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Could The Akstiletto Get A Buff?


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Full auto usually isn't supposed to be replaced by semi auto.

Oh my bad, I'll be sure to let everyone using the Brakk, Bronco Prime, Akvasto, Akmagnus, Akbolto, and Stug know that they shouldn't be using their guns.

Even fired manually those semi auto weapons considerably outdamage the Akstiletto. If using a macro (which is a possible thing that people do), I don't need to remind you that all 6 of those weapons are somewhere in the top 10 secondaries.

EDIT: I ran some numbers, and assuming 6 shots per second manually (which I find to be easy and comfortable), all of those guns are around the same as the Akstiletto. (iirc Akbolto is slightly behind, the rest are equal or a a bit stronger) I slightly overestimated manual firing, but think about that: The dual machine pistols shooting 16 bullets per second (assuming you're at least using Lethal Torrent, which you should be) are about equal to semi auto guns shooting 6 shots per second. Semi auto guns that, using macros or the scroll wheel trick, can in most cases triple their dps.

Serious question, assuming you oppose buffing the Akstiletto... Why do you oppose buffing the Akstiletto? The numbers prove it simply isn't worth using for end game missions, why do you oppose making it useful for end game missions?

Edited by ShAd0wF1AmE
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In regards to status damage, I feel like procs, even ones like Impact and Puncture, deal more damage than a normal shot. However, until we can get some proof, that has to remain a theory.

The damage numbers appear on your screen. There's not even an option to turn them off. You're pretty much forced to look at them.


The problem is that 80% of engagements in this game take place from 10-25m. No doubt that there are occasions where you're shooting enemies that are further away, but they happen so rarely and typically don't last very long considering they'll likely continue approaching, or that there'll be other closer enemies that demand your attention at the moment. And without getting into tremendous detail, yes, the TVipers and Afuris have no problem dealing more damage than the Akstiletto up to ~25m while firing in short bursts, as do about 60% of other secondaries in the game. Once again, they just don't put out enough damage to justify the whole "marksman's machine-pistol" idea.

Firing bursts you're doing less dps than Akstilleto. With less ammo economy because some of the bullets are missing. Twin Vipers barely outdps Akstilleto even when going full auto. If you're using theoretical dps numbers (like dpsframe or GottFaust's tool), you have to take into account that you're not firing a bunch of the time, hence your dps will be much lower.

If you're simply using burst dps, you're doing it wrong. Unless you're trying to get a top time for the Fastest Lech Kril thread, burst dps is largely irrelevant in this game.

I've always loved Afuris, but willingly admit that Akstilleto beats it hands down as an efficient killer. Afuris is still more fun as a bullet hose. Unfortunately, the Dual Cestra has taken its place there.

Even fired manually those semi auto weapons considerably outdamage the Akstiletto. If using a macro (which is a possible thing that people do), I don't need to remind you that all 6 of those weapons are somewhere in the top 10 secondaries.

EDIT: I ran some numbers, and assuming 6 shots per second manually (which I find to be easy and comfortable), all of those guns are around the same as the Akstiletto. (iirc Akbolto is slightly behind, the rest are equal or a a bit stronger) I slightly overestimated manual firing, but think about that: The dual machine pistols shooting 16 bullets per second (assuming you're at least using Lethal Torrent, which you should be) are about equal to semi auto guns shooting 6 shots per second. Semi auto guns that, using macros or the scroll wheel trick, can in most cases triple their dps.

If you truly average a 6 shot per second fire rate manually across a 1 hour survival, well, enjoy your incoming tendinitis. While short bursts of 6, 7 or even 8 is (might be) possible, the average gamer is gonna be doing more like 4 or 5 normally.

And if you're gonna talk about macros you should try them out. At max firing speed most of those weapons suffer from severe recoil that mean you won't actually be hitting anything outside of point blank.

At 4 - 5 shots per second, and given the restrictions of the guns you mentioned (such as spread from the Bronco Prime or fall off from the Brakk) the Akstilleto is looking very good. And with a full-auto, accurate and easy to use weapon.

While its fun to argue about theoretical dps, the actual usage of said weapons is often very different.

