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First of all, i'v posponed this moment for so much time, now i want to get rid of some stuff in my mind xD
I'm not here to complain about anything in particular, i'm just posting my personal thoughts about everything, since i'v playied all the frames for a while  i think to have the right to speak about this... and again, it's personal thoughts and they might be different from other people thoughts, don't be rude and don't judge, it's just my point of view.
2nd disclaimer: i'm not here to argue or to to simply expose my feedback, i will also give some ideas to solve the problems that i noticed, this doesn't directly means that i'm looking for feedback about my ideas, it's just to explain more clarly what should be done according to me. 
3rd thing to know: I'm not going to point only BIG PROBLEMS, but everything that comes from my experience as player.
Little problems are still problems!
So, this is going to be a pretty big and badass wall of text, it won't be easy or fun to read it, however i still hope that some of the DE staff will ever read my words, cause i think that might be somehow helpful. To make everything more tidy i'll use an incommensurate number of spoilers, so you won't have to deal with all the text at once.To be honest I'm not willing to write down everything at once as well, i will update everytime i have time to do so, one frame a time
4th disclaimer: I'm not english, my relationship with the keyboard is pure "shortcut and arrows style"
please, don't complain about that, you can make me notice the typos via personal message.
i care about my english, but i don't want to get flooded with complaints about it xD
So Here we go, i'll start with:

Well, to be honest, many people don't really like "Health Bar" and always think that maxing out shields is more important. To me, health is more interesting then shields and health based warframes give me more possibilities to play with, thanks to Equilibrium and Rage mods.
The problem with health is that not all the health based warframes have abilities to replenish HPs, as i already said equilibrium is my personal choice to deal with the problem, but that's a very expensive mod and the actual life earned form each energy orb is not scaled equally, i mean...
One Energy orb is 25 energy, and that's fine, cause an average energy bar is about 250en (an energy orb is 10% of total energy),
but the Health is something totally different, the health based warframes have about 400hp without any mods and can reach the ammount of 900-1000 maxed hps (an health orb is 6,5% - 2,5% of max health). I know that there is an aura supposed to restore the health over time, but it has the same prolem of the health orbs, the ammount restored is not clearly enough, and it stops working everytime you recive damage on health...
Possible Solutions

-Buff health restored from orbs, health regenerated from mods and change the difference between health and energy obtained with equilibrium
-Give to all warframes an innate low health regeneration
-Make Health Orbs and Rejuvination heal on a specific % based on warframe's max HPs


Since Damage 2.0 came out som damage type just hit more damage on armor, also many frames don't have a reilable ammount of armor, and incrasing it results ineffective (only Valkyr seems to get affected by armor due to her innate high armor value and the possibility to incrase it exponentially with Steel Fibber and Warcry)
Possible Solutions

-I don't have a real solution to this problem, i think that the damage mitigation should be sligthly buffed and the steel fibber should get buffed as well... i know that armor got buffed after damage 2.0 got released, but this ain't helped much.


Ash is a very agile and fun hero to play, he is one of the best looking characters in warframe.
His stats are perfectly fine with his gameplay style and the high ammount of health gives him more chances to face the enemy directly, but being an health based warframe makes him also faceing directly to the health issues that i already exposed

Shuriken is an extremel deadly first ability that can instantly kill enemies and headshot with practice, it doesn't really require to get buffed, even if it will be nice to have 3 instead of 2 at max level (3 is the perfect number xD)

Smoke Screen

This skill is really nice, due to the increased melee damage given by stealth attacks. Here are some problems with this ability:
This ability requires to get casted while standing still on the very ground, it's annoying for such a fast and mobile frame.
The enemies should have "obscured vision" but to be honest the only thing that get obscured is Ash and his sentinel... like as it is, it's more like a "Smoke Suit" then a Smoke Screen
Possible Solutions

-Make smoke screen a projectile bomb that can be used/aimed like shurikens while mooving
-Make smoke screen blinding enemies and/or hide allies for half the duration of the invisibility


My favourite Ash's skill, it helps to deal with the low duration of smoke screen and stimulates to use the melee in any situation.
The disadvantages with this skill are that you stagger only the targetted enemy and not the other enemies around him, it's almost mandatory to instantly using smoke screen after teleporting, that makes the enrgy consumption a bit too high even if the basic cost is 25 (like shuriken's).
Another slight problem is that you don't actually have any buff on melee attacks after teleporting, this means that you will be forced once again to use smoke screen. It's true that this skill can be used shile jumping sliding and stuff but it can't be combined with any of the melee manouvers because after teleporting you will be instantly standing near the enemy and if you where "jumping" the airbourne animation will be cancelled.
Possible Solutions

-Make Teleport also stagger enemies around him after teleporting
-Make Staggered enemies trigger a situation similiar to "stelth attacks", since it does't expect a sudden attack, this will prevent you from using smoke screen for a single target
-Do not interrupt melee manouvers while using this skill

Blade Storm
Probably the most stunning and boring ability in warframe. It's really awesome to see it for the first time, but it gets really boring after a couple of usages, it's also really slow to kill the marked enemies. Even if Ash is immortal the sentinels get easely killed in the process, and that's a nuisanse.
Possible Solutions

-Make bladestorm replicate Ash instead of teleporting, the replicates will appear all at the same time and kill the intended number of enemies all at once, maybe it will be less awesome to see, but more effective to the game purposes


Banshee is supposed to be stealthy, swift and deadly, since Silence doesn't work very well, it's just deadly ans swift, i enjoy very much her playstyle, her stats are low because she have defensive mechanism and a very high damage and she gets advantage with long ranged weapons so it's ok. The new tenno research lab will allow more players to experience her, so i guess that they have already reworked her... this feedback will probably completely rewritten after U12 comes live (next week)
Sonic Boom

Sonic Boom is probably the best lowcost CC in the game, the damage is just, well, it doesn't really hit damage, but it's a CC, it's ok to not hit damage if your enemies are on the ground.


