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The Amount Of Noobness Is Too High


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First Rule:

Total levels of items taken into a mission (excluding sentinels and their weapon) must be equal to Mission High End Mob Levels (Excluding survival/defense here) x2.




Yesterday, I took an unranked Booben with a freshly forma'd Dread, unranked Viper (not the Twin or Wraith variety), and an unranked Ether Reaper into Kappa. Essentially, I was level zero.


Despite never moving from the same spot other than to get to the next Terminal, I walked out with the most damage done compared to both a MPrime spamming Nova and a Reckoning spamming Oberon. How? Some well placed Tesla spam. While you do need a certain level of gear to do certain things, fact is most of the content can be overcome with playing intelligently even if you're underequipped, and it's pretty easy to contribute more than others.


Also, consider the guy running around with a poorly modded level 30 MK1-Braton/Lato/Skana. They can get into anything, but they wouldn't really be useful by most peoples standards. Really, how powerful (in terms of sheer damage or utility) a player's weapon or frame is in the current system is really determined by how well they've modded their crap. Who cares if you have a level 30 Soma if it's modded poorly.


Kind of sad, yes, but I don't really like this idea.

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Don't pug a mission that you aren't able to carry extra weight in.

That shouldn't be the norm.


(besides, that means underleveled players should never play maps that are too high level for them, which I agree with, but contradicts your disagreement with the OP)

Edited by The_Doc
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About 50% of all people are below average intelligence.


You can't fix stupid so don't try. I made a thread about bad players and got blasted by half and agreed with by the other half. 


Someone mentioned the issue of the 24 hour lock between mastery tests. That indeed is a problem. It ensures that new players don't get access to better weapons. So if those lower ranks are in mid to high level planets, their potential hard damage output will be lower than higher ranked players. This is just a fact.


Rank itself doesn't mean anything else. Just look at the random rank 10, 11, etc guys who activate life support at 95%. It doesn't mean that they're a good shot either. It doesn't mean that they'll bring good weapons, maybe they'll level up a skana they hadn't levelled yet, or they bring unranked stuff into level 30+ survivals to get a few levels on there. Note that I used the word "potential" in my previous paragraph.


Rank locks for areas, rank filters for teams, these things won't do S#&$. They'll only keep good players from getting into the higher levels at a decent speed because now they're slowed down, like I was. I had a friggin mk1 braton that didn't do S#&$ and had to wait to get better stuff. Now you want people like me who wtfomgpwn the hell out of S#&$ to be slowed down even more only because we're "new"?


Stop using "rank x" and "new" as set categories for players. It's akin to using black, hispanic, russian, homosexual etc as categories of people which have set features attributed to them. Not every %!& is cheap and not every brown person is a terrorist. Not every new player is bad at the game and not every rank 2 doesn't know how to play survival.


The issue here is the amount of stupid, or noobness, which is too damn high. The game would have to be made more idiot proof, like removing the cap on life support so that if an idiot activates at 95%, it goes to 125% instead of 100%. Or maybe removing the limited revives and make them unlimited but add another penalty. A death penalty of sorts. If you fully die, your hp and shields are cut in half. Die again and you only have 25%. Lower the impact which stupidity has on the game experience of good players. Right now, if a guy is a dumbass, he can ruin a match for everyone else involved.


Yes to more idiot proofing. No to categorising and excluding groups of people based on one vague trait. Slavery, apartheid and an angry guy with a tiny moustache already showed that to be ineffective.

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Playing Warframe isn't a deep philosophical commitment for most of its players, I doubt.  I'm not playing the game to be all that I can be, to reach the true power of my inner Tenno.  Not that there's anything wrong with any of that; everyone has their own ideas of what's fun in a game.  But seriously, as the game stands now, endlessly grinding Mercury over and over again because anything higher will murderstomp you, because you don't have better gear because you can't access better gear because it isn't in Mercury?  I don't want to inflict that on anyone. XD


As long as someone isn't actively seeking to ruin my gameplay via trolling I don't really care if they're not at the same rank or gear level or whatever.  If they want to tag along for lewts to help them beef up their stuff, more power to them.  It isn't like you can actually lose anything even if for whatever reason a weaker player does mess up a run.

I feel the same way about helping people along, my point is a bit more than just "be all that I can be" it is about learning to play any game well. If you either make the game so hard that you need to group with higher players to survive, that is too much to ask. If you need to group with other players because you can't kill the stuff you are facing to build yourself up. This is the real problem.


