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Acrid Is Desperately Needing A Rebuff...


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seeing that toxic scales.. wouldn't that mean it has its own dot mechanic?

It scales only with base damage this time, which is a problem considering since the advent of DMG2.0, elements have become kings of damage. Not only that, but the Toxin DoT (apparently) can't be fused with other elements, further making this weapon situational (seriously, who uses pure Toxin damage?). Toxin also no longer "ignores armor", so the only faction this gun could be even slightly viable against, the Grineer, will simply shrug off the Toxin damage with their 99999 Armor values.

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A buff to 25 damage would be reasonable.  The DOTs need to be based on the final modded damage as well, including elemental mods.  I don't think it's unreasonable to ask that the Acrid out-DPS the bolto (which needs a nerf to 35), especially considering you have to wait for the damage over time for full damage.

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There are now two toxic mods that can be used:








Cicero Toxic




That will give you the maximum toxic damage + dot (which ignores shields btw)

even then acrid is mastery 7 weapon(or 6?),and clan weapon it is quite hard to craft it too,it should do more damage...

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There are now two toxic mods that can be used:








Cicero Toxic




That will give you the maximum toxic damage + dot (which ignores shields btw)


Doesn't really matter if it ignores shields when it's doing like 2 damage a tick. Acrid just needs a scaling DoT like it used to have, then all will be well. Currently Acrid is garbage.

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it should do more damage...


Acrid just needs a scaling DoT like it used to have, then all will be well.


It was broken before, and you guys know it.


Either adapt, or move on to the next FotM because guess what? There will always potentially be a better weapon around the corner. DE is making sure of it.

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A buff to 25 damage would be reasonable.  The DOTs need to be based on the final modded damage as well, including elemental mods.  I don't think it's unreasonable to ask that the Acrid out-DPS the bolto (which needs a nerf to 35), especially considering you have to wait for the damage over time for full damage.

If a nerf to Akbolto had to be made, it would be better to lower its fire rate as opposed to its damage. Having a base fire rate over 6 on a semi-auto weapon only gives people an unreasonable expectation of its DPS potential.


Acrid should be buffed so it can out DPS Magnus, but kept at a lower DPS than Embolist. Acrid shouldn't be buffed beyond the mastery rank 8 Embolist because it sacrifices its range for an increased DPS.

Edited by LazyKnight
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Dojo weapons in their current state seem to have been forgoten, which is sad, but they actually used to be really strong weapons in the beginning and there was a lot of people complaining with the lack of variety of weapons for end-game (if there is any end game that is), Acrid arguably was the strongest research weapon available so a lot of high rank players had one, and thus it got nerfed in order to favor other weapons (wasnt that what everybody asked for?, although it seems that what most wanted was just the addition of more variety on the dojo labs, which happend, but only so in the infested weapons), and it seems to be very common that once DE hits with the nerfhammer it will be forever (although not the case with other weapons like grakata, which well wasnt really never nerfed but was actually given some love after being bashed for so long), so I wouldnt be surprised if I see the acrid stay in its current state for a long long time.




On a more personal note, research weapons were special in the beggining because they were eyecandy and had unique features that you couldnt find anywhere else, and most market weapons were pretty standard rifles, etc, and getting an exotic weapon was actually quite impressive, i considered it an amazing achievement to build my own dojo with a friend and then start the research of Dera as soon as I hit rank 4, and it did feel glorious using something out of the box for the first time... but that feeling is long gone.

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Aren't Akvastos 10?

Yeah, and the average speed someone can click a mouse is 6 times a second. All a 10-20 fire rate does is encourage people to go on dpsframe look at Akvasto, Akbolto and think, "Wow what super-duper DPS!"


If you can click more than 6 times a second you're going to wear out your finger or mouse. It is basically a weapon than can only reach its on paper fire rate with a macro or possibly a high speed scroll wheel.

Edited by LazyKnight
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It was broken before, and you guys know it.


Either adapt, or move on to the next FotM because guess what? There will always potentially be a better weapon around the corner. DE is making sure of it.

yea it was op before,now every weapon outclases it(not every but a lot).
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Because we'd love to go back to the days when Acrid was utterly overpowered, right?