Enhanced Damage if hitting a weak spot, really fun to play (especially with bows and snipers) It's another way to deal damage different from "brainless nukes" that other warframes have.
there is no problem in the mechanic itself... it's just that lag sometimes make this ability unusable (enemies not showed in the minimap and/or no weak spots showed on enemies)


Well, it just doesn't work as intended, DE knows that, and already said that they are goin to rework it... so i'll wait to say something else about it

Sound Quake
I hate this ability so much, not because it's a bad designed ability, but because it's seems to have problems since it exist, getting stuck in this ability isn't that rare to happen as somone think, i don't really understand why after so much time nobody found a proper fix to this ability.
Another thing to say about this ability is that Banshee can't take advantage from this ability, to me it's ok, because supporting allies it's still a very good thing, but maybe Banshee should be able to shot during the duration of the quake, just saying.
Possible Solutions

-Change her animation, don't make her kneel and kiss the ground, make her scream as loud as she can instead, so hard that enemies will be forced to cover their ears and stop fighting
they won't be staggered for the duration like now but stunned for the entire duration, leaving your team time to aim for the weak spots or to take cover (so it will work the same, it's just that banshee is not on the ground sweeping the dust, but screaming to the enemies unelashing her true power).
-Let Banshee move and shoot while the ability is active (it's not necessary, but it will be nice anyway, there is no other frame that completely sacrifice himself for the team, trinity doesn't sit down and drink coffee while her blessing is active, does she?).



Ember is a force of nature, high damage over time, she can turns the battleground in a living hell for enemies, the problem in her abilities is that she is forced to get closer to enemies and her stats doesn't allow that
Very low healt/shields and armor... once you had oveheat to deal the problem, now you have accelerant to stun enemies, but that's not really the same thing, accelerant needs to get spammed to be effective, but ember doesn't have that much spare energy to do that... she should get her stats aren't well calibrated for her gamestyle and the polarity in her aura is an unuseful V, a - will fits better.

Fireball is a pocket rocket, a nice nuke with a small AoE, it's ok for a first ability. It's just that is bugged and it can actually set yourself on fire (it's actually weird to recive fire damage using a small fireball and not after walking trough fireworks and firerings).


A nice stun and incrased Heat Damage, it's perfect to get rid of harder enemies, in fact this ability should be used only when needed, but since ember is always in the middle of the mayhem with her low resistances, she needs to use this ability much more often then intended. The heat bonus can't be really that useful on high level enemies, cause on high level enemies you will always tend to use mixed elements.
Possible Solutions

-Make Accelerant cost 25 instead of 50
-Make combined elements that contains Heat get a % of the bonus

Fire Blast

Low initial Damage (lower then fire ball one), the DoT hits only when enemies are passing trough the fire ring, it's useful only against infested, but world on fire make this ability an energy waste...for some reason is not affected by range mods ._.
Possible Solutions

-Remove it, put back Overheat instead.
-Make it deal damage inside the ring too.
-Buff the damage.

World on Fire
Fireworks and Explosions surround you, that's really amusing, but the cost is really high and in order to kill enemies this ability forces Ember to jump in close combat even if her stats don't allow that.
The cast animation is horrible , and excssive for such a skill (same as blessing one, the difference is that after completing the animation trinity will be full health and shields and invulnerabile)
This ability is affected by too many variants... the problem with this kind of abilities was born when corrupted mods got released, now these abilities are inferior to other abilities which aren't affected by this many mods.
Possible Solutions

-Make this ability not affected by range (as fireblast now). at least you won't mind about stretch and overexended and narrow minded will be full gain, you will save some room to make ember a bit more tanky.


Perfectly balanced in his statistics, doesn't cover a definite role, easy and fun to play with, it's really nice as first approach for new players, it looks cool, he beats hard and fast, a perfect example of tenno. His majority of problems are caused by the "unexperienced crew" that developped the first frames.
Slash Dash

This ability hits tons of damages considering that's a first ability, it's really easy to use and can used both for mooving and fighting. (i especially likes to boost my jumps and overcame ravines)
There isn't a real problem about slash dash as it is, the problems about this ability are clear only when you are modding it.
Why the hell the distance is affected by power duration? i mean, i know thats about how it's coded, bu it should be time to refresh old mechanics like this one, because as other skills, it can't be used effectively with corrupted mods (fleeting makes this ability really funny to see, he just psoe like if he is goin to sprint for 1000m, but it just don't move at all, narrow minded makes it go far away, but the area of damage around excalibur get too thin, making this ability a single target ability)
Due to this mechanic it gets really hard for new players to mod this frame, how do someone understand that the range is affected by duration?(answer: wiki) and also make it hard for experienced players to decide what to add and what to loose. (Excalibur should be simple, not only while using it, but also while modding it.)

Possible Solutions

-Make Slash dash duration(intended as distance traveled) affected by range, and actual range (intended as AoE around excalibur) not affected by mods or affected by range as well (let's be honest, overextended shows excalibur prime performing a slash dash ._.)
-Make traveled meters easier to calculate for new players


Radial Blind

One of the best CCs in the game, the area is great and the duration is really nice, considering that only the stun duration is 5 seconds.
It works well in any dangerous situation, making foes easier to kill, and letting friends get undercover or revived if hurt.
In my opinion there isn't a single issue with this ability, but someone might say that since it's a beam of light it shouldn't affect enemies who aren't in the line of sight of the beam, technically they have a point (it will also be great to see an excalibur super jumping to imrpoove his chance in blinding enemies).