I don't care if the player base are bungholes in real life or the sweetest people ever seen on the face of the planet, and I really don't care if they learn anything from the game. My point is they should be able to solo play the entire galaxy map or group with players their own skill level and not be forced to group with players further along build wise. Let the lowbies run free, free range style.

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About 50% of all people are below average intelligence.



I agree with you that it is a matter of knowledge, but I also see that you never mention knowledge of the game and team work, which play a huge part in the scores of a lot of the matches. Killing and the ability to kill are a part of this, but the tactics and team work of a group are far more important to the score and exp and even how long people can hold out on defense and survival missions. I think this is the issue that is at the core and really the heart of the matter. People even uber killing machines like you don't have the full knowledge of your role and how to be truly effective on a team to get those high scores, if the thing you are focused on is the kills and how to access the weapons. So, by slowing people down as they play through the galaxy they start to (hopefully) understand the inner working of it and how to work well inside of a team and by the time you get to the endgame stuff you are still not a hindrance, but a asset to any team you group with.

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I get that, and there's a reason for that 24 hour cooldown. It's mainly to ensure tests are not abused and that players are well prepared before taking the next exam.


What's wrong here is that many Rank 2 and below players (I'm not generalizing all of them there), are unprepared to go against mid-level to end level planets, not to mention in the Void and Derelicts. Many powerful weapons are XP locked, and Research weapons are the same. You don't see us older players using most of the market available weapons since they're not really viable at the end. It's all part of the game progression.


It actually bothers me that you mentioned that you are 5 planets in. IMHO, new players should familiarize themselves with the game mechanics before heading in further. I'm not telling you what to do, but please have the game etiquette to ask around first before trying to blast yourself further into harder missions. Some people are actually invested in the game, especially people who pay good money for their additional gear and perks, and uninformed gameplay disrupts the gaming experience overall.


Please do not hesitate to ask for help in the forums, there's actually a section designated for helping players. There is also a Wikipedia (http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/WARFRAME_Wiki) to help out on checking your stuff. We oldies aren't actually that bad, we just wanna keep the game great for everybody.

Who are you to say someone has no skill due to them being Rank 0-2.  There's a 24 hr mastery lock after each mastery test.  I am only Rank 5 and have been playing for a month.  You going to call me a noob because I roll up in Outer Terminous with my Vauban?  And being bothered because a player rank 0-2 blew through and is 5 planets in?  Kudos to them!  That's a lot of time and effort put in, even if they were carried all the way.  The start of your thread is all in all great advice, with some tweaks to be made of course, but your tone is horrible.  Just because you're rank 14 doesn't make you any better or more skilled than anyone else.  The factor of this game is MODs, the mods a player has will either make or break where they go and can't go along with the rest of their team.  2nd would be weapons.


Quit QQ'n and either take the suggestion people have given or started a new thread to show DE how much your implied addition to the start system would help and is wanted by the community.



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Who are you to say someone has no skill due to them being Rank 0-2.  There's a 24 hr mastery lock after each mastery test.  I am only Rank 5 and have been playing for a month.  You going to call me a noob because I roll up in Outer Terminous with my Vauban?  And being bothered because a player rank 0-2 blew through and is 5 planets in?  Kudos to them!  That's a lot of time and effort put in, even if they were carried all the way.  The start of your thread is all in all great advice, with some tweaks to be made of course, but your tone is horrible.  Just because you're rank 14 doesn't make you any better or more skilled than anyone else.  The factor of this game is MODs, the mods a player has will either make or break where they go and can't go along with the rest of their team.  2nd would be weapons.


Quit QQ'n and either take the suggestion people have given or started a new thread to show DE how much your implied addition to the start system would help and is wanted by the community.




In the opening of Paragraph 2, I said "many" not "all". Also, I believe I have the right to say that someone has no skill if they empty their clip into the ceiling, or much worse, into Corpus Windows. Again, if you read (why the hell am I saying this again?) the progression of this thread, everybody is in agreement that there needs to be more information given to the new players.


To clarify, many new players do not know what to do. That is the point. I have even agreed and cited examples of my own friends being casual Rank2 players that kick &#! on Void missions.


No, I'm not going to call you a noob if you roll up your Vauban in Outer Terminus, Kudos to you if you can do it. Yes, I am bothered because there is a progression of gameplay and Rank2's and below have a high possibility of missing out on the basics if they try to blast out into the outer planets. You are correct, my rank is irrelevant of my skill. It does however, speak of my experience. And being rank 14, I have gathered and maxed out quite a few mods myself.


