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Release New Weapons With At Least One Polarity.


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Whatever happened to getting a new weapon that had at least one polarity on it? It's dull seeing these new weapons coming out with zero polarities, I usually don't supercharge a weapon I've just crafted until it's high enough to put on some half-ranked mods and such, but takes longer if that weapon doesn't have a polarity ( takes longer for me to level anything cause I don't play often ).


Many times, I just don't feel like putting on a forma on a weapon cause of inactive I am on the game, a polarity would give players like me some leverage on how we want to mod out weapons.


Otherwise a supercharged rank 30 weapon with no polarities will leave you with 2 or less empty slots for mods.

Edited by __Kanade__
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I would tend to agree actually. If we're going to run a game where damage is a mandatory mod that everything else scales from then it's kind of silly to make that mod cost HALF the points of a max rank weapon. Literally 14/30. Stuff should come with a V, or Forma should be available without needing to spend plat or farm in five different areas for all the rare mats plus the BP, or the damage mod should be super common so noobs can find it and keep copies at different ranks to swap out as they level their weapon.

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you have forma for a reason.

don't have forma, try a few void missions, and you'll be swimming in the stuff in no time.

Like I said, it takes awhile for someone like me to level up anything to Rank 30, take Valkyr for example, I got her parts the day she was released, and by luck it only me 4 runs total and crafted her the same day, been using her ever since, but right now she is only Rank 24.


I crafted the Magnus the day it was released, been using it ever since and just now got it to level 30 yesterday. This is why having at least one polarity is helpful for me, it takes forever to level up weapons and frames which means I'm stuck going against low level enemies which also means I can't do T3 Void runs til then.

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It should be inversed according to weapon "power."


Mastery Rank 1 and generally "weaker" weapons should start with 3 polarities.


Mastery Rank 6 and generally "stronger" weapons should start with 0 polarities.


That gives you top damage for weaker weapons much sooner than stronger weapons, but stronger weapons will eventually outperform weaker ones in time.

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It should be inversed according to weapon "power."


Mastery Rank 1 and generally "weaker" weapons should start with 3 polarities.


Mastery Rank 6 and generally "stronger" weapons should start with 0 polarities.


That gives you top damage for weaker weapons much sooner than stronger weapons, but stronger weapons will eventually outperform weaker ones in time.

Can you define stronger? DPSecond? DPShot? Ammo Efficiency per kill?

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This is an idea - but they should all have only ONE, because otherwise it would be unfair - alternatively, possible you could choose what polarity it starts with when you build/buy the weapon ?

Compared to Clan Tech which cost a forma and start with 0 polarities.. why should market ones have a free polarity as the norm?

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Can you define stronger? DPSecond? DPShot? Ammo Efficiency per kill?


A little of everything.


Soma is an automatic weapon that is at the top of it's class, so it shouldn't come with any polarized spots.


Braton is an early and easily aquired weapon that isn't quite as good as Soma in terms of DPSecond or DPShot, so give it 3 Polarized slots


Boltor and Grakata are somewhere in the middle, so give them 1-2.


Penta is in a different category, and since it has nothing to compete with (other than Ogris) but has insane DPSecond/shot/etc it should be 0


Vulkar is inferior to Vectis, Boar is inferior to Sobek.


Compare each class of weapon based on their job when determining which weapon is "better" than the others.


Or just use Mastery Rank as the guide. MR0 = 3 Polarities. MR2-5 = 1-2 Polarities. MR6+ = 0 Polarities

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A little of everything.


Soma is an automatic weapon that is at the top of it's class, so it shouldn't come with any polarized spots.


Braton is an early and easily aquired weapon that isn't quite as good as Soma in terms of DPSecond or DPShot, so give it 3 Polarized slots


Boltor and Grakata are somewhere in the middle, so give them 1-2.


Penta is in a different category, and since it has nothing to compete with (other than Ogris) but has insane DPSecond/shot/etc it should be 0


Vulkar is inferior to Vectis, Boar is inferior to Sobek.


Compare each class of weapon based on their job when determining which weapon is "better" than the others.


Or just use Mastery Rank as the guide. MR0 = 3 Polarities. MR2-5 = 1-2 Polarities. MR6+ = 0 Polarities

I disagree. Minimum number of polarities should be 1.

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The only idea I agree with here is the OP's statement and the opinion that every released weapon should have at the very least a single V polarity, though I don't see the crime in giving a weapon two polarities from the start.


