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Is Warframe Officialy Still In Open Beta ?


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I don't care the beta status i care more that this game still a below avarege product and no have gameplay and lore. The most of contents what they make is just money collectors because give small extras and try to keep interesting the playerbase which is slowly reduce. They need to create a cheap but useful concents to keep the peoples interest for a long time and everyone hate the pvp because the most of player base feel gamebreaker here but even more fun than shot a poor AI. I don't care if the pvp in tournamets implement and all just practice because the standard lore say we are just in time awakened ninjas for fight...


They now work on 2-3 front like pc and ps4 and they just add bore grinding concents what is really ruin this game. This game have more potential than remain a mindless shooter.


I understand that fact the money is needed but then they should work well and add real concents to the game which really needs for long months ago. The beta title not mean we not need to work enough on the game and we cannot critise because we make "crap". They deserve the money if they change their business model and begin to make really interesting contents.


Have a lot of posts and threads everywhere what they should add to do this.



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Many games use the "beta" tag as an excuse to protect themselves from reviewing, however Warframe has the case twisted around, in a way.


Instead of being a theoretically complete game that opens up the cash shop and starts getting some income while fixing minor stuff (like most of games in "beta" tag), Warframe has been called a beta, opened up the shop and pours content into it while still being arguably on even alpha levels with some features.


I know making money is important so content that generates money must be developed, but goddamnit there's so many things that need to be added and they've been missing from the game for MONTHS.


In result we get this mess of a diamond in the rough: The core of the game is solid and fun, but it's lacking all the additional things that make a game great, and DE is stuck in this mess of having to make money and also improve the game.


And what are those you ask?

Take a look at the suggestions forum, or just think of the first thing coming to mind that fits the description of:

"I really need it"

"It's not overcomplicated"

"It doesn't mess with existing features"

"It's easy to make"


And there's tons of things like that.

Conjecture. Please present facts with sources

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As a side note .. I'm really starting to hate the word "lore" :)
It seems to me that the Warframe devs weren't able, or didn't care to create a story for the game, not even a real world design, so they invented "lore". Which in turn can mean anything. In their case: random unconnected (and probably unconnectable) one-sentence pieces of text spilled around the game in weapons descriptions.
And then I hear somebody say in LIVESTREAM, there will be more "lore". "Soon". Wow, can't wait for it. Wait, I guess they mean the description of new event. :\

And more about..
I dug out an old interview with Steve Sinclair at Waframe announcement, where he talk about how Warframe will have no story, because thats what they did in previous titles "shoveling the cinematics onto the players" and now they want to do it differently.
That there will be no direct story, but instead community will make their own stories about the game.
When I head that I really though "seriously" ? With all respect, how can a guy who works in the industry for 15 years think that a community will do anything for him ? Let alone somehow 'create' a meaningful, interesting or even bearable story. 8-.

Seriously, so the story for Warframe is ment to be made of fan art and flame wars on wiki about who the hell are Grineer ? :]

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As a side note .. I'm really starting to hate the word "lore" :)

It seems to me that the Warframe devs weren't able, or didn't care to create a story for the game, not even a real world design, so they invented "lore". Which in turn can mean anything. In their case: random unconnected (and probably unconnectable) one-sentence pieces of text spilled around the game in weapons descriptions.

And then I hear somebody say in LIVESTREAM, there will be more "lore". "Soon". Wow, can't wait for it. Wait, I guess they mean the description of new event. :\

And more about..

I dug out an old interview with Steve Sinclair at Waframe announcement, where he talk about how Warframe will have no story, because thats what they did in previous titles "shoveling the cinematics onto the players" and now they want to do it differently.

That there will be no direct story, but instead community will make their own stories about the game.

When I head that I really though "seriously" ? With all respect, how can a guy who works in the industry for 15 years think that a community will do anything for him ? Let alone somehow 'create' a meaningful, interesting or even bearable story. 8-.