Again, in a previous debate I had in this thread, nobody is here to tell anyone what they have to do. Don't tell me what to do, and I'll give you the same courtesy.

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I like this but there 's a problem, If high ranks are banned from mercury , where are they going to XP their lvl 1 frames and weapons which are usless at higher elvels without mods ?


IMHO, high ranks can level their new frames from Saturn and up. High Rankers already have maxed out Aura mods that can give them enough mod points to start tough enough. Cassini is a good place to rank up just as Apollodorus if you have the right strategy. Also, High Rankers already have the alternate weapons and Gear to survive.

Edited by ErudiusNacht
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As a noob, I agree that there needs to be separation between vets and new players.


Why on survival do I activate the first, and every life support the second it becomes available?  Because how the hell was I suppose to know to ignore the objective?  No new player will know this, and assume its like every single other objective, something you do when you can.


Secondly...as a new player, im doing that survival mission to open progress on the solar tree...you as a vet are most likely there to farm it as much as possible.  I don't want to farm it 30 waves or whatever, I want to complete it and move on.


Conversely, for other missions, I loathe seeing a vet in party.  I know if I stop for a second, ill never catch up to you and the game turns into me looting and trying to figure out how to get to extraction...vs playing.


So this kinda works both ways.  Vets hate noobs ruining their game, and I know for a fact noobs hate vets racing past everything one shotting the packs then ignoring loot to race further ahead.  Racing ahead gets us lost, causes us to get less xp, and causes us to miss out on loot...it sucks...and its not fun. 


For survival no noob is going to know what they should do other than what the narrator NPC tells us to do, which is activate the life support and continue on.


No noob in a lv5 frame is going to want to farm survival or defense for 20 waves, they are just going to want to progress since they have like a few hundred locked missions.  They wont have the mods, the weapons, or the patience to hang with you...so why on earth are you queuing up for a mid or low level run with me?


For higher level content, I agree 100% with you. Id be ticked if some low level character ruined my farm...im not there yet but I know it would piss me off.  Which is exactly why ill go to private matches or clan matches when I get that high.


This highlights two glaring issues with the game.  Noobs walk in with zero knowledge on how to play, most vets are in game with them cussing them out, abandoning them, or ignoring them when they die...and noobs are getting carried to higher level content where they ruin it for the vets.


Can I tell you how many mercury mission im in where I have to explain wall walking, jumping, zipline mechanics?  No ones going to figure that out on their own, and no ones going to know to blow out fans to expose pathways ect.  They need to see you do it, which they wont, because you the vet are 10 miles ahead of everyone one shotting packs and removing the quest objective crumb trail for the new guys to follow.


Separate early/mid game by warframe level, as in lock it.  Put some damn pop up windows into a tutorial that includes every type of scenario the game offers...like the walls with scrape marks that scream WALL WALK HERE and let people know to look for that ect.


Then offer endgame level content for all the planets, lock that at warframe level.  then offer farming missions for endgame, lock that by gear score or something else.


For now I suggest vets make use of private games, since noobs wont have the friends or the knowledge to do it themselves...and FFS remember when your in low and mid level stuff...the noobs there need that xp, that loot, and might not know how to get on that ledge required to progress...help noobs be less of a noob.


Mind you my warframe is like level 30 and this thread is the only reason I now know not to activate the first life support asap...though...I probably will anyway...because I don't want to farm I want to unlock the next mission....

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today i did a 40minute survival t1 void mission with 2 rank 10's and a rank 11 while im rank 5, i did 75% of the damage while they did pretty much nothing...  but seriously i got pretty far carrying my own weight and ive seen others doing it aswell with just a braton and excaliber frame.  Some people catch on and some dont.  I was doing nightmare modes at rank 2 and still carrying my own weight and im pretty sure there are others too. 


Just keep in my some players are better then others and some just shouldnt play at all.  But its no reason to cry about it.  It happens in alot of games people that are lazy and just want the ability to say hey look i did it blah blah blah will pay for carrys.  and theres no real way around it unless you want to &!$$ off ALOT of people.  Theres still gonna be alot of awesome gamers that are gonna fall behind because of whatever may be inducted and lose interest.  the 24 hour time constraint made me lose interest a couple times and go play some other game, just to come back the next day, get that mastery and then vanish again till the next.  The best bet would be to shorten mastery time by atleast in half and then add mastery requirements for planets. 




i play a trinity...

