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Polarity Swap System, Good, But Not Good Enough!


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DE. i really like the new system where we can swap polarity slots,
its definetly a step in the right direction, but its not what i was hoping for.

What I wanted, is to be abel to change a polarity to another polarity ( a "V" to a "-" for instance)
This would enable us to mess around with different setups for our weapons and frames,
and be abel to adapt, when new mods are introduced,..(< this is the importent part)


And for the love of god,.....

Please change the "D" polarity on the frost elemental mods, to a "-" to fit all the rest of the elemental mods!


OR implement this proposed system, and all those problems would be solved!!


Fellow Tenno,

whats your opinions on this subject?

Edited by D3ST
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That'd make it way to easy and drastically decrease the value of Forma. We got what we asked for.

I never saw anyone ask for the ability to swap polarities in and out at will.

Agreed on the Frost polarity, though.

Edit: Added some bits

Edited by Emeere
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No. What the community asked for was to be able to swap polarity SLOTS so they can try different element combinations with the polarities THAT THEY HAVE formad.


Want to change your polarities? Use another forma.

^ This.  We got exactly what we asked for.  You obviously misinterpreted it.


When Damage 2.0 occurred, it caused problems for people when they wanted to create certain elemental combos, but couldn't due to polarity placement.  The swap system fixes that issue.


What you're asking for is exactly what Forma is for.  In other words, everyone has everything they asked for in regards to polarities.

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I keep hearing "what we wanted" and "what we asked for". What group of people are you referring to?


I, personally, never asked for the ability to freely change polarities as if Forma meant nothing. I think builds should be worked for, instead of easily acquired like a lot of things in the game. I didn't even ask for the ability change polarity positions; this definitely diminishes the need to plan ahead.


Seriously, OP thinks this game needs to be easier?

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2 flaws in your post.

Being able to switch them without forma would mean I could just switch one of Rhino's abilities to another shape which could save tons of space. I could just change the aura polarity to whatever I want. So your post would make Forma slightly more useless.

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would still aprreciate if someone could tell me what the point of it is ?


If i want to test a different loadout, i put the card on the polarised slot. What difference does it make, moveing theslot onto a card ?? I am obviously missing the point :(

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Can you give me an example of the useage so i can understand what it's for.



Say a person wants 3 elements on their weapon.  They want to have Magnetic(Electric + Freeze) and Toxic.  In order to have enough points, they must have used 2 forma to add a pair of - polarities to cut the cost of fire, electric, and toxic elements.  Note that the freeze element has a D polarity.  They have 2 - polarities in the top-left corner.  Because of where they are positioned, the player is forced to put the electric and toxic elements into those slots, or else they won't save enough capacity to equip all the mods they want.  This forces the elements to combine into corrosive, and freeze is left by itself.


If the player has the ability to move polarities, he can move one of the - polarities to a different position, allowing him to place freeze and electric into the first two slots, now that the second - polarity is out of the way.  The user now has the proper elemental combination, and is able to utilize both polarized slots.

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Changing a polarity to another ---> you need forma for that.


Changing a polarity place ---> that's what we asked for.



Can you give me an example of the useage so i can understand what it's for.



Because the place of the mods now matter for elemental combination. In some cases the forma-ing of weapons made it impossible to get some combinations because the way the polarity were placed. Switching elemental combination require switching modes around, so people asked to be able to move the polarity slots with them.

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im having a bad hair day ... thats way over my head ... im still missing something.


First of all. Adding a pair of polarities ?


Thus far, for example weapons, i had a weapon with no polarised slots. Got to 30, formaed it, picked a polarisation and stuck it on a slot. End of story. Then I choose a mod card with same polarisation, put it on the ploarised slot, it uses half the shown value, i have more room for other mods.


If I want to use Magnetic and freeze, i need 2 physical slots, one for each card right. If Formad to the correct polarisation i use half the shown values. Ok so far.


What i dont understand is how elements are changed by any of this?


sorry for being a dumbass on this, maybe i need pictures :)




NOW I get it, i just read the position of the Mod is important to the elementals ... THAT I now understand. I waqs missing that piece of info. My question is now, where can i find out if my elementals are being wasted, i wasnt aware of this importance of positioning. where can i read up on it






If I paid my petrol bill when i tanked my car up (applied a forma), then used the petrol (picked a polarisation for a slot), i cant go back and tank up when i like (change polarisation as and when i want) afterward with the argument, but i paid allready. You paid for the first tank of petrol, the next tank must be paid for too. Same with Polarising. You paid a Forma to polarise, and you need to pay again if you want to do it again. Simple as that really

Edited by Veemaxt
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To me atleast,.. it makes sense, that if i already used a forma, i should be abel to change the polarity,

without using more forma/time to do so,.. but guess thats just me then,


to the rest of us doesn't, because then the value of a forma goes down the drain pretty hard, the only use it'd have is if the DE's decided to screw with everyone and switch all the polarities of the mods around (i.e: make all elemental mods -- polarity because screw the police)


this method at least makes people use more formas. really, besides dojo and this formas are absolutely useless once you get your "dream setup"

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Magnetic is a combination of Electric and Freeze mods.  Your elemental mods combine 2 at a time based on a certain path (seen here:  http://static3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20131124090207/warframe/images/thumb/a/a8/LoadOrder.png/180px-LoadOrder.png).  Also note that weapons with a base innate effect, like Synapse being pure Electric, will be considered last, and essentially be in the 9th position when considering elemental combinations.


