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[Warframe Concept] Typhus - The Parasite Warframe


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Depends on your intention of comparison. Is Loki or Vauban a good reference for a ninja in feudal Japan? No, in a sci-fi war-ridden world of space-conflicts? Why not? A space-ninja cant jump around in simple garb now can they?


A space sci-fi Knight you describe sound like a mecha or power-armor. Though this is doable, I think for design and estethics in Warframe it would be a little out of place.


And I take it you are not a fan of the design choices made in Destiny then?


first off I don't agree that this game is about sci fi ninjas its more of just futuristic space warriors that belong to a class of their own. (hence why anything fits in the game really)


In my arguments I was going over the physical structure of the arms and armor of europe you also have to take in to account the styles the uses and the codes, all of which don't really match the concept of a mecha or power armor, I feel the current artstyle of the game does well at representing a multitude of cultures, as I see a lot of influence in some deigns from other cultures than japan, so it already does a good job representing what I like


and regarding destiny I am not a fan of anything about it, everything looks and feels like some unsuccessful mash up of halo borderlands and call of duty with typical issues of MMOs

Edited by Melos-mevim
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Ok got it. I actually see Typhus as a kind of knight, especially in Reds early concepts.

Of all the frames the closest to a samurai is Loki in my mind. The rest are as diverse as they come, like X-Men or what have you group of mutated super heroes.

And going by the art, the Lotus Guard sure look like knights/armoured warriors to me.

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Ok got it. I actually see Typhus as a kind of knight, especially in Reds early concepts.

Of all the frames the closest to a samurai is Loki in my mind. The rest are as diverse as they come, like X-Men or what have you group of mutated super heroes.

And going by the art, the Lotus Guard sure look like knights/armoured warriors to me.


its funny that you mention that typhus kind of looks like a knight, its part of why I support him so fiercely, to me he looks both like a samurai and a knight, and his theme is something I (strangely) adore that being parasites and insects, having been fascinated with those things since I was a child I fell in love with this guy instantly

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while the armor was week the way they layered it like romans made it very durable. And the Katana was an amazing weapon for what it was made for. The way it was crafted was a special way that made it VERY sharp, and it was meant to be a one hit kill weapon. And in later periods when they were made out of steel it was a force to be rekond with.


while the armor was week the way they layered it like romans made it very durable. And the Katana was an amazing weapon for what it was made for. The way it was crafted was a special way that made it VERY sharp, and it was meant to be a one hit kill weapon. And in later periods when they were made out of steel it was a force to be rekond with.


pro:great cutting power,looks cool.

Con:brittle on the short side mostly a show item or a last resort.


The makers of the metal and crafters of the katana were very skilled at there work and was a very deadly weapon but the fact stands the katana was not a main sword it was well own to be brittle but great for fast kills you use a longer sword for real battle



Pro:Heavy armor piercing,wide and long swing arc,very strong and easy to make metal.

Con: Using it over long periods of time can tire you out,Mostly a nobles weapon so if your a filthy peasant GJ making the money to get one.


Claymore was the big heavy hitter in the battle feild but mostly only used by nobles with the money to have one made. Unlike katana makers they don't need to spend alot of time folding and playing around with the metal to make it as or close to as strong. They're all about breaking though the armor and cutting though flesh.


If you want one the best swords of all time pick the norse ulfberht.


Edited by SarahApple
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first off I don't agree that this game is about sci fi ninjas its more of just futuristic space warriors that belong to a class of their own. (hence why anything fits in the game really)


In my arguments I was going over the physical structure of the arms and armor of europe you also have to take in to account the styles the uses and the codes, all of which don't really match the concept of a mecha or power armor, I feel the current artstyle of the game does well at representing a multitude of cultures, as I see a lot of influence in some deigns from other cultures than japan, so it already does a good job representing what I like


and regarding destiny I am not a fan of anything about it, everything looks and feels like some unsuccessful mash up of halo borderlands and call of duty with typical issues of MMOs

halo, borderlands, and call of duty. he gets it!


also, this kind of debate goes on all the time and it generates unsatisfaction towards the newer frames since they dont match our impression of what a warframe is. i will be honest when i say i dont know much about ninjas, knights, or other types of combat-worthy archetypes, but Tenno are warriors. that much we can be sure of. they have been trained for melee and firearm combat. they are trained to partake in espionage, assassination, extermination, and the like. they have the caliber of black op soldiers, the discipline of knights and the patience of ninjas and samurai. the Tenno are the culmination of the many practices in history.


