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Coming Soon: Devstream #22


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I would like to know what's the deal with PC and PS4? When something goes live on PC, why isn't the ps4 version being submitted to Sony on the same day? I know you stated you don't want to hold PC back and that's fine. But shouldn't the ps4 version be done the same day as PC and the ONLY hold up should be how long it takes Sony to approve it? I think the ps4 player base needs something's answered about this subject.

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Devstream #22: Dev Q&A!  


Who? Join Steve, Scott, Geoff, Sheldon, and Rebecca on the couch this week for a Developer Q&A!

What? We’ll be covering areas of all things Warframe present and Warframe future and taking a lot of questions. We'll also be giving out 3 x 1000 Platinum Prizes!

Where? Tune in live at http://twitch.tv/warframe

When? Friday, February 7th at 2:00PM EST (GMT-5)! Find your Timezone here: http://www.worldtimebuddy.com/


Get your questions in, thread closes at 10:00 AM EST on Feb 7!


See you Friday!

Do you have intentions of adding other Tenno weapons such as the Vectis and the Soma to the Tenno Research Lab?


Interception was slightly dissapointing at least on Earth due to the fact that they were low levels, will you add other tilesets in areas such as the Void to up the difficulty?

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my question is this, yes its ok to blur the lines between "specific classes" as some players may like a frame but it isnt too viable at solo play, you all released rhino specified as the tank of the game, yes his iron frame is cool and all, but it was duration before i believe and then got changed to a strength based attribute, however on update 12 you all yet again buffed another frame to outclass the specific tank by leagues, 600 armor on valkyr, yes we know the damaged reduction is "belled" or it reaches a certain value where the more you add the less significant it gets, but isnt that a bit too much i mean 600 vs 190, 190 being the specific tank, it doesnt make much sense,  another   comparison  is trinity, trinity basically when built right can out tank rhino  with  ease, as she can have infinite energy and that enables her to keep recasting her ultimate, which is affected by duration mods which inevitably means infinite invulnerability, not to mention valkyrs ultimate also makes her invulnerable and it is also affected by duration mods, of which there are 3 which gives more than ample time to satisfy the premise of her skill, those are 2 classes that arent tanks, a support and a berserker class both which can out tank your specified tank, and yes trinity doesnt have the damaging skills but you got a primary, secondary and melee weapon for that. so permanent invulnerability on both frames making the specified tank in terms of tanking obsolete and even in normal all round play, my question is dont you think you all have blurred the lines between specific classes too much, and also why buff frames in manners in which they are or were not meant to out classing the frames that were meant to fill those roles.


my other question is on frost, while the change in attribute which affects his snow globe is not a problem, why was no consideration given into the fact that players spent time to farm these duration specific mods, spent cores to upgrade them and now some may not even have a frame which needs it, as now you got to use strength mods to power up your globe, my question here is what consideration was put in there?


my last question is on bows, yes they needed a buff and something to make them  more  appealing but dont you all think it was a bit too much with the crit rate? i mean you all nerfed the soma down to 75% with point strike, yet a bow with only point strike now has 125% crit rate, i agree nerfing a weapon to make another better is not advised but then why was soma nerfed to 30% base, it needs more work than a bow, 4 formas to make it viable, and even a non forma bow on damage per shot can out perform a fully forma soma then you also need to factor in thunderbolt's damage, dont you all think it went a little too far with bows and why cant we get our old crit rate or a possibility of 100% rate with soma, even synapse has like 150% with point strike, is it ever possible we can see our old soma back or even per say a deserved buff eve?

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Hey there. My question to the devs: Is it going to happen that we can trade blueprints in the future? It´s kind of useless having them 2 or 3 times each. Selling them for 3.5k credits might be painfull comparing the efford of getting them in some cases.


Thanks and keep up the good work!

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With regards to the recent Darvo Alert and incoming lore, will there eventually be a single player/co-op campaign, a flashback section of the codex, or a new section of the star chart with these missions in them so that new players which missed their initial releases can experience them?

Edited by BizarreFetalChimpanzee
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Hello DE these are some questions and suggestions i have for warframes future.



Q1. Is there any thought of putting warframe display stands as decorations in clan Dojo's? So people can show off there warframe without having to have it equipted.


Q2. Is there any talk about when/if we will be getting new alt chassis for the frames?



Q3. Will we be seeing a warframe for the X1 in the future?



Q4. When will we be getting news about the next event?



Q5. Will we be seeing new scarfs in the near future?



Q6. In the lore you are talking about releasing, how exactly will that be done? are you able to say?

Edited by Senketsu_
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Will there be alternate sets of warframe powers? For example mag having a power called Push that can be swapped out with Pull, or Frost having an ability that can be swapped out with Snow Globe for a large slow moving Ice Wall, etc.


I also would like information on this or even not so much full alterations of the skill but some modability to them such as turning venom into magnetic damage or world on fire to viral.


It seems impossible to pass Mastery Rank 7 to 8 promotion (wall -running test) using an Xbox 360 controller on the PC version of Warframe.

Question: Does DE have any plans to fix/change this promotion test so that it does indeed become possible to pass it using an Xbox 360 controller or other PC-compatible controllers?



and i managed to do this with a ps3 controller (run through a modulator) its very difficult but achievable.



really waiting on melee 2.0 and dont disclude valkyr from it. u built her as a melee focus when melee sucked. give her the buff when melee gets it.

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Since the release of Damage 2.0, I've been trying to collect information regarding Warframe power mechanics in order to ease everyone's transition into the new system. I made this thread in the feedback forums for that purpose.


With weapon stats available for players in the Arsenal (that change according to your equipped mods), will we see detailed Warframe power stats at some point? Having that information in the game (damage, damage type, duration, range, and so on) would be helpful for most players, especially newcomers who have to resort to external sources that are not always up-to-date.

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1. Would be weapon base damage mods (Serration, Hornet Strike and such, Corrupted mods must stay) retired, so damage will increase to the maximum with each level up to 30? Easier to polarize at least, + free mod slot.

2. Any changes for Primes planned? About Prime tech concept overall. I feel like there is something coming.

3. HUD should be customizable for sure. If possible. Not a question, but anyway.

4. I wish to see more Dev Diaries in future. Not especially about further plans for game itself and work in progress (future updates), but more about life in studio, about DE and people who working there. Any chances?

Thank you for this incredible game, due to U12 i can almost feel with my skin how awesome our future is.


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Hey DE! Do you have any plans to roll out a Grineer Harvester-equivalent? Introducing The Harvester alongside an invasion system rebalance seems to have put the Grineer on an unshakable war path, completely conquering Eris and most of Neptune at the time of writing. While it's nice to see more exaggerated results of battle, it's taken a huge toll on the racial balance.

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Two questions really:


Will there ever be an option to play past lore missions (without the special prize, obviously)? As annoying  as the disrupting hyena was, I'd play the ties that bind again just for the dialog.


If and when there is a dojo shooting range/melee range will it be possible to donate weapons to it? It would be nice if there was a way to try out a potentially resource heavy gun before investing (research weapons and their required formas come to mind).

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