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Players who do nothing but run as fast as they can from start to finish of a map without waiting for anyone else. I call these players racers as it seems in their eyes it's a race to the finish. It drives me nuts. I want to take my time and explore all areas for credits and loot. I want to get into nice big battles instead of just running past everything. What's the point of playing a coop game if all you're doing is trying to be first to the finish?

What else annoys me about this type of player is that I miss out on fights because they are at the end of the map and I'm half way through. I then have to run as fast as I can to the end before the timer runs out or I fail the mission. On top of that, these are also the players who get downed far into the map and then complain about you not helping them. I mean wtf? If you want to solo the game go play it in private or in solo mode.

Can we please stop this type of gameplay in internet mode and actually take our time, enjoy the game and play as a team, which is at the end of the day what coop is about.

/rant over.

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Vuce, I know how you feel. I always end up behind because I tend to go after Loot Cylinders and Storage Units, all that good stuff. Im not trying to cause problems for the people in my part but Im looking for credits and more importantly craftings mats. Plus when you get lucky and get a bunch of Afiinity Spheres from things it's wonderful bonus experience.

Though you do have to take into account, maybe they're trying to farm the map, maybe they've been farming the map. I can understand in that regard, though I dont approve of insulting someone because they decided to get themselves killed.

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Unfortunately this kind of gameplay seems to be quite popular in public games. I personally enjoy taking the levels a bit slower myself. I would recommend trying to get to know the people you come across who are willing to play more the way you like, and also look into joining a clan.

My clan Outlaw Star is actually recruiting and we got a good number of active players that don't mind doing non-rushed runs if you're interested.

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Glad to see it's not just me who feels this way. I totally understand players who want to farm bosses for mats, I've done many a speed run on bosses to collect mats. Totally understandable. I actually don't mind doing fast runs as a whole, it's those few players that seem to just speed through as fast as they can, never wait for anyone, never run back to help players if they are downed and stand in the finishing location watching the timer tick down.

Thanks very much for the invite Tin, I'm currently in a clan with a handful of close friends, but they don't seem to be on much lately. If they don't frquent the game soon I may take you up on your offer. =]

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It depends on your point of view. From the viewpoint of someone who clears levels fast, they might think you're the slowpoke who's still at the beginning of map while you're ready for extraction, and you have to keep running back to them because they die to the one lone enemy you left behind. Its faster to just extract and complete the map for everybody.

Its just different way of playing. If the chat was working, you could ask them to slow down, or agree before hand if you're going to go fast or slow. I personally tend to vary between fast runs and thorough exploration. It just tends to lose its excitement if you have several tens of thousands of all materials that may drop and have everything rank 30. And the boxes are not very efficient credit farming.

And you can always do the mission again, to loot more containers. Maybe on another run you'll be paired with others who wish to explore.

One thing you don't have to worry about is: if someone makes it to extraction and the timer ticks down, you won't fail the mission, you'll extract with them. You'll also complete it whether dead or alive.

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I dont know why people continue to do this... how are you going to get mods without killing things?

Run M Prime/Raid missions and race to the exit?

Ironically because of this design there's actually a perverse incentive to speedrun levels.

Update 7 is full of perverse incentives in general and that's just bad design :(

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Run M Prime/Raid missions and race to the exit?

Ironically because of this design there's actually a perverse incentive to speedrun levels.

Update 7 is full of perverse incentives in general and that's just bad design :(

What happens? You get free mods just by finishing the first level?

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You will get more mods if you actually kill enemies, or at least you have a higher chance. A guaranteed mod or maybe a very rare blueprint isn't worth rushing the level, unless you want to waste a lot of time (Yes, in the grand scheme you are wasting time).

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You will get more mods if you actually kill enemies, or at least you have a higher chance. A guaranteed mod or maybe a very rare blueprint isn't worth rushing the level, unless you want to waste a lot of time (Yes, in the grand scheme you are wasting time).

Well, for mods. For banshee BPs rushing the level is more efficient.

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Oh yeah.

I can actually understand that some people want to do it "fast" while some people (like me) kinda like to spend the time fighting, exploring and looting everything you possibly can kill, break, see or collect.

But I get it, it's about that you have to get the most exp per second, always take the optimal route, farm this map X times per hour, because games aren't about fun, that's just ridiculous.

