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For The Love Of God, Please Increase Credit Drops By 5X-10X


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Update 7 has really gone the wrong way in implementing 'credit sinks'. I had 500k credits to start off with, and after spending around 400k just to max a few mods (~70-80k for each mod), and finding out how underwhelming a maxed mag crush has now become, I've hardly any credits left to do anything else... I had to run Tolstoj 20 times in order to get enough money to build Saryn components... only to realise that I still had to buy the blueprint from the market. After running it another 10 times I finally bough it, but then I realised I still needed another 25,000 credits to build it (not to mention waiting 3 days for it to build). In the end, I sold almost all my blueprints just so i have the required amount of credits... and now, I don't have any money at all to fuse mods.

Where has the fun gone?

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i have the same problem and just leveling up FEW mods sucked up my 500 k cridets !!! ... i was over enjoying the cridets drop in the old days now its truning to be "PLAY THE GAME ALL UR LIFE TO GET WHAT U WANT BUAHAHAHAHHAH" something like that :D and now i barely have 4 k ! ... the cridets booster is 3 days -_-" doesnt worth spending platinum ... if the game keeps like that i really might get bored and leave

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To be honest, I stopped having a credit problem the moment I stopped fusing fusion cores, and started selling most of them instead, especially the rarer(and thus less efficient to fuse) ones. The other guys I'm playing with have done the same thing and it doesn't seem so bad, we're more limited by certain mods(health, shields, etc) dropping in the first place than the money or excess mods to fuse them to higher ranks.

Can't speak for later on though, I don't know if the credit rewards are appropriate or not for the escalating fusion costs.

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I think the fusion core is one giant credit pit. They're better off as your cash than your fusion upgrade.

Sell all of them and never have credit problem again. Also, maxing mods isn't really require since it's exponentially expensive and the return is frankly, extremely diminishing.

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okay we have mods back from the closed beta but the new ones will likely play forever to max vitality mod ... selling mods is not the best solution ... there have to be a more feasible solution ... want to be persuaded then ask a friend to play the game (new account) then see if they can handle the game as it is... we were beta testing to help warframe crew make the best game ever not to selfishly survive and leave the new ones suffer

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I think the fusion core is one giant credit pit. They're better off as your cash than your fusion upgrade.

Sell all of them and never have credit problem again. Also, maxing mods isn't really require since it's exponentially expensive and the return is frankly, extremely diminishing.


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Well, I think if you read this post from up to down and combine everythign in it you can be a rish person in the end and it will not take forever to do so.

Let's try to put this up all together:

- Farming is mostly done at mercury and new players start playing in mercury, that would help new and old players to get credits and mods and have

fun in the process.

- The costs of things are realistic and getting the credits required for it would mean sacrificing something else, for example, if you want to have good

mods, sell blueprints, if you want to have more warframes/sentinels/weapons ... etc, sell the mods (fusion cores).

- Want to go to high end places, get a team and go rock it, since it is almost impossible to survive on your own, unless you know how to play your

thing very very well and had a really nice mod build (which takes a lot of time and credits and is the same situation in real as well, a weaker team

is always better than an expert on his own)

i used to have 600K credits, I play Ash and i can say, i miss the health, energy and shield i used to have. I noticed something though, back then i didn't have to use my abilities as much as i do now since i had almost every thing upped so it wouldn't have mattered which warframe you have because you depended on weapons most of the time. now you need to combine it, use the abilities and the weapon in parallel in the game, be a ninja, lol, run on walls, hit your enemy from imaginarry places, ... etc just combine your abilities.

the only thing that bothers me in this game is trading, why can't warframes trade with each others ?

if that made possible, the credit, mods and material problems(alloy plates and rubedoes specifically) would be solved and it will encourage the team plays more in my opinion. Imagine you want a mod and another want credits and you can buy the mod from him, you both get satisfied.

I would do some playing to get what i want, i have already 2 new accounts, and i can say it is really bad at first levels and stuff, having no fusion cores, no blue prints, no credits, no mods, and not much open planets makes things really bad, but stillm having 3 other newbies by your side will help a lot in almost all missions and the ranking rate is not bad, maybe the drop rate needs to be higher, I agree with that.

wow, that's a big post for people who don't like readin too much (like myself, lol)

i hope it was a helpful post

have fun everyone

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Sounds like you burned through fusion cores and cash to max our specific cards rather than using Rank 0 duplicates, which is a lot more cost efficient.

.:edit for specific example:.

Fast Deflection (which dropped fairly regularly for me) cost me a total of 32 Fast Deflection cards and 12400 credits to have one maxed out version in my inventory. It would have cost me over 100k credits to use uncommon fusion mods to do the same thing, quite the drastic cost difference for expediting the process.

Makes me wonder if DE intended Fusion Mods to be used for really rare drops, i.e. the rumored health and shield mods.

Edited by Cakes
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It's all about game design, really... Previously, whenever u got a mod drop you were excited by it and always looked forward to checking out to see if it had better stats than ur previous mods. Better yet, it could be blue and and some funky combination of 2 different stats. In this version, whenever u get a new mod, you think 'great now I can have +5% of something'. If you want to upgrade it it'll cost you way too many credits, and if you wanna use duplicates to upgrade it then you need HEAPS (I dunno about u, but I don't think I've ever farmed for 32 of the same thing in any kind of mmo or rpg, specially when that thing doesnt even drop at a rate of 50-100%).

