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2 New Stalker Type Concepts: The Deadeye And The Reaper


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Two ideas I have had rumbling through my brain for a week now: mostly two new Stalker-type based on the Grineer and the Infested. Names are not final but I think I've flowed their abilities out pretty well. For those who are interested in reading, please stick with it: there is a lot of text.


The Deadeye

A Grineer sniper that appears with a contingent of randomly selected Grineer, including a new type of Regulator called the Engineer.

            Engineer boosts damage (not as much as the Regulator) and shields (only half of what a Shield Drone gives)

            but is silent. Easily spotted by red beam connecting to squad, akin to the Shield Drone.

                 Has decent health and armor, comparable to a Grineer Elite Lancer (maybe a bit lower)

            Engineer looks like a Regulator but has an Orokin cell fused into its armor (weakpoint.)


Visually, the Deadeye will have robotic/mechnical eyes while the body is mostly machine (similar to the current sniper). What differs is that Deadeye and her contingent is that they will have a different coloration depending on location. They will appear in a type of camouflage coloration similar to their surroundings (in Space Stations and Gas City - Black, Jungle Planets - jungle, etc.)


The Deadeye has two abilities:

First Ability: Tactical Retread - Smoke Screen/Switch Teleport combo that the Deadeye will switch with the most armored Grineer in range (20 yards) Has 20 second cool down and only used when a Tenno gets into 5-8 yards of it.


Second Ability: Double Tap - Targets a designated Tenno with a two shot attack. First shot takes out all shields and the second kills them outright. Each shot takes 5 seconds of aiming before it takes effect. Breaking line of sight with another object (wall, pillars, Corpus, other Grineer.) will reset the cooldown. If a Tenno gets caught in the line of site, they will take the damage instead. This is used instead of the normal Sniper plinks. It shows an obvious red laser bead on the target so they have time to evade or get under cover.


Special Behavior:

If the Deadeye is engaged in close combat (5-8 yards away), and Smoke Screen/Switch Teleport is on cooldown, they will switch to the Brakk, fire-retreat behind the closest Grineer (preferring heaviest armored over others) and will switch to sniper if back above the 5-8 yard range. If no other Grineer are left, the Deadeye will attempt to fight with the Brakk and accept its fate (no more running.)


The Reaper

An Infested type of blocker that has to be dealt with before proceeding to the objective. Looks like a combination of a regular Infested Ancient and the Ancient Infested head of Lephantis (one arm has a scythe growth, the other looks similar to an ancient infested arm) . The Reaper will spawn into an archway or replace a door, creating a giant wall of Infestation in its place. The Reaper will be physically connected to the infested wall with a long cord/link. It can freely move within 20-30 yards of the wall but is otherwise anchored. The fight itself has two phases:


First Phase - Wall Phase:

The wall is up and the Reaper is connected to it by the link. During this phase the Reaper has high armor, high health, and has two abilities:


First Ability: Call of the Infested - If no Tenno are in line of sight, he will summon a pack of random Infested that will grow in strength per wave until wave 10. When wave 10 dies, the Reaper breaks his own wall and forces the fight into the second phase. He cannot summon another wave until the previous is destroyed or after a 3 minute mark.


Second Ability: Infested Grapple - If a Tenno is in line of sight and not within the 20-30 yard range, it will try and pull the Tenno into melee range and attempt to melee them (using his non-scythe arm.)


Wall Stats: Upon contact, will inflict poison damage and cause the Reaper to chase the Offending Tenno. The wall has high armor, really high health, and is not penetrable until destroyed in one of three ways: killing the reaper (ends fight), flat damage (starts phase 2), or by severing the Reaper from the wall (also starts phase 2).


Phase 2 - Chase Phase:

The Reaper looses a chunk of his armor and Call of the Infested but gains a huge boost in speed (slightly faster than the stalker), faster melee swings, and Infested Grapple now slows Tenno upon contact. If the wall was killed and the Reaper was still connected, he becomes slowed due to dragging the link mass around but his pull distance is doubled (40-50 yards, uses the link mass to extend his pull range).



Two Stalker Concepts: The Deadeye snipes, runs behind personal troops, and snipes again until dead. The Reaper will stop you from moving forward and then chase you until dead. Please tell me what you think; I need all the feedback I can get. Also, I apologize if this is too long. If there are some complaints, I'll split it into two posts.


Edit to clarify: These concepts are not to meant to replace the current Stalker but to add two more sub-Stalkers based on factions (the Harvester being the only current sub-Stalker, which is based on the Corpus).

