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Coming Soon: Devstream #22


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Im pretty K with GUI size, i like new animated portraits - it looks rly cool, but what the hell u did with hp/shield/ammo bars???
just make this new GUI optional plz, or at least make this eyebreaking angles togglable, it maybe looks good but is it UI or not? first things u should think bout is usability and easement of interface, and afterall about all dat cuty thingies

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can you please tell us when warframe accounts can be bridged? this has taken way longer than it should have and i feel like its coming soon but there is no exact date that i am aware of. please... my computer is not a gaming pc and can barely run warframe on its lowest settings and the game looks amazing on ps4 but i have put quite a bit of time and money into this account

Edited by AveryJ
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Question: Something I've wanted to ask for a while is if there are plans to add more music to the game during missions. Maybe adding in the diorama music at points? It seems like there only seems to be the Tenno drum loop during points of the mission.


Question: Is there any possibility that players will be able to hold their melee weapons in hand rather than their main weapon? That way instead of constantly holstering and un-holstering the weapon we can just run around with our melee weapons in hand. I know there are some people that like using melee more than anything else, so it might also be good to have that feature, especially now that some weapons are starting to look beyond amazing. To run around with a sword or daggers in hand rather than the gun seems like a simple addition.


Question: Will there be more in-game lore added into the gameplay itself? Maybe making it so that certain missions are considered "Story" missions, and will have a deeper story type message in the game like with Darvo in the Ties that Bind mission? I thought the whole mission was really cool, and have been thinking adding short cut-scenes like the enter and exit animations, or broader story type aspects can make the game speak to a wider variety of people and add more to the game itself.


Question: Would it be possible to have a "Quest Hub" in clan dojo's, where there can be a Hologram image of the Lotus in the center of a small room, and you activate the hologram and she gives you a number of small operation type quests where she wants you to kill a certain number of a specific enemy/faction, or collect a certain rare material in exchange for credits or other rare materials. Like invasion missions, only the mission is given just to the Tenno(s) who accepted it?

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As much as I love Valkyr and have from the moment she dropped, I've noticed a glaring flaw in Hysteria:  Slopes.


Her strike range seems to be ONLY a direct forward arc, which makes it difficult for her to hit enemies that are just below her for any reason, such as slopes on forest maps, staircases, etc., etc.  It also makes it hard for her to hit mobs like Crawlers during Infestation missions.  Are there plans to rectify this, or is it something that will be rolled along with something like Melee 2.0?


(... or is she going to be frustrated and enraged by stairs/slopes like classic Daleks for all time?)

Edited by feralknights
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Are you going to have alternate helmets for all warframes come out? I'm talking like a huge pack of them. 2 more alternate helmets for each frame. Also, will you be doing some alternate armor looks? Not the colors or patterns, but the actual armor layout itself?

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DE, There is one question I want to ask... Will we ever be able to remove formas, catalysts and reactors from our gear to get them back? Like if I formad a Paris and then I don't want Paris anymore and I want the forma I spent on it back. Can we please have that? Thank you.

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-With the current feedback on the state the new HUD/UI is in, did it turn out how you expected?
If not, what kind of changes can we see for it in the near future?



-The new Earth tile set is great. I love that we have something to mix up the variety of missions. In the distant future, do you guys plan on implementing a tile set that is unique to each planet to provide more diversity within the game as a whole?

Edited by Djinfish
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Does Sheldon have a microphone yet? ;)



... but... but the Olympic Opening Ceremony is on then... D:


Eh, Russia has ridiculous anti-#$$ laws, and I heard they're hiring people to kill stray dogs to prepare for the Olympics. USA may have lots of problems, but jeez I'm glad I'm here where I can boycott the Olympics without going to jail for #$$ propaganda.


Edit: Apparently  g a y  is censored.

Edited by StuffedTurkey007
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-I was wondering if we are going to get anything new on sentinels? We haven't had any new sentinels since around the time that Nekros was released.


