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Luck Is The Only Way To Progress In Update 7.


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Well actually he is kinda right. I live in Europe and i think in at least half my games i have some kind of lag because of the host, so if not alot of people play in Asia then you have to play with people in Europe or America so you get a ton of lag, which isn't cool at all (but funny sometimes since i went all melee vs level 30 because they all moved so slow it was laughable), so the best way to enjoy the game at times is with solo. Also sometimes if you want to collect some resources it's annoying to play with other people that rush to the exit leaving you no time to search the surroundings for that precious rubedo...

I'm US east coast and I regularly play with European clanmates (UK, France, Germany, Portugal, and Croatia off the top of my head) without even a bit of lag even when they're hosting. I'm on a 20 down 5 up cable connection and I rarely see any lag unless the host is playing on a crappy internet connection halfway across the world.

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This isn't entirely true, though, and you must know it. Enemies have almost 100% accuracy, and one burst fire from a Grineer at a higher level will floor you, and this is unavoidable at a point. I can multishot mod, damage mod, power mod whatever, but you can't stop the enemy from doing what they do.

There is blocking if you want to change positions or melee, and I find that staying behind cover long enough to regenerate my shields allows me to do some more poking.

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I dont see what all the fuss is. With this new system I have complete control over my warframe and how I want to play it. On rhino, I only take two of his abilities and use the other slots for more stats to increase my general game play success. Having blank frames that I can build up is awesome. It hasn't been very long since U7, maybe OP should give RNG more time. It just seems to me that OP doesnt like that he/she had to start over at low lvls with a lvl 30 frame. Which, I admit, was not the way I thot it was going to be. But after a few days of farming mods, i've recovered a lot of my frames potential. Although I can't face roll stuff anymore, I am able to run high level missions again. I just have to be more careful of how I play. Its fun xD

I am OP, I could care less about the level reset, I have mentioned this numerous times, it doesn't bother me at all, today is my 4th consectutive day of farming, still no sheild mod. Maybe the Devs shold fix the damn game, and maybe you should pay attention to the first post I made, which is how I don't wanna hear about how "oh but I found a sheild mod so everything is peachy because I could care less about anyone but myself".

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I haven't gotten a single HP/Shield mod and I did fine.

You got to your brain more often, bro. Strategy is your best skill.

this is what I've been saying. the game was really easy with 400 shields and 500HP and a 50% speed boost. Now you just have to be smart, apply mods correctly, and if you don't have any mods to apply, play that much smarter

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I am OP, I could care less about the level reset, I have mentioned this numerous times, it doesn't bother me at all, today is my 4th consectutive day of farming, still no sheild mod. Maybe the Devs shold fix the damn game, and maybe you should pay attention to the first post I made, which is how I don't wanna hear about how "oh but I found a sheild mod so everything is peachy because I could care less about anyone but myself".


Piles of people are getting on just fine without shield mods.

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Well people complained about this being to hard. In u6 it was to easy. And srly. This game is supposed to be a coop game. The problem lies on your side. Sounds harsh but why should a coop game make it easier for solo players? .Bosses are supposed to be fought with more than one person. Otherwise they wouldnt be bosses. .In u6 I kicked phorids butt without any help or something. I didnt even needed my daily revives. Actually solo is just for people who dont like joining players. So this solo thing is more like a restriction for others than a real solo instance.....

But hey. Maybe the dedicated server start soon and you can play with your friends as well

Ah yes. "Why should a game appeal to the vast majority of players?"

Something like half of everyone who buys Call of Duty or Starcraft will never touch co-op or PvP. These guys are still capable of spending money. If DE acts like you do ("it's a ~co-op~ game! Solo players can get f**ked!) They instantly lose half their audience.

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Ah yes. "Why should a game appeal to the vast majority of players?"

Something like half of everyone who buys Call of Duty or Starcraft will never touch co-op or PvP. These guys are still capable of spending money. If DE acts like you do ("it's a ~co-op~ game! Solo players can get f**ked!) They instantly lose half their audience.

Ikr? No one played zombies or spe ops. Oh wai-Pretty much @(*()$ everyone that buys those games did and still does.

That's great! I'm serious, I can't be bothered with sarcasm. My point still stands, progression based solely on luck is bad.

Implying people can't progress without shield mods.

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Implying people can't progress without shield mods.

Have you left Terminus?

Have you been past Venus?

Ever been to Ceres?

Ever do a lv30+ Infestation or Grineer mission?

Then you'd know it sucks and is damn near impossible for classes without stealth to solo.