Edited by Zerohunt
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No, no no just, NO. Leave the stalker the way he is. Why would you demote him to a grineer sniper or braindead infested when he is a SPACE NINJA WITH BLOODY MAGIC.

I think you might have misunderstood, he is adding two new stalker like enemies for the two factions that dont have them yet, the sniper for the grinner and the wall thing for the infested. 

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No, no no just, NO. Leave the stalker the way he is. Why would you demote him to a grineer sniper or braindead infested when he is a SPACE NINJA WITH BLOODY MAGIC.


I didn't mean them as a replacement, just an addition to. The original Stalker is fine but he becomes predictable in combat after a few times, and since we have a Corpus-based "Stalker" type of enemy (the Harvester), I thought these would fill the "Stalker" hole in the other factions.

Edited by Zerohunt
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These are interesting ideas. Like the Harvester, though, there would, I think, need to be a lore event to set up the introduction of these things. The Grineer Deadshot could be some sort of Grineer Assassin hired out by Vay Hek after the Cicero event, but I don't know what would prompt this kind of Infested creature to start roaming about.

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These are interesting ideas. Like the Harvester, though, there would, I think, need to be a lore event to set up the introduction of these things. The Grineer Deadshot could be some sort of Grineer Assassin hired out by Vay Hek after the Cicero event, but I don't know what would prompt this kind of Infested creature to start roaming about.

Probably some kind of event that has to do with Infested and has Lephantis as a trigger.

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These are interesting ideas. Like the Harvester, though, there would, I think, need to be a lore event to set up the introduction of these things. The Grineer Deadshot could be some sort of Grineer Assassin hired out by Vay Hek after the Cicero event, but I don't know what would prompt this kind of Infested creature to start roaming about.

 how about random mutations? it kinda is the infested's "thing".

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These are interesting ideas. Like the Harvester, though, there would, I think, need to be a lore event to set up the introduction of these things. The Grineer Deadshot could be some sort of Grineer Assassin hired out by Vay Hek after the Cicero event, but I don't know what would prompt this kind of Infested creature to start roaming about.


That is a good idea. I thought of an event for the Infested:


A modified Sabotage mission where the Infested has completely consumed (not taken over, literally has become one big Infested creature) Grineer and Corpus spacecrafts and has started using them as Infestation missiles, targeting civilian settlements. In the "spacecrafts", the Tenno have to fight their way to the core of the ship and try to destroy it. However, it is protected by a slower but stronger version of the Reaper. It cannot be killed (due to being directly connected to a power core) but it can be incapacitated with enough damage, giving the Tenno time to attack and destroy the core. Once destroyed, this Super Reaper gets up and gives chase to the Tenno while they try to escape. After the event, the Infested re-use the Reaper form as a way to "collect" Tenno while introducing a new version of the sabotage mission during infestations.


Edit to add on: The new sabotage mission will be the trigger for the Reaper to spawn.

Edited by Zerohunt
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Probably some kind of event that has to do with Infested and has Lephantis as a trigger.


That sounds more accessible for players who have played for a long time but newer players might have a material wall on top of a level wall in order to get him to spawn. Currently, the original Stalker only wall is boss killing while the Harvester might have something similar but is currently unknown. It is a safe idea to get him to spawn that way, though. Maybe both killing Lephantis and completing the sabotage mission are two different triggers. So that way, everyone has a chance to get it to spawn.

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Two ideas I have had rumbling through my brain for a week now: mostly two new Stalker-type based on the Grineer and the Infested. Names are not final but I think I've flowed their abilities out pretty well. For those who are interested in reading, please stick with it: there is a lot of text.


The Deadeye

A Grineer sniper that appears with a contingent of randomly selected Grineer, including a new type of Regulator called the Engineer.

            Engineer boosts damage (not as much as the Regulator) and shields (only half of what a Shield Drone gives)

            but is silent. Easily spotted by red beam connecting to squad, akin to the Shield Drone.

                 Has decent health and armor, comparable to a Grineer Elite Lancer (maybe a bit lower)

            Engineer looks like a Regulator but has an Orokin cell fused into its armor (weakpoint.)


Visually, the Deadeye will have robotic/mechnical eyes while the body is mostly machine (similar to the current sniper). What differs is that Deadeye and her contingent is that they will have a different coloration depending on location. They will appear in a type of camouflage coloration similar to their surroundings (in Space Stations and Gas City - Black, Jungle Planets - jungle, etc.)


The Deadeye has two abilities:

First Ability: Tactical Retread - Smoke Screen/Switch Teleport combo that the Deadeye will switch with the most armored Grineer in range (20 yards) Has 20 second cool down and only used when a Tenno gets into 5-8 yards of it.


