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An Open Letter To De From Your Veterans (The megathread)


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this actually makes sense and is kind of true i can see how this could be related to warframe waiting 2-3 or even 6 days just to get what you want is over the top knowing how most people dont want to wait that long they make it so you can get it right away with money there is no lie there it's true the proof is it's a scheme used by other games not just this one and it doesn't make sense to me how you expect people to keep on playing the game when they are waiting on their certain item they are building

"oh hey i can build my new frame now,oh dam 3 days? this is too much i cant wait this long ill just play another game since i dont want to spend money on something i can get for free looks like i wont be on for three days then" 

and i have realized when people love something they become blind to it's mistake and it's faults when facts are being told to them they completely deny it and even turn hostile sometimes i wonder is warframe really just another money scheme or is it really for the people 

Edited by skynexus
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I would really like to know why a leader of a prominent clan would get 'Perma-Banned' from the game for humorous actions he took on the Forum.


We, the player base are supposed to have a sense of humor when you, (DE) come out with things like Damage 2.0 and Interception. Why can't you have a sense of humor at all?


 Shoot me a PM. Whenever you feel like it.

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 Shoot me a PM. Whenever you feel like it.


yep, would be nice to avoid personal issues with banned players into this megathread.


This is kind of tempting. Part of me wanna know, but the other don't.


is interesting, but this is not the place, hopefully.

Edited by omega_phoenix
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Since it's Thursday and another Livestream is slated to happen; it occurred to me that there has never been a member of the player base's voice heard. It's only been DE cherry picking which questions in chat they want to answer. They've never been willing to subject themselves to questions or comments when they didn't know what they were going to be asked. With as many Livestreams as DE does, I think it's time they open themselves up to questions from the player base without being able to pick and choose what the question is. Just my two cents on the matter.


It would be nice if instead of 30 minutes of gameplay that most of us don't watch, they could have a Dev from each department sit down and answer questions from the player base.


To be very clear. I'm not suggesting that I'd be the one chosen to ask questions, but I do hope they choose someone with considerable experience in the game.

Edited by --collstro--
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I'm locking this thread because I think a lot of good feedback has been accumulated. I'm also seeing a lot of derailment, some personal attacks, and a lot of repetition. 



I want to reiterate some of the criticisms and feedback that I've been reading here:


Grinding, Drops and Random Number Generation 

-  Drop locations should be common knowledge. Players should know where to farm in order to get what they want.

- Heavy use of RNG is bad. A new system needs to be implemented that allows players to work for what they want without it being painful.

- If players have to grind for something, it had better be worth it. Grinding is only tolerable if it is meaningful.


Communication and updates


-  Updates need to be announced well in advance, especially big game-play changes.

-  Events should never be a mystery. Event details, scoring, etc. should all be announced before the event goes live. 

-  Updates need to be polished and not have so many bugs.

-  Quality of communication is more important than quantity.

- Things that were promised have not be delivered. 




- Need backstory. 

- Warframe needs solid canon.

- Lore needs continuity.

- Characters need to be developed over time.




- Need tutorials for many parts of Warframe.

- Loading weapons full of damage mods is necessary and isn't fun. Mods should be more interesting and allow for creative builds. 

- Level 30 seems low and the extra affinity is wasted. Maybe raise the max level or have the affinity apply to something else?  

- Weapons should show the number of formas that have been used on them. 

- Consider making the Mastery Tests optional. Perhaps give an affinity booster as a reward for completing a Mastery Test. 

- Mastery Rank doesn't mean much right now. Maybe spread the weapons out more across the mastery ranks so that there is more of a feeling of progression. 

- Give rewards for earning Mastery ranks?

- Give better affinity rewards for stealth, ciphers, healing, etc. 

- Needs to be a system to deal with cheaters, AFKers!

- Harder endgame missions. Need some real challenges that are also rewarding and worth doing.

- Warframe powers are all over the place, some are almost useless and some can clear a map.

- Combat needs to feel more dynamic, "meatier", and have more "jazz". Run-and-Gun is not enough.

- Meaningful endgame content is absolutely essential.  



This is not an exhaustive list, and I apologize if your feedback is not listed here. Also, if you are happy with certain things the way they are, your opinions have not been ignored. I know some things on this list are controversial.


Thank you to everyone who provided feedback, and especially the people who were very clear and concise with their issues. 

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