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Need Help With A Cat Name


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Skree. :3

He marked this thread, i'm looking for possible cover and escape routes.

You seem so picky with the name that only you and you alone can choose it, doubt a spam from any community will do any better job based on all your rejects so far.

Well, being selective is a good thing, i rejected few so far for given reason others are stored in word file.

I still have plenty of time to choose.

Edited by Morgax
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Here's what you do.

You get a dictionary and a set of dice.


You roll 1d6, and whatever you get, is your number in the hundreds, so if you roll 5, that 500.

Then you roll 1d100, and add that to your 1d6 result. So if you get 76, then you have 576.


Now you look up page 576 in your dictionary, and roll another dice.

This time you could roll a couple of d20, and let's say you git 43.

Then you find the 43rd word on page 576, and that's your cats new name.


I just tried it with this diceroller:



On page 169 my cat was given the 48th word as a name.

Meet my imaginary cat, Helicopter.

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Might want to wait and see the cat before giving them a name. Sometimes their looks and habits will do the job for you.


Boy cat: Mister.

This will keep any possible guests from thinking he's a girl.


No clue on girl cats. Mine have all kinda named themselves over the years.

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