Edited by Inez
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The damage numbers appear on your screen. There's not even an option to turn them off. You're pretty much forced to look at them.


Firing bursts you're doing less dps than Akstilleto. With less ammo economy because some of the bullets are missing. Twin Vipers barely outdps Akstilleto even when going full auto. If you're using theoretical dps numbers (like dpsframe or GottFaust's tool), you have to take into account that you're not firing a bunch of the time, hence your dps will be much lower.

If you're simply using burst dps, you're doing it wrong. Unless you're trying to get a top time for the Fastest Lech Kril thread, burst dps is largely irrelevant in this game.

I've always loved Afuris, but willingly admit that Akstilleto beats it hands down as an efficient killer. Afuris is still more fun as a bullet hose. Unfortunately, the Dual Cestra has taken its place there.

If you truly average a 6 shot per second fire rate manually across a 1 hour survival, well, enjoy your incoming tendinitis. While short bursts of 6, 7 or even 8 is (might be) possible, the average gamer is gonna be doing more like 4 or 5 normally.

And if you're gonna talk about macros you should try them out. At max firing speed most of those weapons suffer from severe recoil that mean you won't actually be hitting anything outside of point blank.

At 4 - 5 shots per second, and given the restrictions of the guns you mentioned (such as spread from the Bronco Prime or fall off from the Brakk) the Akstilleto is looking very good. And with a full-auto, accurate and easy to use weapon.

While its fun to argue about theoretical dps, the actual usage of said weapons is often very different.

At long range firing those machine pistols in short bursts of ~5 shots per second and allowing the recoil to reset, the accuracy is only a few hairs worse than the Akstiletto firing full auto. You can put out roughly 3 of those bursts per second (for long range, meaning 30m+), which means roughly 15 shots per second. Using the total damage per shot numbers on dpsframe (with no modifications because those already include crit stats), the Afuris has 11,010dps, and the Twin Vipers have 12,315dps, and the Akstiletto has its max 14,786dps. Alright fine, for the ranges that you almost never fight enemies, the Akstiletto have a slight edge (ignoring the fact that even at those ranges the Akstiletto needs to also fire in bursts even if they're less controlled, but I digress). Now bring it closer to ~15-20m, where the Afuris/Vipers can fire in bursts of roughly 20-25 without missing shots, still putting out 3 bursts per second. The Afuris become 14,680-18,350dps, the Vipers become 16,420-20,525dps, and the Akstiletto are already at their max 14,786. I'm sick and don't feel like going into further calculations for getting even closer to enemies, but know that, like I said, proper use of the Afuris and TVipers yields significantly greater damage at reasonable combat range.


Also, until you reach the point where you can unload a whole mag into a single enemy and still have to reload before being able to kill them (which with full modded guns is like level 150+), you're dealing burst dps. Yes, past that point sustained dps will dictate a gun's performance, but considering a majority of the game takes place before fighting level 150+ enemies, burst dps is the more important one in those cases. (and level 50-150 is considered end game... the easier part of end game, but still end game)


As for shooting 6 times, I guess it has to do with being a drummer, but I can continuously tap 6 clicks per second for over a minute straight before I even begin to feel the slightest discomfort. And I asked my brother to try it out, and he kept up 6-7 clicks per second for over 10 seconds without a problem before we stopped caring to try it further. Also, considering breaks every few seconds for reloads, and switching to automatic primaries when I run out of ammo, yes, I can keep up that rate for a very long time with no problem. If that's "above average," and therefore not fit for this discussion, then I'm sorry that I'm above average, I guess. And at 6 shots per second, I don't need macros with those guns to outdamage the Akstiletto. (even though the Akvasto have almost unnoticeable recoil, and no one said you need to fire your whole mag at once, and you can fire in bursts and still deal amazing damage, and most of those guns' recoil can be managed once you get used to them)


I'm sorry you can't use your guns as well as I can, and I'm sorry you've deluded yourself into thinking the Akstiletto are great, as I desperately wish I could because I absolutely love everything about the Akstiletto that isn't its damage, but it's not that great. The numbers I've provided are the most irrefutable evidence I can provide that the gun isn't that good, but myself and many others have already tried extensively to utilize the Akstiletto's greater qualities to make it worth using, but it just isn't worth using. Several other guns deal equal or greater damage with equal or greater ammo efficiency, and its only real unique quality (status chance) is outdone by the Akmagnus.


