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Why I Believe Warframe Will Never Become A Great Game.


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that's your personal opinions on warframe. Doesn't change the facts that it list as one of the best game out there.

If the game doesn't suit your taste, you can go and play other games. There are other new players that play it.

Can u actually read? The guy u were answering is right. Get your info right before going all white knight up in here. And the community isn't raging because we hate the game... Ppl are angry because we want the game to succeed and DE isn't even listening. That's what's making the players angry. Go check yesterday's hot topics and see for yourself.

Edited by Bazools
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Quote yourself: "Or are you too dumb to actually read this line" : "That's your personal opinions on warframe, doesn't change the fact that it list as one of the best game out there" " 

SEIZE you really need to learn what fact and opinion means. How can what other people say is an opinion but when you say that warframe is one of the best games out here it becomes fact? That is just YOUR opinion not a fact.

FACT is how warframe has been getting mediocre to bad reviews from ps4 and PC reviewers over the last few months.

FACT is how DE promised lore would be added to the game over a year ago and there has been no long term lore changes.

FACT is how a lot of DEs content patches are just weapons

FACT is how the ingame tutorial and early game has been reviewed to be inadequate

Your Opinion is that you still really enjoy the game at present. You like it and enjoy it and don't seem to like it when people say negative things about it. All natural stuff but still just your opinion, not fact.

Warframe is game that has some good qualities however there are large areas of improved that need addressing. These have been identified by both the player base and reviewers from independent gaming journalistic companies. References can be provided on request.

That is a statement reinforced by facts.

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I kinda agree, it has a lot of potential, yet executed poorly. Me playing since CB and havin X hours in it doesn't mean much, cuz im a completionist. And here i am, burnt out(being a completionist and i only did around 55 in the Corpus vs Grineer), not even bothering to get the login reward (but still browsing forums cuz got nothing better to do).

What i always tell my friends, is that i believe they need to lock down the game, fade away for 1-3 months and rethink all the main features and how they are to be made better. I can't repeat it enough times, this game has such a huge &#! potential that its a sin that currently its nothing but a grindfest. Theres a huge bunch of posts saying what's broken, but here are some examples:
"Ninjas play for free"->Ninjas->Stealth. There is Practically no stealth system in the game.
Everything is based on RNG, except for like the invasion missions (which at the 5th mission i want to suicide because im bored of life itself).
5% of the game's weapons are legit. Also, an exact example, heat sword has still no basic fire elemental (what i expect is slash and fire as base damage types)

I'd like to think that i have the rights to complain, as opposed to people who are playing since....U10 and are just impatient.

Ps: oh, almost forgot, and no  end-game content. And don't tell me that its Endless Def because im gonna punch you...

Edited by Koloricsi
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Still better than MechwarriorOnline :D If you think you're unhappy have a look at their forums...offering $500 a piece golden mechs while being in open beta for 2 years is just epic.


Warframe4eva...I've almost invested as much time as with Mass Effect 3 but still far far away from my Eveonline time spent.

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It's really only up to tastes and opinions. I can't play RTS; doesn't mean it's a bad genre, I just don't like it and don't like to have to micromanage on a level that requires to match a computer's just to play at a decent level competitively.


Likewise, Warframe will appeal to some on a casual level, other on a hardcore level and a few on a "OHGODWHYCANTISTOPPLAYINGHELPME!" level. Some will look at it then shrug and move on. It's unique in its approach, having elements of TPS, Action RPG and such while reminding people to a degree of games like Diablo, Borderlands and Mass Effect squished together.


Sadly, like much other things and games, it can't cather to everyone. Consider it's also a free2play title so they basically have full control on the creative direction of the game without a publisher breathing down their neck for a target sale amount and they can take all the time in the world to adjust the game before 1.0 comes out instead of rushing it to release status.


So, sorry you don't like it; perhaps take a break and come back later to it and see the changes. On my end, I'm yet to be tired of it but again, that's my opinion that the game is enjoyable enough as it is for me to keep playing even though it could do more.

Edited by Wiegraf
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Interesting opinion.


While i agree with some points you may have, I cannot say that warframe "will never become a great game". The evolution and intricate mechanism of an mmo such as warframe, while very interesting, are quite complicated.


Depending on the purpose of DE, this game will become either a grindcore typical mmo, with tons of items, warframes, weapons to choose from, yet nothing of quality, or it will become a game with great lore and story, innovative gameplay mechanism and so on.