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While I am doing fine with and without mods I wholeheartedly agree with the original poster, relying on luck to get the things you want is really bad game design. It's the main reason I stopped playing mass effect 3's multiplayer - the characters and weapons I wanted just never dropped. Please devs give us a way to work towards what we want and how we want to play instead of limiting us to what we luck out on and find. Overall I love update 7 and this the only thing I dislike about Warframe - apart from the the way we interact with the chat system lol you should be able to see and respond to what your squad etc are saying all the time, not having to bring up the damn chat box - before getting into a game this is

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Have you left Terminus?

Have you been past Venus?

Ever been to Ceres?

Ever do a lv30+ Infestation or Grineer mission?

Then you'd know it sucks and is damn near impossible for classes without stealth to solo.

Yup, all of that. I was playing europa, sedna, and ceres for hours before I got my shield and health mods. Maybe you need to stop sucking and use your head. The game was easy before, now it's a tiny bit harder and people raise a $#*(@ fit :|

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Yup, all of that. I was playing europa, sedna, and ceres for hours before I got my shield and health mods. Maybe you need to stop sucking and use your head. The game was easy before, now it's a tiny bit harder and people raise a $#*(@ fit :|

It's not about sucking, it's just about how the game is.

Constantly does it multiple heavy units at you, all of which are capable of stunlock.

I don't know how many times I've went down an elevator, only two see three heavy machinegunners, a commander, 3 doomballs, and a seeker.

It's even worse when fighting the Infested.

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It's not about sucking, it's just about how the game is.

Constantly does it multiple heavy units at you, all of which are capable of stunlock.

I don't know how many times I've went down an elevator, only two see three heavy machinegunners, a commander, 3 doomballs, and a seeker.

It's even worse when fighting the Infested.

If you have passible mods on your weapon (pistols are very easy to mod well) that's not hard to deal with, especially if you're playing the right frame for the mission.

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Yup, all of that. I was playing europa, sedna, and ceres for hours before I got my shield and health mods. Maybe you need to stop sucking and use your head. The game was easy before, now it's a tiny bit harder and people raise a $#*(@ fit :|

Yeah, i was doing an infested alert mission in pluto with nothing but a few dmg and reload mods on my rifle and gun and there was no problem but that's because i obviously had a team made up of people who have been playing for a long time but for people who havent this system is killer.

They get no cushion when it comes to survival so they can experiment with what their frames can do. And there is no way to know when you will get that because it all depends on mods and money, it's like being taught by Master Pai Mei.

When playing games now i'm not really worried about the enemies im worried of who i am playing with because if it's new people they will get me in more trouble than the enemies because they are new and they have no scale on what can be done. And the fact that i still have no chat window so i cant talk to them is killer too.

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Dude, every time you claim "I can do Pluto with no survivabiluty mods" you just shoot the idea that you are anything even resembling a standard balance point in the foot.

These "bad players" like Aggh seems to keep referring to them as (thanks for catching his pre-edit post, BTW) are actually closer to the average skill level of the population. Why should we "noobs" have to suffer because you want to play Nethack or Dark Souls or Devil May Cry: Legendary Son of Sparda Dante Must Die Hell or Hell mode?

If you want the game to be masochistically hard ask for a Uber-Brutal difficulty mode where enemies have four times the damage output or whatever and you get double the credits and pre-leveled mods. Don't make other people suffer for your own self-aggrandizement.

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Ikr? No one played zombies or spe ops. Oh wai-Pretty much @(*()$ everyone that buys those games did and still does.

Yeah, and guess what? You could play both solo. FYI: Activision's own internal statistics show that half the guys who bought CoD or, say, Starcraft would literally never even open up multiplayer ever. Turns out there's plenty of people willing to ignore MP and just do SP.

This is why games which can be balanced to have SOME sort of solo gameplay should keep it in. Even if you only get, say, 100K players of SP and they only give you 25c each, that's 25K. Not a bad number for something that needs minimal support (the real balance changes are all gonna affect both SP and MP, Solo only needs to give you easier enemies and remove forced teamplay mechanics.

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I agree with this, shield and health should be purchasble with credits.

It is. buy consumables. you can also get ammo.

There are way bigger issues with the game right now than power creep. Power creep is appropriate.

I just came back from a Hiatus, and I'm pretty pleased with the changes. After maybe 10 missions on Mercury I was able to get a shield mod. There is a luck component, sure. but honestly almost every major MMO has this. it's not a problem. if anything, it's a standard.

Fine as is, and working as intended. there's a reason consumables are available. buy them.

Yeah, and guess what? You could play both solo. FYI: Activision's own internal statistics show that half the guys who bought CoD or, say, Starcraft would literally never even open up multiplayer ever. Turns out there's plenty of people willing to ignore MP and just do SP.

