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[Suggestion] New Faction: Space Pirates


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Wouldn't it be cool if these guys were included with some kind of mobile base? Each time you complete a mission for them it would move to a different planet... I don't know why that would be needed or what kind of gameplay effects that would have, but the idea just struck me.

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Wouldn't it be cool if these guys were included with some kind of mobile base? Each time you complete a mission for them it would move to a different planet... I don't know why that would be needed or what kind of gameplay effects that would have, but the idea just struck me.

This thread is full of so much win. Invasion missions would be a perfect fit for a pirate faction. DE, get on this!

That's a good idea. A great big Pirate Hulk (like 5 or 6 ships crashed into each other and welded together around a Fomorian derelict) travels around the system at random. Beating the Invasion gives a Pirate Beacon that lets you do one of their Boss battles!



Great Cthulhu, no! Noooooooooooooooooooooo!

Edited by ValhaHazred
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Originally I was planning to hold onto this until I introduced the Zaan into Solar Rails, but it was bubbling into my head too much to not just let it out :3 Behold, a 'introduction' for if the Zaan ever makes it into Warframe proper:





Sentients of the Sol System...


You do not know me. I doubt many of you even knew of my existence to this day. But I have known you.


I have watched your petty squabbles over the scraps of the Orokin Era. I have seen your pathetic wars, your constant rebuilding, only to destroy with your blind hatreds.


Never once did you consider the crossfire. The repercussions of your actions. Too concerned with dominance and profits, blind to the concerns of the universe.


To this, your crimes are set in stone. And we have had enough.


For we are the Zann, the dredges of the society you fail to support, the lowest of low and worse cutthroats than you could have imagined. We have bided our time during your petty wars, but no further! The galaxy, and it's treasures, belong to the people of the Sol System, and your greedy hording and endless conflict does nothing but continue to reduce it to ashes!


So prepare yourself, degenerate dictators, soulless automatons, blind monstrosities, and even the corpse warrior gods of old!

The time for the black sails to rise again is nigh!

And we will carve out a new future, with crimson blades!


* Transmission Cut. Scanning... *

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Originally I was planning to hold onto this until I introduced the Zaan into Solar Rails, but it was bubbling into my head too much to not just let it out :3 Behold, a 'introduction' for if the Zaan ever makes it into Warframe proper:





Sentients of the Sol System...


You do not know me. I doubt many of you even knew of my existence to this day. But I have known you.


I have watched your petty squabbles over the scraps of the Orokin Era. I have seen your pathetic wars, your constant rebuilding, only to destroy with your blind hatreds.


Never once did you consider the crossfire. The repercussions of your actions. Too concerned with dominance and profits, blind to the concerns of the universe.


To this, your crimes are set in stone. And we have had enough.


For we are the Zann, the dredges of the society you fail to support, the lowest of low and worse cutthroats than you could have imagined. We have bided our time during your petty wars, but no further! The galaxy, and it's treasures, belong to the people of the Sol System, and your greedy hording and endless conflict does nothing but continue to reduce it to ashes!


So prepare yourself, degenerate dictators, soulless automatons, blind monstrosities, and even the corpse warrior gods of old!

The time for the black sails to rise again is nigh!

And we will carve out a new future, with crimson blades!


* Transmission Cut. Scanning... *


I have chills.

Just one thing. Since the Sentients are a faction maybe change the first line to "People of the Sol System"?

Edited by ValhaHazred
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Originally I was planning to hold onto this until I introduced the Zaan into Solar Rails, but it was bubbling into my head too much to not just let it out :3 Behold, a 'introduction' for if the Zaan ever makes it into Warframe proper:





Sentients of the Sol System...


You do not know me. I doubt many of you even knew of my existence to this day. But I have known you.


I have watched your petty squabbles over the scraps of the Orokin Era. I have seen your pathetic wars, your constant rebuilding, only to destroy with your blind hatreds.


Never once did you consider the crossfire. The repercussions of your actions. Too concerned with dominance and profits, blind to the concerns of the universe.


To this, your crimes are set in stone. And we have had enough.


For we are the Zann, the dredges of the society you fail to support, the lowest of low and worse cutthroats than you could have imagined. We have bided our time during your petty wars, but no further! The galaxy, and it's treasures, belong to the people of the Sol System, and your greedy hording and endless conflict does nothing but continue to reduce it to ashes!


So prepare yourself, degenerate dictators, soulless automatons, blind monstrosities, and even the corpse warrior gods of old!

The time for the black sails to rise again is nigh!

And we will carve out a new future, with crimson blades!


