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Petition To Restore Overheat To Ember


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When I build Ember Prime she was already with Accelerant. So I cant say what would be better. 


Actually Accelerant is useful if you are playing with Ignis and against Infested. But then you also have Fireball to use against them. In other situations its just a useless ability. 

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So, cake versus pie then?


To me, Ember with 90% damage reduction was more exiting than Ember with 1-second stun. It allowed me to plow into the crowd and use melee to my heart's content, while dealing AoE fire damage to everyone. New ember has to stay on Ignis range from everything, an prioritize on running around and hiding as opposed to rushing at the enemy. 


While I'm not saying such gameplay isn't fun, there are frames that do that better than Ember. Ash, for example. There is a better glass cannon and better AoE CC. I don't know about you (well, okay, we do know about you, you actually said your opinion on this), but I just don't feel that a "MOAR DAMAGE!" button is doing Ember that much justice.

ok no one siad she needed her ORIGINAL OVERHEAT. 

the nerfed one works as well (maxed dmg res at 70)  keep in mind valkyr has 86 dmg res at all times. no skill required.







Restoring an ability that allowed Ember to ignore 90% of damage won't make her more exciting; quite the contrary.  Accelerant-based survivability is much more exciting than just not being worried about incoming damage because it just scratches you. 


There's no reason to play anything besides Nova and Trinity, but that's not a good thing and should change. 



accelerant based survivability? excuse me? that isn't right.

accelerant based survivability implies you can 

A. dodge attacks(nope. ember to slow. one of the slowest frames). oh and she has low stam.

B. teleport(nope)

C. stealth(nope, ash got that fire skill)

D. survive a hit or 2 from heavy units(nope. 15 armor, standard shields and hp, no CC abilities,  and no CC resistance)


oh, i'm sorry, were you hoping her FIRE PROC would save you

well...alot of enemys ignore that

not to mention fire proc isn't 100% chance ot activate

oh, and fire proc isnt 100% chance to make them panic either.


oh, and 3/4 of her abilities require her to stop moving to use.  only fireball can be used on the run.




excuse me where was the survivability? hiding in the other room shooting through walls while your allys have all the fun?


i mean come on. her ultimate doesnt even do AoE dmg, or knockdowns, or stuns. hell it isnt even 100% fire proc.

Edited by Arenta
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ok no one siad she needed her ORIGINAL OVERHEAT. 

the nerfed one works as well (maxed dmg res at 70)  keep in mind valkyr has 86 dmg res at all times. no skill required.


Well, either nerf it to 70%-something (preferably with a hardcap) or add some downsides so that higher DR could be balanced, I'm down for whichever.


Also, does her ultimate really do only single-target damage? Every time I used Ember, I got the impression it's actually a tiny AoE.

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Also, does her ultimate really do only single-target damage? Every time I used Ember, I got the impression it's actually a tiny AoE.

It is. But it's so tiny unless you're against infested who tend to clump it's AoE range is basically single target against Grineer and Corpus.

Edited by LukeAura
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It is. But it's so tiny unless you're against infested who tend to clump it's AoE range is basically single target against Grineer and Corpus.

yeah, plus it has no stagger, no 100% fire proc, no stun, no knockdown.


i mean come on. its the ground BLOWING UP.

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You'd better stop flat out lying about Accelerant duration. You have the time to cast World on Fire (2.2s) just after it and before they get out of stun, so its duration is closer to 2.5 seconds.


Besides this, I can understand the playstyle of the new Ember is not for everyone, but calling her ineffective is another bullsh1t as I have no problem getting on top of long sets of hardest defense and survival missions of Ceres and Pluto, outdamaging Nova. I don't even talk about Dark Sectors invasions, I can solo those without any problem with her.


So feel free to invite me in game if you really want to see what this frame is capable of, instead of theorycrafting here.


My build : http://warframe-builder.com/Warframes/Builder/Ember_prime/t_30_32001340013_1-7-8-2-6-10-4-8-5-5-0-5-6-1-5-8-10-5-13-5-3-14-2-5-55-3-3-65-4-3-67-9-3_5-5-6-6-14-9-55-9-65-4-13-7-2-6-1-12-4-9-67-7-8-14_10/en/1-0-4/0

Edited by Hyunsai
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Its a good build, but I would change Constitution for Rush. In this way she can run faster and target more enemies with World on Fire. 


And about Accelerant, I made a mistake, thinking it only affected weapons, but it also affect powers. 

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mostly about her being boring

but a bit is also about her being ineffective compared to other frames.


cause theres no reason to choose her when another frame can do something better.


Well, frames like Nova are simply overpowered, and overshadow all of the frames, not just Ember.  Nova needs a nerf; other frames don't need buffs (unless you want to change the game's power curve for no good reason).

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Accelerant is awesome, remove fireblast, that thing has literally no place on her skill set.


1 weakling with no means to protect himself is enough (banshee).

so i tried accelerant.


am i impressed? no....and yes


Accelerant and Fireball.

maybe this was because i was using a complete energy efficiency build. hoping accelerant's boost would keep the fireballs doing dmg as the fireballs shot out non stop.


well...might want to doublecheck to see if accelerant is working.

direct hits do 400 dmg like normal...aka non buffed

the DoT fire proc does get the boost.


so it seems like accelerant is bugged by not including the initial heat dmg on impact.


accelerant and world on fire

for this i built it all for dmg.

though...that ended up being extremely costly to pop accelerant constantly to boost world on fire.


once again i ran into the issue of the initial blasts not seeming to be buffed by accelerant. only the DoT.

so....DE should probably look into that.




the stun did help....but not as much as i'd like.

since accelerant costs so much, it isnt spammable. so i cant use it constantly like valkyr's paralysis or banshee's sonic boom.


and the stun time...i just cant measure that.

its defenitly not enough time to res an ally. (aka 5 secounds)


so i'd put it at 1 secound to 2.5 secounds duration.






if accelerant is to replace overheat then i'd like a few things.