So, after 4 formas with 0 mods points left using Radiation and Viral build,

I gotta say it works nicely for the Grineer despite the poor puncture base dmg.

I think the problem is that some people like the weapon so much that

they want to try it on their personal "endgame lv ___ " mobs but find Akstiletto not able to keep up...

I'm really not sure if it should get a buff. Right now everything but dmg is great and with a dmg buff it just might become OP.

In a nutshell, the Akstiletto tries to find this middle ground between ammo efficiency and dps that a machine pistol isn't meant to try. Several other guns either deal equal or greater damage for many less bullets, or other machine pistols deal the same damage per bullet and waste the same ammo, but at least they kill things much faster. The only way to fix this problem without messing with the glorious handling of the gun is to bump up damage and/or crits stats, as I mentioned in my first post. I don't need these to deal 40k burst dps, but when it's half of the next strongest machine pistol, and other guns deal considerably greater damage without throwing away as much ammo, there's a problem, and it needs a buff to make it worth using over any of those other pistols.

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Oh my bad, I'll be sure to let everyone using the Brakk, Bronco Prime, Akvasto, Akmagnus, Akbolto, and Stug know that they shouldn't be using their guns.

Serious question, assuming you oppose buffing the Akstiletto... Why do you oppose buffing the Akstiletto? The numbers prove it simply isn't worth using for end game missions, why do you oppose making it useful for end game missions?


First off, that response was to Liverslices quote:


They are a reletively easy gun to make. I believe that they are meant for newer players to use, and then later be replaced by the Dual Magnus or other similar guns.


Next is the fact that you're intentionally ignoring their accuracy on the grounds that you play up-close and personal with enemies. That's flawed logic.


It has more range, and less damage. Unless you want to also buff Afuris and Twin Vipers (Normal and Wraith) so that all three are Brakk/Stug tier, then the weapons are in a good place right now.

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First off, that response was to Liverslices quote:



Next is the fact that you're intentionally ignoring their accuracy on the grounds that you play up-close and personal with enemies. That's flawed logic.


It has more range, and less damage. Unless you want to also buff Afuris and Twin Vipers (Normal and Wraith) so that all three are Brakk/Stug tier, then the weapons are in a good place right now.

I'm sorry, I didn't see how your comment was really related to that other comment, my mistake.


And I'm not ignoring the accuracy, I'm pointing out that even with the Akstiletto landing every bullet at range isn't quite as good as other weapons operating at the same range (missing some pellets, firing in bursts), to say nothing of closer ranges where most combat usually happens and other weapons jump ahead significantly. (and I'm not talking about >5m, I'm talking about 10-20m)


I don't want the Akstiletto to become the strongest gun in the game, but it needs more damage for the reason I mentioned just above:

In a nutshell, the Akstiletto tries to find this middle ground between ammo efficiency and dps that a machine pistol isn't meant to try. Several other guns either deal equal or greater damage for many less bullets, or other machine pistols deal the same damage per bullet and waste the same ammo, but at least they kill things much faster.


And if you guys are gonna bring up accuracy and long range and "ease of use" again, then I really don't know what else to say. You guys are obviously happy with the Akstiletto as it is, meanwhile the rest of us want a small buff, and not tripling the damage or something like that, I'm asking for small buffs. I understand it being meant as a more accurate, easy to use machine pistol, but instead of doing mediocre damage that isn't worth the effort as it does now, I want it to do a little more damage so that proper use of it's better handling will allow you to deal damage comparable to higher end secondaries. Why do you guys oppose this?

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I minor tweak to them to let them hit just a little bit harder, or faster won't hurt the overall balance. 
I'd wonder how +1 damage point, +5% procc chance, and +2.5 fire rate would do for them. I'd also tentatively suggest swapping impact and slash damage. Giving the sense that this is a procc focused gun, tactical pair of machine pistols. 

