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Animation Idea For The Synapse


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As many of you know the Synapse currently uses a place holder reload animation. As I was using it against Infested a few minutes ago, an idea struck me. The Synapse is a living bioweapon, so why don't we make a little more life like?


-As a reload animation the Tenno could offer something to the Synapse and a Alien like jaw could like pop out and snatch it from your hand.


-As an idle you could toss a treat to it like a dog or cuddle with it. A funny one would be if you tickle it and it bites your finger, sucks your shields and restores some ammo XD

Edited by Mortarion
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Hmmmmm, what about the weapon aborbs electrical energy from the air around it instead of having an ammo clip? Have the synapse open it's "jaw" and then it takes in energy then the jaw closes. Now it's full!

O_o what planet are you from?

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Gearbox did this in 1999.

Saw the start of the video (I assume that is what you were referring too) and the only similarity is the fact that the weapon has a mouth. If I had even the most meager of artistic skill I would draw some concept art but I can hardly do stick figures.

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