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Dear De... Please Make It Stop


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I use to support thw corpus... Until I discovered what they did... Their experiments... Their methods does numb the feeling... But when you realise they are spinning you lies...

I will not sleep until they pay for every lie




Edited by RevoThornax
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First off... I come back after a day and I get greeted with 25 notifications lol. (Part of one of my other topics on bows as well but...)

Anyway this is going to be.... LONGGGG


I'm fine with that, because once everyone has the Detron it will do a huge 180 because the Detron is so good at killing Grineer.

Think about it... Do people do invasion because of how easy it is? I'm willing to bet well over 90% of the players don't... So once everyone has the detron, then people will go for the ones with the best rewards...


How about you asking players to help you make it stop?

Not every single person playing the game is going for the Detron.

This whole Detron business is just a specific set of players that want that weapon.

There are people playing the game that still have no idea about any of this.

I don't know how I can ask players to make it stop... Considering there's thousands upon thousands of players that play this game...

Your right.. I dont want the detron... But majority of the players do... Making the grineer win.

That doesn't change the fact the grineer are winning every invasion...


I still think a Grineer assassin is going to show up sooner or later. We'll see what they drop :P


That would be a terrible idea imo.

Because if the weapon they drop is better, then the corpus will win every invasion...

So then it will just do the oposite of what we have right now....


Playing on corpus side gives you a chance to get the mail as well.
It's not DE fault, people don't want to know exactly how things work before hunting for Harvester...

I know about the mail part, but not sure about if harvester spawns while supporting corpus... Either way, people don't know this... 

Edited by Deaths.Reap3r
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Grineer are also the moral choice.



So our sworn enemies are the moral choice? The Tenno were awakened to fight the Grineer, and put a stop to their expansionism.



When offered Corpus and Grineer to side with, the Grineer are the moral choice.



I use to support thw corpus... Until I discovered what they did... Their experiments... Their methods does numb the feeling... But when you realise they are spinning you lies...

I will not sleep until they pay for every lie




Everything you guys are talking about...

It doesn't work.

The game has no real lore. Until they give us real lore, then we can talk about this...

Right now all we have are written paragraphs of supposed lore.

So all this moral, support grineer whatever, it doesn't really work until we get decent lore into the game.

And, would you give up a potato for 50k credits which are very frequent in invasions just because the corpus are giving it? Or vise-versa, Grineer giving the potato and corpus giveing 50k credits?

If you are... well I dont know what to say lol. But each to their own...


I am wishing for the day ( In the summer preferably or spring break) where Forma will rain down from the heavens as rewards for doing corpus invasions. HMMM lets say an orikin catalyst, reactor and five forma per mission?


PS. I can dream can't I?

No you can't dream that big.

lol jk, anythings possible if you BELIEVE!


They should just put another blue potato and i play for Corpus until then i'm all Grinner.


Exactly what Im talking about.

The funny thing about "encouraging more people" is the fact that running invasions for Oxium is not ideal :P (Which about 70% of the community has not yet realised)


Running Corpus Def/MD/Surv is far more practical, and ideally the higher tier ones. *cough* Kappa *cough*


But yeah, due to the Detron we have a bit to much Grineer on the nodes right now.

I just put the oxium as an added bonus...

I realize oxiums not hard to come by, just the cherry on top of the mountain.


I'm in the same boat as you. I haven't cared one iota for getting the detron and I've been flagged for two weeks.

Same, I don't even want the detron. I don't have the time to invest into farming for it, and I just don't want it like everyone else.

I've had my mail since like day 1 and still no harvester lol.

Edited by Deaths.Reap3r
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@grineer is moral

I try to avoid killing the corpus, they are human, they don't deserve death, kill the proxies yes, but I try to knock them down and move on.


The grineer though?

Blast open the cold vacum of space and watch them slowly tear apart in the vacuum, pull out galatine and charge in, blindly slashing until everything is covered in unrecognizable remains of what used to be a million grineer DIRT jump right onto them and empty entire clips into the inhuman garbage.


Wastes of flesh, government incarnate, I don't stop until every grineer in the map is nothing more than a pile of blood guts and scrap rended across the entire room and crushed beneath my heel, they deserve nothing but the worst most painful, utterly gruesome death I can inflict, each and every one of them unworthy to live.