And I don't understand why the comfort-fit machine pistols are the ones most difficult to obtain. 
You would think the more difficult to master, high fire rate, high dps, lower ammo economy machine pistols like the vipers and Afuris would be the ones clan locked. 

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I'm not asking to make it stronger than every other gun in the game, I want just want the weapon that took a forma to build (among other resources, and time), to have the kick it deserves. Whether or not the entirety of my suggested buffs is too much or not doesn't matter much, but it needs something, at the very least.


Truth be told... I kind of wish this to be the next Soma on a secondary slot.... So that WOULD make it stronger then anything else, possibly barred by Brakk at point-blank range. Mainly because i hope the base Crit to be at least 25%/2x so that it becomes a 56% when modded... Hell, i'll be honest, i half-hope that the Akstiletto becomes a base 30%/x3 Crit so it reaches Soma standards, only because i REALLY love the concept and looks of the thing...

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I don't understand why the comfort-fit machine pistols are the ones most difficult to obtain. 

You would think the more difficult to master, high fire rate, high dps, lower ammo economy machine pistols like the vipers and Afuris would be the ones clan locked. 


They cashed in for update 12. Everything had a clan-tech-sized grind wall or pay wall. That's why Dual Cestra are clan tech too.



You guys are obviously happy with the Akstiletto as it is


Nope. I'm just playing Devil's Advocate so you're not just in here talking to yourself :)

Edited by Archistopheles
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Akstilettos are fun as hell to use. They sound cool. They look cool. They reload cool. Their recoil is only somewhat-cool, but the accuracy and practicing some trigger discipline allows them to be cool. Their damage output for the ammo economy, however, is bleh. Right about when the Grineer iron wall of Lv30 kicks in, their strength starts to falter drastically. Two to three full clips to a Napalm's head with Radiation damage is a bit disconcerting. Then again, I haven't forma'd mine yet, so I can't speak for their full potential.


Anyway, yeah, I'd like to see at least a small bump in their base stats. A bump to their crit chance and damage (a very small one) would make a lot of accumulated difference. They are, after all, the only 'marksman's' machine pistol out of a family of spray-and-pray guns, so why not make them a little more unique? And I really, really like these weapons. Very fun to use. Would be sad to see them forever in the mire of starter weapon tier, especially for the resources required to make them (a forma is not something you see many new players toting around).

Edited by Noble_Cactus
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Two to three full clips to a Napalm's head with Radiation damage is a bit disconcerting. Then again, I haven't forma'd mine yet, so I can't speak for their full potential.


Still... 60 weapons points should be enough to effectively take down a level 30~ Heavy unit with the proper elemental combination...

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Still... 60 weapons points should be enough to effectively take down a level 30~ Heavy unit with the proper elemental combination...

Though some will kill them in less than a second, while others (like the Akstiletto) take several seconds.

Actually, now that I remember, that was when I had Viral equipped on it + Hornet + Lethal Torrent + Barrel Diffusion. It was likely the Viral being resisted, if anything.

*cough*Viral is +75% damage on all Grineer humanoids but the Akstiletto have low dps*cough*
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Well, Viral is also resisted by armor so it's not a straight 75% damage boost. But yes, they do have low DPS.

As far as Grineer go, Viral is only resisted by Grineer robots (piddly rollers and informers). And it's still a total +50% against them. Otherwise no, Viral is not resisted by anything else and should do great damage (against Grineer).

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lol, people using impact weapons on grineer and being displeased with the damage, so silly.

Brakk, Bronco Prime, Wraith Vipers, and Akmagnus all say hi. (To say nothing of many primaries that defy your logic)

Base damage type isn't that important for fully modded guns, most damage comes from proper selection of elements.

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As far as Grineer go, Viral is only resisted by Grineer robots (piddly rollers and informers). And it's still a total +50% against them. Otherwise no, Viral is not resisted by anything else and should do great damage (against Grineer).


It's not that simple. Armor resists all damage done to it, just some less than others according to what the type of armor in question is weak to. Viral hits cloned flesh for 75%, but the Alloy and Ferrite armor components that come with each Grineer also provide a resistance to it. So Viral is doing less damage than you'd think. Alloy armor resists Radiation too, but to a much lesser degree than it does to Viral. I wanted to see if the relatively high proc chance on the Stilettos would allow the Viral proc to outperform Radiation, but it doesn't seem to be the case.