-Another question is about Conclave/PVP. We haven't (or at least me) heard about anything related to improving the conclave or more PVP content. Though PVP was added, I don't currently like the way the damage works against other players since it only takes 3 bullets from a Soma to kill another player.

It's too fast pace, there's no really enjoying it therefore no one really plays it as far as I'm aware. Ideas like More maps, bigger teams, and definitely make it more noticeable so people know it's actually there and people are drawn to seeing if anyone is actually playing it.

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Are there any plans of reducing the exponential scaling of weaponry to help reduce the requirement of Serration/Hornet strike on weaponry? Right now every weapon is pretty much required to have a slot filled by a flat base damage booster, then another with another essential base damage booster (multishot.) With just those two mods, your weapon is already doing 503.5% of its base damage.


Once you add in things like 4x elements, that also raise that 503.5% by another 360%, damage starts getting out of hand. So you end up with a weapon that goes from doing 10 damage per shot on average, to 232 damage per shot; an increase of a massive 2,316.1% over the base, just counting 4x 90% elementals, 165% serration, and 90% multishot.


This large of a disparity in damage causes the damage extremes to be utterly absurd at the low and high ends. Where it would cause some weapons to be mediocre (Miter), and the others just insane (Soma). And the outlier enemies need to be balanced towards the more powerful weaponry to compensate, which exacerbates the problem with near-vertical scaling making some weapons just used for the mastery they give.

Edited by KrazyKrl
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I guess I can think of some questions....


Will we ever be able to scale our reticle?  Some people enjoy a smaller crosshair.  The reticle scales with the HUD.  The technology is there!  It just needs to be separate from HUD scaling because when you scale up the HUD, the reticle becomes the size of a bagel.  Can we expect the reticle to be its own element with a scaling option?


Any chance of getting something that tells us how much damage Iron Skin has taken, or how much damage Absorb has taken? I understand having a timer or gauge on abilities like Bastille are not going to work since you can cast unlimited numbers of them, but having a heads-up with Iron Skin is about to run out would be great.


Can picked up mods NOT scale with the HUD?  They should be a smaller standard size.  With a bigger HUD, my picked up mods are the size of playing cards.


When will Phased items be able to change colors with energy color?  I bought them all and don't use anything because I don't like the color :(


ETA on cloth physics?  (Great first step with the scarf in U12).


Can infested find a home in Eris, PLEASE?


Why is Dual Cestra in dojo, but single in market?  Can that be fixed to put dual in market and not in dojo so it doesn't look like someone made a mistake? 

Edited by LennoFF
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The current Mod system which is employed is unique and clever in the way it adds a different dynamic to the game beyond typical skill trees etc, however in its current format coupled with RNG the cracks and inadequacies of the system is beginning to show.


Therefore (Question) are there any plans in the works or are you at least considering advancing the current system used to something more dynamic while keeping the Mod system intact, like what has been suggested by 






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1. Can we expect more customization for the HUD? IE being able to change the white to another color.


2. Whatever happened to the Sabotage rework?


3. What do you call a Saryn who activated her "Focus"? 




4. Why does the Jet hammer have 4 days of research instead of 3? 


5. What is up with Cestra? The dual version is research only, but the single version is market only? Why do I need a lab to put a second pistol in my hand? 

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More Questions:


1.Do you guys like the idea of turning a room in clan dojo's into starting point with a massive star chart were members can she what others or doing and if there is space to join?


2. If your not fond of this idea can you please explain why? 


(I personally think it adds incentive to join clans beyond the research and allows for easier game matching within clan)


(P.S. idea not originally mine ideas taken from forum)

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5. What is up with Cestra? The dual version is research only, but the single version is market only? Why do I need a lab to put a second pistol in my hand? 


You need the lab so you can place a left handed grip on a right handed Cestra so you can dual wield them. Why not the other dual pistols? They all have universal grips. 

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Concerning the recent polarization changes...


Will we be able to change actual polarities (not just the locations) anytime soon? Some players still feel scorned over their old pre-Damage 2.0 builds being obsolete, and having to wasted forma. It still seems like we were punished for maximizing our weapons at the time.

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