Incenerate them alive, beat them to death inch by inch, rip them apart, crush their insides, anything.


Suffer not the unworthy to live, let no grineer live.


Impact and puncture are too clean ways to die for them. Radiation to melt their flesh off their bones, acid to leave nothing behind, flames that eat at flesh, horrid gases that break the body, viral agents, and many more.


The more brutal, the more visceral, their death, the better.


They are government incarnate, opposition of freedom, of sentient thought, of everything that makes life worth living.


Less than the ants, not worthy to live, undeserving of a clean death.


It is joy to kill them. While it is only right to kill all of them, I wonder if I will feel as alive as when I am surounded by freshly dead grineer, and their soon to be dead comrades.


If I could RP, this is what my tennos would say of the corpus and grineer.

Edited by Serialkillerwhale
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Grineer are also the moral choice.

Could you elaborate? Grineer are just killing Tenno while the Corpus dissect and experiment on them, but Corpus aren't the ones who are enslaving countless human citizens in their colonies.

Edited by SortaRandom
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you seem smart. Explain?

Could you elaborate? Grineer are just killing Tenno while the Corpus dissect and experiment on them, but Corpus aren't the ones who are enslaving countless human citizens in their colonies.


Very well then.


The Grineer are soldiers. They are stricken by genetic detoriation that makes them more aggressive, but ultimately, even these brutes have a culture of honour, pride, obedience, structure and duty. They do as ordered, and they do have diplomatic corps, scientists and protect a civilian populace from the Infested and the Corpus. While they do have a less-fortunate labour class, and while there are individuals among the Grineer which clearly violate what we would call "moral", as a while, the Grineer are distorted warrior "race".

You can reason with them, they respect martial prowess and they uphold their agreements without resentment.


The Corpus are merchants. Everything has a price. They are all to eager to expel one of their own to leave for the mob with torches and pitchforks so they can get away. They don't enslave, they indoctrinate and manipulate their work force, in an industrialized scheme. Any problem they face they try to solve with money or proxies, not having the will to fight themselves. The few that end up on the battlefield are frightened of the air around them. While it was Salad Five who cut up the Tenno to auction them off, ask yourself - who was buying? Other Corpus. The entire faction consists of greedy, treacherous coin counters. During Operation Arid Fear, the Corpus jacked up prices so high, the Grineer felt compelled to even the odds by fighting against that extortion. The Tenno came to the rescue of the Corpus world of Mars, but the Corpus had a plan for that as well. By handing the Tenno some second grade ammo conversion mods, they thought their debts paid off.


It goes on. Internally, they laughed about how easy the stupid Tenno could be bought with that nigh-on worthless tech. And in contact with the Tenno, their upholding of the deal was begrudingly, full of contempt. Even giving that tech that was known as minor if not weak pained the money hoarders. There was no thanks, no sense of honour or due gratitude for saving their Mars installations.


At every step of "allied" Corpus/Tenno interaction, the Corpus made sure to come out better than, relatively, the Tenno. The Tenno are and remain a source for technology for the Corpus, sometimes used for parts, sometimes used for mercenary service - not for reasons of defense of people, but of defense of profits. The Corpus have no morally sound motivations, and have no qualms about it. Nef Anyo is a hunter who sells Tenno in pods that he found hidden. Aladdin Wee sells Tenno who are chopped up alive. The other Corpus bosses in the background oversee indoctrinations and are busy backstabbing each other, for their own gains.


The Grineer on the other hand concentrate on things like fixing their broken genome, collecting artifacts, expanding their empire, securing resources, and retaking Earth to live there, where they come from. Their reasons are emotional and not for one's benefit, but for the benefit of their entire faction. Leaders take great risks to further an agenda that helps their people, not just themselves. Their methods are crude, their reactions violent, but their motivations are a lot more pure than those of the Corpus.


• Ever since I was ordered to kill Captain Vor, an old, obsessed man. Why - for having Orokin technology, and no other reason, I felt sorry.

• When I was ordered to kill Tyl Regor because he was repairing his people, I felt sorry.