Edited by utheriz
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We already have a system that shows the players ability to do damage, their conclave rating. Mastery rank is nothing but but a stat that says how much you've played with the items in the game, not your current ability to do damage or what mods you have. Locking planets to your conclave rating would be better than mastery. It wouldn't harm old players because they could go to any planet ( due to their higher conclave rating, due to mods, better weapons, frames, etc etc etc ) , but new players would need to progress and collect mods to grow in power before they could enter into the later game planets.

Edited by Lorane_Airwing
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*.As a noob, I agree that there needs to be separation between vets and new players.


1.Why on survival do I activate the first, and every life support the second it becomes available?  Because how the hell was I suppose to know to ignore the objective?  No new player will know this, and assume its like every single other objective, something you do when you can.


2.Secondly...as a new player, im doing that survival mission to open progress on the solar tree...you as a vet are most likely there to farm it as much as possible.  I don't want to farm it 30 waves or whatever, I want to complete it and move on.


3.Conversely, for other missions, I loathe seeing a vet in party.  I know if I stop for a second, ill never catch up to you and the game turns into me looting and trying to figure out how to get to extraction...vs playing.


4.So this kinda works both ways.  Vets hate noobs ruining their game, and I know for a fact noobs hate vets racing past everything one shotting the packs then ignoring loot to race further ahead.  Racing ahead gets us lost, causes us to get less xp, and causes us to miss out on loot...it sucks...and its not fun. 


5.For survival no noob is going to know what they should do other than what the narrator NPC tells us to do, which is activate the life support and continue on.


6.No noob in a lv5 frame is going to want to farm survival or defense for 20 waves, they are just going to want to progress since they have like a few hundred locked missions.  They wont have the mods, the weapons, or the patience to hang with you...so why on earth are you queuing up for a mid or low level run with me?


7.For higher level content, I agree 100% with you. Id be ticked if some low level character ruined my farm...im not there yet but I know it would &!$$ me off.  Which is exactly why ill go to private matches or clan matches when I get that high.


8.This highlights two glaring issues with the game.  Noobs walk in with zero knowledge on how to play, most vets are in game with them cussing them out, abandoning them, or ignoring them when they die...and noobs are getting carried to higher level content where they ruin it for the vets.


9.Can I tell you how many mercury mission im in where I have to explain wall walking, jumping, zipline mechanics?  No ones going to figure that out on their own, and no ones going to know to blow out fans to expose pathways ect.  They need to see you do it, which they wont, because you the vet are 10 miles ahead of everyone one shotting packs and removing the quest objective crumb trail for the new guys to follow.


10.Separate early/mid game by warframe level, as in lock it.  Put some damn pop up windows into a tutorial that includes every type of scenario the game offers...like the walls with scrape marks that scream WALL WALK HERE and let people know to look for that ect.


11.Then offer endgame level content for all the planets, lock that at warframe level.  then offer farming missions for endgame, lock that by gear score or something else.


12.For now I suggest vets make use of private games, since noobs wont have the friends or the knowledge to do it themselves...and FFS remember when your in low and mid level stuff...the noobs there need that xp, that loot, and might not know how to get on that ledge required to progress...help noobs be less of a noob.


13.Mind you my warframe is like level 30 and this thread is the only reason I now know not to activate the first life support asap...though...I probably will anyway...because I don't want to farm I want to unlock the next mission....


Ok, I'm going to indulge you bro, and I numbered the lines so we can discuss.


* thank you for agreeing.

1. FYI, you do not ignore the objective, the objective is to survive. The supplemental life support Lotus sends give you an additional 30% life support and the drops gives you 4%. You ignore using the supplement until the life support levels go under 60-70% since you're just gonna be wasting the aid as it does not go over 100%. I'm sorry if this was not made clear to any new player, but this was common sense.


2. Our objectives may differ, to farm or unlock, but it does not excuse bad gameplay.


3. There is such a thing as shared xp, you still get xp if somebody else kills the enemies. I know it's frustrating not wanting to play like you want to, but there are some players who actually help instead of hogging kills. Also, some players just forget to tone down their OP sentinels thus hogging all the kills.


4. You only lose xp if you're really far, and the loot from enemies do not disappear. Why not chat and ask the player to slow down?