* Transmission Cut. Scanning... *

Sweet merciful crap this is perfect, though personally I could envision some Zann/Pirate leaders being more sympathetic toward the Tenno on a sort of "enemy of my enemy" level, because as far as we know all the Tenno have ever done was oppose the other three factions.

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I have chills.

Just one thing. Since the Sentients are a faction maybe change the first line to "People of the Sol System"?


I guess that's a good enough point for that, I was thinking of the literal use of it, but yeah, considering the 'Sentients' boogymen in the backstory, would make sense to be more specific.


Sweet merciful crap this is perfect, though personally I could envision some Zann/Pirate leaders being more sympathetic toward the Tenno on a sort of "enemy of my enemy" level, because as far as we know all the Tenno have ever done was oppose the other three factions.


My interpretation of the pirates is they seek a better world, either for just them or in a mindset for bettering the Sol system, and will stand for nothing getting in their way. If the Tenno and the guide that leads them will prevent this goal, then they are no better than the degenerating Grineer and profit-hungry Corpus.


Trust me, I'm gonna have FUN when I put the Zaan in Solar Rails :3 but alas, I has a bit to go before that idea.

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My interpretation of the pirates is they seek a better world, either for just them or in a mindset for bettering the Sol system, and will stand for nothing getting in their way. If the Tenno and the guide that leads them will prevent this goal, then they are no better than the degenerating Grineer and profit-hungry Corpus.


Trust me, I'm gonna have FUN when I put the Zaan in Solar Rails :3 but alas, I has a bit to go before that idea.

But the Tenno are already bettering the Sol system in their own way by getting rid of some of those who are making it worse, aren't they?

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But the Tenno are already bettering the Sol system in their own way by getting rid of some of those who are making it worse, aren't they?


Maybe, but I am pretty sure it won't take long for Tenno and Zaan to butt heads, even if they are in the same goal. Doesn't help that some of the ideas processed thus far do point that many a captain will gladly put their services out for all the factions, which naturally would lead to assassination attempts for weakening the Grineer and Corpus by proxie by defeating these extreme Zaan captains. Alas, how things work in such grimdark settings, though I do agree that if any factions may at least not be entirely aggressive to Tenno it'd be the pirates, but what's the point of all this huge pile of data we've gathered for weapons and fighting tactics if we just put them against the other AI? :P

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More like Darvo would regularly have his stock stolen by pirates and would need you to protect his merchandise, IMO.

That would be a great way to introduce them! Darvos reports his stock is stolen and he'll reward us if we get it back. Then GratuitousLurking's ominous warning plays over our radios...

Edited by ValhaHazred
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  • 2 weeks later...

I know you don't want these to be too comical, but I could still picture these guys humming the first few notes of "a pirate's life for me" as a rare idle voice line. Other than that I would imagine stuff more along the lines of "We got a live one!" or "Dibs on his gun!" for voice lines.

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I know you don't want these to be too comical, but I could still picture these guys humming the first few notes of "a pirate's life for me" as a rare idle voice line. Other than that I would imagine stuff more along the lines of "We got a live one!" or "Dibs on his gun!" for voice lines.


Eh, I think when it comes to random audio I wouldn't be surprised if DE did this anyway, giving the faction a tiny bit of a 'less serious' vibe like Darvo. A lot can happen in the grand scheme, though I guess it wouldn't hurt to think of a few generic lines offhand too ','

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Feeling in the crazy mood of piraty stuff (maybe I can blame that for feeling so dang humbug as of late) so figured I'd expand a bit with the addition of Invasions and so on some ideas on how we could involve the Pirates ingame.


While we do have some ghists of Pirates invading missions randomly (aka Boardings), a full-on Pirate Invasion would better fit the recently-released Invasion setup. Pirates could request the assistance of Tenno to fortify a stronghold, and the invasion would 'end' in a clash against the Boss node - On one side, assisting the Pirates against the boss that already exists in that node, on the other, assisting the enemy faction against the Pirate Captain leading the raid. If the raid is successful on the boss lair, the Pirate command would hold it for a few days to salvage, allowing focused strikes on the boss before they retreat back to the Dark Sectors.


In addition, Nav Coordinance could become useful in a similar vein as the Derelicts for the Pirates, something I've not seen brought up in the thread yet. Tenno can create Pirate Tracking Nodes to allow focused assaults onto pirate strongholds. These can be broken up into the terrain type used as well, such as Zaan Dreadnaught Extermination or Zaan Port Survival. Finally, advanced Pirate Nav Co-ordinance can be found in the pure Pirate missions to create devices to track down the Zaan commanders. Unlike the Golem Navs, these would be generic, so that you can choose which boss to hunt down in future. For example, Tracking Nodes can be named as Scav's Hideout Tracker, Kanto's Smuggling Route Tracker, and so on.