• Then I was ordered to assassinate Sargas Ruk, an artifact hunter. He did not hunt me. Just pieces of the past. And when I sided with him during the Gravidus Dilemma, Sargas Ruk, one of the most proclaimed xenophobes of the upper echelons of the Grineer, thanked me, acknowledged my combat prowess and extended an olive branch.

• Councilor Vay Hek, a diplomat, was on my list of targets, too. The Lotus ordered me here to hinder communication between Grineer and Tenno/Corpus. Why? Why silence the voices, even if corrupt, who could solve conflicts without bloodshed? They have diplomats, at least!

• The Lotus sent me to assassinate Kela De Thaym, too. She told me that killing her would bring stability to the system - by creating a power vacuum in the Grineer council. How do infighting, chaos and power struggles of a warrior race benefit anyone, if not the suppliers, such as the Corpus? I felt sorry. Kela was a warrior like me, and when I killed her, I wished I could have given her a more honourable death. Or none at all.

• Lech Kril. Lieutenant Lech Kril is a decorated warhero. Grineer look up to him, revere him. He is part of stories and anecdotes, and a powerful, honourable warrior. Lech Kril does not use subterfuge or manipulation, only brute force and cunning. He does not hide. I killed him, and made him a martyr. I wish I could have allied with him and rid the galaxy of the Corpus.

That is not all, though.


The Corpus, on the other hand, have none of those shining personalities. Only oily snakes, and those despise us Tenno. Every single one. And not only are the Corpus an envious, squinting group of selfish folks, they are also the bigger threat, in the long run. "But why, Ced, clearly, the Grineer are the more martial faction!" - Yes. But the Grineer don't have armies of robots that are sent to kill all opponents. You cannot reason with a robot. Robots have programs and parley, situational ceasefire and negotiations are not part of that program. The Corpus send their proxies because they do not want to get their hands dirty. And they keep churning out more robots.


"But, muh balance!"


Let's run a tally here real quick.

• Fusion Moa Event - Tenno destroy thousands of Fusion Moas, yet do not significantly impact the spread of the new proxy.

• Informer Event - Tenno hunt down Grineer drones, and to this day, these drones are limited in presence.

• The Tenno interfere with the Corpus/Grineer struggle over racketeering resource price, destroy many Fomorians, crippling the Grineer fleet.

• Tenno hunt down a handful of Corpus scouts, and reveal the Grineer settlement of Phobos, only to raid it mercilessly following the revelation.

• The Gravidus Dilemma - the majority of Tenno sides with the Grineer and ... has them gain a tiny foothold, but save fellow Tenno. The Corpus slice up Tenno regardless, the Grineer losing uncount men in the war effort hindered by traitor Tenno.

• Following after, the Tenno clean up Infested for the Corpus, which then in turn toss Alad V under the bus as payment, in attempts to get rid of a problem.

• On Earth, the Tenno descend on the Grineer again, who try to edge out their overgrown homeplanet and repopulate a world lost to vegetation. Tenno sabotage their machinery and kill Grineer by the thousands, merely trying to recolonize their home.

• Tenno then do nothing in particular - just some Corpus drones happen to drop a new material. No greater Corpus interests are disturbed.

Event outcomes negative for the Corpus: 1

Event outcomes positive for the Corpus: 2,5 (Gravidus)


Event outcomes negative for the Grineer: 4

Event outcomes positive for the Grineer: 0,5 (Gravidus)


Balance this.



Edited by Ced23Ric
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Very well then.

The Grineer are soldiers. They are stricken by genetic detoriation that makes them more aggressive, but ultimately, even these brutes have a culture of honour, pride, obedience, structure and duty. They do as ordered, and they do have diplomatic corps, scientists and protect a civilian populace from the Infested and the Corpus. While they do have a less-fortunate labour class, and while there are individuals among the Grineer which clearly violate what we would call "moral", as a while, the Grineer are distorted warrior "race".

You can reason with them, they respect martial prowess and they uphold their agreements without resentment.