Grineer are weird when it comes to resistances. Blame Damage 2.0 for that. If you can afford to run four element slots, the best combo is still Radiation/Viral for Grineer. This post explains it better than I can (and where I learned how Viral vs. Radiation works):




The post above the one I linked also has some good info.


Note that as of recent updates, Viral no longer stacks.

Edited by Noble_Cactus
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It's not that simple. Armor resists all damage done to it, just some less than others according to what the type of armor in question is weak to. Viral hits cloned flesh for 75%, but the Alloy and Ferrite armor components that come with each Grineer also provide a resistance to it. So Viral is doing less damage than you'd think. Alloy armor resists Radiation too, but to a much lesser degree than it does to Viral. I wanted to see if the relatively high proc chance on the Stilettos would allow the Viral proc to outperform Radiation, but it doesn't seem to be the case.


Grineer are weird when it comes to resistances. Blame Damage 2.0 for that. If you can afford to run four element slots, the best combo is still Radiation/Viral for Grineer. This post explains it better than I can (and where I learned how Viral vs. Radiation works):




The post above the one I linked also has some good info.


Note that as of recent updates, Viral no longer stacks.

Ah, I was unaware that Corrosive/Radiation ignore some armor, thanks for that.
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I just find it weird The Grineer took over the solar system.....and the Tenno release a gun made to kill the Corpus....O_O.............shouldn't the Tenno be.....working on guns that help them neutralize the Grineer.....


Even the new Sniper Rifle isn't Grineer ready.........

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ShAd0wF1AmE, on 12 Feb 2014 - 12:51 PM, said:

At long range firing those machine pistols in short bursts of ~5 shots per second and allowing the recoil to reset, the accuracy is only a few hairs worse than the Akstiletto firing full auto. You can put out roughly 3 of those bursts per second (for long range, meaning 30m+), which means roughly 15 shots per second. Using the total damage per shot numbers on dpsframe (with no modifications because those already include crit stats), the Afuris has 11,010dps, and the Twin Vipers have 12,315dps, and the Akstiletto has its max 14,786dps. Alright fine, for the ranges that you almost never fight enemies, the Akstiletto have a slight edge (ignoring the fact that even at those ranges the Akstiletto needs to also fire in bursts even if they're less controlled, but I digress). Now bring it closer to ~15-20m, where the Afuris/Vipers can fire in bursts of roughly 20-25 without missing shots, still putting out 3 bursts per second. The Afuris become 14,680-18,350dps, the Vipers become 16,420-20,525dps, and the Akstiletto are already at their max 14,786. I'm sick and don't feel like going into further calculations for getting even closer to enemies, but know that, like I said, proper use of the Afuris and TVipers yields significantly greater damage at reasonable combat range.

1. You're numbers are off, you're still using burst dps (I assume).

2. I fully agree that the Akstilleto does less dps than Akvasto. I never said otherwise. The trade off is that you have a fully automatic, accurate, easy to use gun. And the dps is competitive. Not great, but for the trade off, I find it entirely reasonable that lots of people would like Akstilleto.

3. At higher levels you try to kill your enemies at as long a range as possible. Getting within 10m of Grineer heavies can be deadly.

ShAd0wF1AmE, on 12 Feb 2014 - 12:51 PM, said:

Also, until you reach the point where you can unload a whole mag into a single enemy and still have to reload before being able to kill them (which with full modded guns is like level 150+), you're dealing burst dps. Yes, past that point sustained dps will dictate a gun's performance, but considering a majority of the game takes place before fighting level 150+ enemies, burst dps is the more important one in those cases. (and level 50-150 is considered end game... the easier part of end game, but still end game)

Once again, no one cares about burst dps. This is because no one cares about fighting a single enemy at a time. Yes, there are situations where you fight a single enemy at a time. No, that's not why we put 5 forma in out guns. The times when you're concerned about dps is when you're fighting -multiple- enemies. You seem to have some hypothetical view of what high level survival and defense is like where the game only sends one enemy at a time after you. You want high dps for quickly taking down multiple enemies. And while you're reloading, the remaining enemies are blasting you or the pod. The fact that you don't consider reload time important makes me question just how much of the game you've played.

