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Exclusivity -Vs- Brakk?


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This weapon is just bad design, It's a lot better than anything else by a significant margin and only this small group gets to have it in a world where anything goes for pvp. It needs to be taken down to near whats best available or have it resurface again. 


People claiming they "earned" it, just please. Playing the game is nothing special. 

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I couldn't care less what happens with the Brakk, but in this game running 100 missions for a weapon isn't anything special considering it came premade with a slot and a potato. If you really think running 100 missions is that big of a deal, why not just have players who missed the even run their 100 for the gun.

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I couldn't care less what happens with the Brakk, but in this game running 100 missions for a weapon isn't anything special considering it came premade with a slot and a potato. If you really think running 100 missions is that big of a deal, why not just have players who missed the even run their 100 for the gun.


It also comes with 2 polarity slots.

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Would be right or fair for you to play during The Gravidus Dilemma.

And i'm really starting to hate people, because they are always trying to touch Brakk. All over again. Nerf was not enough?

Nerfing has absolutely nothing to do with this topic...


OT: I'm a Brakk user who dearly hates himself for spending all those hours doing Invasions when I should have been studying, but honestly, I think that the Brakk should return as an obtainable weapon-- provided that it's difficult to obtain.

It's the best weapon in the game, after all (although, frankly, it could still use a light tap or two from the nerf hammer...), and making it easy to obtain after the hell that we went through to obtain it in Gravidus would be a bit of a slap in the face for a lot of us.


EDIT: I'm thinking that the Brakk should be dropped from a Grineer boss that follows a similar system as Harvester. Since Brakk and Detron are somewhat counterparts of each other, it would be nice to see this added, to keep that consistency and sense of choice going.

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Would be right or fair for you to play during The Gravidus Dilemma.

And i'm really starting to hate people, because they are always trying to touch Brakk. All over again. Nerf was not enough?

i missed it because of exams, I would love to get it but I know I wont unless all event weapons get a 2nd or 3rd etc chance.

in which case brakk should be last as of now to be re-released.

I also dont think Nerf! but I think: Fill up the gap!

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Nerfing has absolutely nothing to do with this topic...


OT: I'm a Brakk user who dearly hates himself for spending all those hours doing Invasions when I should have been studying, but honestly, I think that the Brakk should return as an obtainable weapon-- provided that it's difficult to obtain.

It's the best weapon in the game, after all (although, frankly, it could still use a light tap or two from the nerf hammer...), and making it easy to obtain after the hell that we went through to obtain it in Gravidus would be a bit of a slap in the face for a lot of us.


EDIT: I'm thinking that the Brakk should be dropped from a Grineer boss that follows a similar system as Harvester. Since Brakk and Detron are somewhat counterparts of each other, it would be nice to see this added, to keep that consistency and sense of choice going.

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I remember this conversation like it was a mere four months ago...


Well, whatever.  I wouldn't worry too much about it.  The Brakk probably will be re-released; it probably won't be for quite a while; and when it is, people will probably be griping about whatever the most recent OP event weapon is.


I missed the Brakk because I didn't have the endurance to grind out those 75 additional missions (I did get the Machete).  I can't say I really regret my decision.  My only gripe is that I don't have access to the Mastery from the weapon levels for weapons I've missed.

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Nerfing has absolutely nothing to do with this topic...


OT: I'm a Brakk user who dearly hates himself for spending all those hours doing Invasions when I should have been studying, but honestly, I think that the Brakk should return as an obtainable weapon-- provided that it's difficult to obtain.

It's the best weapon in the game, after all (although, frankly, it could still use a light tap or two from the nerf hammer...), and making it easy to obtain after the hell that we went through to obtain it in Gravidus would be a bit of a slap in the face for a lot of us.


EDIT: I'm thinking that the Brakk should be dropped from a Grineer boss that follows a similar system as Harvester. Since Brakk and Detron are somewhat counterparts of each other, it would be nice to see this added, to keep that consistency and sense of choice going.

If you did it right it took a grand total of ~5 hours over the course of seven days to grind those 100 missions.  It's not nearly as big a deal as people are making of it.