Second Ability: Double Tap - Targets a designated Tenno with a two shot attack. First shot takes out all shields and the second kills them outright. Each shot takes 5 seconds of aiming before it takes effect. Breaking line of sight with another object (wall, pillars, Corpus, other Grineer.) will reset the cooldown. If a Tenno gets caught in the line of site, they will take the damage instead. This is used instead of the normal Sniper plinks. It shows an obvious red laser bead on the target so they have time to evade or get under cover.


Special Behavior:

If the Deadeye is engaged in close combat (5-8 yards away), and Smoke Screen/Switch Teleport is on cooldown, they will switch to the Brakk, fire-retreat behind the closest Grineer (preferring heaviest armored over others) and will switch to sniper if back above the 5-8 yard range. If no other Grineer are left, the Deadeye will attempt to fight with the Brakk and accept its fate (no more running.)


The Reaper

An Infested type of blocker that has to be dealt with before proceeding to the objective. Looks like a combination of a regular Infested Ancient and the Ancient Infested head of Lephantis (one arm has a scythe growth, the other looks similar to an ancient infested arm) . The Reaper will spawn into an archway or replace a door, creating a giant wall of Infestation in its place. The Reaper will be physically connected to the infested wall with a long cord/link. It can freely move within 20-30 yards of the wall but is otherwise anchored. The fight itself has two phases:


First Phase - Wall Phase:

The wall is up and the Reaper is connected to it by the link. During this phase the Reaper has high armor, high health, and has two abilities:


First Ability: Call of the Infested - If no Tenno are in line of sight, he will summon a pack of random Infested that will grow in strength per wave until wave 10. When wave 10 dies, the Reaper breaks his own wall and forces the fight into the second phase. He cannot summon another wave until the previous is destroyed or after a 3 minute mark.


Second Ability: Infested Grapple - If a Tenno is in line of sight and not within the 20-30 yard range, it will try and pull the Tenno into melee range and attempt to melee them (using his non-scythe arm.)


Wall Stats: Upon contact, will inflict poison damage and cause the Reaper to chase the Offending Tenno. The wall has high armor, really high health, and is not penetrable until destroyed in one of three ways: killing the reaper (ends fight), flat damage (starts phase 2), or by severing the Reaper from the wall (also starts phase 2).


Phase 2 - Chase Phase:

The Reaper looses a chunk of his armor and Call of the Infested but gains a huge boost in speed (slightly faster than the stalker), faster melee swings, and Infested Grapple now slows Tenno upon contact. If the wall was killed and the Reaper was still connected, he becomes slowed due to dragging the link mass around but his pull distance is doubled (40-50 yards, uses the link mass to extend his pull range).



Two Stalker Concepts: The Deadeye snipes, runs behind personal troops, and snipes again until dead. The Reaper will stop you from moving forward and then chase you until dead. Please tell me what you think; I need all the feedback I can get. Also, I apologize if this is too long. If there are some complaints, I'll split it into two posts.


Edit to clarify: These concepts are not to meant to replace the current Stalker but to add two more sub-Stalkers based on factions (the Harvester being the only current sub-Stalker, which is based on the Corpus).


Stalker Origin is Tenno (funny or idiot to hear? but true) he is not a Corpus or Grineer maybe a little Infested (why infested? ALL TENNOS ARE INFESTED) is good to know the past and background of the "warframe"(traje de guerra) you know, i recommend Dark Sector and the many teories along some Scan Info of Excalibur and Stalker... Cya o/


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I didn't mean them as a replacement, just an addition to. The original Stalker is fine but he becomes predictable in combat after a few times, and since we have a Corpus-based "Stalker" type of enemy (the Harvester), I thought these would fill the "Stalker" hole in the other factions.

Well, you made a mistake there, The Stalker is not a Corpus Assassin, nor of any other Faction. He is in fact Tenno, just like us, but he still remenber the past, what we have done, the crimes we commited and he is still loyal to the Orokin Empire. About our past, well, we are in fact traitors, we exterminated our bosses, the Orokin, and their blood made the Prime. We're set on Cryostasys by other Tenno who where still loyal to the Orikin and who couldn't defeat us, so that was the solution. You remenber that Lotus told us that we don't have any memory of the past, and that this doesn't matter, all we have to do is follow her instructions. We're being used as tools for a terrorist group (The Lotus where Terrorists on Dark Sector, The Tenno name comes from Hayden Tenno, the first human to be infected by the Technocyte virus and to become a Warframe when put inside a Suit to stop the infection from spreading. This is the same virus that made the infected on the game)