Speaking of terrain, I got a few generalizations of how certain tilesets can be seen -


Zaan Dreadnaught - The primary combat ships of the Zaan Fleet, these hulking machines are combinations of all sorts of Zaan findings, and then mostly scrapped in the inside to be rebuilt for the Zaan captain's needs. Some ships feature huge weapon batteries to pelt enemy craft, other feature specialized cannons that are loaded with Zaan boarding pods, which are sent careening into enemy craft during Boarding attacks. Featuring several small hallways between machinery leading to large work areas, traversing a Zaan Dreadnaught without being intimately knowledgeable in it's design is a confusing and perilous travel. In order to power the ship, the Zaan resort to Solar Sails, which act as both solar panels, as well as intimidation tactics as the sails are often marked with the Captain's personal sigel.



Zaan Port - Much like the Grineer, Ports are often repurposed asteroids, but unlike the Grineer, they're used as a foundation for the construction of thier bases instead of hollowed out and converted to bases. Tunnels and buildings dot the surface, connected into a barely-recognizable spiderweb of confusion and facilities. Those who assault Zaan Ports should beware of using splash damage, due to the huge amount of hazards that can easily equal a hull breach.


Zaan Island Base - Probably the closest to 'classical' pirates as you can find, these remote tropic planets in the Dark Sectors are where the Zaan feel most at home, and where their Militia are trained into more advanced Pirate combatants. As well as a large amount of training facilities, Zaan Island Bases also have several open points, allowing the Zaan to enjoy some of the rare fresh air and sunlight in these paradises as they can afford during long tours of duty. It's not too uncommon for well-to-do Pirate Captains to obtain their own Island Base, to use as storage for plunder and places to recuperate and lie low for a bit in style.


Finally, some more idea dumps based off the inclusion of Beasts, including a new Boss concept.


Zaan Controller - Briefly mentioned in that one entry of my doodles that basically chased my art out of this thread (doh (>_<;)), Zaan Controllers are battlefield commanders for the beasts that the Zaan want to keep alive and kicking for as long as possible. Alpha Beasts are just one of the charges that the Zaan Controllers are able to keep in check, via the equipment they keep on thier backs. They are, unfortunately, lightly armored, but they make up for it with a badass trenchcoat and various Flintlock payloads, so it's all good, right?


Jungle Panther - Creatures swiped from the jungles of Earth, the Panthers are deadly ambush predators, leaping around the area and trying to pin prey around. Used by the Zaan for ferocity and lethality in close combat, as well as their aforementioned ambush powers.


Zaan Rammer - A Zaan beast that seems to be the cross of a rhino and a brick wall. Gained from some unknown planet, the Rammer (inspired by the Onos of Natural Selection) does exactly what it says on the tin- ram forward with it's head protrusions and slam into prey. Much like a miniboss, the Rammer is a devastating foe if fought in enclosed areas.


Hunting Hawk - Less like a hawk of earth and more like a strange lizard/bird hybrid, the Hunting Hawk is a flying creature released by Controllers to cause havoc from above, leading to confusion and wild fire. They even have a acidic spit to cause blindness and confusion to prey and enemies.




The Beastmaster


Noone knows the exact name of the Beastmaster, only his standing in the Zaan fleet. Having invented the implants required to keep more valuable creatures in check, the Beastmaster is the master of all controllers, and is now trying to find a way to extend his science for sentient species. Naturally, fearing his success, the Tenno have been called in by other lesser Zaan captains to take the freak out for getting too ambitious.


- Combat -


The Beastmaster's main arena is filled with hundreds of cages, upon which he has full control of the beasts inside, which means more reinforcements spawned constantly from the cage. As well as relying on his minions, the Beastmaster will keep his distance, combating with a new shotgun (a single-shot room clearer known as the Backbreaker), and a Flintlock armed with cryogenic rounds. He also has access to grenades, flashbangs, and a strange grenade that he uses to heal his beast 'tools' with a sludgelike splatter that lets off constant vapors of the assisting liquid.


Getting his shields breached for the first time, however, the Beastmaster will send out his most prized of pets, the Extinct. This massive raptor/spinosaur combination will harrass the players similar to Zanuka, but with the added bonus of being as big as a combat walker like the Jackal and being a freakin mutated dinosaur. Unlike Zanuka, there is no real issue with killing either the Beastmaster or the Extinct first however, beyond the fact that the Beastmaster's healing grenades can heal the Extinct. The flow of additional beasts will slow during after the Extinct's release however.

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