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It just wouldn't be the same.  The people who went for the 100 runs did it without knowing the stats of the weapon or how it would play.  It was an unknown and some people regret not getting it after deciding to skip out.  It would need to be more difficult than just 100 runs for it to be fair in my opinion.


I missed the Strun Wraith when it was 1shotting everything, and that was because I joined a day late.


This is exactly why DE should not make this weapon available again. It was a reward for people who worked hard to get it, and they had no idea it would be the best secondary in the game. They went through those 100 missions because they wanted the event weapon, because they were diehards. Now that everyone knows the Brakk is the best, everyone wants it. The situation becomes comparable to a player who was around for the event, but didn't want to grind the 100 missions for the weapon because they didn't have time/were too lazy/didn't care. Those people who say "if I knew it was gonna be the best secondary, I would have done the missions" are not playing the game to enjoy it.


Think of it this way. The cost of one share in Google is currently $1133.57 US. When Google first offered shares, they were available to be purchased for $85. Would it be okay for new investors to have the opportunity to buy them right now for $85, just because they weren't around when the buying price was that low? OF COURSE NOT. But that's what you're asking for.

If you weren't around for it, or if you didn't work for it at the time, you do not deserve the opportunity to get it.

If DE makes this weapon again, it will cause such an uprising in the community and player base. By your logic, new players should be able to buy Founder's packs again and get access to all of the now unobtainable gear. Those people earned that stuff by supporting the company in its infancy; let them reap their rewards in the form of exclusive weapons/gear. You should not be given the opportunity to earn those rewards because you simply weren't around for them.

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Think of it this way. The cost of one share in Google is currently $1133.57 US. When Google first offered shares, they were available to be purchased for $85. Would it be okay for new investors to have the opportunity to buy them right now for $85, just because they weren't around when the buying price was that low? OF COURSE NOT. But that's what you're asking for.


I've seen people do similar references several times, and it makes no sense. You can't compare earning money to exclusive items for one very simple reason. There is more then one way to earn money. If I were to follow your logic, because the investors didn't buy Google shares early, they never get to buy shares or earn money ever again. Please stop using this reference.

Edited by Zyion
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To all the people vehemently opposing the rerelease of the Brakk, consider this.


DE has stated themselves that the Brakk and Detron will not remain exclusive/unobtainable. I can't find the exact post but I believe the words were something to the effect of "Those weapons, [brakk, Detron and Prova Vandal, yeah remember THAT thing] are going into a metaphorical vault, which will be reopened at a later date.


I would imagine that they would release some Grineer Harvester as previously mentioned. We all know Vay Hek is up to something after we wrecked the Cicero Injectors. Maybe there will be something related to the Forest tileset allowing players to obtain Brakk BP/parts.


Oh, and it still needs another nerf. Just saying. That "nerf" they did? Changed absolutely nothing.

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I don't see how everyone thinks having a weapon that is event only and is top hitter in the game is a good thing?


If DE was better at balancing actually, less people would give a dam about getting brakk. It doesn't even look that good.


All they have to do when releasing a weapon for event only, make a seperate weapon with all the same stats but with a completely different skin and model. Maybe make it less "pretty"?  


Also, brakk wasn't earned through challenging means. You just grinded 100 missions. Easy ones and that is not a freaking challenge, nor is that any real event. 


Stop accepting grind from DE and then call it challenging. Lets be honest, this game isn't very hard. Its just grindy. 

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What about this:

You get the BP from collecting 20 battle pays from Grineer/Corpus (as in, one of the factions will trigger this, the other won't) in invasion missions where the Grineer/Corpus are on the offensive and are successful. This is actually more effort (assuming non-optimal conditions (i.e. the sectors are actually contested *not that they would be with brakk available*), since getting the brakk will require at least 100 invasion mission runs, but could potentially require dozens more.

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I've seen people do similar references several times, and it makes no sense. You can't compare earning money to exclusive items for one very simple reason. There is more then one way to earn money. If I were to follow your logic, because the investors didn't buy Google shares early, they never get to buy shares or earn money ever again. Please stop using this reference.