The Corpus are merchants. Everything has a price. They are all to eager to expel one of their own to leave for the mob with torches and pitchforks so they can get away. They don't enslave, they indoctrinate and manipulate their work force, in an industrialized scheme. Any problem they face they try to solve with money or proxies, not having the will to fight themselves. The few that end up on the battlefield are frightened of the air around them. While it was Salad Five who cut up the Tenno to auction them off, ask yourself - who was buying? Other Corpus. The entire faction consists of greedy, treacherous coin counters. During Operation Arid Fear, the Corpus jacked up prices so high, the Grineer felt compelled to even the odds by fighting against that extortion. The Tenno came to the rescue of the Corpus world of Mars, but the Corpus had a plan for that as well. By handing the Tenno some second grade ammo conversion mods, they thought their debts paid off.

It goes on. Internally, they laughed about how easy the stupid Tenno could be bought with that nigh-on worthless tech. And in contact with the Tenno, their upholding of the deal was begrudingly, full of contempt. Even giving that tech that was known as minor if not weak pained the money hoarders. There was no thanks, no sense of honour or due gratitude for saving their Mars installations.

At every step of "allied" Corpus/Tenno interaction, the Corpus made sure to come out better than, relatively, the Tenno. The Tenno are and remain a source for technology for the Corpus, sometimes used for parts, sometimes used for mercenary service - not for reasons of defense of people, but of defense of profits. The Corpus have no morally sound motivations, and have no qualms about it. Nef Anyo is a hunter who sells Tenno in pods that he found hidden. Aladdin Wee sells Tenno who are chopped up alive. The other Corpus bosses in the background oversee indoctrinations and are busy backstabbing each other, for their own gains.

The Grineer on the other hand concentrate on things like fixing their broken genome, collecting artifacts, expanding their empire, securing resources, and retaking Earth to live there, where they come from. Their reasons are emotional and not for one's benefit, but for the benefit of their entire faction. Leaders take great risks to further an agenda that helps their people, not just themselves. Their methods are crude, their reactions violent, but their motivations are a lot more pure than those of the Corpus.

• Ever since I was ordered to kill Captain Vor, an old, obsessed man. Why - for having Orokin technology, and no other reason, I felt sorry.

• When I was ordered to kill Tyl Regor because he was repairing his people, I felt sorry.

• Then I was ordered to assassinate Sargas Ruk, an artifact hunter. He did not hunt me. Just pieces of the past. And when I sided with him during the Gravidus Dilemma, Sargas Ruk, one of the most proclaimed xenophobes of the upper echelons of the Grineer, thanked me, acknowledged my combat prowess and extended an olive branch.

• Councilor Vay Hek, a diplomat, was on my list of targets, too. The Lotus ordered me here to hinder communication between Grineer and Tenno/Corpus. Why? Why silence the voices, even if corrupt, who could solve conflicts without bloodshed? They have diplomats, at least!

• The Lotus sent me to assassinate Kela De Thaym, too. She told me that killing her would bring stability to the system - by creating a power vacuum in the Grineer council. How do infighting, chaos and power struggles of a warrior race benefit anyone, if not the suppliers, such as the Corpus? I felt sorry. Kela was a warrior like me, and when I killed her, I wished I could have given her a more honourable death. Or none at all.

• Lech Kril. Lieutenant Lech Kril is a decorated warhero. Grineer look up to him, revere him. He is part of stories and anecdotes, and a powerful, honourable warrior. Lech Kril does not use subterfuge or manipulation, only brute force and cunning. He does not hide. I killed him, and made him a martyr. I wish I could have allied with him and rid the galaxy of the Corpus.

That is not all, though.

The Corpus, on the other hand, have none of those shining personalities. Only oily snakes, and those despise us Tenno. Every single one. And not only are the Corpus an envious, squinting group of selfish folks, they are also the bigger threat, in the long run. "But why, Ced, clearly, the Grineer are the more martial faction!" - Yes. But the Grineer don't have armies of robots that are sent to kill all opponents. You cannot reason with a robot. Robots have programs and parley, situational ceasefire and negotiations are not part of that program. The Corpus send their proxies because they do not want to get their hands dirty. And they keep churning out more robots.

"But, muh balance!"

Let's run a tally here real quick.

• Fusion Moa Event - Tenno destroy thousands of Fusion Moas, yet do not significantly impact the spread of the new proxy.

• Informer Event - Tenno hunt down Grineer drones, and to this day, these drones are limited in presence.