Super Jump
Lame, don't missunderstand me, i like the idea, but in fact while using it you don't really feel like "super jumping" at all.
The animation is horrible, the movement while using it is not smooth, and you can't use it while wallrunning.
The height is for some reason affected by power strenght, another ability that's not really clear to mod for new players (ok, he is jumping, he use strenght to jump, but a power strenght build aims to hit harder, not to enhance an utility mod)
It has no side effect that can be used while fighting... he just, jumps.
Possible Solutions

-Make height affected by range
-Add an air explosion when excalibur lands (like the heavy impact mod) that deal slight damage and knockbacks enemies
-Make excalibur follow the direction he is facing (if i'm moving left make it jump left, if i move straight make me jump straight and so on)
-Add the possibility to activate it while wall running (something like the actual walljumps, but enhanced by te skill)

Radial Javelin

It's Badass, a gust of blades that hit and pin enemies to wall, everytime that you use it, you feel like being unstoppable.
But there is a but, it's hard to use it due to environment!
You squash a lot of blades on barrels, and that's just bad (as i said 1000 times in this section about excalibur, it shouldn't have such difficulties that other frames don't have).
I'm pretty sure that's unintentional (it's just that refelcts the unexpirenced crew that were for the first time working on this game) because it uses projectiles, that's why it acts weird, i understand it, but DE made so much after developping excalibur, is time to renew some old mechanics.
Another slight problem is about the cast animation duration of 1 sec (it takes too long and sometimes enemies don't get killed and you have an entire 2.5 more sec to wait before doing everything else it's really cool i amdit it, but it's too slow for a pure nuke skill) and the fact that the javelins are just doubleskanas even if you are not using a skana ._.

Possible Solutions

-Give javelins innate punchtrough to overcome objects
-Make enemies hit from javelins staggered/stunned for the animation duration
-Reduce cast times and animation times
-Change projectile's skin with something that's not a skana, an iron blade with no edge will be fine, or maybe an energy lance. (it will be cooler and not always reminding you how bad the skana was while you started to play the game u.ù)


Frost (Updated)

Slow movement and High defenses, it's really hard to beat down, and he is priceless on defense missions.

Long duration single target CC that get dispelled by damage. Hard to place and as all the single target abilities, it should be reworked! As at it is now, it's just a skill for bosses (but i don't see why i should bring frost to boss run ._.)
Changes: you are now free to shot it where you want to, but it still hit only 1 target, if you hit the ground between 2 enemies you won't hit any of em. It supposed to work in pair as the fire ball does, but as it is, it's still horrible.

Possible Solutions

-Halve the duration and make it AoE in a conical area in the direction frost faces (something like like Sonic Boom)
-Halve the duration and make it Aoe in a area around the first target (something like Firball)

ice Wave

Low Damage considered that's a second ability, it deals pure cold damage (which is not very effective against anybody)
The slow cast animation makes hitting multyple enemies hard.
Has no negative effect on enemies, it's a pure nuke ability with no utility (since it doesn't hit enough damage to kill anything it's just a bad designed ability).
Changes: it now force the cold proc on hit, thats a nice thing!
Possible Solutions

-Add a secondary effect that debuffs enemies, like a -% speed debuff, a 100% Cold Proc or make it lower enemy resistances due to the extreme cold.
-Make it create an ice field that slows enemies who walk on it (like the cold trap pannels in the void)
-Make the damage type Half Cold Half Impact/Puncture and buff the damage a bit, this should incrase the damage output on most enemies.

Snow Globe
A really great ability, it stops all the incoming projectiles, and whenever an enemy enters into the globe, it will get slowed and easier o deal with.
The problem with this ability concern the "ice storm" animation which obstruct vision from the inside of the globe (it's a nusance)
This ability doesn't change much upgrading it. (i also don't get why from level 3 to level 4 the slow proportion increases by 7% instead of 10% as other levels).
Changes: it now has a life bar, and it loses a lot of utility with the increasing of enemy levels, 3500hp is not clearly enough
Possible Solutions
Changes 2#: 4 seconds to absorb damage and incrase it's health, it's an awesome feature because it can potentially protect for a minimum of 8 seconds to a max of ..well it's duration xD
In the other hand, i'm not quite sure about the armor, it really doesn't seem to affect the globe performance, not to mention that instead of gaining slots now we need to use another slot for steel fiber ... which isn't that great :\ (this is mostly because armor it's a really old value that needs tweaks, to me)

-Add a better scaling in the upgrades like a 40/50/60/70% slow debuff and 15/20/25/30sec duration
-Remove or change the ice storm animation inside the globe (if it's intended to obstruct vision , if it's intended, then make it a circular animaion, not a plan that shows up only when facing one diraction).
-Make Snow Globe uneffected by Power Duration mods or by Range mods, this will help players to put into frames something less then 7mods to face high level enemies on a T3 Defense with this ability (focus, blind rage, stretch, fleeting, streamline, continuity, constitution)
-Give Snow Globe a % of reduction on incoming damage, like trinity's link ...maybe something that scales with power strenght or, as someone already suggested, with forst armor.


It's just Bad, the damage dealt isn't anything compared to other 4th abilities, the CC that comes from this ability is nearly imperceptible, the animation is slow and frost can't benefit from it, the Range is awful as well (the only actual way to use this ability is using it with an exploit born with overxtended mod, with this mod the ice duration will last ~5sec after the actual animation ends, making it a nice CC with decent range).
Changes: it now hits, more damage... and thats... it... nothing else was changed... yay? no really, this is still a bad bad skill

Possible Solutions

-Make it a CC with some Damage instead of a nuke with some CC in it (make it freeze enemies for Xsec after the actual animation ends, like as it is now with overextended).