You're generalizing my statement. I'm talking specifically about Google shares only, and their change in value from conception to today's value. I'll note that even while the value has greatly increased, its still available to buy, which is not the case with the Brakk. Because of that, the example I used is a little flawed, but the underlying concept remains: You should not be able to get the Brakk simply because you weren't around for it.


I suppose DE could do a re-release of the Brakk as a Brakk Wraith or something, but to re-release the original Brakk with its current stats is like a big slap in the face of those who first earned it. I suppose a lot of people are indifferent about it because it was easy enough to get according to previous posters, but its the principle that sticks out for me.


Anyway, that's just my opinion. If DE wants to re-release it, of course I'll be getting it as well. I just don't think they should.

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Here's the thing. Coming from someone who ran well more than the 100 missions needed to get the weapon. You had a week to do 100 missions. Lets do the math, lets say each mission took 5 minutes. This is roughly about the time it took to do each mission.

That means over the course of a week you spent more than 8 hours playing warframe and only doing the mission.

People complaining about how its not fair, how it was only 100 missions needs to think of this.


It was 100 missions over a time restraint.


Myself did 170 missions. Meaning I put 14 hours into that event. Simply doing 100 missions doesn't just grant you the weapon. Its the dedication its that time restraint of doing the same thing over and over for hours. In order for me to be okay with them releasing it again. I think a similar event with a similar time constraint is needed. Otherwise its a slap in the face for everyone who did it with a time constraint while living their lives.

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This is really stupid, everyone thinks that there is Brakk and only Brakk. Hell I have one and never use the damn thing even in endgame. The point of event weapons is to make people have more special things, if that limited edition object is not significantly more powerful then whats the point. If everyone had brakk then the game would be boring. Actually try the other weapons for once, the detron is amazing, the tysis is awesome even the gremlins rock. Suck it up and be happy with what you have.

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I suppose DE could do a re-release of the Brakk as a Brakk Wraith or something, but to re-release the original Brakk with its current stats is like a big slap in the face of those who first earned it. I suppose a lot of people are indifferent about it because it was easy enough to get according to previous posters, but its the principle that sticks out for me.


Personally, I felt that DE releasing the Detron as a weapon that you can only get by supporting the Grineer was already a pretty big slap in the face to Corpus supporters. I don't see why the Brakk shouldn't get the same treatment.


In all seriousness though, I don't think it is a good idea to start cutting out content from new players just because they didn't join the game earlier. If the trend should continue, it could become a major deterrence for new players. What happens a year or two down the line when the veteran players have considerably more weapons and mods that new players can't get? Power creep aside, the difference in mastery could get to the point where new players are stuck at a lower mastery rank then the veteran players who have been playing years before them.

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Dear DE, and especially dear Brakk users ...

- Brakk is exclusive weapon, but for a limited time (it is not Wraith).

- it could be released as high mastery (8 - 10) research weapon

(since there are only 2 Grineer research weapons).

- It needs better ratio of less damage fall off and tight spread AND ...

- It needs a DPS nerf to Bronco Prime / Detron level.

Anything else is lie of your ego.

Btw. I have Brakk too.

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I have the Brakk and could care less if it gets released like the Detron. I kind of assumed they would do that eventually back when I was grinding for the thing (the Machete Wraith was the event exclusive). But, Detron is arguably as good as the Brakk. While Brakk deals more damage, the Detron has no damage falloff. Also, having used both I see very little difference between the two aside from the Brakk looking far uglier.

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If you did it right it took a grand total of ~5 hours over the course of seven days to grind those 100 missions.  It's not nearly as big a deal as people are making of it.

That's assuming you're half-decent at speedruns. I solo'd with a Loki. XD


Took me about seven hours in total, but still, it was seven hours of tedious grind, and seven hours that could have been spent on studying. I get that it's really not much time compared to a full week and that I'm 100% at fault for bringing it on myself in the first place, but even if it isn't a big deal for you, it definitely was for me. Not everyone can squish seven hours of video gaming into their schedules during exam time.

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That is my whole point. I don't expect them to hand it over. I want to EARN it, just give us a chance. People ran a 100 missions during the even to get it? Fine, I will do the same. I don't understand why some people feel special just because they were around a month earlier?


