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The New Enemy Categories Is Ridiculous!


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In damage 1.0 it was: Grineer, Corpus, Infested, Corrupted.

In Damage 2.0 it was Flesh, Robotics, Infested, Corrupted.

Now, since the lates patches, we have, instead of:


1. Grineer - Cloned Flesh, Ferrite Armour, Alloy Armour, Machinery;


2. Corpus - Flesh, Shield, Proto Shield, Robotics;


3. Infested - Infested, Infested Flesh, Fossilized, Infested Sinew.


Fore more info about these, click here!


It was really hard for me to understand how Damage 2.0 really worked (even now I`m not sure if I fully understand it) but now I`m supposed to memorize every type of enemy category so I can be able to mod my weapon according to these?!



Maybe, after some months, we will change again the categories of the enemies (just because we like to make our life complicated)!

Edited by Karela2
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all guns work on all factions to a degree.  until you get into high end difficulties, memorizing or studying these numbers isn't as important.  At that point, you should consider yourself keen enough and interested enough to work though the system as it evolves.

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I do rember a post of DESteve where he said:


"we dont want you to run around with math's tables and calculators therefore we are simplying the bonus/malus system of elements reducing them from 4 for each type to 2"


and this was done... after a couple weeks they introduce all those new resistances and i was about to flip the table, that's not consistent... anyway i studied AGAIN and understood it AGAIN... i hope they are not going to change it again anytime soon and not in harder way




Found it:



Damage Resistance OMGWTFBBQ:
The elemental combinations created more damage types which demanded more attention to enemy type differentiation. Enter Excel. Enter Madness.
I am in the process of greatly reducing the complexity of the resistance changes. My plan is to 'increase the good' vs. 'decrease the bad'. For most enemies there will be 3 bonuses and 1 resistance. The resistance amount will be cut by 1/3rd.

Edited by Phoenix86
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I used to think this was unnecessarily complicated as well, until I sat down and thought it over. Really, what we're trying to decide now when facing each faction is: Do we want a weapon which is strong versus heavies, or one which lets us control large swarms of weaker mobs? Sometimes it's possible to get both.


For example, when I'm facing Infested, I typically choose between Gas (for the light infested) or Corrosive (for the ancients).

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Just go on the Warframe wikia, there's an entire table for damage 2.0 which will tell you what to use against which factions. Pretty handy actually.

In case you didn`t notice I hust had a look on that and the link in my OP is exactly from Wikia! Preety handy for those who are in love with math. Sorry, I`m not that kind of person. I liked more the general damage against different kind of enemies.

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oh sheez... not another whining thread about armor types.


You're like grade sixers who just about to start studying basic, non-fraction division.



It's easy to understand, at least not fully. You're not required to calculate EVERYTHING.

Use a weapon for Gas elemental, the other's Corrosive, isn't that hard to do? Oh have an innate Blast damage with Ogris or Penta for that knockdown effect, add Radiation if you're more afraid of Healers, else use Corrosive.

Stug is automatically Corrosive, why not use that versus Grineers? All you need to do is aim.

Soma for Corrosive or Magnetic, your Twin Gremlins for a Blast or Viral. Then have fun shooting people around the Orokin Towers.




I really don't know how complicated it is to you. I really, really don't know. And no, I'm not being a smartass.

DE aims that you should use other weapons. That's why they added more elemental, resistances and weaknesses.


Imagine if we stay on pre-Damage 2.0, it's all just Fire+Ice+Elec mods on your loadout, on your Soma, Ignis, Brakk or Ogris.

Edited by faustias
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This is again, just a Burden of Knowledge that also forces us to look into third party sources to gather more information.

If someone things that it's fun for a new player to research and decide whether to put "slash" or "blunt" on a weapon to use against certain factions and repeat with every single category and new mod they may grab, they're dense.

Staying ignorant isn't a real option, so this cluster**** is what they have to deal with.

Edited by Aishi
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I don't mind all the damage systems..