• The Tenno interfere with the Corpus/Grineer struggle over racketeering resource price, destroy many Fomorians, crippling the Grineer fleet.

• Tenno hunt down a handful of Corpus scouts, and reveal the Grineer settlement of Phobos, only to raid it mercilessly following the revelation.

• The Gravidus Dilemma - the majority of Tenno sides with the Grineer and ... has them gain a tiny foothold, but save fellow Tenno. The Corpus slice up Tenno regardless, the Grineer losing uncount men in the war effort hindered by traitor Tenno.

• Following after, the Tenno clean up Infested for the Corpus, which then in turn toss Alad V under the bus as payment, in attempts to get rid of a problem.

• On Earth, the Tenno descend on the Grineer again, who try to edge out their overgrown homeplanet and repopulate a world lost to vegetation. Tenno sabotage their machinery and kill Grineer by the thousands, merely trying to recolonize their home.

• Tenno then do nothing in particular - just some Corpus drones happen to drop a new material. No greater Corpus interests are disturbed.

Event outcomes negative for the Corpus: 1

Event outcomes positive for the Corpus: 2,5 (Gravidus)

Event outcomes negative for the Grineer: 4

Event outcomes positive for the Grineer: 0,5 (Gravidus)

Balance this.


trueth has been spoken. Time to lock a thread ComMods.

side note: RANK 15???????? 0.0

I do not care much for leveling since I an rank 13 but 15? I did not know it was possible yet...

*mind actually blown*

Edited by RevoThornax
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Very well then.


The Grineer are soldiers. They are stricken by genetic detoriation that makes them more aggressive, but ultimately, even these brutes have a culture of honour, pride, obedience, structure and duty. They do as ordered, and they do have diplomatic corps, scientists and protect a civilian populace from the Infested and the Corpus. While they do have a less-fortunate labour class, and while there are individuals among the Grineer which clearly violate what we would call "moral", as a while, the Grineer are distorted warrior "race".

You can reason with them, they respect martial prowess and they uphold their agreements without resentment.


The Corpus are merchants. Everything has a price. They are all to eager to expel one of their own to leave for the mob with torches and pitchforks so they can get away. They don't enslave, they indoctrinate and manipulate their work force, in an industrialized scheme. Any problem they face they try to solve with money or proxies, not having the will to fight themselves. The few that end up on the battlefield are frightened of the air around them. While it was Salad Five who cut up the Tenno to auction them off, ask yourself - who was buying? Other Corpus. The entire faction consists of greedy, treacherous coin counters. During Operation Arid Fear, the Corpus jacked up prices so high, the Grineer felt compelled to even the odds by fighting against that extortion. The Tenno came to the rescue of the Corpus world of Mars, but the Corpus had a plan for that as well. By handing the Tenno some second grade ammo conversion mods, they thought their debts paid off.


It goes on. Internally, they laughed about how easy the stupid Tenno could be bought with that nigh-on worthless tech. And in contact with the Tenno, their upholding of the deal was begrudingly, full of contempt. Even giving that tech that was known as minor if not weak pained the money hoarders. There was no thanks, no sense of honour or due gratitude for saving their Mars installations.


At every step of "allied" Corpus/Tenno interaction, the Corpus made sure to come out better than, relatively, the Tenno. The Tenno are and remain a source for technology for the Corpus, sometimes used for parts, sometimes used for mercenary service - not for reasons of defense of people, but of defense of profits. The Corpus have no morally sound motivations, and have no qualms about it. Nef Anyo is a hunter who sells Tenno in pods that he found hidden. Aladdin Wee sells Tenno who are chopped up alive. The other Corpus bosses in the background oversee indoctrinations and are busy backstabbing each other, for their own gains.


The Grineer on the other hand concentrate on things like fixing their broken genome, collecting artifacts, expanding their empire, securing resources, and retaking Earth to live there, where they come from. Their reasons are emotional and not for one's benefit, but for the benefit of their entire faction. Leaders take great risks to further an agenda that helps their people, not just themselves. Their methods are crude, their reactions violent, but their motivations are a lot more pure than those of the Corpus.


• Ever since I was ordered to kill Captain Vor, an old, obsessed man. Why - for having Orokin technology, and no other reason, I felt sorry.

