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[Warframe Concept] Typhus - The Parasite Warframe


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Ok I will post the progress down the line. First up is a comparison between the old helmet I have done so far, and the redone Samurai helmet.

There are some differences, but all in all I think it´s going in the right direction.






My god, that is quite impressive. I may have to discuss a few things with you.

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Keep in mind that Typhus' role is as a Leech, like a glass cannon. He can deal out a lot of damage but he can be taken down quickly because he's so fragile.

True, we'll done sir, I really hope your concept is taken into consideration for the next frame.

Also, let me say we need more dark/evil looking Warframes, which is why I love your concept so much.

Nekros was a step forward in this direction, but then Oberon and Hydroid followed...every good side group has a dark ambiguous component, who looks evil but it's not in the end and I think we definitely need something like that.

The powers you've listed are pretty much aggressive and cruel, but again, why not???

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Well it do seem the enemies are getting bigger and badder all the time. The fourth faction will be alien so it makes sense to add more aggressive Warframes to the mix.

My main issue with Nekros and Oberon is that they look so fragile.

Hydroid seem to be based on Oberon, and all three are Mythical themed.

We need fresh ideas, Typhus and the Dragon frame are both good new additions I would love to see the devs take on board.

Well, after Loki Prime of course :)

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Well it do seem the enemies are getting bigger and badder all the time. The fourth faction will be alien so it makes sense to add more aggressive Warframes to the mix.

My main issue with Nekros and Oberon is that they look so fragile.

Hydroid seem to be based on Oberon, and all three are Mythical themed.

We need fresh ideas, Typhus and the Dragon frame are both good new additions I would love to see the devs take on board.

Well, after Loki Prime of course :)

I don't know about more aggressive, what I want is is frames that bring new play styles and force you to approach them differently, not just frames for pure damage. If you have seein FinnishHim's enigma (a hacker based frame) it can be extremely offensive but it does no direct damage.

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Make Typhus a Tank, NOW!!!!!




Today I got PM'ed by a guy, stating it as a fact, that he thinks my Warframe concept will never be implemented into the game, because, according to him, the concept is flawed in such a plethora of ways, that DE will never accept it. Basically, he was adamant that I would have to change everything about Typhus; change him into a tank, change his art-style to be less organic, change his powers, remove and relocate some of the old concepts out of the current thread, and so on and so forth, or DE would not even notice it.
Basically, and I'm paraphrasing; If I didn't color within the lines, Typhus would never make it into the game.

I welcome constructive criticism, but I strongly urge people to voice their criticisms in the thread, so that any criticism can be properly discussed. I have my own visualization of my concept, and discussing it with me alone, won't do much in terms of altering that initial vision - nor will adamantly insisting that I fundamentally change it, just to live up to someones subjective views of how things are and should be, seeing as such feedback leaves little room for discussion.

Everyone has a right to voice their opinion, but I'd much rather see feedback that doesn't just consist of "This way or no way", because it brings nothing to the table. Least of all a higher chance of DE taking notice of the concept.

Edited by RedSkittlez
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i like the old concept its more ninja


that's my opinion cause the new one looks to much like a samurai and the reason ninjas exist was because the farmers in japan were being abused by the samurai so the farmers started attacking the samurai at night in all black clothing so the samurai would actually be pretty stupid cause ninjas and samurais hate each-other 


history class lol

Edited by Hellboy44
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i like the old concept its more ninja


that's my opinion cause the new one looks to much like a samurai and the reason ninjas exist was because the farmers in china were being abused by the samurai so the farmers started attacking the samurai at night in all black clothing so the samurai would actually be pretty stupid cause ninjas and samurais hate each-other 


history class lol



I wish to make you all aware of the fact of how Typhus was created, I used several reference images from multiple media from different websites: http://pop-verse.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/47ronin-samurai.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0e/Samurai.jpg http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs31/f/2008/193/4/6/Samurai_by_Akeiron.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0e/Samurai.jpg

And if you view the timeline: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/176524-warframe-concept-typhus-parasiteviral-type-update-samurai-31032014/?p=2318277

You can see how I changed and altered the design, slowly turning it into a full samurai combined with insect features.

Early on Typhus already had a samurai style helmet, then I changed it for a while to suit my tastes at the time, but now that I’ve revamped the design; I find I like the Samurai style helmet more. I find it funny how everyone only then considered him samurai while his whole armor was already based off of a samurai.

You may dislike it and you are entitled to your opinion however I wish to make you fully aware of what he always had been and what he has always been based off.

Also to those attempting to discredit it with comments like: "Samurai don't fit in this universe"

I wish to point out to you that this game often gets reference to as Space ninjas, even though it holds more warrior appearance like Warframes such as Rhino and Frost.

Next to that Ninjas are Japanese as were Samurai, I know this comparison was often made however it remains a fact to be aware of.

In ancient times the term Samurai means to serve, a very fitting term, given the position and situation the Tenno are in. In this universe, as they would serve to uphold the balance, the ninja's also serve for they view upholding the same idea of balance as their contractor (and possibly the lotus as their contractor for the Tenno). Let me be very clear, when I explain how the ninja are assassins rather than real heroes or up-keepers of some balance. Even more so in feudal Japan. Quite often samurai and ninjas would wind up working together, why? Because they served the same master in the end and depending on the era it was usually their shogun.

Again, I'm not trying to be mean or angry at anyone, I'm just letting people know what Typhus is.

Edited by RedSkittlez
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i like the old concept its more ninja


that's my opinion cause the new one looks to much like a samurai and the reason ninjas exist was because the farmers in china were being abused by the samurai so the farmers started attacking the samurai at night in all black clothing so the samurai would actually be pretty stupid cause ninjas and samurais hate each-other 


history class lol

I seriously don't understand how people expect more variety in the game, but do this stuff.


If you honestly think the Warframes are ninjas, you should take a look at a few of the frames. Maybe at the MOST, three of them are anywhere near ninjas. Most of the time they go murder mode rather than be ninjas any ways.


I know the tagline is Ninjas Play Free, but i think that is just an attempt to get more players in, seeing as ninjas are pretty "mainstream," compared to "Space warriors"


Space Warriors Play Free just doesnt sound as good.

Edited by Symmenix
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and the slogen is actaully "ninjas play free" not "space ninjas play free"

I never said "Space Ninjas Play Free" was the slogan, i said "Ninjas Play Free" was, and if you look at the roster of Warframes, most of them arent even ninjas. My "Space Warriors Play Free" was making a point.


Honestly I don't feel like replying anymore to someone who can't read, so i'll just ignore you from now on.

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were did u learn that samurai and ninjas helped each-other im pretty shure your not a history teacher and u probably got it off the internet that they helped each-other 


I don't need to be a history teacher, but you seem to be getting all your information off the interents (since whatever is on the internet is true) and not from books like a true researcher, to know that what your saying is false. I like how you changed your information from Chinese farmers and not Japanese farmers like you have now, they were hired by many high ranking officials to perform various missions. Including but not limited to assassinations to espionage. We also have a varying source of Tenno: A druid like paladin, a necromancer, a water pirate, and a trap throwing french Canadian. Also check your information again, "Ten" in Japanese means "Heavenly" and "no" literally means "of the" "on the" "of", so literal translation is "Of Heaven" not "SPACE NINJA"


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