we know that the Orokin had something to do with their creation, and we can assume that they had a taste for tradition, given the way they designed the warframes and weapons. and plenty of those designs were inspired by various periods in human history. and this diversity should show how the Tenno are the embodiment of all those periods.


but in the end, im not exactly sure if we should define the Tenno by the warframes they wear or the weapons they use. both of those seem to be just aesthetic designs of the Orokin, lore-wise at least. and perhaps the Tenno are matched with a warframe based on their personality, habits, and skill. Mirage 'appears' to be an example.

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Why is this guy not in-game yet?!

Cause he requires a lot of work to put him in the game, hes huge, all the animations and artwork will take awhile to actually make while DE also deals with keeping the community happy and come out with more content ever update. I'm glad hes not in the game yet because I'd prefer him to not be rushed and see all of Red's work made into trash

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I don't know. Typhus is a parasitic warframe/tenno, like some others there is history with the frame.

If we now can swap frames, then do the Typhus frame turn the Pilot into a symbiot as well?

Or is the warframe semi-alive like a proper parasite, the two forming a union-bond?

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I don't know. Typhus is a parasitic warframe/tenno, like some others there is history with the frame.

If we now can swap frames, then do the Typhus frame turn the Pilot into a symbiot as well?

Or is the warframe semi-alive like a proper parasite, the two forming a union-bond?

If I may propose a hypothesis, what if each wwarframe is more than just some suit that we slip on, we call them suits because we change them out like how a person changes clothes, but their actually entire bodies, when we change out our warframe bodies we change shape gender powers etc. This could explain the instant sex change as well as why one tenno is able to look like so many different frames. All current frames are reproduced clones of the original tenno copy, and are named after the original

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If I may propose a hypothesis, what if each wwarframe is more than just some suit that we slip on, we call them suits because we change them out like how a person changes clothes, but their actually entire bodies, when we change out our warframe bodies we change shape gender powers etc. This could explain the instant sex change as well as why one tenno is able to look like so many different frames. All current frames are reproduced clones of the original tenno copy, and are named after the original

in my headcanon, the notion that Tenno are nothing but pure void energy isnt accurate. your theory is somewhat the same as mine. i personally believe that at the given point that the Tenno were created, they retained some essential human parts, notably the central nervous system, which would have been primed with void energy. there would have to be machinery that would support the nervous system and keep it from breaking down into free energy. the structure of all that keeps the Tenno human is in this system. each warframe is essentially a body that the central nervous system can synchonize with and operate.


in my headcanon, the warframe systems is the base form of the frame itself. it's a synthetic body with the ability to sustain itself and the wearer, and its clearly designed to perform the specific tasks that it's type is supposed to perform, which is why an Excalibur cannot do what Hydroid can do. the warframe chassis is essentially an armor coating with a particular aesthetic designed by the Orokin. the warframe helmet is unique as it gives the warframe perception which may or may not lore-wise vary depending on the frame. i mean Ash and Loki are frames that teleport and go invisible. the helmet must cater to the Tenno brain in such a way that the Tenno can comprehend such tasks. also, this can explain why Warframes are not vulnerable to Excalibur's radial blind.


Typhus, however, seems kinda ambiguous to me. the way Red displays him, the Typhus warframe appears to be an independent organism. its not the fact that the frame is alive that bothers me, its the fact that the frame seems to be able to function without a Tenno. i'm a bit iffy about that quality. other than that, Typhus is fantastic. we definitely need a somewhat living frame in game.

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in my headcanon, the notion that Tenno are nothing but pure void energy isnt accurate. your theory is somewhat the same as mine. i personally believe that at the given point that the Tenno were created, they retained some essential human parts, notably the central nervous system, which would have been primed with void energy. there would have to be machinery that would support the nervous system and keep it from breaking down into free energy. the structure of all that keeps the Tenno human is in this system. each warframe is essentially a body that the central nervous system can synchonize with and operate.


in my headcanon, the warframe systems is the base form of the frame itself. it's a synthetic body with the ability to sustain itself and the wearer, and its clearly designed to perform the specific tasks that it's type is supposed to perform, which is why an Excalibur cannot do what Hydroid can do. the warframe chassis is essentially an armor coating with a particular aesthetic designed by the Orokin. the warframe helmet is unique as it gives the warframe perception which may or may not lore-wise vary depending on the frame. i mean Ash and Loki are frames that teleport and go invisible. the helmet must cater to the Tenno brain in such a way that the Tenno can comprehend such tasks. also, this can explain why Warframes are not vulnerable to Excalibur's radial blind.