Swift and Elusive, he has the lowest stats in the game concerning health and shield, but he compensate his lack of resistances with his speed. His abilities give him the power to reduce the income damage to numbers around the 0% In the other hand, this frame takes a lot of time to master and decent weapons to play with, (since it doesn't hit any direct damage with abilities, i don't really think that is a right choice as "firs warframe", even if i loved him and he was my first warframe)

An Holographic Copy of Loki that lures enemies and drags attention away from the actual him.
This is a really great first skill with various usages, but the placement isn't really precise, and sometimes it's really hard to place it where you want to (you will encounter this problem mostly when trying to reach secret rooms with switch teleport, 50% of the times it says "target obstructed" and won't let you teleport).
The utility of this ability on higer levels comes entirely from the player knowledge of the various tiles in order to trigger an exploit where the decoy attracts enemies but doesn't recive any damage from em, and i think that this thing is completely pointless (don't missunderstand my words, i love to use it and to scout places for decoy everytime that a new tile get released, but it's really stupid that this ability only works as intended only trough exploits)

Possible Solutions

-Since the Decoy is actually an Hologram and not a real "thing", the bullets should pass through it and not damaging it.
Melee enemies instead should instantly notice that the decoy is not solid after a bunch of attacks and look for another target instead (This will actually mean that the player skill in placing decoy will change from "looking for the exploit" to "make sure that the attracted enemy fire doesn't hit anybody" or to place hit in order to attract melee enemies but not let em reach it)
I feel like as this ability would become really strong with this addition, that's why i also suggesto to make its duration slightly reduced.
-Just simply make health affected by duration and not by power strenght
-Reduce the cost to 15-10, so will be able to spam it a bit more during fights

A Perfect Ability, stright and simple, you are invisibile and enhance your melee damage output

Switch Teleport

A Tricky Move, aimed to confuse an enemy or to instantly get into a crowds of enemies to engage melee combat. As the other Loki skills, the possibilities with it are limited only by the creativity of the player, you can switch it to attack, to flee, to reach new and secret paths and to save allies (or to kill em and laugh like a little child). 
The only issue with thisa bility is the cost, it's a bit too much considered that most of the times it requires to get combied with decoy.
Another weird fact is that thisa bility has 25-40-60-75m to range but due to internal mechanics it can't target things beyond 50m ... that means that the last upgrade is just wasted point xD (unless you are using narrow minded)
Possible Solutions

-Lower the cost to 15-10
-Add a duration to the confusion debuff (affected or not affected by duration, it's not really important) making it worth spending cores in this ability (something like 1/1.5/2/2.5 sec)

Radial Disarm

Probably the most fun and effective CC in the entire game.
It turns the scariest of the grineers into a cuddly slow whale with a magic stick in his hand.
This ability reduce the enemy threat to 10% (where 10 is the threat of a charger).
I found really annoying not being able to use this ability while in air (cause i jump and roll a lot with loki, due to his agility and low health, and not being able to use this ability when jumping is one big lack of this ability).
Another secondary issue is pure aesthetical (i still don't get why grineer use prova which is a corpus weapon, or why and from where do enemies pops out those weapons in first place?)
or maybe the only actual problem is that ospreys are still really hard to hit with a melee weapon after using radial disarm.
Possible Solutions

-Give to Grineer units a Machete or aany other grineer one handed weapon isntead of a prova
-Remove Provas and add fistcuffs animations to enemies
-Make Ospreys shouting down completely
-Make Ospreys flaoting from a decent distance from the ground, making em targettable from mele attacks that are not slides or slams
-Make Ospeys permanetly slowed for a %, making em more easy to catch with a melee attack.
-Make it usable while in air, even if the animation looks weird, or change the animation accordingly



Mag is a nice caster with etremely high shield consedering her role. She doesn't depend much on weapons even is her aura polarity suggest to not completely forget to use em while playing her. So Mag is definitley suited to be the first approach to casters in game.

A powerfull CC that got reworked many times translating from a single target cc to mass destruction nuke/cc.
After damage 2.0 it finally became more balanced as a 1st ability (it still knock backs and damage enemies but the magnetic element makes it a little less available to kill enemies).
Even if the description suggest to use it to force enemies  in close combat, i personally always found extremely hard to kill ragdolled enemies with a melee weapon due to the low ammount of damage dealt with the finishing blow auto-triggered on lying enemy. (maybe melee 2.0 will solve this problem, idk)
Beside that, i don't really think that this ability requires further changes.

Shield Polarize
The most Powerful ability to deal with Corpus Forces, it comes extremely useful to protect allies and pods
Since the damage is scaled with a % of the total shields of enemies, it never decays as utility and damage output.
I always found really weird the decision to make the multyple explosions generated with thisa bility not stack one to each other, but considering how it works perfectly on highest levels i don't see why it should work otherwise xD

Bullet Attractor

This ability generates an high ammount of damage on a single enemy, that's why it is mostly used on bosses, but bosses are changing, and they are starting to make some auto-aimed abilities unuseful (it's really tricky to hit weak spots while this ability is active, that's why it can't be used on most of the new generation's bosses that requires to get hitted in an exact part of the body in order to get killed)
Anyway this ability is still one of the most effective abilities to combine with other abilities and can be effectively used as defensive skill to redirect and nullify a large ammount of enemy fire. (even if with a tipical mag build this ability does't last much time and the enemy get usually killed with a few shots) 
Possible Solution

-Make the Bullet Attractor seek secondary targets after the main target get killed instead of making the field explode


An ability that was used to deal a lot of damage in a nice radious around mag, after damage 2.0 and the shift to Magnetic damage is mostly used to stop enemies as a CC rather then a nuke ability (in fact using shield polarize leave all the shield from enemies and using magnetic on flesh isn't effective)
As frost 4th skill, avalanche, it needs a bit of rework after damage 2.0 to point out the useful features of those AoE abilities.
Possible Solutions

-Make enemies ragdolled and pushed away from Mag instead that dropped from mid air. (this way the enemy units will be sent away to defend mag and his allies, the push will work exactly the opposite as pull does)
-Add a stun duration to the enmies after the damage is applied
-Make all the enemies affected by this ability attracted and collected where mag aims (making this ability really useful in the same way as vauban vortex actually is for a shorter ammount of time but with a lot more of range in exchange, note that this could synergize well with bullet attractor, pull and a lot of other abilities in the game)



Nekros is a very particular warframe, it doesn't directly hit a very large ammount of damage, but he generates mayhem on the battlefield while sustaining his allies with extra energy and health, i really like to play him even if i spend most of the time desecrating corposes instead of fighting enemies.
Soul Punch