5. Please refer to number 2.


6. There are actually some "ambitious" low level players I've encountered in end planets. Sad to say, they really don't last long. Plus, skipping out on some missions result in distorted progression, some missions are there to educate you, and you can miss them if you hitchhike to outer planets. Now, this is important, we vets want to queue up on mid to level missions because there are resources (drops) that are more or less only available on lower planets, such as ferrite and circuits. Yes they are present also somewhere else, but the best place to get them are at the start. We still need those stuff, especially us Warlords who build rooms for our Dojos.


7. You still need teammates on some missions, like defense and mob defense. This is because, even if you are already strong enough, you can't be everywhere at once. The only frames able to mass kill are Nova and Oberon, but you can only still go so far alone in a defense.


8. It is a problem. Thus the thread. But please rest assured that there are some players who are actually helpful. Plus there is a wikipedia page that is close to being official.


9. I'm sorry if I have to disagree with this one. When I was new, 8 months (?) ago, I asked a lot of questions and always had the wikipedia page on ready everytime I played. I subscribed to the youtube channel and watched the streams of older players. If there's a will, there's a way and discipline. You guys are lucky, there's so much content and faq's and tutorials now, back then you had to research on your own.


10. We are advocating some sort of matchmaking or xp lock. FYI, important areas in the maps do have scratch marks.


11. We are still in BETA, and we are actually not customers or players, we are volunteer testers. There is no endgame yet. The story isn't even completed yet I think. They're putting in stuff here and there. There is even a possibility of a master reset. So, nothing here.


12. Again, some missions still need teammates. Vets actually do private when they can, it's just that when they need parties for their new frame/gear, they are matched with people they don't like. We actually try to help, but sometimes, the new players themselves don't listen, especially squeaky voiced kids.


13. If you don't want to farm and just unlock, then I suggest you go private. Using the life support early is a waste of time (please refer to #2), and if you have other players with you, you are just bringing them down with you, especially if their intent was to last longer than 5 minutes. It's not really not activating the first life support, it's timing it. Survival is about timing your consumption and not just rushing to the next life support. Again, there is no going over 100%.  (i.e. 69% +30% = 99%, 75% +30% ~> 100%, therefore using it above 70% is a waste)

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1. FYI, you do not ignore the objective, the objective is to survive. The supplemental life support Lotus sends give you an additional 30% life support and the drops gives you 4%. You ignore using the supplement until the life support levels go under 60-70% since you're just gonna be wasting the aid as it does not go over 100%. I'm sorry if this was not made clear to any new player, but this was common sense.


Thing is, whilst it is correct that you don't want to waste life support by using it early, there's no indication of how much oxygen you get out of a tank unless you either look it up in advance, which a normal player isn't going to do, or wait until you're at dangerously low levels before using it, which is not common sense. There needs to be some form of information within the game itself to tell a new player this so that they do not repeatedly waste the air - or even an experienced player, if they've somehow failed to pick up on how the tanks work.

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My personal problem here is that I'm a serious player. I maybe Rank 14, but note the absence of an emblem on my avatar. I got this far using good ol' elbow work. I honestly don't know if I'm part of a minority or whatnot, but I do know that people like me exists out there that are hard at work to rank up and here comes lowbies.


Yes, that is part of your problem, expecting everyone to play exactly like you do. It's already been said that if you don't want to group with lowbies, make a group on your own, or you can roll the dice and deal with it.


Your expectation to never have to abort a mission or infer that everyone else somehow doesn't earn their rank, or that lowbies somehow have access to high-difficulty zones that you deem they don't "deserve". What, are they in deep Pluto? Or are you just randomly going into endless defense farming and assuming everyone is going to be there for the exact same reason you are? Because you clearly have the expectation that everyone should do exactly what you do.


You even mention that somebody dared to be low-level in infection defense while you level up a weapon. So they dared to not pick up your slack, as you dared not keep a decent melee weapon handy for clearing infested as a Rhino? You had to use stomp!? Oh the indignity!


You constantly imply, or outright say, that nobody else but you earns anything. So you're right. The problem is yours, your own personal problem.

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So we have mastery weapon locks, now you want mastery planets lock...

And nobody even concerned about mastery being leveled by leveling  weapons, frames and completing planets....

No, main content should not be locked by mastery. Leveling mastery as f2p player is a pain in the arse.

Also who restrict me with rank 12 to go on phobos, eris or pluto with unranked loadout ? Herp derp...

Your point of view is not valid.

First you need to make all equipments sets viable even at high lvl content, then you will see that your problem with "unranked players" is solved, since they basic equips will do just a fine at high levels as on mercury.