ShAd0wF1AmE, on 12 Feb 2014 - 12:51 PM, said:

As for shooting 6 times, I guess it has to do with being a drummer, but I can continuously tap 6 clicks per second for over a minute straight before I even begin to feel the slightest discomfort. And I asked my brother to try it out, and he kept up 6-7 clicks per second for over 10 seconds without a problem before we stopped caring to try it further. Also, considering breaks every few seconds for reloads, and switching to automatic primaries when I run out of ammo, yes, I can keep up that rate for a very long time with no problem. If that's "above average," and therefore not fit for this discussion, then I'm sorry that I'm above average, I guess. And at 6 shots per second, I don't need macros with those guns to outdamage the Akstiletto. (even though the Akvasto have almost unnoticeable recoil, and no one said you need to fire your whole mag at once, and you can fire in bursts and still deal amazing damage, and most of those guns' recoil can be managed once you get used to them)

Most people aren't drummers. I think we can agree at least on this fact. I also fully agree that you can do 6-7 clicks over long periods of time. But most people can't/won't. Which is why the Akstilleto's are decent for most people. And at 16 shots per second, I can assure you the Akvastos have noticeable recoil. This is why my fire macro is set at 10 shots per second.

ShAd0wF1AmE, on 12 Feb 2014 - 12:51 PM, said:

I'm sorry you can't use your guns as well as I can, and I'm sorry you've deluded yourself into thinking the Akstiletto are great, as I desperately wish I could because I absolutely love everything about the Akstiletto that isn't its damage, but it's not that great. The numbers I've provided are the most irrefutable evidence I can provide that the gun isn't that good, but myself and many others have already tried extensively to utilize the Akstiletto's greater qualities to make it worth using, but it just isn't worth using. Several other guns deal equal or greater damage with equal or greater ammo efficiency, and its only real unique quality (status chance) is outdone by the Akmagnus.

I'm sorry I'm not a drummer too. But once again, most people aren't. And arguing that all guns should be tuned solely for drummers doesn't really make sense. And once again, I never said the Akstilleto is great. It offers an accurate automatic weapon that trades off some dps. Personally, I leveled it to 30 and will likely never touch it again. The Akvasto and Stug are my fav secondaries by far. But I can certainly see why people would like it.

Serious question: if you're so concerned about theoretical burst dps, why wouldn't you argue that the Stug needs to be nerfed, or other guns need to be brought up to its level? Why this special treatment of the Akstilletos?

Edited by Inez
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Personally, the fact that a clan tech Tenno weapon is predominantly impact bugs me, simply because I feel that 1) a clan tech weapon should be superior to non-event market ones and 2) I feel that most Tenno weapons have fairly balanced physical damage.


As for point 1, even leaving aside the forma required clan tech weapons require considerable time and resources to obtain. There's the entire dojo that goes along with the lab to consider, never mind the dual cost of research and then building. And while I don't consider myself a casual player, and certainly not a new one, I'll freely admit that I'm not a serious and dedicated one either. As such, my forma reserves are generally small, as I don't make a habit playing tower missions solo and when I'm with my friends we generally do other things as well. There's a lot to do in the game and invasions are fun. So using a forma isn't something I take lightly and when I drop one on a clan tech weapon, I expect a good weapon to come out of it. I don't believe that's an unreasonable expectation either.


As for the second point, well that's just my personal impression. I've never looked at the group of Tenno weapons as a whole, so if I'm wrong, feel free to tell me, but I've always felt that the Tenno weapons sacrificed high damage in one type for decent damage in all of them, as well as more versatility. Again, just my impression.


In the end, what I want is a damage buff to the akstiletto. I agree that everything else about them rocked the socks of elephants, but they need more damage.


TL;DR please buff akstiletto and I ramble

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We already have a Tenno designed puncture SMG (Furis and Afuris), and we alredy have a Tenno designed puncture pistol (Bolto and Akbolto).


Having an impact SMG is good news for me.


The only thing I would buff is magazine size, and I don't really think it's important.

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