A nice CC that protects Nekros from enemies that get too close to him, it can succesfully prevents enemies from using knockdown abilities as well. To mention something that's actually weird about this ability, well, nekros animation doesn't really feel like "punching" and it has not a smooth animation.
Possible Solution

-Change Nekros aniamtion a little and smooth his moovements while using it (for exemple remove the interruption onf weapon realod when using it)

A very useful CC, that makes enemies frightened and force em to run away from nekros, giving him time to help downed friends. (it also reduces their armor, but it's nto exactly clear how this works after Damage 2.0)
The biggest problem on this ability is the unecessary "number of targets" affected by power strenght, i really don't see why this ability works different from other AoE abilities (only bastille and bladestorm have limited targets, but they work as intended anyway)
Possible Solution

-Change the "number of enemy affected" system with a classic AoE system, if this thing sounds too overpowered just lower the range in a close radious around nekros or make terrify not affected by range mods.
-Change armor reduction system with a +% damage multiplier on enemies (something like how M-Prime actaully enhance by 100% the damage inflicted to enemies or the 500% multilpier from Banshee's sonar)


A lot of extra energy, health and loot from enemies (our only ability to beat RNG Gods!) 
It helps a lot during survival missions because of the extra oxigen recived from corpses.
Some people really hate this ability because it prevet you from doing anything else and has a very long cast animation time, i sincerly think that this ability is ok as it is, but i understand that standing still while your friends play is not exactly appealing.
Possible Solution

-Make desecrate an ability with a duration that actually desecrates corpses around nekros over time after its cast. This will mean that nekros need to cast this ability once ina while and not actively use it everytime that an enemy get killed, to balance this new version with the current one, i suggest a reduction to range.

Shadows of the Death

This ability is really hard to use correctly, otherwise it can be used randomly just to generate some mayhem during battle and to attract the attention of nearby enemies and absorb some incoming damage,
The terrible AI behaviour and the impossibility to control the summoned units, make this ability weak and inconsistent.
Possible Solutions

-Make Shadows prioritize waypointed targets by nekros or targets that have been hitted by him.
-Make Shadows follow Nekros or positions waypointed from him.
-Give those stupid zombies a better AI q.q



To be honest, i'm  pretty sure that my feedback about nova will be exactly the same as the rest of the community one, but i'll try to keep more point of views into mind, to find more reliable solutions to her problems.
I mostly think that all her abilities should be affected by power duration, all of them.
I'm not saying that she is too poweerfull and she shoulden't exist, i would never play her and stuff like that, she is just too powerfull and needs to get balanced to anyone else, otherwise all other frames should be balanced to her level, there is no other solution, and i'm pretty sure that DE already understood this...
To get started, she has low health/shield/armor stats (but not the lowest) and they perfectly fit her glass cannon style of gameplay.
She has a great mobility and her abilities allow her to destroy every single enemy in the whole map before they can even touch her with 1 bullet.
She is very energy dipendent and her polarity on aura slot perfectly fits for an Energy Siphon.
Null Star

A quite unuseful ability that is supposed to protect whoever get close enough to nova, hitting and staggering that enemy and giving nova the opportunity to run away and cast her abilities from a safe place. The thing that i don't understand is why this ability get affected by power range (since adding range to a self defense ability will cause this defense to get disperded too quickly against enemies that are too far away to be considered a danger for the user).
I also don't understand the decision of increasing the number of orbs spawned adding power duration, since all the other abilities aren't affected by the duration (i know that wormholes are actually affected by power duration, but they also have a limited time of uses, which means that adding duraion isn't quite useful).
Possible Solution

-Make this ability uneffected by power range, a defensive ability must work only if the enemy get too close
-Make the number of orb spawned affected by power strenght, duration mods has no positive effect for nova abilities
-Change this ability behaviour, instead of attacking when the enemy are too close, make the orb attack whenever an enemy hit nova, redirecting a little % of the damage inflicted to her to the orb that will then be launched to the aggressor (it will be like a little antimatter drop, a single target defensive antimater drop)

Antimatter Drop
One of the most powerfull abilities of tha game, really nice and enjoyable to play, has a very effective effect at any level. The only problem with this ability is not quite that is hard to make the orb land where you want to, but is more like that the "zoom to slow down system" that is really broken when you are not the host of the lobby, and that make thisa bility unreilable and very hard to use.
Possible Solution

-Change the "zoom to slow down system" with a "for X seconds" the antimatter drop will be perfectly still and will then start mooving forward... or just add this feature after this ability get casted, and then use the current mechanic to slow it down if you intend to charge it more. (the "frozen state" of this ability might be affected by power duration, making it more vailable if you want to play defensive and )
-Make all the bullets shooted by nova get redirected in the orb (i don't actually like this idea, it simplify this it too much for no reason, i think that the first solution it's easier to apply and works all the way better).

Worm Hole

This ability allows Nova to escape from dangerous situations and also to reach hidden places where she can use her abilities without being shooted by enemies.
The issue with this ability is the very high cost (75, for a mobility skill is pretty much a lot) and also i never understood why the "entering point" is a flat plan which works 1/3 of the times when you touch it, instead of a spherical portal that will allow to get toiched by the frame more easely (there are also issues with the positioning of this ability when you are near when near to a low piece of environment, but this is a bug that i don't understand, so i can't say anything about it...maybe the cast point get generated from nova knees instead of her hands/chestpiece...idk, really).
Possible Solution

-Lower the cost to 50
-Change the entering point hitbox from a flat plan to a spherical orb, facilitating usage.
-Make number of usages affected by something, duration or strenght, i'll prefere duration since my general idea of balancing nova consist in adding stuff that a player should consider whenever he adds fleeting in his build)