Edited by Unibot
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1) Yes, that is part of your problem, expecting everyone to play exactly like you do. It's already been said that if you don't want to group with lowbies, make a group on your own, or you can roll the dice and deal with it.


2) Your expectation to never have to abort a mission or infer that everyone else somehow doesn't earn their rank, or that lowbies somehow have access to high-difficulty zones that you deem they don't "deserve". What, are they in deep Pluto? Or are you just randomly going into endless defense farming and assuming everyone is going to be there for the exact same reason you are? Because you clearly have the expectation that everyone should do exactly what you do.


3) You even mention that somebody dared to be low-level in infection defense while you level up a weapon. So they dared to not pick up your slack, as you dared not keep a decent melee weapon handy for clearing infested as a Rhino? You had to use stomp!? Oh the indignity!


4) You constantly imply, or outright say, that nobody else but you earns anything. So you're right. The problem is yours, your own personal problem.


1) My problem, again, please read the succeeding discussions, is that New players can be seen dying over and over again in end planets. How can any decent player achieve wave 40+ in Xini (Pluto) if his Teammates are all carrying unmodded Bratons? You can't 40+ Xini alone, even as a high ranker or as a veteran. This game promotes teamplay and the taxi-riding newbies are still uninformed yet blasting their way through missions thinking it's COD.


2) Again, please read. I have my own type of gameplay, everyone has their own. I am not telling anyone what to do. We are advocating here a system that informs new players on what to do on specific missions.


Everybody earns their rank, it's just that some people have it easier because they have boosters and / or access to exclusive gear. It's their choice to use those, and I don't condemn it.


Newbies do have a bypass method to areas that they cannot handle yet. I do not deem them "undeserving", but they are "uninformed" what they are about to enter. A Lato does nothing against Sargas Ruk, much less Lech Krill.


Yes, they are deep in Pluto. I have experienced newbies beside me in Outer Terminus. They died and spectated the whole way, not only leaving the group and dying alone, they won't disconnect and let other players join in.


Once you get far enough, you will have the need to farm, I assure you. But again, I'm not telling how to play, much less play like me (I'm a faithful grinder), this is a free to play game, do whatever you want, just don't be a burden to others.



3) That was not me who posted that. Please check your references.


4) In this game, if you have the patience, you don't have to pay to get stuff (well, not anymore anyways, the masters program is over). I can honestly say I earned my share. Many of my friends earned theirs. Many of my enemies I respect earned theirs. I'm saying EVERYBODY has to earn theirs. A single uninformed player dropping in on a well coordinated team in the middle of a mission, especially survival, can be a liability to the mission. In this game, EVERYBODY has to pick up the slack. And in those cases, one person's mistake is EVERYONE's problem.




So we have mastery weapon locks, now you want mastery planets lock...

And nobody even concerned about mastery being leveled by leveling  weapons, frames and completing planets....

No, main content should not be locked by mastery. Leveling mastery as f2p player is a pain in the arse.

Also who restrict me with rank 12 to go on phobos, eris or pluto with unranked loadout ? Herp derp...

Your point of view is not valid.

First you need to make all equipments sets viable even at high lvl content, then you will see that your problem with "unranked players" is solved, since they basic equips will do just a fine at high levels as on mercury.


Honestly, I don't see your problem. What we advocate are two options:


1) XP lock on end planets - the highest XP lock (not Mastery Lock) is current Rank 8, which is reasonable, given that this will ensure that you have spend enough time to master all the basics as all the Rank tests thus far covers the basics


2) Mathchmaking filter - add the option to join, allow to join only those of specific rank or latency. The logic here is that, the option to filter matchmaking by latency is already there, and I think filtering by rank is easy enough to implement.


Also, a rank 12 restriction? That's too much. Double digits are rare these days, so I think that's unneeded. Furthermore, I don't think it's wise to bring an unranked loadout to eris or pluto. Maybe one or two weapons, but not all of them.


If my point of view is invalid, please explain the number of likes on my post as well as the number of arguments and counter-arguments on this thread. Please read before you post.


They ARE viable. I never said otherwise. It's the modding (or lack thereof) and the usage that is atrocious. We are talking about gameplay progression here, not weapon progression.


Finally, uhm, I don't know how to tell you this gently, but, please fix your English. I'm an English instructor and your grammar might give me cancer. Thank you.

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1) My problem, again, please read the succeeding discussions, is that New players can be seen dying over and over again in end planets. How can any decent player achieve wave 40+ in Xini (Pluto) if his Teammates are all carrying unmodded Bratons? You can't 40+ Xini alone, even as a high ranker or as a veteran. This game promotes teamplay and the taxi-riding newbies are still uninformed yet blasting their way through missions thinking it's COD.