I'm really disliking this trend DE is starting. I remember Scott saying in one Livestream how much he really wanted to reduce the player grind. Yet weapon after weapon, no polarities. 


Ember Prime doesn't even have that extra polarity that should come guaranteed with any Prime Warframe, many of the newer Void Weapons don't have one either.


Hell, quite a few of the Dual Pistols lack any polarity whatsoever even if their single counterpart comes with one or two polarities.


It's just plain wrong and lazy. 


What gives DE??

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Let's take Boltor for a quick example to that: Would you be OK with DE releasing a new weapon with a D polarity in it's #1 slot?


Edit: What if a weapon had two D polarities?

I would accept 1 D polarity, but not two. I really like the D polarity on my Boltor, but there are not enough D mods. The new fusion mods from Cicero should have been D mods.

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I would tend to agree actually. If we're going to run a game where damage is a mandatory mod that everything else scales from then it's kind of silly to make that mod cost HALF the points of a max rank weapon. Literally 14/30. Stuff should come with a V, or Forma should be available without needing to spend plat or farm in five different areas for all the rare mats plus the BP, or the damage mod should be super common so noobs can find it and keep copies at different ranks to swap out as they level their weapon.

I read a great article on the forums about how damage mods like Serration and Hornet Strike made modding stagnant, no build doesn't use them. In reality weapons should just get more damage as they level up, not because you put a mod on them. 

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I read a great article on the forums about how damage mods like Serration and Hornet Strike made modding stagnant, no build doesn't use them. In reality weapons should just get more damage as they level up, not because you put a mod on them. 


Bollocks. One mod doesn't make the mod system stagnant. The mod system is stagnant because we have NOTHING but damage mods and everything is linked to damage. We just need to involve gameplay in how much damage we deal, with mods that give damage based on conditions instead of automatically just because you equip them.
Headshots in Damage 2.0 are +100% damage as a final multiplier on top of everything else. If you had a mod that was another +100% headshot damage. Even as only one mod, everything STACKS in the current system so your last damage mod is your most noticeable DPS increase in most cases, so giving up that one damage mod to get POSSIBLE damage on the condition of a headshot could easily turn all of DPSframe.com into a subjective guess fest and start players arguing over appled DPS vs on-paper DPS and talk trash about who can get headshots at what range with what gun.
A large damage boost when you hit multiple targets would be another example. You'd have to have on not just that, but also punch through, or you could use corrupted damage instead of regular because it increases spread along with multishot instead of punch-through to get your multiple targets.
Damage on unaware or distracted targets + silence mods.
Damage for striking the same /different targets in succession without missing + shotgun spread or rifle recoil or accuracy mods, then plus mag size mods so you don't have to reload and lose your bonus.


etc. etc.

Edited by VKhaun
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Bollocks. One mod doesn't make the mod system stagnant. The mod system is stagnant because we have NOTHING but damage mods and everything is linked to damage. We just need to involve gameplay in how much damage we deal, with mods that give damage based on conditions instead of automatically just because you equip them.

You say that, but how many rifle setups do you use that don't use Serration and Split Chamber? How many pistol setups that don't use Hornet Strike and Barrel Diffusion? Basically if those mods are taking up two slots on every weapon you use, that 'stagnates' the slots leaving you with six to play with.


That being said, I don't think the OP's reason for adding built in polarity carries any water. Why should DE change something in game for someone who doesn't play a lot? I'm not trying to come off as elitist. I'm just saying you probably do not represent a large portion of the player base. You said it yourself. You have had Valkyr since it came out and still haven't gotten it to 30. That means you put in a couple hours a week tops. The average player probably puts that in in one day. Those are the players who DE should cater to.

Edited by Crewell
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You say that, but how many rifle setups do you use that don't use Serration and Split Chamber? How many pistol setups that don't use Hornet Strike and Barrel Diffusion? Basically if those mods are taking up two slots on every weapon you use, that 'stagnates' the slots leaving you with six to play with.


That being said, I don't think the OP's reason for adding built in polarity carries any water. Why should DE change something in game for someone who doesn't play a lot? I'm not trying to come off as elitist. I'm just saying you probably do not represent a large portion of the player base. You said it yourself. You have had Valkyr since it came out and still haven't gotten it to 30. That means you put in a couple hours a week tops. The average player probably puts that in in one day. Those are the players who DE should cater to.

Quite a few of the more dedicated players ALSO would like weapons to ship with at least two free polarities. Such as myself.


Formaing things five or six times is beyond tedious, tedium is the major problem with this game. (Yet that's for another stagnant discussion)

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