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De, Please Don't Put The Grineer Shipyards On Ceres


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In Devstream #21, Ben and Mat confirmed that they had not yet chosen a location for the new Grineer Shipyard tileset. Looking at the planet map: Saturn, Uranus, Ceres, and Sedna are Grineer controlled planets that do not have their own unique environs. I just want to eliminate Ceres and suggest its own unique tileset for the future:




So, Ceres is an ice planet with cryovolcanism.


I know, so boring and overdone.


I'd still like for Ceres to not be ruined by the Grineer military machine (at least not too much; if there aren't bad guys there, why go there?) so that I can zorencopter around on a dark and distant ice world down the road.

Edited by Go4tfi5h
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in terms of Lore though, Ceres was my first choice. it's the highest level Grineer on the Solar Map - which makes it feel like the 'evil core' of the Grineer.


besides, who's to say the Shipyards can't be Volcanic / Frozen wasteland along side the  Grineer trash?

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in terms of Lore though, Ceres was my first choice. it's the highest level Grineer on the Solar Map - which makes it feel like the 'evil core' of the Grineer.


besides, who's to say the Shipyards can't be Volcanic / Frozen wasteland along side the  Grineer trash?


If the level design team could incorporate that into a nearly-finished tileset and roll it out with U12, I would give them the maddest of props. Looking at the screens of the new tileset (of which there are few), I'm not seeing a whole lot of iciness. I'm only against placing the shipyards on Ceres if it would mean that Ceres is not Ceres.


It's kind of like going to the ground bases on Pluto: blue sky, fresh air, the distant garbled Corpus comms. It's not a very convincing Pluto. It would never be day there, just a period in rotation of when there's a particularly bright star in the sky vs. when there's not. You can say "terraforming", like a magic word, but why would the Corpus, religiously obsessed with profit, waste so much effort on terraforming Pluto? It would never pay out. So going to Pluto always feels kind of silly.


I don't think a little bit of realism would be all that bad for immersion.


But Ceres is in a prime location for shipyards... The asteroid belt has lots of asteroids, which are rich in rare metals and meteoric iron, which is the stuff that ships are built from.


Though Ceres is the largest body within the asteroid belt, there are 3 other large asteroids (Vesta, Pallas, Hygeia) which could be large enough to operate as a central base for the shipyards:


All i can say is: More and New Planets/Systems are always welcome.. better adding than replacing.


After all, Phobos was made into a failed Grineer settlement. Who would settle on a giant potato? Using smaller bodies in the belt as a base is no where near as weird as Phobos for a new tileset.

Edited by Go4tfi5h
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I'm only against placing the shipyards on Ceres if it would mean that Ceres is not Ceres.

but it isn't as it stands now. Ceres, like the rest of the Grineer areas, has two groups of tiles they all share (other than Phobos and soon to be Earth).

it already isn't Ceres. i get your point, but anything can be made to work. mentioning what Ceres is really like, can bring up what it should look like if the tiles end up there. or if they end up somewhere else. 

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He still has a point in that, why make a tileset for a planet or moon, if it's not gonna look like that planet or moon at all.

Terraforming a mostly useless rock into something useful is bad?


Side question, What makes you think that big blue sky is in fact a sky at all and not the ceiling of a dome?

Edited by Makya
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Though Ceres is the largest body within the asteroid belt, there are 3 other large asteroids (Vesta, Pallas, Hygeia) which could be large enough to operate as a central base for the shipyards

That actually wouldn't be a bad idea. Vesta, Pallas, and Hygeia could then get their own maps in the future, like Phobos. These places could then be used as mining and refining facilities the Grineer use before shipping the finished products out to Ceres for ship construction.

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