It's fine where it is.  If Tysis outperforms it, then nerf the Tysis.

It's not worth its requirements. Acrid is Mastery 7 and Hikou are Mastery 2, and Hikou perform better. That's incredibly illogical. It's like Soma vs. Supra again, but at least that fight was MR6 vs MR7 and not MR2 vs MR7.


Also there's no Armor Ignore anymore, so Acrid won't shine nearly as much even if its DoT was element-moddable and affected by elemental mods. There was no reason to nerf Acrid with the introduction of DMG2.0, because the fact that rainbow builds were thrown out along with Armor Ignore weapons means it was gonna receive its fair nerf anyway.

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Because we'd love to go back to the days when Acrid was utterly overpowered, right?


It's fine where it is.  If Tysis outperforms it, then nerf the Tysis.

There are numerous cheap weapons that are better than Acrid: Magnus, Vasto, AkVasto, hikou, and Bolto just to name a few. There is no reason for Acrid to be a mastery rank locked weapon.


Tysis is just a slower version of Magnus that does significantly less DPS. I do not know why Tysis is in the discussion when it's lowest tier damage/DPS, it's useless without the proc effects.

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There are numerous cheap weapons that are better than Acrid: Magnus, Vasto, AkVasto, hikou, and Bolto just to name a few. There is no reason for Acrid to be a mastery rank locked weapon.


Tysis is just a slower version of Magnus that does significantly less DPS. I do not know why Tysis is in the discussion when it's lowest tier damage/DPS, it's useless without the proc effects.


I can't imagine how you think any of those weapons function better.  Akvasto you could make a case for, but dual weapons are in general too powerful.


The Acrid not only has innate DoT, bringing its per-shot damage well above most competitors, it has pinpoint accuracy and innate Toxin damage, which performs very well against most targets; bonus damage vs. grineer as well as directly damaging health rather than shields.


And the notion the Hikou is superior is just laughable.  It deals 25 damage, most of it puncture, at a near identical rate to the Acrid, which deals 20 toxin plus the guaranteed proc, which is at least 10 (though I'm fairly certain it's more).  The Acrid also lacks projectile drop.


And if the mastery rank requirement is too high, well, I think mastery requirements should be done away with; balancing around them is just silly and unnecessarily screws over new players even more than they already are.


The Acrid's fine.

Edited by NikolaiLev
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Single versions of Magnus, Bolto, and Vasto are better than acrid. They hit hard enough that with mod scaling, they can frontload nearly as much damage as acrid can with its dot included. Try using math before you make a claim that it is a completive weapon, it's easily proven it's not.


If you do not know how do math to make a DPS table take a look at DPSframe.com




And the notion the Hikou is superior is just laughable.  It deals 25 damage, most of it puncture, at a near identical rate to the Acrid, which deals 20 toxin plus the guaranteed proc, which is at least 10 (though I'm fairly certain it's more).  The Acrid also lacks projectile drop.

The only time Acrid Dot can actual work is when the target lives longer than it takes to empty 2 or possibly 3 complete magazines. Even if a target was level 70, it wouldn't live long enough for a full dot's life. That isn't saying acrid can be made "good enough," the NPC just do not have enough health for a long ticking dot.


It takes 9 ticks for first dot to do its full damage, if the target dies as the first Dot fully damages the target each dot fired after the first did not have full up-time. It takes nine second for a full tick-out.


Acrid is also limited by input lag, and the fact it takes a macro to shot faster than 10 shots a second. Even with a macro input lag caps-off the fire rate of Acrid lower than Hikou, even though they should be able to fireat the same rate.



And if the mastery rank requirement is too high, well, I think mastery requirements should be done away with; balancing around them is just silly and unnecessarily screws over new players even more than they already are.

Acrid current mastery requirement, and resource should be dropped to Dera's level if it isn't changed stat wise. It is a so/so pistol with market counterparts that are vastly cheaper to craft that are flat-out better.

Edited by LazyKnight
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