The whole thing is way more complicated than most players assume. I've had to chance to take a glimpse regarding the matter. People with PhD's on the matter can barely keep up. While it is a good thing to express an opinion, even though this is still the internet (opinions don't matter on the internet >.>), it is nothing short of arrogant to conclude something like "this will never be a great game" as long as we don't have the necessary knowledge and experience to back it up. An opinion is an opinion, we mustn't draw conclusions from it.


The best thing we can do, as players, is enjoy the game as it is now and be an active part of the community, in the hope we will do something constructive about a game/hobby that we really enjoy (yes, warframe is a hobby if you have tons of gameplay hours, deal with it).

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too many white knights... did they bought you all with 50 platinum again?

Or maybe that's just their opinion. "It's trendy to say warframe is bad, so if they are saying it's not bad, they must be bought with plats or something. How dare they have a positive opinion on this?" ← that's how you sound.

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Or maybe that's just their opinion. "It's trendy to say warframe is bad, so if they are saying it's not bad, they must be bought with plats or something. How dare they have a positive opinion on this?" ← that's how you sound.

Are you really implying people are saying warframe is bad because it's "trendy"? Pretty hypocritical if you ask me.

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I'm a new player. I've been playing for @ a week.


I've been in MMO's since UO beta...Played Everquest for over a decade (Hardcore)...Rift...SWTOR...I've even worked on a few of the MMO's currently out...


I like Warframe because it's simple. I'm used to grinding...I'm used to a lack of story...I'm used to mindlessly farming without a real purpose.


I have 2 base complaints.


1st, is the fact that I need platinum to expand on my experience. I'm currently crafting 4 Warframes. I only have a spot for 1. This forces me to expand my inventory or sell Warframes I currently use -- I find that, idiotic, regardless of the 50 platinum I'm initially given -- It's just not enough.


While some of you say "just sell stuff you don't use", that's hard for someone that's only been in the game for a week because I don't know what's useful or not...


I was invited to a clan and luckily I have this venue now to ask stupid questions but, overall, to a new player, that's a bad move.


The other situation I find really irritating is Warframe's lack of a "state of the game" address and/or information regarding such a status.


For example, Steam, is the only venue in which you'll find knowledge (other than the forums) that this game is currently in Beta. It's been removed from Warframe.com, it's been 9 months since the "full game" was reviewed...Quite frankly, since there's no beta agreement, most people, the majority (I know this from SWTOR) will dismiss the beta string in the top right of the login screen, as an oversight.


MOST PEOPLE are of the mindset that this is a completed product and thus, buy platinum and/or contribute based on that information. I find that to be shady as opposed to a simple communication error because it was purposefully removed from the front of Warframe.com.

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I'm marking update 12 as DE's final chance of redemption with me, it's been a year and hardly any of the core elements of the game has been changed. They promised this and promised that and some of the little things actually did come through. However, for a whole year to have gone by... This game hasn't changed nearly enough. DE doesn't seem like it's gonna really reduce the grind or the rng. This game in my eyes is honestly only hanging up cause of how good it looks. DE has to make some major power moves. No more empty words, no more bs. Get. It. Done. It's just grind, grind and more grind. (some people are okay with that, not gonna get on you for that) but this game at it's core is honestly quite bland. Plus the way they fool around on livestreams when players want real answers is honestly pretty annoying. Players has given them plenty of feedback to get some changes made and they're working on some stuff that (from what I see on the forums) nobody really asks for. Yes, you have melee 2.0 coming but I'm not getting my hopes up for that. Damage 2.0 started great and ended up just being a overly complicated system. DE keeps pumping out weapons that are either gonna be A. Be op af and get nerfed two weeks later, which would be okay if they were actually good at balancing. Or B. Just sucks from start to end and DE doesn't bother to look back and really fix it. Which, digs themselves a bigger hole. If they feel like they can't balance it or just simply can't be bothered, they'll just put a band aid over the weapon by giving it a special mod and move on to the next thing (or just do nothing about it altogether). That isn't fixing, that's just being half assed. RNG also wouldn't be so much of a issue if there were ways to get what you want FOR SURE. There isn't atm however, so that burn out comes on to you pretty tough after a while. Yes, you can tell people to take a break and come back.. but then, come back to what? More rng and probably a few broken weapons depending on how long you take your break. Oh, maybe a few more broken warframes too that aren't gonna get fixed. *hugs valk* maybe one day you'll have a purpose outside of being spiderman. 


With that said, the people at DE seem like they're a great bunch of people if you wanted to have a drink with and just talk about stuff. but comes work time, they just don't seem all that serious when it comes to the players. Except for Rebecca, she really tries to get some questions pushed out so players can get some answers. Ditto for the other forum mods I see posting in other threads.