So in my example above, 3 cards are needed: Electric, Freeze, and Toxic.  If I have 2 slots polarized with the - polarity, then those are for the Electric and Toxic mods, since putting the Freeze mod on them would increase the cost, and not reduce one of the others, making it a poor choice of positioning.


Now, according to that picture I linked, if slots 1 and 2 have a - polarity, then I would essentially be forced to put the Electric and Toxic mods on those slots so that I could reduce their cost.  Since they are the first 2 elements in line, they will automatically combine into Corrosive, which is not what I want.  If I can take either of the polarities in slot 1 or 2, and put it into any other location, then I can place the Freeze mod in it's place.


So for example, I move slot 1's polarity over to slot 3.  Slot 1 now has no polarity.  I then place Freeze in slot 1, Electric in slot 2, and Toxic in slot 3 (where the polarity was moved to).  The elements now combine into Magnetic and Toxic.

Edited by Suzaku4489
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would still aprreciate if someone could tell me what the point of it is ?


If i want to test a different loadout, i put the card on the polarised slot. What difference does it make, moveing theslot onto a card ?? I am obviously missing the point :(

It has to do with elemental combinations, the elements combine from left to right in your mod slots so if you are maximizing your space, you will want to put your elemental mods in order for your build, but some base polarities on weapons prevent you from doing this. for example, my Fang has a D polarity in the top left corner and I want to add an Ice mod there to maximize my mod space and I want to add Corrosive (Toxin + Electric) damage to improve it's damage against Grineer. Without moving the D polarity that is already there, if I add the Ice mod it will automatically combine with the first element I put in the next available slot (creating Viral with Toxin, or Magnetic with Electric) and leaving the last element on its own.

Another example; my Skana Prime has a V and - polarity in the top left corners, same idea as before I want to maximize my space and add 3 elements: this time Viral (Toxin and Ice) and Fire. I already have a maxed Pressure Point in the first V slot and since I don't have Fever Strike (Toxin, -) I am going to use Virulent Scourge (V) for my Toxin damage; thus, I place my Molten Impact (Fire, -) into the second slot to reduce its cost and we have the same problem as before, no matter where I put either my Virulent Scourge or my North Wind (ice, D) one of them will combine with the Fire damage to mess up my build.

Edited by Raythemartyr
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there is a way to make the OP's suggestion work.


have forma's apply the fusion core polarity to a slot so it counts as any polarity. that way the existing slots of a warframe have value still and can't be changed into something else. ie my valkyr would get 3 instant freebies if the op's actual suggestion went live.


i'm not saying i want this but it could work.


another option would be adding a second forma to a slot would switch it to the fusion polarity. although it would need to disclude standard polarity slots so we didn't just convert the stock polarities straight to fusion polarities on the first few formas

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NOW I get it, i just read the position of the Mod is important to the elementals ... THAT I now understand. I waqs missing that piece of info. My question is now, where can i find out if my elementals are being wasted, i wasnt aware of this importance of positioning. where can i read up on it

You can read more about it here, in the Elemental Damage section:  http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Damage_2.0

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im having a bad hair day ... thats way over my head ... im still missing something.


First of all. Adding a pair of polarities ?


Thus far, for example weapons, i had a weapon with no polarised slots. Got to 30, formaed it, picked a polarisation and stuck it on a slot. End of story. Then I choose a mod card with same polarisation, put it on the ploarised slot, it uses half the shown value, i have more room for other mods.


If I want to use Magnetic and freeze, i need 2 physical slots, one for each card right. If Formad to the correct polarisation i use half the shown values. Ok so far.


What i dont understand is how elements are changed by any of this?


sorry for being a dumbass on this, maybe i need pictures :)





All Elementals have a " - " expect frost which is a " D ".


Before Damage 2.0 where you put your " - " or " D " or " V " or whatever didn't matter cause there were only 3 elements

Fire , Frost and Electric.  No need to combine then to make different elements.


However with the addition of Damage 2.0 they added combined elemental  Fire + Frost, Fire + Electric, Frost + Toxic etc etc.

And in order for the game to know what elements to combine it was based on placement of the elemental mods starting:

Top Left to Bottom right.

Like so




So now it matter where mods are placed where as before it wasn't.

For all purposes where the mods are placed pretend that the corresponding polarity was. cause I didn't forma before damage 2.0 other then v's.




So under damage 1.0 I would have Heat + Frost + Electric damage.

And Under damage 2.0 I will get Blast + Electric damage.

But say I want to get Radiation + Frost Damage but my mod points are full.  It means that I have the move the frost card into a " - " polarity and the electric card into a " D " polarity so I can't move them otherwise the points are full.  It means I have to forma the Weapon twice to move polarities around.  Bare in mind that in the begining Forma was harder to get as the keys didn't drop nearly as often.


So people were asking to be able to move the polarities around so they could get the set-up they wanted after Damage 2.0 made the position of the cards.

If the joined after Damage 2.0 then you weren't affected by the change.  This is more asked for by those that joined the game before Damage 2.0 and had already formed their weapons.

Edited by Morte_de_Angelis
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I totally agree! When I heard of the polarity changes, I thought that was what they meant, we can now change the Polarity of the slots we have forma'ed so we can change a V slot to a D or I slot whenever we want so we can easily change to a new kind of build whenever we wanted. We already spent a forma on that slot and already did the necessary leveling up! DE !!!!!!!!

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