Molecular Prime

This ability is the best ability of all times. It slows down enemies, it increases any damage delt to them and also generates an AoE explosion for each enemy that dies while M-Primed.
Plus, this ability is not affected by power duration, has a basic duration of 60 damn seconds and 25m basic range + 15m side explosion radious (both affected by power range for a maxed total of 94m!!!???!?!1)
THIS'S TOO MUCH! (it's a CC, a support ability for you weapons and an huge Nuke skill... all in one skill for no reason)
Not to mention that this ability is recastable multyple times with no limit ("ability already in use" handicap? who cares, brainless spamming is way more interesting)
Possible Solutions
Since M-Prime is the most broken skill in warframe, i'll examine a lot of possibilities from different points of view (this means that multyple solution might be considered or ignored to reach a balance in this ability) 

-Make M-Prime affected by Power duration and lower the duration to 15/25sec (this will make the CC effect of this ability a lot less reilable then now)
-Lower the range to 20m or make the side explosion uneffected by Range Mods.
-Entirely remove the 100% bonus damage on M-Primed enemies or lower it to 50/75% bonus instead
-Entirely remove the 50% slow debuff or lower it to 20/30%
-Make this ability cost 150/200 energy
-Give to this ability the "ability already in use handicap" (this means that you will need to kill all the M-Primed enemies or wait for the duration to expire in order to cast it again, and you will need to cosnider the situation before pressing M-Prime)
-Add a collateral effect to  M-Primed enemies that prevents them to drop any loot (you want an OP nuke? forget about mods/resources and energy orbs!)
-Add a collateral effect that damages nova for half the damage of the side explosions (making really important to nova to be far away from the explosion before it get triggered)
-Add a collateral effect to nova who will also be affacted by M-Prime debuffs for half or his entire duration (less movement/shooting speed and enhanced incoming damage)
-Split the effects of this abilities to 2 different abilities, one that "slows and enhance damage" and one that makes em "instable and ready to explode" getting rid of null star or teleport.
-Remove this ability and squeez your brain fluids to find a new 4th ability for Nova.



Master in mind control abilities, nyx allows a very distincted and fun kind of gameplay where enemies are seen as tool to kill other enemies and not as real threats. Her stats are the average for a wuick moving caster, nothing stads out in a particular way.
Mind Control

This single target ability can stun and force any enemy (except done for bosses who will get only stunned instead) to fight along with the tenno, exploting interesting innate abilities from enemies for both defensive (like the aoe periodical heal of an ancient haler, or the shield boost from shield ospreys) and offensive (like shockwave moas and heavy grineer aoe stun).
In my opinion, this is one the few single target abilities that doesn't require a rework.

Physic Bolts

The only one nyx's skill which has no purpose to exist, it supposed to deal damage to 6 enemies, but the damage is very low and a nuke doesn't really fit Nyx playstyle.
Possible Solutions

-Add a debuff which get applied on the enemies hit by this ability (something like a random elemental status proc,r a sleep  effect that get removed when the enemy get damaged again, or reduce the number of targets and add something more interesting like a telekinesis effect that immobilize enemies mid air for a limited time like bastille)
-Lower the cost, make it spammable (also change the damage type, slash is kinda unuseful nowdays)


Best CC ever. 
No crypod will get damaged when nyx is in the team, all the enemies will be too busy shooting each other. The only drawback is that enemies killed by their allies won't reward any exp, but whatever xD


If used intelligently, this abiity can completely exterminate a crowd of enemies. In fact i love the way you can absorb friendly damage and reflect it in an AoE around nyx position (you can also stack some penta nades on the ground and then trigger them while in absorb animation reflecting the 5 nades damage in a wider radius)
I herd that this ability is supposed to make all the enemies attack nyx upon cast, but this thing doesn't sem to work very well (probably due to the low AoE range)
As a matter of facts the absorb biggest issue is the range, 10m is most of the times not enough to reach enemies that are shooting you from covers, i also don't understand why the damage is pure slash instead of something less mandatory (something like 33% slash 33% impact 33% puncture 1% badassness)
Possible Solutions

-Tweak the range to 15m or force enemies to get close to nyx upon cast.
-Change the kind of damage delt by this ability (maybe blast,  a mix of the 3 principal damage or a mix of random elemental damages... or maybe let the most absorbed damage type determine the damage type delt by this ability)


He looks really badass, but apart from his look and some fancy animations, everythng in this frame looks really weird to me. (i would dare to say that he looks half assed, not to insult the developpers, but it's exactly how it looks to me, i came out right after the valkyr on U11.5 and as i already said, apart from his aesthetical aspects he seems rough) .
His health is ok, but i think that it could be even higer, his abilities don't have a good range, so it's inevitable for him to get damaged (i know that he can regen his health, but i also don't understand why a frame based on heallth shouldn't have 450 base hps... but if this kind of frame doesn't have a 450 health pool, who else should?).
In the other hand he has a nice shield capacity, so this is not the problem that makes oberon a bad warframe.

An interesting ability that from a given target spreads bouncing projectiles in direction of the neares enemies hitting and staggering em.
It's quite fun to use, even if i'd prefere to have it as a pointable ability (like fireball) and not a single target ability that requires an aimed enemy in order to get activated (when a crawd of enemies comes from a corridor i'm suppsoed to aim someone in the middle of the crawd to hit the largest number of targets, but that's hard to accomplish with such limitation).
Possible Solutions

-Remove the required target block from this ability and make it an actual projectile that spreads on around enemies after the first obstacle get hit (both an enemy or a part of the environment) allowing interesting usages, like a crushing rain if aiming at the ceiling or more deadly and accurate ability to exploit in narrow rooms if aimed properely.

Hallowed Ground

This is just a joke, it's not a real skill.
it's some kind of glowing carpet with no actual utility.
The range is limited, and the animation that casts it in front of you is a no sense, enemy too far won't get closer and shoot you, and enemies cought into it will probably move away after a couple of seconds.
This ability could be way more interesting with some tweaks, but right now is completely unsueful (i tried any build to use it with corrupted mods and without em, but it has no use ...the only actual thing that it can do is to lower the health of infesteds if used in a corridor ... this is the only actual situation where i found it "decent").
Possible Solutions

-Change the shape used for this skill, make it radial, make it conical , anything else but a stupid carpet is fine!
-Add some sort of buff for allies that stand into it, and some sort of debuff for enemies that step on it
My suggestion is to change the animation of this ability into a wood of wild roots growing from the oberon position all around him, blocking movements of the enemies cought in its range during the cast animation and slowing the speed of further enemies which enter in it during its duration, those roots apart from impending enemies moovements could both damage or restore health/energy to allies whenever an enemy dies in em (i'd prefere energy since oberon already has runewal and recoking to restore health to friends ...to be honest this ability has the potential to become the new oberon ultimate and replace reckoning which is just another "press to kill the stuff around you" ability).


