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Warframe Concept : Cadris


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A Warframe with the ability to manipulate, control over blood cells of any living creature, be it Grineer, Infested or even Tennos.

Health: 100/325

Shield: 80/250
Energy: 150/225
Armor: 20

1) Oxygen Deprive - By eliminating the oxygen in enemy blood, enemy will collapse and died from oxygen deprivation.

2) Overhaul - By fastening the speed of blood cells reproduction and processes, giving (random) speed boost / increase in health / damage reduction to his allies.

3) Blood Ritual - By reversing the blood flow of his enemies, enemies will be stunned and unable to move as their bodies are not adapted of reverse blood flow.

4) Blood Bath - By manipulating, expanding and mass duplicate blood cells of his enemies, overhaul the capacity of his enemies' body, causing them to explode.

---First time posting a concept, please give mercy on your critics.

Edited by -CM-Meliodas
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Maximum energy seems excessively high. The highest any other frame has in comparison is 225 (for the casters), and roughly 150 for all the others.


(It's actually exactly 150.)


People need to understand that the maxed stats are scaled off the base stats using the same rates for every warframe.



By the way, any robotic/mechanical enemies would F*** this guy over.

(Wait, what happened to the mess of symbols that was previously used to censor profanity?)

Edited by Knaimhe
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(It's actually exactly 150.)


People need to understand that the maxed stats are scaled off the base stats using the same rates for every warframe.



By the way, any robotic/mechanical enemies would F*** this guy over.

Yup, they will f*** this guy over.

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Eh, this sort of bloodbending seems a little to specialized against biological units and doesn't really make enough sense. Most Frame abilities control something generated by the Frame itself (e.g. Ember, Frost) or something that can normally be manipulated externally (e.g. Mag), but something as specific as blood cells just feels odd.

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