2) Again, please read. I have my own type of gameplay, everyone has their own. I am not telling anyone what to do. We are advocating here a system that informs new players on what to do on specific missions.


Everybody earns their rank, it's just that some people have it easier because they have boosters and / or access to exclusive gear. It's their choice to use those, and I don't condemn it.


Newbies do have a bypass method to areas that they cannot handle yet. I do not deem them "undeserving", but they are "uninformed" what they are about to enter. A Lato does nothing against Sargas Ruk, much less Lech Krill.


Yes, they are deep in Pluto. I have experienced newbies beside me in Outer Terminus. They died and spectated the whole way, not only leaving the group and dying alone, they won't disconnect and let other players join in.


Once you get far enough, you will have the need to farm, I assure you. But again, I'm not telling how to play, much less play like me (I'm a faithful grinder), this is a free to play game, do whatever you want, just don't be a burden to others.



3) That was not me who posted that. Please check your references.


4) In this game, if you have the patience, you don't have to pay to get stuff (well, not anymore anyways, the masters program is over). I can honestly say I earned my share. Many of my friends earned theirs. Many of my enemies I respect earned theirs. I'm saying EVERYBODY has to earn theirs. A single uninformed player dropping in on a well coordinated team in the middle of a mission, especially survival, can be a liability to the mission. In this game, EVERYBODY has to pick up the slack. And in those cases, one person's mistake is EVERYONE's problem.





Honestly, I don't see your problem. What we advocate are two options:


1) XP lock on end planets - the highest XP lock (not Mastery Lock) is current Rank 8, which is reasonable, given that this will ensure that you have spend enough time to master all the basics as all the Rank tests thus far covers the basics


2) Mathchmaking filter - add the option to join, allow to join only those of specific rank or latency. The logic here is that, the option to filter matchmaking by latency is already there, and I think filtering by rank is easy enough to implement.


Also, a rank 12 restriction? That's too much. Double digits are rare these days, so I think that's unneeded. Furthermore, I don't think it's wise to bring an unranked loadout to eris or pluto. Maybe one or two weapons, but not all of them.


If my point of view is invalid, please explain the number of likes on my post as well as the number of arguments and counter-arguments on this thread. Please read before you post.


They ARE viable. I never said otherwise. It's the modding (or lack thereof) and the usage that is atrocious. We are talking about gameplay progression here, not weapon progression.


Finally, uhm, I don't know how to tell you this gently, but, please fix your English. I'm an English instructor and your grammar might give me cancer. Thank you.

1) xp lock will never be reasonable since there was none in the first palce when you progressed.

Different planets have different level sets and drops. What If I bring a friend to warframe ? You offer me to taxi him over every god damn planets ?

What if I have a clan that is ok with taxi new players ? What If I just don't want to buy frame for plat and want to get parts to progress with it, not the starting one ?

2) So far you complain about low ranked players joining your sessions and not offering a good support nor contribution. You offer to solve this problem by mastery rank restriction, but you seem to forget, that rank does nothing but unlocks weapons. It does not restrict me going to xini with zero ranked loadout.

For example I go to kappa with unranked weapons and leech exp. All my contribution is banshee sonar or nyx chaos. I deal almost zero damage, but hey I am rank 12, so by your system - thats ok.

Modding if fine, its the base stats of weapons themselves are atrocious.

Finally, uhm, I don't know how to tell you gently, but, please don't tell me what to do. I don't care who you work and what desease you have, keep it in private.

Thank you.

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1) xp lock will never be reasonable since there was none in the first palce* when you progressed.

Different planets have different level sets and drops. What If I bring a friend to warframe ? You* offer me to taxi him over every god damn planets ?

What if I have a clan that is ok with taxi* new players ? What If I just don't want to buy frame* for plat and want to get parts to progress with it, not the starting one ?

2) So far you complain about low ranked players joining your sessions and not offering a good support nor contribution. You offer to solve this problem by mastery rank restriction, but you seem to forget, that rank does nothing but unlocks weapons. It does not restrict me going to xini with zero ranked loadout.

For example I go to kappa with unranked weapons and leech exp. All my contribution is banshee sonar or nyx chaos. I deal almost zero damage, but hey I am rank 12, so by your system - thats ok.

Modding if fine, its the base stats of weapons themselves are atrocious.

