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Making Exclusives Non-Exclusives


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Are you acting like that IRL?


For example, one of your friends go to an event where he got a new computer controller with the convention logo on it.

You were working and couldn't go there, you didn't get your new controller.

Do you send emails or call the organization of this event to get the exclusive controller?


If there's a running race, but you get hurt and can't take part in it. The race organization gives a special medal to everyone who ran the race in less than one hour.

However, you're sure that if you were not hurt, you could run it in less than one hour?

What are you going to do? Try to claim your medal for something you didn't do?

My favorite response (so far).  lol  Right on.

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Eh, it's been said times again that exclusives will stay exclusives. But nothing the DE has said rules out equivalents. 

Meaning that founder can keep the excal prime and skana prime. But let me get "Excal Elite and skana elite" that are for all intents and purposes identical to the exclusives but with a different look, and no toes are stepped on. 


Sure I can hear some founder person or vandal/brakk owner going "wah!" at it, but come on. Just because THAT thing is a one-time deal doesn't mean something else that just so happens to do the same exact thing is out of the question. Same thing, different name and model. No rules or promises are broken. New people get the same thing but with a different look and the old people keep their precious exclusives. 


But, just to be fair. How about PS4 exclusives? I don't own a PS4 and I'd probably go a bit &!$$y when I'd learn of it but it's only fair. PS4 exclusives that no one on PC can get. Excal/skana prime and vandals for PC. And for example lets say Rhino/Galatine prime and a "bandit" line for the PS4. Now everyone's raging equally! 

Edited by Lakais
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