This is why games which can be balanced to have SOME sort of solo gameplay should keep it in. Even if you only get, say, 100K players of SP and they only give you 25c each, that's 25K. Not a bad number for something that needs minimal support (the real balance changes are all gonna affect both SP and MP, Solo only needs to give you easier enemies and remove forced teamplay mechanics.

This is irrelevent. This game, at its' core, is meant to be multiplayer. if you're taking on an entire enemy ship solo, it shouldn't be easy. it should be damn hard. Afterall, it's you versus like 100 guys. The majority of the fun of this game should be in working with other players. We're badass space ninjas. but we're goign agianst highly trained/evolved enemies. This isn't like Dynasty warriors where you're a highly trained martial artist against a bunch of peasants with sharpened sticks.

If anything, we need better ways to socially network within the game. a chat lobby etc. so we can find people to play with, rather than just randomlly joining a game. or having to find a clan on the forums. Not everyone will come to the forums, so there needs to be more facilitiation of this aspect within the game itself. the basics are there, but need a little more. Clans and factions would be great. We dont' necesarily need PvP to have clans and factions. Within any major organization there are internal political groups. They aren't necessarily trying to kill each-other. but they do have different goals and agendas.

Rather than facilitate solo play, there needs to be beter facilitation of group play. If anything is done to enemy coding/balancing/AI etc. it should be to faciliate more synergy between frames. IE: say Saryn throws Venom on a target. If an Excal or Rhino does its' dash attack, an increased AoE explosion and bonus damage would be great synergy. Or Frost's Freeze followed by Banshee's Sonic Boom. Rhino Stomp + Blade Storm. etc. etc.

Also activision and other major development studios have big investors and corporate backing. This is basically an indie game. There are major limitations to what can be done in a specific time frame. If they wanted to, they probably don't have the time or funds to take on a full blown SP campaign. Between rebalancing abilities on the frames, and recoding enemy difficult to accomdate solo play, i'd rather have rebalanced abilities. some frames just feel worthless (Trinity) and almost every frame has that one ability where it feels like 'when, where, and why would I ever use this?'

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No one in this thread is asserting the game is harder with a group, this game has never and is still not hard with a group because the game doesn't scale at all. Having just one person doubles your survivability even if that person isn't good or has no mods. People also aren't asserting that solo isn't completely impossible in all situations, mostly only grineer missions are impossible without health or shield since they're hitscan. I soloed a level 55 infested exterminate alert with my level 24 Ash, but it took forever, was not rewarding, and was not fun.

Soloing went from being hard when fighting in areas 5 levels above you and normal/easy under that (save bosses) to being either inredibly hard if you don't have shield or hp to being a little harder that it used to be if you do. This is the problem, hp/shield give your frame more potency than any other stats/cards your frame will get and we have to rely on RNG to get those back even though they're *common* cards.

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Dude, every time you claim "I can do Pluto with no survivabiluty mods" you just shoot the idea that you are anything even resembling a standard balance point in the foot.

These "bad players" like Aggh seems to keep referring to them as (thanks for catching his pre-edit post, BTW) are actually closer to the average skill level of the population. Why should we "noobs" have to suffer because you want to play Nethack or Dark Souls or Devil May Cry: Legendary Son of Sparda Dante Must Die Hell or Hell mode?

If you want the game to be masochistically hard ask for a Uber-Brutal difficulty mode where enemies have four times the damage output or whatever and you get double the credits and pre-leveled mods. Don't make other people suffer for your own self-aggrandizement.

He was quoting a different post, not a pre edit. Nice try though.

The game simply is not hard at all and adding a tiny bit of difficulty is actually a good thing. If the game is too easy people will get bored. That's why late update 6 barely anyone was playing. What's entertaining about being able to kill everything in a fraction of a second and have so much health and shields that nothing can kill you?

Nevermind that the survivability mods aren't really all that hard to get. Shields are pretty rare, but vitality drops all the time on mercury missions, along with a setinel and the guardian precept, you don't even really need a shield mod. And once you have that and a shield mod, you have to try to die practically.

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It IS luck! omg wth are u guys talking about?! pay attention to what you are saying!! the drops are crashed for sure! if u check on warframe wiki the quality of mods, u'll see that the HP mod and Shield mod are both 'Commom', and I already have a freaking 'Rare' mod maxed out by using duplicates mods for leveling it! there's something wrong with these drops calculations for sure, wake up guys, it's not about challenge, it's about possibility, u can't just go and kill someone with 100h/100s on Ceres, they'll simply own u... grinding for something is very different from grinding something undropable! totally thumbs up for CosyPigeon... there's something wrong with the math in this

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