Seriously, so the story for Warframe is ment to be made of fan art and flame wars on wiki about who the hell are Grineer ? :]

Then that person needs to be replaced. Stories do not equal cinematics being shoved down throats. Stories are where you know who the characters are, what they are doing, why they are doing it (usually, games like Cryostasis and E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy are... weird), the setting, all of it so you can get immersed. Some games take different approaches to this. EpicNameBro, the go-to source for Dark Souls stuff on YouTube pointed out in one of his videos where he played Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning recently and how very, very early into the game, the story was spelled out in more or less perfect detail to him, leaving nothing to guesswork. He hated it, he felt like the developers didn't think he was smart enough to figure that stuff out on his own. He then started talking about how in Dark Souls, the descriptions of items/spells/miracles tell their own stories, like certain boss souls will go into important bits of history about the enemy and possibly who created it and why, etc.


Also, another game with a fantastic story without cinematics being shoved onto the player is Planescape: Torment, and of course Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura.

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Im affraid that "that person" is a head honcho of Warframe project ;)

I agree that stories do not equal cinematics. Well not anymore anyway.
What you describe is what we call a "back story" or more generaly "world design". Things that live aside of main game story. Things that you don't have to know to finish the game, but if you'll find them, it will make you feel the world of the game has more substance. That places and characters in the game are not just a backdrop with nothing behind them.

Still there have to be a main story, and a game has to make sure the player sees all its pieces in more-less right order etc.
Huh why am I even writing that, we all know it :)

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I don't care the beta status i care more that this game still a below avarege product and no have gameplay and lore. The most of contents what they make is just money collectors because give small extras and try to keep interesting the playerbase which is slowly reduce. They need to create a cheap but useful concents to keep the peoples interest for a long time and everyone hate the pvp because the most of player base feel gamebreaker here but even more fun than shot a poor AI. I don't care if the pvp in tournamets implement and all just practice because the standard lore say we are just in time awakened ninjas for fight...


They now work on 2-3 front like pc and ps4 and they just add bore grinding concents what is really ruin this game. This game have more potential than remain a mindless shooter.


I understand that fact the money is needed but then they should work well and add real concents to the game which really needs for long months ago. The beta title not mean we not need to work enough on the game and we cannot critise because we make "crap". They deserve the money if they change their business model and begin to make really interesting contents.


Have a lot of posts and threads everywhere what they should add to do this.



Huh...not sure if being serious or trolling.....so you don't care if a game is in beta but then complain about said un fished game having beta/in-production aspects....I'm confused. Did you not take your medicine today?

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The moment you start asking for money it stops being a beta and becomes either a good or a bad product.


.... i was going to post a one of my trademark explanations about how you are wrong but i just can't muster the effort.


so I'm just gonna list a few things:


- If you invest in a product before it's finished does that make it done - no, it is done when it's done.


- Is a kickstarter a product or an investment - answer investment, does putting your money in it make it finished, nope gotta wait til it's done.


- If you pre-order a game and you have given them money you should be able to review and play that game right then right? - no because that would be as stupid as saying anything that asks for money is a finished product.


The game is beta as long as DE says it's in Beta and nothing else is anything but opinion, and is irrelevant to the actual status of the game in development.

Edited by Agent_of_Change
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Huh...not sure if being serious or trolling.....so you don't care if a game is in beta but then complain about said un fished game having beta/in-production aspects....I'm confused. Did you not take your medicine today?

I do not need medicine to see this game is unfinished and they aren't work on this will be. They just add useless grind keeper contents. If you think i am trolling then report is your level. I am not care the arguing but it seems you aren't partner for it. 


Have a nice day.

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Many games use the "beta" tag as an excuse to protect themselves from reviewing, however Warframe has the case twisted around, in a way.


Instead of being a theoretically complete game that opens up the cash shop and starts getting some income while fixing minor stuff (like most of games in "beta" tag), Warframe has been called a beta, opened up the shop and pours content into it while still being arguably on even alpha levels with some features.


I know making money is important so content that generates money must be developed, but goddamnit there's so many things that need to be added and they've been missing from the game for MONTHS.


In result we get this mess of a diamond in the rough: The core of the game is solid and fun, but it's lacking all the additional things that make a game great, and DE is stuck in this mess of having to make money and also improve the game.


