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Shotguns And Proc Chances In The Post U12 Era


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The hotfix earlier today contained this note:


"Fixed status chance for projectile weapons that shot multiple pellets (Drakgoon/Detron)."


I took my Drak out for a test ride earlier to see if this was true, and I probably only got about... 5 procs in 10 Helena waves? I wasn't keeping track. I do know that I only got one Radiation proc the whole time and a couple Viral procs at best. It's way, way lower than what the Drak used to be and, in my opinion, the incredibly high proc chance made it so fun to use. Any reason why shotgun status chance was nerfed while numerous other weapons saw status buffs across the board? Does anyone else feel these weapons were unjustly nerfed?


Sure, the proc rate was bugged, but that's part of what made them viable and above all, fun. It didn't overpower them in any way at all.

Edited by Noble_Cactus
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Words cannot describe how terrible this change is. I don't particularly like LMGs, Assault Rifles, Rocket Launchers or Grenade Launchers so I just ran Drakgoon + Bronco Prime because I like shotguns. Now Drakgoon rarely procs with 31% status chance, it might as well have 0% proc rate. I can mow down waves of enemies and never have it proc once, it is absolutely terrible.

I guess there's still Boar Prime which I stopped using because it sounds absolutely pathetic and has terrible ammo efficiency...

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probably because a shotty proc chance was calculated per pellet instead of per shell...

pre-U12 the Grakata, Miter and Latron Prime were the only weapons that came close to the shotty status procs


And yet many, many guns still killed stuff faster than the Drakgoon (this change only affects Drakgoon and Detron from what I've seen so far) while having no falloff damage (in comparison with most shotguns), more DPS, faster time to kill, higher magazine sizes, less recoil, hitscan, etc.  All this does is make rifles stronger and more attractive since it's not like shotguns are in a great place at the moment as it is.

Edited by jinsaotomex4
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I didn't really see the need for this change either, weapons like the Drakgoon don't have a very high DPS to begin with so the higher proc chance was a nice way to make them more enjoyable and satisfying to use. It didn't make them overpowered in any way. Personally I'd rather see this change reverted.

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I can see why it was changed but it doesn't seem so pleasing. Considering Proc rates are pretty bad as it is, this won't do much favours.


As someone above stated it was probably calculated per pellet rather than per shot. It just means you'd have to think less on proc rates for shotguns, as with most weapons so far.

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After playing more missions I can honestly say that whatever they did to the Drakgoon completely killed the procs. I am only seeing 1 or 2 procs per mission, if that.

Also I wasn't seeing any procs on Boar Prime either despite it having 84.3% status chance and running it for a couple of missions.

I thought it might have been a display error on my end but Tysis procs fine even at 50%

Edited by jinsaotomex4
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After playing more missions I can honestly say that whatever they did to the Drakgoon completely killed the procs. I am only seeing 1 or 2 procs per mission, if that.

Also I wasn't seeing any procs on Boar Prime either despite it having 84.3% status chance and running it for a couple of missions.

I thought it might have been a display error on my end but Tysis procs fine even at 50%

tysis doesnt even get close to 50% when you go max status chance build...

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This change was needed. If the proc rates are too low they need to buff them, not leave the weapons in a broken state.

If its between proc chance in the UI per pellet like before vs chance as a whole now that ain't broke. It was simpler before.

Though pellet count for shotguns in the UI would be helpful.

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tysis doesnt even get close to 50% when you go max status chance build...

Yeah the proc rate isn't anywhere near close to 50% but it procs somewhat consistently (compared to the Drakgoon). One thing I did notice on the Tysis is that when it does proc the toxic proc icon with the damage disappears right away but the non-proc damage is visually fine.
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This change was needed. If the proc rates are too low they need to buff them, not leave the weapons in a broken state.


You... you just contradicted yourself in two sentences.


The thing is, proc rate on the Drak is unnaturally low right now. Like, really, really low. Not even physical procs occur more than once every three missions or so. I didn't bother trying the Detron today, though I do need to get rid of that Lv22 Strun that's been rotting in my inventory for a while now. Dunno how it performed proc-wise before, though.

Edited by Noble_Cactus
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I am confused, since after this change I am getting MORE procs. Was there a bug specifically with the drakgoon and detron that made them proc more than other weapons?


My detron is spreading that electricity proc I sneak on it just fine.

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I am confused, since after this change I am getting MORE procs. Was there a bug specifically with the drakgoon and detron that made them proc more than other weapons?


My detron is spreading that electricity proc I sneak on it just fine.


Status chance now seems to be Total Percect/Total Pellets.  So Drakgoon gives you 10% status chance base and 10 pellets or 1% per pellet to proc.

Basically everything but shotguns (and their pistol counterparts) and continuous fire weapons are good for procs now.  Even Boar Prime only has 4.44% chance to proc per pellet now which is why it rarely procs as it is. 


You just have RNGesus on your side, that's all.

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