1. just double check and see that the initial dmg is affected by accelerant.  idk if thats just me, or if numbers arent correct, or if its really bugged atm.

2. make accelerant less expensive energy wise.   if this was a 25 energy skill i'd say good deal.  as that would enable me to actually spam it a bit when need be,  and still have room for a fireball or 2.

if it costs 50 energy then the stun needs to be AT LEAST 5 secounds.  


3.  uh....well....thats about it actually. 


A. double check to see initial heat dmg is working, and lower the energy cost to 25 energy


B. double check to see initial heat dmg is working, and boost the stun time to 5 secounds(could make it so its affected by duration mods if u want.  cause right now the only thing affected is the heat boost.)


simple enough.  

if either of those were done, i'd stop asking for overheat back and settle for being a run and gun fireball maniac.





.....though if either of those are done i'm gonna continue to ask for fireblast to be remade or replaced....i dont think anyone would argue against that.




anyway. heres my current fireball efficiency build.


keep in mind the phoenix helmet, the NOT MAXED fleeting expertise, the rage, and the quick thinking


this is all about using energy to stay alive, deal dmg, and quickly restore energy.




to use this build, use accelerant and run away shooting fireballs at the enemys hit by accelerant.




OPPS...i made the build on Ember. i use Ember Prime

Edited by Arenta
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Wait. You'd say stun time is around 2.5 seconds?

As in half?

As in about the detriment your fleeting expertise is.


So we're sure the stun time isn't affected by duration right?

the stun time was the same with the fleeting expertise run

and with the world on fire run(aka no fleetign expertise)


in fact, the world on fire run was when i was trying to res an ally. i havent actually tested ressing with my fleeting expertise...

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I'm trying to test it now(Kind of hard, recently formad Ember, level 9. Ceres is a death sentence.)

Max duration doesn't seem to effect it, duration time seems around 4 seconds on Grineer. But it seems a lot shorter for infested.


so the skill really does need work

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Sheesh, I didn't know Accelerant was broken itself.  Too bad.


So, popular sentiment (at least here) seems to be replace Fire Blast instead of Accelerant.  I'm okay with this, because Fire Blast is a dull, static ability that's largely only useful for Infested Defense, and it's too useful for that, not to mention it doesn't fit with her otherwise mobile kit.

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Sheesh, I didn't know Accelerant was broken itself.  Too bad.


So, popular sentiment (at least here) seems to be replace Fire Blast instead of Accelerant.  I'm okay with this, because Fire Blast is a dull, static ability that's largely only useful for Infested Defense, and it's too useful for that, not to mention it doesn't fit with her otherwise mobile kit.

yeah, i think the petition has changed from kill accelerant


to FIX accelerant and STAB fireblast.

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I'm trying to test it now(Kind of hard, recently formad Ember, level 9. Ceres is a death sentence.)

Max duration doesn't seem to effect it, duration time seems around 4 seconds on Grineer. But it seems a lot shorter for infested.


The skill is not broken, It works like Radial Blind : Accelerant Stun is not affected by Power Duration, and Infested Chargers get out of it faster.

Edited by Hyunsai
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Replacing overheat was a dumb thing to do, the damage reduction allowed one to get close and melee enemies and do other fun things.

then steve came along and said "Nope she's a caster, casters are squishy".

The skill worked fine, made ember different from other nukers, and most games have a way for casters to tank up.

Again, overheat made her stand out of the other casters

"single target nuke"

"utility skill"

"utility skill"

"AoE nuke"

Wohoo so fun and different

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Replacing overheat was a dumb thing to do, the damage reduction allowed one to get close and melee enemies and do other fun things.

then steve came along and said "Nope she's a caster, casters are squishy".

The skill worked fine, made ember different from other nukers, and most games have a way for casters to tank up.

Again, overheat made her stand out of the other casters

"single target nuke"

"utility skill"

"utility skill"

"AoE nuke"

Wohoo so fun and different


Actually, it was Scott who came along and announced "I never liked Ember and Trin. Imma change them.". Steve usually has better ideas, but Scott gets last say I guess.

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I still fail to see how avoiding damage by preventing it is boring but face-tanking without consequence and not having to worry about getting hit at all (or being chipped to death over time) is somehow exciting.  

you wanna be the sniper campin in the back for several hours


or you wanna be the guy with 2 SMGs running around kickin peoples heads off while going fire crazy?

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you wanna be the sniper campin in the back for several hours


or you wanna be the guy with 2 SMGs running around kickin peoples heads off while going fire crazy?

I am the guy with 2 SMGs; Accelerant allows me to do that.  The risk is high but so is the reward.  Overheat has no risk.  It rewards lazy play and has no interaction.  It's a crutch that offers nothing that Accelerant doesn't also offer but better assuming optimal play.  

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I am the guy with 2 SMGs; Accelerant allows me to do that.  The risk is high but so is the reward.  Overheat has no risk.  It rewards lazy play and has no interaction.  It's a crutch that offers nothing that Accelerant doesn't also offer but better assuming optimal play.  

sure. but if we wanted to use accelerant. we would be on valkyr. her paralysis lasts longer, costs 5 energy, and lets you do finish moves on stunned enemys.

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