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Melee Charge Attack "damage Multiplier" Instead Of Charge Attack "damage"


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So, instead of having a separate damage for charge attacks, make charge attack acts like a damage multiplier bonus from the normal attacks. nothing could go wrong with this, and it simplifies things a lot more, and ranged weapon charged attacks already did this so this couldn't hurt


benefits =

- increasing melee damage from pressure point mod increases charge attack damage too

- simplifies and streamlines melee damage

- with melee that have high normal damage but low charge multiplier, charge attacks will remain useful in spiking damage later on, and wont deal less damage than normal attacks (see dakra prime)

- with melee that have high charge multiplier but low normal damage, normal attacks will remain useful in knocking enemies that have low health, because you eventually will put pressure point to increase base damage to have more charge attack damage


Cons =



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since we don't know many details about melee 2.0 yet, this is somewhat pointless to discuss right now. They said they were going to adjust the damage of melee as part of it and until we know in what way this is going to happen, there isn't really a point in discussing a system that is about to replaced anyway.

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since we don't know many details about melee 2.0 yet, this is somewhat pointless to discuss right now. They said they were going to adjust the damage of melee as part of it and until we know in what way this is going to happen, there isn't really a point in discussing a system that is about to replaced anyway.


There is always room to discuss. Words are cheap. The devs, should they see a good idea, are not so set in stone that their hearts' bitterly cold shell mayn't be warmed by the fiery passion of inspiration. In fact, to say, "Don't talk about melee" -because- it's currently being fixed is quite the opposite of what should be done. Just as we want DE to communicate to us, we must communicate with them. Or for them to see, at least.

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since we don't know many details about melee 2.0 yet, this is somewhat pointless to discuss right now. They said they were going to adjust the damage of melee as part of it and until we know in what way this is going to happen, there isn't really a point in discussing a system that is about to replaced anyway.


This is what people said about balance changes before damage 2.0, and look where that got us.


This is a good discussion and I approve of the idea.  Charge damage is silly in general; it's disappointing to have half of your attacks useless just because your weapon happens to be a charge-focused weapon.  At least in damage 1.0, you had a reason to charge with non-charge weapons (to take advantage of Serrated Blade, for instance).

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