If anyone says "Just uninstall the game if you're that unhappy with them" I did just that, a while ago. Saw a good post in some other thread with Angry Joe that also opened my eyes a bit. Forget the users name who posted it, but that vid pretty much broke down Warframe in a nut shell. Even though he was talking about another game entirely. So, good luck DE. Make use of the feedback the players are giving you and get serious. 

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Still better than MechwarriorOnline :D If you think you're unhappy have a look at their forums...offering $500 a piece golden mechs while being in open beta for 2 years is just epic.


Warframe4eva...I've almost invested as much time as with Mass Effect 3 but still far far away from my Eveonline time spent.

You know MW:O has actually exited the "Open Beta" phase, right? They did it over the summer. So I guess that argument is pretty much pointless. Not to mention that PGI actually listen to the playerbase (albeit they're somewhat slow on the implementation, but still faster than DE)...

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@bodyshk I have to be honest and admit I might have been over enthusiastic about the title of my post "Warframe will never become a great game" because I really do feel if they did some of the things I mentioned it can become a great game. That is the crux of my opinion that because DE is not doing the core things that need to be done and have been promised now for over a year that this is what is holding back Warframe's potential of, to quote a saying, "being all it can be". I myself have over 900 hours of game play, have sank money that I probably should not have and still log in at least at this point once or twice a day to play a few hours, so my opinion has nothing to do with not liking the game. One thing I will mention that I do find odd, thus the reason why I think the "it's in beta" argument is no longer valid, if you look on the Warframe home site, the word "beta" is no longer there. I think for the next livestream I'm going to ask that question, Is this game still in beta?

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Of course, sir. DE has never, ever listened to the player base. PGI must be better. 

For the most part they don't (source: literally every thread asking for actual fixes to legit issues ever, all design-council polls  - I've seen the screenshots of DE blatantly going the opposite way of what was voted for - etc.).  I'm not going to say PGI listens all the time either but they're miles better than DE.

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When my buddy tried to get me into warframe, three things stopped me:


#1- A movement bug, which I reported and has not been fixed yet...If you bind Forward to a mouse button and backward to a different button, you have to let go of Forward before you can press Backward in order to run backward.  In any other game, I can be running forward, press backward and THEN let off backward and I begin running backward.  It was game breaking for me, as Ive played a lot of shooters...and this is the first time this has been a problem.  I digress.


#2- New user experience is HORRIBLE.  No information on what you should be doing.  No information on what mods are good for what.  No information on what damage is(puncture, impact, slash, elementals, etc).  Nothing.  Nada.  Not to mention, a severe LACK of resources and credits to purchase blueprints and craft. 


#3- This game teeters on the line of pay to win.  Out of your 4 deaths for the day?  Well, you severely hamper yourself unless you pay for more lives.  Once you get to lvl 30, you think you're at max level?  No way.  You are only at a fraction of the warframes potential.  Unless you are lucky to see a reactor/catalyst blueprint or forma/forma blueprint on alert or in an invasion, you have to spend $$ to boost your frames up.  This is as close to a pay to win game as Ive seen in the last few years.  And it irks me.  Big time.





I stuck with it, and now I enjoy it a lot.  I love the RNG.  I love mod hunting.  I love the hack and slash nature of it.  I compare this game's style to Diablo where you hack and slash your way through tons of mobs for the chance of rare drops.  I like it.  I like the amount of progression and power and utlity that you can add to a character. 


Aside from my 3 negative points above...I now think the #1 thing that will hurt this game is that there is zero focus on frame balance and build diversity.  If I am running with a group that has enough CC and I need to fill a dps role, why bring anything else but nova?  Prime and AMD = win.  Why bring any other CC other than Vauban and Nyx?  Oberon's "heal" is a joke if the little fairies fly so slowly...so trinity takes the cake for the healing role.  There are almost two dozen frames in the game, and I'd only take about 5 or 6 different ones to high level missions.  Thats a poor ratio and I think it is the biggest problem with the game.


And Warframe is not in beta.  Quit kidding yourselves.  The moment a developer takes money from you, voluntarily or not, is the moment it is live.  They can change and completely redo things all they want, just like any other developer.  They are taking your money just like any other developer too.  Neverwinter did the same.. "beta" but opened their cash shop too. 


I think Warframe is a fantastic game and this is a fantastic foundation to which to build and I hope to be playing for many months if not more.  The points I laid out in this post should be addressed, even more so than they currently are. 

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