Finally, uhm, I don't know how to tell you gently, but, please don't tell me what to do. I don't care who you work* and what desease you have, keep it in private.

Thank you.


1) Xp locks are there to ensure that players are knowledgeable enough to handle situations at that rank. There's a reason to mastery tests, and each test evaluates each player on the basics. For example, the Mastery Rank 6 exam evaluates your marksmanship.


Furthermore, I don't follow your reasoning here, as I have already mentioned several times before, I am against giving taxi rides to players. If a clan wants to taxi their members, well that's their prerogative, my clan doesn't. If you want to farm frame parts instead of buying plat then good for you, for you can show enough patience to do so. Also, you are free to choose any type of frame and gameplay that you want. Honestly, I can't understand what the problem is on this point.


2) Yes, at the moment, Xp locks restrict weapon access. But you digress with your argument. A Rank 12 player will know how to use Banshee Sonar or Nyx Chaos. Everybody knowledgeable enough knows that Banshee Sonar is used for tactics and / or Strategy by locating hidden enemies. Nyx Chaos is the same, giving you the advantage of less aggro and dissent among the enemy ranks. IMHO, a Rank 12 player will not get to Rank 12 without knowing the basics, initially because of the large amount of time to get that far. I don't understand your problem with bringing zero ranked weapons to Xini, I do that sometimes to rank my new weapons. But an full loadout filled with unranked weapons is a big challenge and may be unwise, but you are free to do so. That is not the topic of this thread. The thread deals with the uninformed gameplay of new players.


Weapon base stats are atrocious at first of course, that's the job of modding. I believe any weapon can be end game viable with the right modifications and strategy.


Finally, I'm going to tell you this straight. I'm not telling you what to do, do whatever you want. This game is free to play, and you can do anything that pleases you. Some people actually go right off the bat just to troll other players, but again, it's free to play; do what you want. As for you, I'm just pointing out some points of improvement in your grammar that you can work on. It's completely up to you if you want to keep sounding like an illiterate.




*Will you

*giving taxi rides to

*your sentence construction needs revision

*who you work for / what your work is


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Agreed, Sometimes i like to go to mercury to help new players, But i HATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! when they find there way towards even Xini, all they do is DIE, how low does your IQ have to be to know that if you just started your not supposed to be doing level 35-40 missions =\

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I have a much bigger issue with the bad MR11+ players and MR8+ level leaches standing in the spawn area for the entire map than I do with 1 new player and under-geared new player.


The only time i'm running into under geared players is for the most part in invasions.  IF you are needing the support of the other players in those missions then YOU are probably getting carried by better players (rank doesn't matter) in most of your other runs.


This is just such an amazing non-issue.  XP and mastery rank says nothing about a player skill.  Say a player just doesn't ever rank up?  Say that player is happy only going a 15 minutes in any survival or defense?  Anything with enough time everything but T3 def/survival is pretty much doable for that player.  Seeing a low MR in your mission is just no indication of how they will perform in that mission.


If the game actually required teamwork and cooperation then maybe you would have some kind of argument, but you still can't judge someone based on their MR.  There is basically nothing on the regular star chart that you would run into that you need the higher tier weapons.

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personally I don't have much of a problem with low level players in a match after all every little helps especially in defense and survival. so long as they listen to advice that is given to them... it does get annoying when you tell someone for the 3-4th time to not activate the life support until you're under 70% only for them to go and actervate it at 98% (yes that has happened a few times) but I remember what I was like in my first survival mission (it was on phobos) and had no idea of the life support thing and figured that I had to actervate every life support canister I found... it wasn't until my 2nd one where I was playing solo that I realised how much you get from life support.

as for xp locking planets, I tend to use some of the lower planets for leveling up new weapons, and given how experience is shared in multi player high level players arn't so much stealing the newbies experience but helping them level up faster by helping them hold out longer and being a bit of an old role player I see battling along side newbies as all part of the experience, but that said they should learn that when you're rocking a rank 5 excaliber, a lato and a braton then it's best to stay in murcury and not go wandering around pluto.

that all said maybe an option to set the level of players you wish to me matched with. so those who only want to play with high level players can be and those who choose to help out newbies can do so, (also a block option for when you want to block noobs so you never get matched with the again wouldn't be all that bad.)
myself I play the game just to have fun be it sneaking around a corpus ship hiding from cameras or holding the line against wave after wave of grineer marines and if I get matched with high level players, then great, if I get matched with a newbie... fine everyone has to start somewhere.

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