Typhus, however, seems kinda ambiguous to me. the way Red displays him, the Typhus warframe appears to be an independent organism. its not the fact that the frame is alive that bothers me, its the fact that the frame seems to be able to function without a Tenno. i'm a bit iffy about that quality. other than that, Typhus is fantastic. we definitely need a somewhat living frame in game.


well we differentiate at the tenno being void energy part, early tenno were more organic but the ones of today are essentially loosely packaged sentient void energy that acts both as the control and the battery for the body (warframes) which is a combination of a clean controlled version of infested flesh with machinery to create these bio-mechanical forms, the orokin learned how to essentially sow out new flesh using the technocyte virus, without infecting something prior and they used this in creating early warframes which were suits, but as time went on and tenno became more corrupted by the void the suits became like bodies


the infested naturally required a prior existing organism to bond with, alad v from his experimentation with warframes began to notice biological similarities between warframes and infested he was not however to recreate the method the orokin used to make warframes, he did however find out how to adapt the infested to be able to bind to machines to use them as a base and grow naturally, hence why we have infested machines, its possible alad v will continue his attempts to learning how to create warframes through the use of infested and the technocyte virus


as for typhus and his relation with the body theory if each warfame is indeed a body then there is no conflict with typhus as it would just be an additional organism that while it started out as a parasite had become part of the structure of the typhus warframe that is used by all tenno just as the changes to valkyr have been reproduced and are now consider part of the frame

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well we differentiate at the tenno being void energy part, early tenno were more organic but the ones of today are essentially loosely packaged sentient void energy that acts both as the control and the battery for the body (warframes) which is a combination of a clean controlled version of infested flesh with machinery to create these bio-mechanical forms, the orokin learned how to essentially sow out new flesh using the technocyte virus, without infecting something prior and they used this in creating early warframes which were suits, but as time went on and tenno became more corrupted by the void the suits became like bodies

somehow, i believe that the warframes that were forged  before the fall had a bit of a different design basis. considering the outbreak in Dark Sector, there clearly are different incarnations of the virus throughout time. the Orokin probably had a special strand of the virus for the warframes then. however, we are facing a new strand. though its fundamentally the same, the nature isnt exactly the same. so perhaps the warframes of old were a bit more close to your theory than the new ones are.


then again i'm not so sure, the infested flesh is the bridge between the organic and inorganic. what if there were frames that catered more towards the organic? the technocyte virus seems to be the only organic thing that can tolerate the void, so with those two ideas in mind. maybe that can explain how Typhus is much more organic than other frames.


but i seriously dont like the idea of Tenno being a simple mass of void energy, it has to have some sort of structure to it that would allow it to function. there has to be a base level of communication between the Tenno and the warframe bodies they embody. if there is no kind of sync to them on some basis of functionality, then i dont believe it can be possible to operate a warframe. this is probably one of the reasons why its so hard for the other factions to replicate that technology. they cant study the function of the warframes because they only function for the Tenno.

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DE need to add this to the game ASAP and give RedSkittlez at least 50% of profit from purchases, 

Further more I think like other fan made things like weapon skins an so on this should be available via plat purchase only.

so RedSkittlez gets more for his amazing work and dedication.

I would pay 400p for this right now, 500p even if the accessories were included.


amazing job RedSkittlez.

I cant wait to use Typhus in game!

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I prefer if Typhus is part of a Quest with Lore and universe progression.

If he still is attached to Alad, I see a natural ladder.

1) New infested are released.

2) Alads next move with some kind of super infested (comp winners?)

3) J3000 will kill us in space. Alad as well?

4) Typhus Quest as Alad still try to control the warframes and Tenno. This time he allmost got it right.

5) Tenno kill J3000 using Typhus warframe with archwing.

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