Again, I get that, but what makes me angry (and note, I'm playing for just for two days) are people who do it simply to be "there" (wherever there is) first. In my short time around here, what keeps happening to me is meeting people who will actually use powers (if running isn't enough) to be able to close the elevator doors so the rest of the team can't get in and have to wait for the elevator to go down, up and down again. Also using the doorway laserbeams in a similar fashion.

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Well, for mods. For banshee BPs rushing the level is more efficient.

I don't have a problem with players who want to rush the level to farm blueprints, just do it in a private server or with friends who want to farm BPs too. Really do not understand rushing a level in a public coop game, utterly defeats the object of the game. Perhaps there needs to be more locked doors between the start and finish in Pub games. Doors that require 2 players to open. Perhaps give the host of the map the ability to specify speed run or not. Non-Speed run maps would have a door at the end of the map just before the finish where at least 2 players would be required to finish the map, unless there is only one player left of course.

This way when a player wants to search for a map they can specify speed run maps or not and be placed in that particular instance of server someone is hosting, players can then play alongside like minded players.

Just a thought.

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I feel like a lot of "Racers" tend to be people who care more about opening up missions (and in turn, available alerts they can play) more so than mod farming. I do a lot of "racing" myself if I solo a mission, especially against infected, because you constantly ahve to run to deal with the numbers, may be ebtter to pick off a few and keep on moving. Multiplayer I like to kill everything because in multiplayer you should be abel to clear a room of enemies and appropriately loot everyting before the enxt wave spawns ony your face

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I have categorized a few different types of players I dislike, but often times it is just coming down to my preference. There isn't very much that can be done about most of them currently. And the only thing possible in the future will be when Voip is stable and reliable, or when chat is back up, and then we can tell them that they are wasting our time. Which also points to the fact that the downed chat system is pretty annoying when other frustrations are tossed on top.

If you must avoid the various bad behaviors that come about from players, you probably do have to go private with a full group, or solo. It's not that great of a solution for a game that would hopefully remain social but it is unfortunately the only response most people give.

From experiences though, I have noticed that most racers usually have some fatal flaw in their gameplay. As in, they aren't all that good. They get to a large room where there are more then the usual amount of enemies, and they slow to a crawl and can't get passed without other people. Some of them get to the end and won't end the level because they think other people have to be there. Often times, they get lost if the waypoint has one of the few glitches that sometimes occur.

So, just let them go, and you will catch up, or start playing harder missions and watch them die from stupidity. They may make some of your missions less enjoyable, but you can get them back ocasionally.

Edited by JHarlequin
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I just "finished" an alert mission which rewarded credits. But thanks to some one rushing to the end me and the two other people who didn't rush didn't get the reward.

I think a good solution to this would be to make it so the countdown doesn't start (in a co-op game) until at least 2 people are present at the end area. Huge waste of time and credits to not get rewarded because some impatient jack &#! can't wait a few minutes to clear everything.

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I just "finished" an alert mission which rewarded credits. But thanks to some one rushing to the end me and the two other people who didn't rush didn't get the reward.

I think a good solution to this would be to make it so the countdown doesn't start (in a co-op game) until at least 2 people are present at the end area. Huge waste of time and credits to not get rewarded because some impatient jack &#! can't wait a few minutes to clear everything.


At least 2 players have to be at the end for the timer to start. Brilliant solution!

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I need to join someone and test this apparently. I have never been denied the reward for not making it to the extraction pod. Just did it once, and the furthest from the end that I was was one room. I want to see what happens if I am never closer then 5 or 6 rooms, but with the chat system being odd, and people being so weird, it's hard to do that because they will gravitate towards me for some reason.

Just post here and friend invite jharlequin, we'll try to hit up an alert as soon as possible, if the contacts menu doesn't torture us. Of course if you want to be the one to wait and let me finish, I am fine with that too. We just have to figure out if there is some sort of limit against people getting the reward.

Another public group and a bit of testing. I had seen the first objective room, secondary objective was spy and I did get a datamass and give it to someone else to carry, but I'm pretty sure I was never closer then like 7 rooms to the extraction. Still got the reward. The other things to test would be if someone doesn't move from spawn, if soemone doesn't kill anything, and being sure not to ever be in room with an objective (never in same room as a datamass, or in the room with the person that grabs the artifact or prisoner or captive.)

Still, so far, it seems that as long as the mission is successful, then you should get the reward. Whether you were anywhere near extraction or not. Not getting the reward is the bug currently. It might be intended in some way to avoid afk farming, but it doesn't seem to work predictably.

Edited by JHarlequin
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