EDIT: "coff coff" Massive Spoiler *coff coff*

Edited by VaynardTheWhiteWolf
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Well, you made a mistake there, The Stalker is not a Corpus Assassin, nor of any other Faction. He is in fact Tenno, just like us, but he still remenber the past, what we have done, the crimes we commited and he is still loyal to the Orokin Empire. About our past, well, we are in fact traitors, we exterminated our bosses, the Orokin, and their blood made the Prime. We're set on Cryostasys by other Tenno who where still loyal to the Orikin and who couldn't defeat us, so that was the solution. You remenber that Lotus told us that we don't have any memory of the past, and that this doesn't matter, all we have to do is follow her instructions. We're being used as tools for a terrorist group (The Lotus where Terrorists on Dark Sector, The Tenno name comes from Hayden Tenno, the first human to be infected by the Technocyte virus and to become a Warframe when put inside a Suit to stop the infection from spreading. This is the same virus that made the infected on the game)


Godamnit!   lol    Spoiler Master >_<

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Stalker Origin is Tenno (funny or idiot to hear? but true) he is not a Corpus or Grineer maybe a little Infested (why infested? ALL TENNOS ARE INFESTED) is good to know the past and background of the "warframe"(traje de guerra) you know, i recommend Dark Sector and the many teories along some Scan Info of Excalibur and Stalker... Cya o/




Well, you made a mistake there, The Stalker is not a Corpus Assassin, nor of any other Faction. He is in fact Tenno, just like us, but he still remenber the past, what we have done, the crimes we commited and he is still loyal to the Orokin Empire. About our past, well, we are in fact traitors, we exterminated our bosses, the Orokin, and their blood made the Prime. We're set on Cryostasys by other Tenno who where still loyal to the Orikin and who couldn't defeat us, so that was the solution. You remenber that Lotus told us that we don't have any memory of the past, and that this doesn't matter, all we have to do is follow her instructions. We're being used as tools for a terrorist group (The Lotus where Terrorists on Dark Sector, The Tenno name comes from Hayden Tenno, the first human to be infected by the Technocyte virus and to become a Warframe when put inside a Suit to stop the infection from spreading. This is the same virus that made the infected on the game)

EDIT: "coff coff" Massive Spoiler *coff coff*

During current game play, and under the right conditions, we (the player) can be attacked by one of two entities that are separate from the normal troops of enemies we destroy. These entities, which I have deemed the Stalker-type, disrupt the player's current mission to attack and attempt to kill or capture the player, providing a randomized challenge for players. This archetype of enemy contains two entities at this time: The Stalker and the Harvester. This archetype, by no means, define what they are but generalizes what they do to the player. This does not mean they are in with one of the current factions in the game, as well. At this moment, the Stalker is based on the Tenno faction (based aestheticly on, not currently a part of the Tenno) and the Harvester is based on the Corpus (again, not a part of the Corpus but pulled from their aesthetics). Since we have two types of enemies in this archetype, I wanted to add two new entities that are using the aesthetics from two other factions in the game but still retain the same generalization: they disrupt the normal mission run through to provide the player a new challenge.


I apologize for any break downs in communication on my part. I do not want to replace the Stalker. Also, I do not want the Deadeye or the Reaper to be in the same faction or even teamed up with the Stalker. My idea was to add on to this archetype of enemy that DE has developed.

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it's really funny watching people misunderstand the premise here.


that being said, I like the Deadeye, but I think that when you account for how easy it is to kill other grinneer how fast she is likely to go down, i recommend that after her supporting squad is killed, she only fights with brakk until about half hp, or after a certain period of time. once one or two of these triggers are reached, she would receive reinforcements, and only accept her fate and just keep fighting with brakk at 25% hp,

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it's really funny watching people misunderstand the premise here.


that being said, I like the Deadeye, but I think that when you account for how easy it is to kill other grinneer how fast she is likely to go down, i recommend that after her supporting squad is killed, she only fights with brakk until about half hp, or after a certain period of time. once one or two of these triggers are reached, she would receive reinforcements, and only accept her fate and just keep fighting with brakk at 25% hp,


That would make her more of a challenge but would it be too repetitive as the Engineer bot would be re-summoned as well, effectively resetting the fight? Maybe changing her quick switch ability to transform to a teleport when the squad is cleared out might be in order. When she does teleport, it gives her a medium shield and lowers her first shot's charge time while giving it a slightly longer charge up time with the second shot. This could force the players to make a choice: take out the squad first and fight a tougher sniper, or target her first while being forced to take cover to get away from the barrage of fire.

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