If I want to fight corpus I'll bring a gun that'll have a bit more Impact, Grineer I'll take in something with more Punture, etc etc.


I start not liking it when the mods I have on start getting damage reductions because apparently Alloy armor doesn't hate the same thing Ferrite armor does...

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If someone things that it's fun for a new player to research and decide whether to put "slash" or "blunt" on a weapon to use against certain factions and repeat with every single category and new mod they may grab, they're dense.

Staying ignorant isn't a real option, so this cluster**** is what they have to deal with.

With all these new enemy categories, you can`t really say that you can mod your weapon against ceratain faction but to certain enemy type that belong to a faction.

I`m not ignorant and I won`t stay ignorant but I don`t like to calculate everything just because they decided: "We really didn`t though about how many elemental damage can be created using elemental mods! Let`s categorize all enemies and show you what elemental damage you can use against different enemies."

Edited by Karela2
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In case you didn`t notice I hust had a look on that and the link in my OP is exactly from Wikia! Preety handy for those who are in love with math. Sorry, I`m not that kind of person. I liked more the general damage against different kind of enemies.

Dude, you don't even have to do math. It tells you simple stuff like what elements will gain damage against which enemies and which enemies they lose damage against. For example, lets say I want to do more damage to Infested Ancients, I'll open up the damage 2.0 table, look at the infested faction, check the fossilized armor, see that corrosion does +75% damage to them, so I equip it, and then done. No math needed, just look for the green numbers based on what you're going up against.

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oh sheez... not another whining thread about armor types.


You're like grade sixers who just about to start studying basic, non-fraction division.



It's easy to understand, at least not fully. You're not required to calculate EVERYTHING.

Use a weapon for Gas elemental, the other's Corrosive, isn't that hard to do? Oh have an innate Blast damage with Ogris or Penta for that knockdown effect, add Radiation if you're more afraid of Healers, else use Corrosive.

Stug is automatically Corrosive, why not use that versus Grineers? All you need to do is aim.

Soma for Corrosive or Magnetic, your Twin Gremlins for a Blast or Viral. Then have fun shooting people around the Orokin Towers.




I really don't know how complicated it is to you. I really, really don't know. And no, I'm not being a smartass.

DE aims that you should use other weapons. That's why they added more elemental, resistances and weaknesses.


Imagine if we stay on pre-Damage 2.0, it's all just Fire+Ice+Elec mods on your loadout, on your Soma, Ignis, Brakk or Ogris.

I don't think thats the main point where OP is bothered about. The thing is they just keep making things unnecesarilly complicated. Sure you can slap one or two elements onto your weapon but there will always be a type of enemy that has a resistence to the element. Before (still damage 2.0) we simply equipped elements according to the faction you're up agains't. Now each faction has 4 subcategories of armour that you have to take into consideration. I don't know about you but I find that way too unnecesarilly complicated and cannot be bothered to memorise it all or constantly chech a piece of note with all the information. This is a shooter game, not a damage calculating simulator.

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I don't think thats the main point where OP is bothered about. The thing is they just keep making things unnecesarilly complicated. Sure you can slap one or two elements onto your weapon but there will always be a type of enemy that has a resistence to the element. Before (still damage 2.0) we simply equipped elements according to the faction you're up agains't. Now each faction has 4 subcategories of armour that you have to take into consideration. I don't know about you but I find that way too unnecesarilly complicated and cannot be bothered to memorise it all or constantly chech a piece of note with all the information. This is a shooter game, not a damage calculating simulator.


It's not complicated. Really...

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I just want more options as far as builds go. I'd rather not have to put together the proper puzzle to beat the enemy type I'm about to face. I just want to be able to have more control over how each weapon I have feels when I use it. I don't want to have to use a Braton that handles the same as everyone else's Braton. It's MY Braton. I have mods that let me change fire rate, recoil reduction, and reload speed. Let me use them, don't force me to use exclusively weapon damage and multi shot with corrosive, magnetic, viral, and blast damage in varying combinations for everything.

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