And what are those you ask?

Take a look at the suggestions forum, or just think of the first thing coming to mind that fits the description of:

"I really need it"

"It's not overcomplicated"

"It doesn't mess with existing features"

"It's easy to make"


And there's tons of things like that.


Couple of issues that I can shed some light on in regards to this post. 


Beta has a fuzzy meaning. Strictly speaking this game is in full production, and is generating at least some income, so I personally wouldn't consider this in "beta". However, I would absolutely label it as a "beta" if I were in the devs position so that I could get more flexibility on things I changed, delay reviews/marketing, and get more buy in from company leadership if the game wasn't profitable yet. Saying "beta" gives you so much flexibility that labeling warframe as such is probably the right call.


As for the core of the game being fun vs adding additional things, you're kinda hovering around the idea of polish. The core is a diablo style procedurally generated game with run and gun mechanics, and it's pretty solid I think. Certainly warframe could use more polish, but this is a self published game which means their team size, and thus man hours, is limited. Triple A games with incredible amounts of polish (think assasin's creed, GTA) are the result of massive amounts of man hours put on to the product. There's just no way a studio that's self publishing can have that. When you say feature X or Y is missing for months, you are really underestimating how much time/money that can take.


The last bit about things that are "easy", "not complicated", and "don't affect existing features" is kinda my pet peeve about the industry. When you say that something is just a simple matter of programming, you're missing the big picture. One individual feature may be an easy thing to slot in, if you just band-aid it in, but if you follow that approach you'll end up with a codebase that's a total wreck in a few months. I've worked on a lot of projects that have been patched to death because of this. Adding features to an established codebase is almost always more complicated than it looks. Software is just hard to make work right, and while you're probably right that if I just hacked up a solution to the "easy" problem you've identified it could be ready in a day or two, but three months later when that hack is cascading all kinds of hell throughout the system you'll regret having not having taken the time to do it right.


tl;dr writing good software is much more hard and costly than people realize.

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tl;dr writing good software is much more hard and costly than people realize.

So you're saying just because it MAY affect the "codebase" it shouldn't be implemented, no matter how essential to making the game better it is?


I DO know a bit (maybe even a byte, lolpun) about making games. I worked in the industry, I saw games evolve during development, I know what's possible and what's not.

I know stuff *I* want to see  wouldn't be hard to make, and would greatly benefit the game, in my eyes at least.


I also know people blow their suggestions out of proportions terribly, up to a point where you'd be better off making a brand new game.

Trust me, I'm not trying to flip the game around, I just want stuff that is considered standard in similar games.


What is that precisely? Take a look at suggestion threads I've made, I won't be writing an(other) essay about them.

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I DO know a bit (maybe even a byte, lolpun) about making games. I worked in the industry, I saw games evolve during development, I know what's possible and what's not.

I know stuff *I* want to see  wouldn't be hard to make, and would greatly benefit the game, in my eyes at least.

My primary point when people say "change X is easy to make" is that making estimations on difficulty of implementing a feature is hard. Even seasoned developers/engineers are pretty bad at estimating task difficulty. I've lost count of the number of times I've heard someone say "this turned out to be much harder than I thought" at a scrum. I'm not saying your suggestions aren't great, or that they wouldn't make things better. What I really want to see users get away from is saying that something is easy to do without having their hands and heads around the actual software itself. 


Honestly I think engineers need to get a lot better at communicating what types of issues are an easy fix or implementation, and what types can be very difficult. It's something I struggle with quiet often, and it can be hard to get upper management to believe you that "simple" feature X or Y is far from simple.

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One year ago there was only one tile set (Corpus ship), all the enemies either used the Strun or Braton, half the enemies didnt exist, half the frames didnt exist, most of the weapons didnt exist, there was no parkour, not chat, etc, etc.


I find people's views of what a completed game to be extremely strange.

This is probably the reason why video game companies release incomplete games and when the sequels comes that's when they get to adding all the stuff that should have been in the game in the first place. This deadline mentality that publishers have is what screws games up but since everyone buys them the first day of release they dont care about the later complains. The game makers can deal with that later.

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