• When I was ordered to kill Tyl Regor because he was repairing his people, I felt sorry.

• Then I was ordered to assassinate Sargas Ruk, an artifact hunter. He did not hunt me. Just pieces of the past. And when I sided with him during the Gravidus Dilemma, Sargas Ruk, one of the most proclaimed xenophobes of the upper echelons of the Grineer, thanked me, acknowledged my combat prowess and extended an olive branch.

• Councilor Vay Hek, a diplomat, was on my list of targets, too. The Lotus ordered me here to hinder communication between Grineer and Tenno/Corpus. Why? Why silence the voices, even if corrupt, who could solve conflicts without bloodshed? They have diplomats, at least!

• The Lotus sent me to assassinate Kela De Thaym, too. She told me that killing her would bring stability to the system - by creating a power vacuum in the Grineer council. How do infighting, chaos and power struggles of a warrior race benefit anyone, if not the suppliers, such as the Corpus? I felt sorry. Kela was a warrior like me, and when I killed her, I wished I could have given her a more honourable death. Or none at all.

• Lech Kril. Lieutenant Lech Kril is a decorated warhero. Grineer look up to him, revere him. He is part of stories and anecdotes, and a powerful, honourable warrior. Lech Kril does not use subterfuge or manipulation, only brute force and cunning. He does not hide. I killed him, and made him a martyr. I wish I could have allied with him and rid the galaxy of the Corpus.

That is not all, though.


The Corpus, on the other hand, have none of those shining personalities. Only oily snakes, and those despise us Tenno. Every single one. And not only are the Corpus an envious, squinting group of selfish folks, they are also the bigger threat, in the long run. "But why, Ced, clearly, the Grineer are the more martial faction!" - Yes. But the Grineer don't have armies of robots that are sent to kill all opponents. You cannot reason with a robot. Robots have programs and parley, situational ceasefire and negotiations are not part of that program. The Corpus send their proxies because they do not want to get their hands dirty. And they keep churning out more robots.


"But, muh balance!"


Let's run a tally here real quick.

• Fusion Moa Event - Tenno destroy thousands of Fusion Moas, yet do not significantly impact the spread of the new proxy.

• Informer Event - Tenno hunt down Grineer drones, and to this day, these drones are limited in presence.

• The Tenno interfere with the Corpus/Grineer struggle over racketeering resource price, destroy many Fomorians, crippling the Grineer fleet.

• Tenno hunt down a handful of Corpus scouts, and reveal the Grineer settlement of Phobos, only to raid it mercilessly following the revelation.

• The Gravidus Dilemma - the majority of Tenno sides with the Grineer and ... has them gain a tiny foothold, but save fellow Tenno. The Corpus slice up Tenno regardless, the Grineer losing uncount men in the war effort hindered by traitor Tenno.

• Following after, the Tenno clean up Infested for the Corpus, which then in turn toss Alad V under the bus as payment, in attempts to get rid of a problem.

• On Earth, the Tenno descend on the Grineer again, who try to edge out their overgrown homeplanet and repopulate a world lost to vegetation. Tenno sabotage their machinery and kill Grineer by the thousands, merely trying to recolonize their home.

• Tenno then do nothing in particular - just some Corpus drones happen to drop a new material. No greater Corpus interests are disturbed.

Event outcomes negative for the Corpus: 1

Event outcomes positive for the Corpus: 2,5 (Gravidus)


Event outcomes negative for the Grineer: 4

Event outcomes positive for the Grineer: 0,5 (Gravidus)





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Here some magical stupid idea which everyone can agree : 


Infested invasion = @§& zombie /infested which would mean after an infested killed one of the faction you helped they are supposed to turn off zombie


so why not make the planet like "clean" so its will be fight Corpus VS Grineer (whoever was attacked from the infested , will try to get back theire planet)


Why this ? Because you don't have unlimited amount of one faction in one planet , infested always kill both faction , this mean they got wiped out , meaning theire is no one else to defend the base...so why not just make it like i said , Planet to fight for? (or even it could be Tenno planet....)

