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Oberon's Renewal And Rhino's Stomp


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Is it just me or are both of these skills working to less effect than they were before U12 ?

Renewal isn't rezzing now.

Stomp appears to be doing less damage but with the same range and same hang time though.


Did anyone else notice this?


I'd hate to put the stealth nerf moniker on DE without cause.

Edited by Padre_Akais
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Renewal was never supposed to rez.


To be fair it was kinda overpowered.


I'm not against slotting a "Resurrection" like skill though, maybe with the stuff they've talked about, equip-able powers for everyone?


Haven't used Rhino yet, i'll have to give him a look.  The utility of stomp was always more important than the damage anyway.

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i luled when i discovered the perma-rez oberon gave.

its sad to see it go, but it wasnt ment to be for that...

... though maybe it should. its not like its anywhere as OP as bless.

btw, stomp does blast, so maybe there was an update to armors in there somewhere. tons of things resist blast damage.

Edited by Satwo
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It's not the fact that it got changed. There are perfectly reasonable arguments for both having been changed.

It's the fact that changes of this sort were enacted without making us aware of them that disturbs me.


It seems underhanded.


They've said the miss patch notes sometimes, they're people too.


Remember they were working pretty late to get the hot fixes out, even Sheldon admitted to that when referring to void rewards.

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They've said the miss patch notes sometimes, they're people too.


Remember they were working pretty late to get the hot fixes out, even Sheldon admitted to that when referring to void rewards.

It's funny how every patch note they miss is a nerf though, isn't it?

Those are some significant patch notes to miss when spouting "Bufftrain" in the same breath.


I guess we can call it a Bufftrain with a Nerf Caboose?

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btw, stomp does blast, so maybe there was an update to armors in there somewhere. tons of things resist blast damage.

 That's definitely possible...

My concern is that it wasn't documented in the notes if that's the case.


It's not the changes, it's the lack of documentation that's disturbing to me.

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the best thing about stomp is not the dps, it's the floating bodies it created. 

Regardless, I didn't feel any change to the dps, but possibly will test it again at higher level. 


And I didn't know that Renewal supposed to be rezzing. 


I agree with you about Stomp which is why I noted that those effects weren't changed in my OP.


My question dealt with if it was noticeable by anyone else which would make this another one of DE's stealth nerfs.


It's not supposed to Rez.


Maybe.. maybe not.

We know that it did though... Now it appears to not.

If it's a bug fix, why wasn't it listed amongst the slew of other bug fixes in the update notes?

My question is centered around if anyone else can confirm that it is no longer working as it was before.

Because, if that's the case, I want to know why it wasn't documented in the update notes.


We keep getting regular changes to  weapons, frame abilities, enemy stats, and weaknesses.


Some of those changes are buffs and get documented.

The bulk of the nerfs don't appear to be getting documented though.


I recognize that it's a living game...

Changes are going to be a regular thing. Those changes that can have an effect on playstyle should be being documented.


That's the concept of dealing transparently with your playerbase.

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It's not supposed to Rez.


You know, even if it was not working as intended, I would rather swap the healing aspect of Renewal for a straight up rez.  I feel it brings more "paladin" to the frame than a slow heal over time does.      

Edited by Freikugel
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