I don't personally care for boasting or bragging rights or stuff like that, I just don't like to feel I am getting penalized by missing out on one of the best weapons in the game just because I started playing a bit after the event started.


PS: Some people do not seem to get my point at all. Also, where in my post did I ask for a nerf?


Yes true you never spoke of a nerf, but whenever it comes down to one of these things and someone complains to DE they have been doing the same thing in the recent past: nerf it (at least that's how they decided to resolve the conflict and I'm not judging their method). But Strun Wraith was to have 190 dmg when it was first released, then, NERFED. Sure it's still MUCH better than original, but I had a weapon that made me like shotguns and now Tigris and Drakgoon just kicked it in the &^*(. Then, getting all excited about another weapon, I played the Gradivus event, then, NERFED.


I am not of the opinion that they should create another insane grinding event and give the brakk. Just give it to them I don't care. After grinding in the Gradivus I learned my lesson.


PS. you say you don't care for bragging rights yet when they gave you the Detron, which is supposedly an equivalent of brakk (but obviously brakk users will say theirs is better), you weren't happy. Seems to me like you want exclusivity all over again.

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Dear DE, and especially dear Brakk users ...

- Brakk is exclusive weapon, but for a limited time (it is not Wraith).

- it could be released as high mastery (8 - 10) research weapon

(since there are only 2 Grineer research weapons).

- It needs better ratio of less damage fall off and tight spread AND ...

- It needs a DPS nerf to Bronco Prime / Detron level.

Anything else is lie of your ego.

Btw. I have Brakk too.


OP to make my point clear read this.


Voidflow people have egos. The world runs on ego. Asking for the gun to be always exclusive is an extreme form of egoism. Asking for NO NERF is NOT.

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Eh I don't have a Brakk. Do I wish I had it? Sure. However, I made the choice to only do 51 Gravidus missions rather than 100 because I'm a lazy &#!; so damn right I don't deserve it, and neither does anyone else who didn't do 100 missions. Besides, I'm pretty content with my lovely 5 forma Detron that I've nicknamed the 'Doom Cannon'.

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PS. you say you don't care for bragging rights yet when they gave you the Detron, which is supposedly an equivalent of brakk (but obviously brakk users will say theirs is better), you weren't happy. Seems to me like you want exclusivity all over again.


No, I don't really care for bragging rights. I have no idea what you are talking about or how you make assumptions on my behalf. How do you know if I was or was not happy?


In fact, I had no idea there was a such a weapon as the Detron until they released it (I wasn't around at the Gradivus event), and after that I looked on Wiki to learn more about it. Also, Detron is not an exclusive weapon, and you just need diligence but mostly luck to get it. I was excited about it and farmed a lot of missions for a chance to get it. Only recently did I finish it and honestly it was one of the few goals I had left to do in this game.


Also, the Detron is "supposed" to be the counterpart for Brakk, but it doesn't even come close to it in terms of DPS from what I can see.



I will tell you another story, as a point of comparison. Years ago, back when League of Legends was new, I supported it by buying a lot of Limited Edition skins that were not cheap. I was the proud owned of about 15 of them, which the company promised they will never release again. As years passed, more people joined LOL, and those skins became rarer and rarer. I had always thought it was silly to brag about skins as some others did, but the occasional nice words and comments were cool to hear.


However, not long ago, LoL Devs (Riot) decided to re-release those skins, mainly because the vast majority of the player base had missed out on them after the huge success of the game. What they proposed, in exchange, is to give the original owners an exclusive icon and loading screen treatment to set them apart. They even offered to refund original owners the price of those LE skins while allowing them to keep the skins!!


There was an uproar from the LE owners, because this move will remove the exclusivity and limited status from these skins, and also because the company promised they will never release these skins again. Well, I was perhaps one of the very few people (or maybe the only one) who voiced their support for this decision, mainly because I thought it was more fair toward new players to enjoy these skins. I also understood Riot's situation and thought their offer was generous enough, and that this was another way to keep supporting them. Needless to say, I got a lot of flack over this, but I still feel that way.

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