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Here some magical stupid idea which everyone can agree : 


Infested invasion = @§& zombie /infested which would mean after an infested killed one of the faction you helped they are supposed to turn off zombie


so why not make the planet like "clean" so its will be fight Corpus VS Grineer (whoever was attacked from the infested , will try to get back theire planet)


Why this ? Because you don't have unlimited amount of one faction in one planet , infested always kill both faction , this mean they got wiped out , meaning theire is no one else to defend the base...so why not just make it like i said , Planet to fight for? (or even it could be Tenno planet....)


yeah, with the military power tenno have, is time to take the galaxy for once.


Tenno being mercenaries / guerrilla is not real anymore, they will be able to duplicate orokin technology / create warframes at will on their dojos soon.

Edited by omega_phoenix
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Just saying for those of you that think DE has some plan up their sleeve.


These are the people that didn't think of the long term consequences of a day of unfair rewards during Gravidus causing snowballing to grineer.


I doubt they've got a "special event" up their sleeve, I'd love to be wrong, but let's face facts.

I'm with this guy, I don't think DE has anything planned and I think this is another thing they messed up on BAD. I'm curious on how they plan to fix it. Cause at this point, the corpus would have to be offering a satellite laser weapon to get people to fight for them. I think DE just dropped the ball on this one. Could totally see them scratching their head over this.

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I don't know how I can ask players to make it stop... Considering there's thousands upon thousands of players that play this game...

Your right.. I dont want the detron... But majority of the players do... Making the grineer win.

That doesn't change the fact the grineer are winning every invasion...



Make guild that only plays helping Corpus in invasion. Make videos, have streams, make it a thing, man.

Not everyone is actually going for the Detron. I just did an invasion mission where the Harvester dropped the BP and the receiver and only 2 people picked it up. I was one of those two people, the rest just kept running straight to the end of the mission not caring about the flashing lights. And i would find it highly unlikely that those two people that didnt pick that stuff up actually had the completed Detron.

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The invasion missions are ruining the fun.

Its getting repetitive and boring.


Grineer captures Corpus > Corpus captures Grineer > Grineer captures Corpus > Corpus captures Grineer > Grineer captures Corpus

This can go on forever. What the hell is the point of this?

You know how worse and bad it can become?


Its bothering me to see the wrong enemies on the wrong tile set.

Grineer on Corpus outpost? Corpus on Grineer Asteroid?

It doesn't make any sense, it would be better if once a node is captured even the tile set changes to its proper tile set.

Why would the Grineer or Corpus occupy a ship that is already damaged and leave they're own ship?


Invasions should be slowed down and reduce the number of invasions.

There is no balance at all, everybody just plays for the better reward.

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The grineer care for one thing.




They are a warrior race yes, they take joy in murder, in slaughter, in opression.


A race little more than mongol hordes, monsters who kill and kill and kill. They are opressors, would you call the man with a tommygun who barges into your store to demand payment for not killing you a soldier?

They created clones for power, and greedily aquire more, their inability to understand the Tenno prove little.


Sargas ruk, a madman, only sees two things, those who fight for him, and enemies, he knows nothing but greed, and Incase you forgot. he wanted the cryopods. The only reason he didn't keep them was because we took them as payment.


Alad V, while twisted, was a man of science, of progress, who saw potential in the tenno, he took the frames apart like a scientist would, sold parts to fund his research, and furthered knowledge.


Is this not how we learned of all life?


The grineer wish to fix their genome, so that they can conquer more, they wish for artifacts, as weapons,


Hek is a brute, who only seeks power for himself, have you not seen? Kela De Tharym even killed her own troops, she only stays for her body count bebing higher on the enemy part.


And Tyl. Tyl i greatly enjoy. He is a war criminal, a savage murderer who must be put down.


But of the corpus?

I destroy work on creating a 4-legged machine for what? Because lotus didn't like it. It was work, creation, people slaved over it.


Thankfully renegade tenno actions did not do enough to stop this.


We then killed Nef Anyo, and threw the entire solar system out of balance, ruining the solar rail system.


We murdered Alad V, a scientist and one of the brightest of this generation, just for wishing to understand. Alad truely cares for Zanuka, it is his magnum Opus, and we ripped it apart infront of his eyes and brutally beat him to what those renegades thought was death.


The grineer are murderous conquerors who see nothing but power.


The corpus are merchant-scientists, men of knowledge.


And you side with the grineer?

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