just missing the obvious or something or i just don't get it, what is DE? And The orokin can be the 'peak' evolution of a warframe but even so, they accepted valkyr back even though she's been well..broken, and tampered with. Wouldn't that fall under the same category? And following tha tlogic the entire infected wing for weapons and technology should be destroyed as well.  Your allowed to mess with the weapons but not the frame? Dunno, seems weird to me.

1. Valkyr is playable because she's still a Tenno. Despite having her frame tampered with, she's still loyal to the Lotus and other Tenno. She's also not infested.

2. The bio weapons are fine because they're Tenno designed and Tenno manufactured (similar to the Lato and Braton), while obviously taking some cues from the Infested, as made evident in the use of mutagen masses. Warframes, by contrast, are Orokin designed and Tenno manufactured. Simply involving the Orokin makes them them sacred. Weapons are tools, and are not sentient objects. An Infested weapon cannot murder you. An Infested Tenno can.

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1. Valkyr is playable because she's still a Tenno. Despite having her frame tampered with, she's still loyal to the Lotus and other Tenno. She's also not infested.

2. The bio weapons are fine because they're Tenno designed and Tenno manufactured (similar to the Lato and Braton), while obviously taking some cues from the Infested, as made evident in the use of mutagen masses. Warframes, by contrast, are Orokin designed and Tenno manufactured. Simply involving the Orokin makes them them sacred. Weapons are tools, and are not sentient objects. An Infested weapon cannot murder you. An Infested Tenno can.

thats what i'm saying, so to get around the whole 'they are truely infected' bit they could be tenno created then. Just like djiinn and the weapons just like him.

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