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Friendly Despite The Name


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Hello my kin,


I am tenno Christos but you may refer to my battlefield name code-name "DeathMavrik."



I have been awoken by the Lotus about one year ago and i felt that i must let my kin know who i am and what i do to keep the peace.


I am foremost a lone tenno operative that specializes in numerous attack strategies, however i do not tend to go silent in most missions.


Being a solo tenno i have gathered my strength well in many of my warframes i have completed every planet completely by myself and am now slowly starting to get into derelict missions.


The reason i would like to present myself to everyone is because i still participate in conversations in the region chat as well as look onto the forum threads. the most recurring problem i find in both is new players having trouble finding or going through something or someone. usually i do my best to offer my assistance however, most are blocked by sudden influxes of random, however funny, comments. 


so now with the creation of this thread i formally introduce myself to you my fellow kin. if any of you tenno need help with extending your peacekeeper skills throughout the system or need help finding components feel free to message me. 


another gratuitous offer i extend to you tenno is my offering you full access to my research labs for copies of the clan weapon blueprints. of course you have to initially accept an invitation to my clan "The lone templar" to get this access but i do not want any of you to be forced into a clan for these wonderful weapons of "cleansing" so as soon as you acquire the weapon BPs you desire you may leave the clan :D i am not particularly looking for any clan mates as i try to remain solo.


happy hunting fellow tenno!


  -DeathMavrik signing out-

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those poor chargers well the thing is our purpose in this game is to be tenno living weapons that keep the balance. there are some really bad things we have to do(exterminate, survival, sabatoge, etc), then some really important (events), even ones for pure revenge (Alad V) 


but that is how we are supposed to be so don't feel bad that you murdered that innocent charger in cold blood i mean he probably didn't even see it coming, probably their last images was of having fun playing with the roller. 


they are now at peace and so should you tenno 

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