This skill spawn some fairies to seek allies and heal em (yup i said fairies, cause oberon is the king of faries, you know?).
It's kinda ok as ability, and it's supposed to revive downed allies...but it's very unreliaible.
That's way it's really useless compared to trinity blessing (which restores health and shield of allies, making them immortal).
Possible Solutions

-Make the projectile resurrect downed enemies instead of resurrecting while the regen is active on em. (this will give reliability to such feature)
-Buff the health restored, and make it scale with power duration (more duration = more health restored)
-Remove the auto-cleanse of this ability whenever the health reaches its full capacity, it has no sense. (right now is used to heal allies under bleed/toxic proc and nothing more u.ù)


A "press 4 to kill all the stuff around you" skill, but with a very low range and an unuseful mix of impact and radiation damages (impact is good against shields and weak against flesh and armor in general and radiation is good against alloy armor and infested sinew but weak against shields ... this makes no sense!!!).
Altough it spawns health orbs, which are unuseful since oberon can regen health whenever he wants to (really, this must be a joke, i'm sure that you had a lot more interesting ideas but you gave up on em for some reason, i can't belive that this is the best you had... i'm sure it's not, you have a lot of awesome people in your team, i'm sure that this is just something that come out in no time ...but it's not too late to change it, really).
In the other hand, the animation is awesome and stunning.
Possible Solutions

-Make it into an hard stun, which stuns all the nearby enemies and pushes them back from oberon.
-Remove the health orb spawn feature or change it with an AoE heal that occours on enemy death
-Switch this ability with and improved hallowed ground version and balance this ability for an ability that costs 50 energy (less damage)



The easiest frame to play, it's really tanky and intuitive to play, he can stop incoming damage, push down enemies or stun them, and he can boost his fellow damages, which is awesome. I really like it, his stats are perfect for his  porpose, tanky and slow (even if the rhino prime isn't that slow u.ù)
This warframe is probably the most used overall.
Rhino Charge

A stright line CC which knocksback enemies dealing some damage and pushes Rhino forward. I don't use this ability very much, just because it's potential is determinated by duration mods, and my ideal build doesn't install duration mods (this skill hss the same problem as slash dash, duration affects its travelled distance, isntead of range which affects only the ara of effect around the frame... this is pointless and should get changed asap)
Another thing that i don't really like about this ability, it's the name (do we really need that "rhino" prefix on rhino abilities?!?!?!?)
Possible Solutions

-Make Rhino Charge duration (intended as distance traveled) affected by range, and actual range (intended as AoE around excalibur) not affected by mods or affected by range as well 
-Change Rhino Charge name into Charge or Trample (or stuff like that, just get rid of that prefix already)

Iron Skin

A self defense buff that allows Rhino to take a lot of enemy fire and which also protect Rhino from any form of debuff or knockback. This is probably the reason why a lot of players chose Rhino as their favourite frame, you can forget about covers and fight in close combat even the heavy units, Rhino is not afraid of anything (as long as he has energy ofc xD).
This ability could seem really Overpowered, but it really feel not so special on higer level missions (it's clearly not comparable to trinity's blessing or valkyr histeria)


Increased damage output  for all the party, really awesome thing to combine with other frames AoE abilities or just to deal with Heavy units, i really like the way this ability works with any weapon and ability in game without making use of complicated game mechanics (just to mention some abilities that are overcomplicated: Electric Shield and Contagion).
My only complaint is about the buff visual effect, which sn't affected by the warframe energy (sad D:)
Possible Solutions

-Make the visual effect affected by the chosen warframe energy color.

Rhino Stomp

A big AoE CC with some damage in it, the blast damage make this ability not really reliable in damage terms, but what this ability really do at it's best is preventing friends to get killed from enemies.
Unfortunately this ability can be only modded to deal more damage or to affect an higer area, no chance to increase the CC effectiviness (that's a pity :\ )
Another complaint that i have about this ability, it's about the particle effects that are lifted in air right after the stomp (we always see metallic grids explode even if there is no grid on the ground,you know what? lame)
Possible Solutions

-Make this ability affected by power duration mods, just to add more customizaion chances, and decrese the effectiviness of this skill with a fully maxed fleeting expertise (fleeting expertise really broke this game in half)
-Use a more generic texture for the particles lifted in air from stomp, or change them with some sparkly particle or soemthing more generic then a metallic grid (maybe like dust)



I love Saryn, her design is, in my opinion, the best of all the female warframes.
Her health and shield are pretty enough to compensate her low mov-speed and to follow up the abilities that in general require to be in the middle of the fight to be used. I actually think that she is awesome, but the truth is that her abilities doesn't combine very well each other.
I already wrote down an entire post for saryn, but it was really long and a lot of parts are missleading, i still think that it contains valid ideas and a lot of insights about ways to revamp saryn
if you want to have a look, you can fidn it Here

A very interesting first ability, it's a bit complicated to use properly, and requires time to be effective, probably one of the best ability at higest level due to the viral proc (-50% max health) 
So the problem is actually clear, why someone have to use such an ability if then nova/ember arrives and one shots everything? (sad but true :\ )
Possible Solutions

-Make Venom infest multiple target when used, to speed up the spreading process.