All in all, the current system has created a sensation of dread in some players, where they have to choose between losing a massive amount of credits, or not being able to upgrade any of the mods they get. Both things make the game less fun than before, and credits in particular are an issue that affects free players and players new to the game. Since a lot of the content is accessed via unlocking frames and weapons, making that more prohibitive by force you to choose between mods or gear seems like a bad idea.

I recently just built the Saryn warframe, but I'm rapidly losing interest in playing it as I know I will have to painstakingly farm credits just to be able to experience a stronger version of its skills... something needs to change, and IMO the current mod system does have its perks. So I think we need more credits...

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8 duplicate cards and 5600 credits to max out a skill (Rank 3). Takes a while longer but as usual you pay for shortcuts.

Why so many duplicates

You could look at it like a grade curve system. The exponential crunch to attain that next level for some mods is so extreme (I'm looking at you Rank 10 mods) that the difference between a hardcore farmer and a casual player who both choose to fuse only duplicates will not be as drastic. The hardcore farmer are the A students, the casual player the majority of students with Bs and Cs, and the weekend warriors trailing at the lower end of the curve. The reason simply being that the farmer must farm exponentially harder than the casual. Yes, the farmer will definitely have better mods in the long run, but that shouldn't come as too much of a surprise to anyone.

I'm a casual player, FML with this new mod system

As it stands right now, yes, I can't bring myself to argue with your FML statement. I did the math and know how many duplicates of a card you need to max out a Rank 10 mod. (detailed later)

DE could be nice and grant the average player a chance for lady luck to smile on them They could add a Rank Mod reward into the daily lotto that grants a rank to the mod you fuse it to, as long as the fusing cost is no greater then a 50% add-on to the cost it would take to fuse enough duplicates to attain the next rank. This 50% sounds nice on paper, especially for mods that only go up to Rank 3 or Rank 5. However, some mods do go to Rank 10, and the higher ranks get pricey.

It takes 204800 credits, or (2^9)*400 credits, to get Serration (Uncommon mod) from just Rank 9 to Rank 10.

Of course the average player isn't expected to just drop that amount of credits at will, but it is exactly what some of you have been doing. It's partially DE's fault for providing many of you a surplus of the two raw materials neccesary to make this bad credit investment: Surplus credits from selling mods in Update 6, and the conversion of mods into numbers Fusion mods.

Why is Cakes so hung up about Rank 10 mods?

Those mods with 10 ranks really require some effort to max out. 1024 copies for a Rank 10.... dear god I may have to reconsider my original plan of owning copies from Rank 1 through 10. Yes, this will effectively "screw over" casual players who no longer can gain competitive mods through a bit of luck and will not likely adhere to using only duplicates. That's where Fusion mods come in, to be used as a substitute to a duplicate copy at a higher price. However, from what I've been reading and a few testimonies from friends, a trend was to use ALL Fusion mods to instantly max out a newly acquired mod.

My beef with Update 7

As far as I'm concerned, the main snaffu DE did regarding mods when releasing Update 7 was granting the majority player base far too many Fusion mods. In hindsight, it may have been more prudent to force those mods into credits, then let the player get a feel for the new Fusion system with a surplus of credits and not enough mods to avoid a financial catastrophe. Instead, with a pile of credits, Fusion mods, a brand new Rank 0 mod card, an inclination to click OK without a second thought, and the urge to return to their former glory, quite a few players went from millionaire to broke. The lucky ones came out with some pimped out mods.

But my skills, I needs my skills!

From the drops I've been experiencing, skill mods are among the easier mods to max out due to only reaching Rank 3 and a relatively healthy drop rate. The down side is acquiring the skill mods you want. The plus side is you can use the ones you don't want to improve the skills mods you want.

Health and shield mods on the other hand suffer from such an atrocious drop rate that I'm fairly convinced their drop rates are bugged, which I'm sure forced many players to invest deeply into their savings to upgrade those two mods.


I believe the original intent was for you to farm all the necessary duplicate mods and use a portion of the credits you acquired in the process to pay the fusion costs. Thus the credit sink, not credit sinkhole. The Fusion mods are intended to be a generic substitute for a duplicate mod. Given their versatility it should come at a slightly higher cost for the same fusion value, and unfortunately that "convenience fee" is exacerbated by spamming quite a few of them at once. By playing with that mindset I've maintained a net gain in credits while improving my mods, albeit at a much slower pace than someone who used a stockpile of Fusion mods to skip the farming-for-duplicates step.

If my math is wrong somewhere, please feel free to quote and correct to help me reevaluate my view of Update 7

Edited by Cakes
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1024 copies? Jesus I'm already 1% of the way towards maxing my sentinel's shields!!!

I think the impact of farming for a mod with a range of random values might be bigger than farming for duplicates of the same mod with the same values. It might be worth looking at a way of combining the new and the old mod system somehow. If you get a mod with a high value then you'd be happy and excited, and if not then you can just fuse it with mods of the same type.

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Agreed, getting credit is rediculous right now. During update 6 the credit gain seemed well balanced for more casual players. I usually had just enough for what I wanted to do. If the goal is to credit starve us now so that we are pushed into buying them with plat, then I don't feel that my time is being respected and have no interest in sticking around or continuing to recommend the game to friends. The only reason I hadn't spent any money on this game yet is the niggling doubt that they might pull a bait and switch before beta was over. I'm sorry that my doubts had to be true.

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