More or less another Decoy ability
The problem with this abilities is that the health is never enough even with maxed strenght, in my opinion it should use the new machanic that the snowglobe uses (4 seconds of damage absorb and relative health gained with the absorption + armor bonus based on the frame armor)
The toxic explosion doesn't really seem to work  (probably because the range is not enough to hit anything)
Possible Solutions

-Add the new mechanic used on Snowglobe to this ability (maybe with less absorbption duration, 2 or 3 sec, and a x2/x3 armor instead of x5)
-Increase the explosion range and damage and make it affected by range/strenght mods (I have no idea if it's actually affected, the range is too low to state so)
-Change the Damage with some utility debuff (like a blind, a slowdown, or a cripple)


A Self buff that doesn't really increase the damage output that well, the calculation of the toxic boost is overcomplicated and ends being very low compared to other abilities (roar increses all the damage output and affects teammates)
In my opinion this ability needs a bit of a revamp in order to become usable.
Possible Solutions

-Make the toxic boost calculated on the overall damage of the weapon (not only the "general damage", which means that if it gives 50% bonus and i have a weapon that deals 100 impact, 50 slash and 50 heat, the ability should give 200:2 toxic bonus damage which is applied after the hti and doesn't combine itslef to the heat damage making gas, make it simple!)
-Add something peculiar, a side effect to the damage boost (range boost, increased proc chance, idk, anything will fit)
-Make it sharable (?)


Another press 4  AoE Nuke but with a little of CC in it
This ability works very well due to an exploit that uses Fleeting Expertise and the Chlora Helmet to reduce the duration of the ability and focus the whole damage of the ability in 2 big ticks of damage in 1 sec duration,
The stun duration remains untouched from the duration mods (4sec) which means that you can't actually mod this ability to increase the CC capabilities of this ability (there isn't much customaization in this!)
To me, all the press 4 and kill around you abilities should be changed to something with a lot more of utility, but this is my personal tough (not to mention that the best "press 4 to kill all around you" ability in game is Molecular Prime, and it has utility in it!!!)
Possible Solutions

-Make the CC duration affected by power duration mods, just to add more customizaion chances, and decrese the effectiviness of this skill with a fully maxed fleeting expertise (as i already said a lot of times now, fleeting expertise really broke this game)
-Fix the Duration mods  to actually increase the damage instead of disperse that (you can put the Runewal mechanic to use in this which means that increasing duration actually decreses the duration and concentrates the damage, or just increase the number of ticks of damage with duration and make any tick affected by the power strenght)
-Change the 4s Stun with something else, like a 100% corrosive/viral proc, a resistance debuff, a slowdown


Edited by Regar
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wow, your feedback for ash is very good. I like it a lot because the answers you give won't turn ash into an OP frame (like a lot of people want her to be); you have understand the + and the - of this frame, continue, I'm fond with you :)


ps: sry for the bad english, it's my third language

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Expansive should be expensive too

you can find tons of typos if you try to, it's just that i'm not good with keyboard xD


i will add a note about that, so i wont be sorrounded by people complaining about my spelling and grammar

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Shuriken: hmm maxed should have 3 yea, but should expand max5 ;D if focus and blind ra9e...Ofc to balance it the dm9 mi9ht not expand threw out them all, rather just 5 or so deadly blades homein9 in ;D


Smoke Screen: that would be usefull to coat self, allies, def tar9ets, etc its purpose would then allow for FULL team to become stealthy, if ofc thrown towards them ;D

Teleport: I a9ree 100% >,> could to be able to do some sort of finisher/extra dm9 hit would be uber, also allows one to teleport/melee combo ;d

As for blade storm -Hiraishin no Jutsu-....It needs a dm9 multiplier -,- Excal and Valk have decent multipliers for dm9 on ult...But Ash doesnt???? O,o would be nice if D.E. was to add a multiplier to it....OR "shadow clone storm" for as Ash is his ult is boss I think a multiplier would work rather then just ult area with clone spam o,o

Edited by raqib1991
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DE already decided what to do with ember already, and I like their choice at the end regarding getting rid of fireblast. That's suicidal skill. 




Sorry, but I didn't say that Ember is getting changes. I simply posted noted feedback from the thread.


they just posted noted feedback about the thread, there isn't anything official, that list is just a list of suggestions/feedback

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There are a ton of threads suggesting for Ember's fix. I'm just really hoping that they consider actually fixing her.

Also Regar, you forgot to mention that they need to remove Ember's ability to hurt/burn herself with Fireball.

Humm, it's atcually weird that fire hurts you, but it really doesn't bother me that much xD

Maybe because i always thought of fireball as a pocket-rocket, you don't want to squash a rocket on your face ...it shouldn't set yourself on fire, but at least damage you a bit for the explosion damage ... i'll add a note about it ...but i think that's something more like a bug than an intentional thing



EDIT: Frost joined the party

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I'd really like to boost the rhino's shields and armor significantly. He doesn't really feel like a tank to me. I'd increase his shields to about 1600 as the minimum maximum, health to about 1200 and his armor to 250 (base value). That's probably an obscene amount to those who crunch the numbers, but those higher-level missions can really mess you up bad and are simply some numbers I throw out there. What do you guys think? Any changes you'd like to see in the rhino? If so, what would they be?

Edited by -SLX-J3tAc3
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I'd really like to boost the rhino's shields and armor significantly. He doesn't really feel like a tank to me. I'd increase his shields to about 1600 as the minimum maximum, health to about 1200 and his armor to 250 (base value). That's probably an obscene amount to those who crunch the numbers, but those higher-level missions can really mess you up bad and are simply some numbers I throw out there. What do you guys think? Any changes you'd like to see in the rhino? If so, what would they be?

i suggest you to make your own topic about rhino, you wont have that much visibility from in here, and i didn't wrote a single word about rhino yet


anyway you should learn how to improve and use "iron skin" skill if you think that rhino is not tanky enough

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Your suggestion on Desecrate is the best I've seen yet, and I wholeheartedly support it.


You Radial Disarm suggestion is good too. It feels like the way that ability works is a leftover from days past. I'm hoping that with the new Melee 2.0 enemy AI, that things will get much more interesting when someone uses Radial Disarm.

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